        public void OnNewKeyboardInput(object sender, IKeyboardInput args)
            if (!_ignoreInput)
                if (args.GetInputKey().Contains(Keys.P))
                    _ignoreInput = true;

                    // Spawn Player
                    _demo.Spawn <Player>("Player", _demo.LoadTexture("Smiley"), 0, 500);
                else if (args.GetInputKey().Contains(Keys.H))
                    _ignoreInput = true;

                    // Spawn Hostile
                    _demo.Spawn <Hostile>("Hostile", _demo.LoadTexture("Hostile"), 100, 300);
                else if (args.GetInputKey().Contains(Keys.M))
                    _ignoreInput = true;

                    // Load background music
                    _demo.PlaySong("Background_Music", 1.0f, true);
 public string Trigger()
     if (!(_args.GetInputKey().Contains(Keys.Up)))
        /// <summary>
        /// Receives keyboard event data to control entity movement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public void OnNewKeyboardInput(object sender, IKeyboardInput args)
            // SET '_args' to 'args'
            _args = args;

            // SET '_inputFlag' to true
            _inputFlag = true;

            // IF '_inputFlag' is set to true
            if (_inputFlag)
                // FOR each key that is currently being pressed
                foreach (Keys k in _args.GetInputKey())
                    // IF the UP key is pressed AND the paddle is not at the top border THEN move the paddle up
                    if (k == Keys.Up && ((IPosition)args.GetEntityComponents()[_guid][typeof(Position)]).YPos > 0)
                        ((IPosition)args.GetEntityComponents()[_guid][typeof(Position)]).YPos -= ((IMove)args.GetEntityComponents()[_guid][typeof(Move)]).Speed.Y;
                    // IF the DOWN key is pressed AND the paddle is not at the bottom of the screen THEN move the paddle down
                    if (k == Keys.Down && ((IPosition)args.GetEntityComponents()[_guid][typeof(Position)]).YPos < 900 - 100)
                        ((IPosition)args.GetEntityComponents()[_guid][typeof(Position)]).YPos += ((IMove)args.GetEntityComponents()[_guid][typeof(Move)]).Speed.Y;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates state
        /// </summary>
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            _gameTime = gameTime;

            _animator.Animate(_entityUID, "SmileyWalkAtlas", 4, 4, _frameTime);

            // Calculate elapsed game time for audio
            _soundTime += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            if (_soundTime > 0.3)
                _soundTime = 0f;

            //Declare a vector to store the force needed to move
            Vector2 force = new Vector2(0, 0);

            // Player input controlling movement, only active on key down
            foreach (Keys k in _args.GetInputKey())
                // if player presses right arrow or D
                if (k == Keys.Right || k == Keys.D)
                    // set facing direction to right(1)
                    _facingDirectionX = 1;
                    force.X           = _xSpeed * _facingDirectionX;

                // if player presses left arrow or A
                if (k == Keys.Left || k == Keys.A)
                    // set facing direction to left(-1)
                    _facingDirectionX = -1;
                    force.X           = _xSpeed * _facingDirectionX;
            // update facing direction in entity to update texture orientation
            // apply force to the physics component to move entity
        // TranslateX override for player specific movement
        public override float TranslateX()
            // Player input controlling movement, only active on key down
            foreach (Keys k in _args.GetInputKey())
                // if player presses right arrow or D
                if (k == Keys.Right || k == Keys.D)
                    // check for collision on the right side of the player
                    if (_rightCollide)
                        // if colliding move the opposite direction
                        return((_speed * _facingDirectionX * -1) * _velocity.X);
                    // set facing direction to right(1)
                    _facingDirectionX = 1;
                    // move the player
                    return((_speed * _facingDirectionX) * _velocity.X);

                // if player presses left arrow or A
                if (k == Keys.Left || k == Keys.A)
                    // check for collision on the left side of the player
                    if (_leftCollide)
                        // if colliding move the opposite direction
                        return((_speed * _facingDirectionX * -1) * _velocity.X);
                    // set facing direction to left(-1)
                    _facingDirectionX = -1;
                    // move the player
                    return((_speed * _facingDirectionX) * _velocity.X);
 /// <summary>
 /// State behaviour logic
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity"></param>
 /// <param name="texture"></param>
 public string Trigger()
     foreach (Keys k in _args.GetInputKey())
         if (k == Keys.Up || k == Keys.Space || k == Keys.W)
         else if (k == Keys.Left || k == Keys.Right || k == Keys.A || k == Keys.D)