public void CreateSimpleChunk(int x, int y, int z)
        WorldPos worldPos = new WorldPos(x, y, z);

        //Instantiate the chunk at the coordinates using the chunk prefab
        GameObject newSimpleChunkObject = Instantiate(
            simpleChunkPrefab, new Vector3(x, y, z),
            ) as GameObject;

        SimpleChunk newSimpleChunk = newSimpleChunkObject.GetComponent <SimpleChunk>();

        newSimpleChunk.pos         = worldPos;
        newSimpleChunk.simpleWorld = this;

        //Add it to the chunks dictionary with the position as the key
        simpleChunks.Add(worldPos, newSimpleChunk);

        var terrainGen = new TerrainGen();

        newSimpleChunk = terrainGen.SimpleChunkGen(newSimpleChunk);
        if (newSimpleChunk.simpleChunkType == SimpleChunkType.Air)
            newSimpleChunk.gameObject.SetActive(false); return;
        newSimpleChunkObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = textureDict.textDict[newSimpleChunk.simpleChunkType];