     * Carga las coordenadas x y z del efector final de un Scorbot. Contexto del Scorbot real.
     * La carga se hace mediante fichero o se usa el que hay por defecto en el programa.
     * @param file Fichero
     * @param scorbot Scorbot
     * @return void
    private void LoadEffector(string file, IK scorbot)
            // Inicial position. HOME
            scorbot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().GoHome();

            List <float[]> values = new List <float[]>();
            // Read file
            string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file);

            // Effector values. First line
            string[] effectorPos = lines[0].Split(' ');

            // Expected coordinates x, y, z
            if (effectorPos.Length == 3)
                Vector3 pos = (new Vector3(float.Parse(effectorPos[0]), float.Parse(effectorPos[2]), float.Parse(effectorPos[1])) / 10f);
                scorbot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().E.position = pos;

                // Updating copy end effector

                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Effector values loaded (From file). " + scorbot.name, true);
            else // Error
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Effector values not valid (From file). " + scorbot.name, false);
        catch (Exception e) // File not found
            // Default effector
            Vector3 effectorPos = scorbot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().E.position * 10f;

            // Oneline
            string[] lines = new string[] {
                effectorPos.x.ToString(NUMBER_FORMAT) + " " +
                effectorPos.z.ToString(NUMBER_FORMAT) + " " +

            // Overwrite everything
            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(file, lines);
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Default effector (Not from file)." + scorbot.name, true);
    void Update()
        // Activate/deactivate keyboard control
        if (!processing)

        if (!robot)

        // Scorbot articulation rotation (See keyCodes at "Start()")
        int j = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < robot.GetArticulations().Length; i++)
            if (Input.GetKey(keyCodes[j]))
            if (Input.GetKey(keyCodes[j]))

        // Open/close Scorbot end efector
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Y))
            robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().Open();
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Alpha6))
            robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().Close();
     * Recupera los valores de una posición del Scorbot real en la misma posición en la simulación.
     * @param robot Scorbot
     * @param target Posición (objeto)
     * @return bool Éxito
    public bool SyncScorbotToSimulation(IK robot, Transform target)
        // Only online mode

        List <String[]> listString = new List <string[]>();

        List <int>   counts;
        List <float> posPitchRoll;
        // This stops main thread
        bool listpv = Listpv(target, out counts, out posPitchRoll);

        if (listpv)
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online SYNC(LISTPV) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", listpv);
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online SYNC(LISTPV) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", listpv);

        if (robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().scorbotIndex == ScorbotERVPlus.INDEX)
            for (int i = 0; i < posPitchRoll.Count; i++)
                posPitchRoll[i] = posPitchRoll[i] / 10f;

        // Do teach only in simulation
        bool done = Teach(robot, target, new Vector3(posPitchRoll[0], posPitchRoll[1], posPitchRoll[2]), posPitchRoll[3], posPitchRoll[4], false);

        if (done)
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online SYNC \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(true);
            if (target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeFrom())
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeFrom().GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(true);
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online SYNC \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
 public void Open()
     robot.GetComponent <GripScorbotERIX>().Open();
  * Abre la pinza del Scorbot.
  * @return void
 public void Open()
     robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().Open();
     * Modifica una posición sumando valores los cuales son una posición (x, y,z), inclinación frontal (p) e
     * inclinación lateral (r). El valor puede ser solo uno de los anteriores y debe estar en el contexto del
     * Scorbot real. byIndex: X, Y, Z, P, R (0..4)
     * @param robot Scorbot
     * @param target Posición (objeto)
     * @param byIndex Índice del tipo de parámetro
     * @param value Valor
     * @return void
    public void Shiftc(IK robot, Transform target, int byIndex, float value)
        // Offline mode
        string[] parameterName = { "x", "y", "z", "p", "r" };
        // If is a relative position, error
        if (target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeTo() != null)
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. SHIFTC \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\" " +
                                             parameterName[byIndex] + " by " + value + ". Relative position", false);

        // Values from position in real Scorbot context
        Vector3 pos = target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetPositionInScorbot();
        float   p   = target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetPitch();
        float   r   = target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRoll();

        // Apply value to corresponding parameter
        Vector3 offsetPos = Vector3.zero;

        // byIndex: X, Y, Z, P, R (0..4)
        switch (byIndex)
        case 0:
            offsetPos = new Vector3(value, 0f, 0f);

        case 1:
            offsetPos = new Vector3(0f, value, 0f);

        case 2:
            offsetPos = new Vector3(0f, 0f, value);

        case 3:
            p += value;

        case 4:
            r += value;
        pos += offsetPos;

        bool done = Teach(robot, target, pos, p, r, false);

        if (done)
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. SHIFTC \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\" " +
                                             parameterName[byIndex] + " by " + value, done);
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. SHIFTC \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\" " +
                                             parameterName[byIndex] + " by " + value, done);

        // Online mode
        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode())
            if (robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().scorbotIndex == ScorbotERVPlus.INDEX)
                done = controller.RunCommandUIShiftc(target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName(), parameterName[byIndex],
                                                     (value * 10f).ToString()); // Number format?
                done = controller.RunCommandUIShiftc(target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName(), parameterName[byIndex],
                                                     value.ToString()); // Number format?

            if (done)
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online SHIFTC \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\" " +
                                                 parameterName[byIndex] + " by " + value, done);
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(true);
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online SHIFTC \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\" " +
                                                 parameterName[byIndex] + " by " + value, done);
     * Modifica una posición con los valores actuales del Scorbot. Modifica una posición en el controlador con los
     * valores actuales del Scorbot real o el de la simulación. En modo "From simulation" el Scorbot es el de
     * la simulación, mientras que en modo "From Scorbot" es el Scorbot real. En modo "From simulation" se ejecuta
     * el comando "Teach" (online) con los valores del Scorbot de la simulación. En modo "From Scorbot" se ejecuta
     * el comando "Here" (online) en el Scorbot real, seguidamente de "Listpv" (online) para recuperar los datos
     * del "Here" y se realiza un "Teach" (Offline) para cargar esos datos.
     * @param robot Scorbot
     * @param target Posición (objeto)
     * @return void
    public void Here(IK robot, Transform target)
        // Online mode
        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode())
            // 2 options. Use pos from simulation or real Scorbot
            if (isHereFromSimulation) // Here. Mode "From simulation"
                // Copy angles from simulation into the position (object)
                target.position = new Vector3(robot.GetE().position.x, robot.GetE().position.y, robot.GetE().position.z);
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAngles());
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. HERE \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", true);
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);

                // Get pos, p, r from simulation. Do teach to real Scorbot
                float multPos     = 10f;
                float multDegrees = 1f;
                if (robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().scorbotIndex == ScorbotERVPlus.INDEX)
                    multPos     = 100f;
                    multDegrees = 10f;

                List <float> xyzpr = new List <float>()
                    target.position.x *multPos, target.position.z *multPos, target.position.y *multPos,
                    target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetPitch() * multDegrees, target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRoll() * multDegrees

                bool done = controller.RunCommandUITeach(target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName(), xyzpr);

                if (done)
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online HERE \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
                    target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(true);
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online HERE \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
            else // Here. Mode "From real Scorbot"
                // Real scorbot here
                bool here = controller.RunCommandUIOnline("here", target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName());
                if (here)
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online HERE(HERE) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", here);
                    target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online HERE(HERE) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", here);

                // Get data from real Scorbot into the position (object)
                bool done = SyncScorbotToSimulation(robot, target);

                if (done)
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online HERE(SYNC) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online HERE(SYNC) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
        else // Offline mode
            // Copy angles from simulation into the position (object)
            target.position = new Vector3(robot.GetE().position.x, robot.GetE().position.y, robot.GetE().position.z);
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAngles());
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);

            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. HERE \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", true);
     * Define una posición relativa a otra posición con nuevos valores los cuales son una posición (x, y, z),
     * inclinación frontal e inclinación lateral. La posición permanecerá relativa. Los valores deben estar
     * en el contexto del Scorbot real.
     * @param robot Scorbot
     * @param target Posición (objeto)
     * @param relativeToTarget Posición (objeto) relativa a usar como referencia
     * @param pos Coordenadas relativas
     * @param p Pitch relativo
     * @param r Roll relativo
     * @param online Ejecutar modo online
     * @param offline Ejecutar modo offline
     * @return bool Éxito
    public bool TeachR(IK robot, Transform target, Transform relativeToTarget, Vector3 pos, float p, float r, bool online = true, bool offline = true)
        // Offline mode
        if (offline)
            // New relative position
            Vector3 newPos = (new Vector3(relativeToTarget.position.x, relativeToTarget.position.z, relativeToTarget.position.y) * 10f)
                             + pos;

            // Apply new relative values
            bool teachDone = Teach(robot, target, newPos, relativeToTarget.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetPitch() + p,
                                   relativeToTarget.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRoll() + r, false);

            if (teachDone)
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. TEACHR \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\" \"" +
                                                 relativeToTarget.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", teachDone);
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. TEACHR \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\" \"" +
                                                 relativeToTarget.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", teachDone);

            // Activate automatic values update
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetRelativeTo(relativeToTarget, new Vector3(pos.x, pos.z, pos.y) / 10f, p, r);

        // Online mode
        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode() && online)
            // Build data to send
            if (robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().scorbotIndex == ScorbotERVPlus.INDEX)
                pos = pos * 10f;
                p   = p * 10f;
                r   = r * 10f;

            List <float> xyzpr = new List <float>()
                pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, p, r
            bool done = controller.RunCommandUITeachr(target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName(),
                                                      relativeToTarget.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName(), xyzpr);
            if (done)
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online TEACHR \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\" \"" +
                                                 relativeToTarget.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(true);
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online TEACHR \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\" \"" +
                                                 relativeToTarget.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
     * Modifica una posición con nuevos valores los cuales son una posición (x, y, z), inclinación frontal e
     * inclinación lateral. Estos valores deben entar en el contexto del Scorbot real.
     * @param robot Scorbot
     * @param target Posición (objeto)
     * @param pos Coordenadas
     * @param p Pitch
     * @param r Roll
     * @param online Ejecutar modo online
     * @param offline Ejecutar modo offline
     * @return bool Éxito
    public bool Teach(IK robot, Transform target, Vector3 pos, float p, float r, bool online = true, bool offline = true)
        Vector3 posReal = new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);

        // Offline mode
        if (offline)
            // mm to cm. Interchange y and z. Position in simulation
            pos = new Vector3(pos.x / 10f, pos.z / 10f, pos.y / 10f);
            // Copy initial values
            Vector3 startPos   = target.position;
            Vector3 startPitch = target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetAngles()[3];
            Vector3 startRoll  = target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetAngles()[4];

            // Apply pitch and roll to target
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetAngles()[3] = robot.GetArticulations()[3].BuiltAngle(p);
            float auxR = -r;
            if (robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().scorbotIndex == ScorbotERVPlus.INDEX)
                auxR = r;
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetAngles()[4] = robot.GetArticulations()[4].BuiltAngle(auxR);

            // Apply new coordinatesC
            target.position = pos;
            // Check if it's an unreachable point
            if (!robot.TargetInRange(target, true))
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. TEACH Unreachable position \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", false);
                // Restore position (object) values
                target.position = startPos;
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetAngles()[3] = startPitch;
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetAngles()[4] = startRoll;

            // Recover angles data. Apply to position (object)
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAnglesFromCopy());
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);

            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. TEACH \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", true);

            // if this position is being used by another position (relative), that position is not sync anymore
            Transform relativePosition = target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeFrom();
            if (target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeFrom())
                relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);
                // Updating relative position
                relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().UpdateRelativePosition();

                // Update angles data
                if (robot.TargetInRange(relativePosition))
                    // Reachable. Load data to target
                    relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAnglesFromCopy());
                    relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetValid(true);
                else // Unreachable
                    relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetValid(false);

            // This position is relative to another, teach destroys relativity
            if (target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeTo())
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetNoRelativeTo();

        // Online mode
        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode() && online)
            // Build data to send
            if (robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().scorbotIndex == ScorbotERVPlus.INDEX)
                posReal = posReal * 10f;
                p       = p * 10f;
                r       = r * 10f;

            List <float> xyzpr = new List <float>()
                posReal.x, posReal.y, posReal.z, p, r
            bool done = controller.RunCommandUITeach(target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName(), xyzpr);
            if (done)
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online TEACH \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(true);

                if (target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeFrom())
                    target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeFrom().GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(true);

                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online TEACH \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
