        public void SetDirectParameters(ParameterView parameters)
            // Note: We should be careful to ensure that the framework never calls
            // IComponent.SetParametersAsync directly elsewhere. We should only call it
            // via ComponentState.SetDirectParameters (or NotifyCascadingValueChanged below).
            // If we bypass this, the component won't receive the cascading parameters nor
            // will it update its snapshot of direct parameters.

            if (_hasAnyCascadingParameterSubscriptions)
                // We may need to replay these direct parameters later (in NotifyCascadingValueChanged),
                // but we can't guarantee that the original underlying data won't have mutated in the
                // meantime, since it's just an index into the parent's RenderTreeFrames buffer.
                if (_latestDirectParametersSnapshot == null)
                    _latestDirectParametersSnapshot = new ArrayBuilder <RenderTreeFrame>();


            if (_cascadingParameters != null)
                parameters = parameters.WithCascadingParameters(_cascadingParameters);
