private static int test03_generate16BitsMono440HzWAVFile()
            WAV_file my_wav_file = new WAV_file();
            my_wav_file.File_name = "test03_A440_16_Bits_Mono.wav";
            Console.WriteLine("Nome: " + my_wav_file.File_name);
            my_wav_file.Path = ".\\";
            // my_wav_file.Path = ".\\Debug\\wav_files\\";
            Console.WriteLine("Path: " + my_wav_file.Path);

            const System.UInt32 C_SAMPLES_PER_SEC = 8000;
            const System.UInt32 C_TIME_SEC = 5;

            my_wav_file.BitsPerSample   = WAV_file.BITS_PER_SAMPLE.BPS_16_BITS;
            my_wav_file.NumOfChannels   = WAV_file.NUM_CHANNELS.ONE;
            my_wav_file.SampleRate      = C_SAMPLES_PER_SEC;
            my_wav_file.NumberOfSamples = C_SAMPLES_PER_SEC * C_TIME_SEC; // 5 segundos


            System.Int16[] buffer_16_bits_Mono;
            // Allocate the memory for the buffer.
            my_wav_file.getBuffer_16_bits_mono(out buffer_16_bits_Mono);

            // Fills the buffer with a sinusoidal.
            float alphaAngle = 0;
            const System.UInt32 C_SIGNAL_FREQUENCY = 440; // 440 Hz La (A)
            for (uint i = 0; i < my_wav_file.NumberOfSamples; i++)
                buffer_16_bits_Mono[i] = (System.Int16) (Math.Round(Math.Sin(alphaAngle) * System.Int16.MaxValue));
                alphaAngle += (2 * (float)(Math.PI) * C_SIGNAL_FREQUENCY) / C_SAMPLES_PER_SEC;

            return 0;