public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Discord Potion"); Tooltip.SetDefault("Allows to teleport on cursor position by hotkey" + "\nDistorts player for 1 second after teleport" + "\nInflicts heavy damage while you have Chaos State" + "\nChaos State time is increased to 10 seconds"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Зелье Раздора"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Позволяет телепортироваться на курсор при нажатии горячей клавиши\nНарушает гравитацию игрока на 1 секунду после использования\nНаносит значительные повреждения, если вы в Хаотическом состоянии\nДлительность дебаффа увеличена до 10 секунд"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "混乱药剂"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "允许使用快捷键传送到鼠标位置" + "\n传送后扭曲玩家一秒钟" + "\n混乱状态时使用会受到巨大的伤害" + "\n混乱状态延长至10秒" + "\n非灾厄Buff药剂"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Beetle Enchantment"); string tooltip = @"Beetles protect you from damage, up to 15% damage reduction only Increases flight time by 50% 'The unseen life of dung courses through your veins'"; string tooltip_ch = @"'你的血管里流淌着看不见的粪便生命' 甲虫保护你免受伤害 增加100%飞行时间"; Tooltip.SetDefault(tooltip); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "甲虫魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, tooltip_ch); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Mystic Skull"); Tooltip.SetDefault(@"Works in your inventory Grants immunity to Suffocation 10% reduced magic damage Automatically use mana potions when needed 'The quietly muttering head of a defeated foe'"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "神秘头骨"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'被打败敌人的喃喃自语的脑袋' 放在物品栏中即可生效 免疫窒息 减少10%魔法伤害 需要时自动使用魔力药水"); Main.RegisterItemAnimation(item.type, new DrawAnimationVertical(4, 7)); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Research Note#5"); Tooltip.SetDefault("'Long ago, I have seen one half-demon, called [c/00FF00:Dante]." + "\nHe is a powerful Demon Hunter. He uses some... interesting devices in his battles." + "\nEspecially, I was very intrigued by one of his ranged weapons, [c/00FF00:Pandora]." + "\nAccording to legends, it has 666 forms. And it looks like technical weapon." + "\nAfter some researches, I was sure I could made a copy of it." + "\nSadly, the prototype I made was able to transform into only 1 form, PF422..." + "\nIs is Grief, sharp Shuriken, which targets one enemy, slashing it to death." + "\nI was using metal from [c/00FF00:Piranha Gun] as base." + "\n[c/00FF00:Flask of Rainbows] was used as covering for base." + "\nAs always, some parts can only be made from [c/00FF00:Alchemical Bundle]." + "\nAnd final ingredient is [c/00FF00:Moon Stone].'"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Запись исследования №5"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "'Достаточно давно, я встретила одного полудемона, которого звали Дантэ.\nОн могущественный охотник на демонов и использует... интересные приспособления в битвах.\nВ особенности, я была заинтригована одним из оружий дальнего боя, Пандорой.\nСогласно легенде, она имеет 666 различных форм, при этом являясь техническим устройством.\nПосле некоторых исследований, я была уверена, что смогу изготовить копию.\nК сожалению, сделанный мной прототип оказался способен лишь к 1 трансформации, PF422.\nЭто Отчаяние, острый Сюрикен, который, будучи направленным на цель, изрежет её до смерти.\nЯ использовала металл с [c/00FF00:Пушки Пираньи] в качестве основы.\n[c/00FF00:Флакон Радуги] использовался для обработки корпуса.\nНекоторые части были изготовлены с помощью содержимого [c/00FF00:Алхимического Набора].\nА последний ингредиент - [c/00FF00:Лунный Камень].'"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Miner Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"50% increased mining speed Shows the location of enemies, traps, and treasures Light is emitted from the player Summons a pet Magic Lantern 'The planet trembles with each swing of your pick'"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "矿工魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'你每挥一下镐子, 行星都会震动' 增加50%采掘速度 显示敌人, 陷阱和宝藏 照亮周围 召唤一个魔法灯笼"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("The Queen's Stinger"); Tooltip.SetDefault(@"Grants immunity to Infested Increases armor penetration by 10 Your attacks inflict Poisoned You have permanent effects of Honey buff Bees and weak Hornets become friendly 'Ripped right off of a defeated foe'"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "女王的毒刺"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'从一个被打败的敌人身上撕下来' 免疫感染 增加10点护甲穿透 攻击造成中毒效果 永久蜂蜜Buff效果 蜜蜂和虚弱黄蜂变得友好"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Lead Enchantment"); string tooltip = @"'Not recommended for eating' Attacks may inflict enemies with Lead Poisoning Lead Poisoning deals damage over time and spreads to nearby enemies"; string tooltip_ch = @"'不建议食用' 攻击概率使敌人铅中毒 铅中毒随时间造成伤害,并传播给附近敌人"; Tooltip.SetDefault(tooltip); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "铅魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, tooltip_ch); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Dubious Circuitry"); Tooltip.SetDefault(@"'Malware probably not included' Grants immunity to Cursed Inferno, Ichor, Lightning Rod, Defenseless, Stunned, and knockback Your attacks inflict Cursed Inferno and Ichor Your attacks have a small chance to inflict Lightning Rod Two friendly probes fight by your side Reduces damage taken by 6%"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "可疑电路"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'里面也许没有恶意软件' 免疫诅咒地狱,脓液,避雷针,毫无防御,昏迷和击退 攻击造成诅咒地狱和脓液效果 攻击小概率造成避雷针效果 召唤2个友善的探测器为你而战 减少6%所受伤害"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Conduit Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'Shocked out of this world' Moving around generates up to 5 static rings, with each one generating life shielding When fully charged, a bubble of energy will protect you from one attack When the bubble blocks an attack, an electrical discharge is released at nearby enemies Summons a pet Omega"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "电容魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'震惊世界' 移动时产生最多5层静电环, 静电环可以回复护盾值 完全充能时, 产生一个能量泡保护你免受一次伤害 泡泡消耗时, 向周围敌人放电 召唤召唤宠物欧米茄核心, 天外来客和生化水母"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Victide Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'The former seas have energized you…' When using any weapon you have a 10% chance to throw a returning seashell projectile This seashell does true damage and does not benefit from any damage class Summons a sea urchin to protect you Effects of Ocean's Crest, Deep Diver, The Transformer, and Luxor's Gift"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "胜潮魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'前海给予你力量...' 攻击时有10%的概率抛出一个贝壳回旋镖 贝壳回旋镖造成真实伤害但不受任何增幅 召唤一个海胆保护你 拥有深潜者, 变压器和祖玛的礼物的效果"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Flarium Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'Raze your enemies with Araghur's flames' Taking fatal damage will revive you with 1/3rd of your max health You will have one minute of increased strength after rebirth 5 minute cooldown Summons Chibi Araghur and the Sigil of Solace"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "熔火魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'用阿拉古尔之焰焚尽你的敌人' 受到致命伤害时回复1/3血量 重生后1分钟内获得强化 5分钟冷却 召唤赤炎阿拉胡尔和熔火光环"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Tome of Order"); Tooltip.SetDefault("[c/00FF00:Legendary Weapon]" + "\n[c/00FF00:Stats are growing up through progression]" + "\n''Only the ones who are equally good and evil may weild this''" + "\nShoots energy bolts which stick to enemies and tiles" + "\nThey explode after some time or can be blown up manually, dealing double damage"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Том Порядка"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "[c/00FF00:Легендарное Оружие]\n''Лишь тот, кто в равной степени добр и зол может использовать это''\n[c/00FF00:Характеристики оружия улучшаются по мере прохождения]\nВыстреливает энергетические снаряды, способные застревать во врагах или блоках\nОни взрываются по прошествии времени или вручную, нанося дополнительный урон"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "秩序原典"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "[c/00FF00:传奇武器]" + "\n[c/00FF00:属性随游戏进程增长]" + "\n''只有于善恶的彼岸之人才能领悟''" + "\n发射可以扎在敌人或者地面的能量之矢" + "\n它们会在一段时间后爆炸,或者手动引爆,造成双倍伤害"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Lion's Mane"); Tooltip.SetDefault( "Damage increases exponentially as it travels\nLeft Click for clockwise, Right Click for counter-clockwise"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Spanish), "Melena de León"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Spanish), "El daño aumenta exponencialmente con la distancia\nHaz Click Derecho para ir en sentido contrarreloj"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Russian), "Львиная Грива"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Russian), "Урон увеличивается пропорционально времени полёта\nЛКМ - по часовой стрелке\nПКМ - против часовой стрелки"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Chinese), "雄狮鬃毛"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Chinese), "随着持续时间成倍增加伤害\n左键顺时针释放,右键逆时针释放"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Marstech Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'Who needs magic when you have technology?' Dealing damage charges up an energy forcefield around you that damages enemies and decays over time Can be instantly discharged by pressing [Ability], which will cause a shockwave to damage all nearby enemies Damage, range and debuff duration are increased by forcefield strength Has a cooldown of 1 minute"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "火星科技魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'有了科技, 谁还需要魔法呢?' 造成伤害会充能一层随时间衰退的能量力场, 对敌人造成伤害 按下[特殊能力]键会立即进行能量放出, 造成冲击波对附近所有敌人造成伤害 力场会增加伤害, 射程和Debuff持续时间 1分钟冷却"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Brimflame Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'' Press Y to trigger a brimflame frenzy effect While under this effect, your damage is significantly boosted However, this comes at the cost of rapid life loss and no mana regeneration Summons a Brimling pet"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "硫火魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'' 按Y键进入硫火狂暴模式 在此模式下,你造成的伤害会显著增加 然而这是以快速的生命流失和魔力再生速度归零为代价的 召唤小硫火灵宠物"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Aerospec Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'The sky comes to your aid…' You fall quicker and are immune to fall damage Taking over 25 damage in one hit causes several homing feathers to fall Summons a Valkyrie minion to protect you Effects of Gladiator's Locket and Unstable Prism"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "天蓝魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"天空向你施以援手... 下落得更快,免疫坠落伤害 一次性承受超过25点伤害时,会落下出数根追踪羽毛 召唤天武神来保护你 拥有角斗士链坠和不稳定棱镜的效果"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Anti Buff"); Tooltip.SetDefault("Use to toggle Anti Buff mode" + "\nDuring Anti Buff mode, you are immune to all buffs (not debuffs)" + "\nBuffs without duration display are not disabled" + "\nBosses and minibosses may drop permament boosting items" + "\nTheir effects would work only if mode is on"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Анти Бафф"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Используйте для переключения Анти Бафф режима\nВы имунны ко всем баффам (не дебаффам)\nБаффы не показывающие длительности разрешены\nИз боссов и минибоссов могут выпадать предметы, дающие эффекты постоянного усиления\nЭти эффекты активны только когда режим включён"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "反buff模式"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "使用以切换反buff模式" + "\n在反buff模式中,你将免疫所有增益buff(而不是debuff)" + "\n没有持续时间的buff不会被禁止" + "\nBoss和一些小Boss会掉落永久增益物品" + "\n这些物品的效果只会在这个模式启动时生效"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Stardust Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"Double tap down to direct your empowered guardian Press the Freeze Key to freeze time for 5 seconds While time is frozen, your minions will continue to attack and Stardust Guardian gains a new attack There is a 60 second cooldown for this effect 'The power of the Stand is yours'"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "星尘魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'屎蛋多帕瓦!' 双击'下'键指挥你的强化替身 按下时间冻结热键时停5秒 时间停止时, 替身仍可以攻击 60秒的冷却时间, 冷却结束时会播放音效"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Spider Enchantment"); string tooltip = @"Your minions can now crit with a 15% chance Summons a pet Spider 'Arachniphobia is punishable by arachnid induced death'"; string tooltip_ch = @"'蜘蛛该死' 召唤物现在有20%的暴击率 召唤一只宠物蜘蛛"; Tooltip.SetDefault(tooltip); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "蜘蛛魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, tooltip_ch); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Victide Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'The former seas have energized you…' When using any weapon you have a 10% chance to throw a returning seashell projectile This seashell does true damage and does not benefit from any damage class Summons a sea urchin to protect you Effects of Ocean's Crest, Deep Diver, The Transformer, and Luxor's Gift"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "胜潮魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'彼时之海给予你力量...' 使用任何武器时都有10%的几率发射回旋贝壳弹幕 贝壳造成真实伤害,不受任何职业伤害加成影响 召唤一只海胆为你而战 拥有海波项链,深潜者,变压护符和卢克索的礼物的效果"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Terrarium Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'All will fall before your might...' The energy of Terraria seeks to protect you Symphonic critical strikes ring a bell over your head, slowing all nearby enemies briefly Effects of Crietz and Band of Replenishment Effects of Fan Letter and Terrarium Surround Sound"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "元素之灵魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'万物都臣服于你的力量...' 泰拉瑞亚的能量试图保护你 音波暴击短暂缓慢所有附近敌人 拥有精准项链和大恢复戒指的效果 拥有粉丝的信函和界元音箱的效果"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Torn Note #2"); Tooltip.SetDefault("''It is not well known, but the Wing of the World allows you to make EGO equipment, which is unique in its own ways." + "\nIf the Wing of the World is placed in empty housing, it can attract a special NPC, called Operator." + "\nAnd if you are wondering what EGO stands for, then here it is: Extermination of Geometrical Organ.''" + "\nThere is something else, but you couldn't read it. Not without parts #1 & #3. Maybe the Jeweler could help you."); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Изорванная записка #2"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "'Это малоизвестно, но Крыло Мира позволяет создавать экипировку Э.П.О.С., которая по своему уникальна.\nЕсли Крыло Мира установить в свободном доме, то оно привлечёт особого NPC (Оператора)\nИ если кто-то всё ещё спрашивает, что означает Э.П.О.С., то вот: Экспериментально Полученные Орудия уСмирения.'\nТам есть что-то ещё, но вы не можете прочесть это без других частей. Возможно, вам сможет помочь Ювелир."); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "破损的笔记 #2"); base.Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "'它并不是众所周知的, 但是世界之翼可以制作EGO器材, 某种意义上来说是独一无二的." + "\n如果世界之翼被放置在了一间空房子里, 就会招来一个特殊的NPC, 叫做操作员" + "\n如果你想知道, EGO到底代表了什么, 答案是:Extermination of Geometrical Organ.'" + "\n(汉化组无聊科普:全套EGO装备来自于游戏《脑叶公司》, 本模组EGO部分翻译参考中文Wiki)" + "\n还有一些内容, 但是你并读不到. 除非你有碎片 #1 和 #3. 也许珠宝师可以帮助你."); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Storage Unit Wand"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Жезл Ячейки Хранилища"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Polish, "Różdżka jednostki magazynującej"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.French, "Baguette d'unité de stockage"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Spanish, "Varita de unidad de almacenamiento"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.French, "Baguetter d'unité de stockage"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "存储单元魔杖"); Tooltip.SetDefault("<right> Storage Unit to toggle between Active/Inactive"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "<right> на Ячейке Хранилища что бы активировать/деактивировать ее"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Polish, "<right> aby przełączyć Jednostkę Magazynującą (wł./wył.)"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.French, "<right> pour changer l'unité de stockage actif/inactif"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Spanish, "<right> para cambiar el unidad de almacenamiento activo/inactivo"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "<right>存储单元使其切换启用/禁用"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Cryo-Magus Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age!' Damage will duplicate itself for 33% of the damage and apply the Frozen debuff to hit enemies An icy aura surrounds you, which freezes nearby enemies after a short delay Effects of Frostburn Pouch, Ice Bound Strider Hide, and Blue Music Player Summons a pet Penguin and Owl"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "冰法魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'是什么灭绝了恐龙? 冰河时代!' 攻击将产生此次伤害值33%的冰刺攻击敌人, 并对敌人造成冻结效果 环绕的冰锥将冰冻敌人 拥有霜火粉袋, 遁蛛契约和蓝色播放器的效果 召唤宠物企鹅和猫头鹰"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Facade"); Tooltip.SetDefault("Summons barriers to protect you for a short time\nAligns with either magic or melee users"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Spanish), "Tapia"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Spanish), "Invoca barreras para protegerte por un corto tiempo\nEl daño se alínea con magia o cuerpo a cuerpo"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Russian), "Преграда"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Russian), "Призывает временные защитные барьеры\nПодходит воинам и магам"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Chinese), "禁制屏障"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.FromCultureName(GameCulture.CultureName.Chinese), "召唤障碍来保护你一段时间\n更适合战士与法师使用"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Dreadfire Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'Ralnek's spirit guides you' Pressing [Ability] will activate 'Dreadfire Aura'. 'Dreadfire Aura' increases minion damage greatly for a minute. 3 minute cooldown Effects of Pumpkin Amulet"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "惧焰魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'拉内克的灵魂指引着你' 按[特殊能力]键将激活'恐怖火环'. '恐怖火环'大大增加召唤伤害, 持续时间1分钟. 3分钟冷却时间 拥有南瓜护身符的效果"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Counter Matter"); Tooltip.SetDefault("Globe 199" + "\n[c/00FF00:Legendary Weapon]" + "\nDestroys nearby enemy projectiles" + "\nAfter blocking the projectile, your next strike would be 100% critical" + "\n[c/00FF00:Stats are growing through progression]"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Противодействующая Материя"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Russian, "Шар 199\n[c/00FF00:Легендарное Оружие]\nУничтожает снаряды противника поблизости\nПосле блокирования снаряда ваша следуящая атака гарантированно будет критом\n[c/00FF00:Статы улучшаются по мере прохождения]"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "复位物质"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "球体 199" + "\n[c/00FF00:传奇武器]" + "\n摧毁附近的敌人抛射物" + "\n阻挡抛射物后, 下一次攻击100%暴击" + "\n[c/00FF00:属性随进程成长]"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Fallen Prince Enchantment"); Tooltip.SetDefault( @"'Give up your heritage, gain power' Hitting enemies has a chance to summon an energy blade behind you (Max of 5). Every newly acquired blade increases the damage of pre-existing ones by 20% Pressing [Ability] will launch the blades at nearby enemies Effects of Novaniel's Resolve"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "堕落王子魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, @"'舍弃继承权, 换取力量' 攻击敌人有概率在身后召唤一柄能量剑(最多5柄) 每柄新获得的剑会增加20%先前存在剑的伤害 按[特殊能力]键将会把剑射向附近敌人 拥有诺瓦尼尔的决心的效果"); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Forbidden Enchantment"); string tooltip = @"'Walk like an Egyptian' Double tap down to call an ancient storm to the cursor location Any projectiles shot through your storm gain 50% damage"; string tooltip_ch = @"'走路像个埃及人Z( ̄ー ̄)Z' 双击'下'键可召唤一个远古风暴到光标位置 任何穿过风暴的抛射物获得额外50%伤害"; Tooltip.SetDefault(tooltip); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "禁忌魔石"); Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, tooltip_ch); }
public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Crystal Assassin Enchantment"); DisplayName.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, "水晶刺客魔石"); string tooltip = @"Effects of Volatile Gel ''"; Tooltip.SetDefault(tooltip); string tooltip_ch = @"拥有挥发明胶效果 ''"; Tooltip.AddTranslation(GameCulture.Chinese, tooltip_ch); }