public async Task ExportAsync(string outputFile, bool generateManifest, bool onlySelected, Form callerForm) { IsCancelled = false; RaiseMessage("Exportation started", Color.Blue); ReportProgressChanged(0); var babylonScene = new BabylonScene(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile)); var maxScene = Loader.Core.RootNode; alreadyExportedTextures.Clear(); if (!Directory.Exists(babylonScene.OutputPath)) { RaiseError("Exportation stopped: Output folder does not exist"); ReportProgressChanged(100); return; } var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); // Save scene RaiseMessage("Saving 3ds max file"); if (AutoSave3dsMaxFile) { var forceSave = Loader.Core.FileSave; if (callerForm != null) { callerForm.BringToFront(); } } // Global babylonScene.autoClear = true; babylonScene.clearColor = Loader.Core.GetBackGround(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray(); babylonScene.ambientColor = Loader.Core.GetAmbient(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray(); babylonScene.gravity = maxScene.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_gravity"); exportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers = maxScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_exportquaternions", 1); // Cameras BabylonCamera mainCamera = null; RaiseMessage("Exporting cameras"); foreach (var cameraNode in maxScene.NodesListBySuperClass(SClass_ID.Camera)) { if (onlySelected && !cameraNode.Selected) { continue; } ExportCamera(cameraNode, babylonScene); if (mainCamera == null && babylonScene.CamerasList.Count > 0) { mainCamera = babylonScene.CamerasList[0]; babylonScene.activeCameraID =; RaiseMessage("Active camera set to " +, Color.Green, 1, true); } } if (mainCamera == null) { RaiseWarning("No camera defined", 1); } else { RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.CamerasList.Count), Color.Gray, 1); } // Fog for (var index = 0; index < Loader.Core.NumAtmospheric; index++) { var atmospheric = Loader.Core.GetAtmospheric(index); if (atmospheric.Active(0) && atmospheric.ClassName == "Fog") { var fog = atmospheric as IStdFog; if (fog != null) { RaiseMessage("Exporting fog"); babylonScene.fogColor = fog.GetColor(0).ToArray(); babylonScene.fogDensity = fog.GetDensity(0); babylonScene.fogMode = fog.GetType_ == 0 ? 3 : 1; if (mainCamera != null) { babylonScene.fogStart = mainCamera.minZ * fog.GetNear(0); babylonScene.fogEnd = mainCamera.maxZ * fog.GetFar(0); } } } } // Meshes ReportProgressChanged(10); RaiseMessage("Exporting meshes"); var meshes = maxScene.NodesListBySuperClasses(new[] { SClass_ID.Geomobject, SClass_ID.Helper }); var progressionStep = 80.0f / meshes.Count(); var progression = 10.0f; foreach (var meshNode in meshes) { if (onlySelected && !meshNode.Selected) { continue; } Tools.PreparePipeline(meshNode, true); ExportMesh(meshNode, babylonScene); Tools.PreparePipeline(meshNode, false); progression += progressionStep; ReportProgressChanged((int)progression); CheckCancelled(); } RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.MeshesList.Count), Color.Gray, 1); // Materials RaiseMessage("Exporting materials"); var matsToExport = referencedMaterials.ToArray(); // Snapshot because multimaterials can export new materials foreach (var mat in matsToExport) { ExportMaterial(mat, babylonScene); CheckCancelled(); } RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.MaterialsList.Count + babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1); // Lights RaiseMessage("Exporting lights"); foreach (var lightNode in maxScene.NodesListBySuperClass(SClass_ID.Light)) { if (onlySelected && !lightNode.Selected) { continue; } ExportLight(lightNode, babylonScene); CheckCancelled(); } if (babylonScene.LightsList.Count == 0) { RaiseWarning("No light defined", 1); RaiseWarning("A default hemispheric light was added for your convenience", 1); ExportDefaultLight(babylonScene); } else { RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.LightsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1); } // Skeletons if (skins.Count > 0) { RaiseMessage("Exporting skeletons"); foreach (var skin in skins) { ExportSkin(skin, babylonScene); skin.Dispose(); } } // Output RaiseMessage("Saving to output file"); babylonScene.Prepare(false); var jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings()); var sb = new StringBuilder(); var sw = new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); await Task.Run(() => { using (var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriterOptimized(sw)) { jsonWriter.Formatting = Formatting.None; jsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, babylonScene); } File.WriteAllText(outputFile, sb.ToString()); if (generateManifest) { File.WriteAllText(outputFile + ".manifest", "{\r\n\"version\" : 1,\r\n\"enableSceneOffline\" : true,\r\n\"enableTexturesOffline\" : true\r\n}"); } }); ReportProgressChanged(100); watch.Stop(); RaiseMessage(string.Format("Exportation done in {0:0.00}s", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0), Color.Blue); }