internal void Calibration()
            for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                if (Points[i].C_x == 0 && Points[i].C_y == 0 && Points[i].C_z == 0 && Points[i].R_X == 0 && Points[i].R_Y == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("第" + (i + 1) + "点数据异常", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            HTuple Cam_X_All = new HTuple(), Cam_Y_All = new HTuple(), Cam_Z_ALL = new HTuple();
            HTuple Robot_X_All = new HTuple(), Robot_Y_All = new HTuple();

            for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                Cam_X_All[i]   = Points[i].C_x;
                Cam_Y_All[i]   = Points[i].C_y;
                Cam_Z_ALL[i]   = Points[i].C_z;
                Robot_X_All[i] = Points[i].R_X;
                Robot_Y_All[i] = Points[i].R_Y;
            //  //九点的矩阵映射
            //  HOperatorSet.VectorToHomMat2d(Cam_X_All, Cam_Y_All, Robot_X_All, Robot_Y_All, out homMat2D);
            ////  homMat2D.VectorToHomMat2d(Cam_X_All, Cam_Y_All, Robot_X_All, Robot_Y_All);

            //  HTuple check_R_XS, check_R_YS;
            //  //将九点直接验证结果
            //  HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint2d(homMat2D, Cam_X_All, Cam_Y_All, out check_R_XS, out check_R_YS);
            //  //check_R_XS = homMat2D.AffineTransPoint2d(Cam_X_All, Cam_Y_All, out check_R_YS);
            //  //获取到行及列方向的误差
            HTuple Robot_Z_All;

            HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(Robot_X_All.L, new HTuple(0.0), out Robot_Z_All);
            HOperatorSet.VectorToHomMat3d("rigid", Cam_X_All, Cam_Y_All, Cam_Z_ALL, Robot_X_All, Robot_Y_All, Robot_Z_All, out MPInCamToolHomMat);
            HOperatorSet.HomMat3dToPose(MPInCamToolHomMat, out MPInCamToolPose);

            HTuple Robot_X_All_chk, Robot_Y_All_chk, Robot_Z_All_chk;

            HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(MPInCamToolHomMat, Cam_X_All, Cam_Y_All, Cam_Z_ALL, out Robot_X_All_chk, out Robot_Y_All_chk, out Robot_Z_All_chk);
            HTuple errR_X = (Robot_X_All - Robot_X_All_chk).TupleAbs();
            HTuple errR_Y = (Robot_Y_All - Robot_Y_All_chk).TupleAbs();

            errR_X_Max = errR_X.TupleMax();
            errR_Y_Max = errR_Y.TupleMax();
            StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder();

            stb.Append("X、Y方向误差:" + Environment.NewLine);
            for (int i = 0; i < errR_X.Length; i++)
                string temp  = errR_X.D.ToString("F6");
                string temp2 = errR_Y.D.ToString("F6");
                stb.Append(temp + ";" + temp2 + Environment.NewLine);
            if (NotifyExcInfo != null)
                NotifyExcInfo("X方向最大误差:" + errR_X_Max.D.ToString("F6") + ";" + "方向最大误差:" + errR_Y_Max.D.ToString("F6"));
        public void SetGrabPoint(double x, double y)
            //转换camera 、 projection
            MGrabPointSetting.X = x;
            MGrabPointSetting.Y = y;
            HTuple Cx, Cy, Cz, homMat3d;

            HOperatorSet.PoseToHomMat3d(worldPose, out homMat3d);
            HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(homMat3d, x, y, 0, out Cx, out Cy, out Cz);
            HTuple row, column;

            HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(Cx, Cy, Cz, cameraParam, out row, out column);
            MGrabPointSetting.SetGrabPoint(row.D, column.D);
        public override string GetSendResult()
            row_Send   = new HTuple();
            col_Send   = new HTuple();
            Angle_Send = new HTuple();
            id_Send    = new HTuple();
            NG_Reason  = new HTuple();

            if (!bFindShapeMode || !bGrabPointSetting)
                return("视觉程序异常" + Environment.NewLine);
            if (MFindShapeMode.row == null || MFindShapeMode.row.Length < 1)
                return("未找到缝纫机" + Environment.NewLine);

            int count = MFindShapeMode.angle.Length;

            #region 子功能运行是否异常
            if (bFangDai_Enable == false)
                HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(count, 1, out MFangDai.FangDai_OkNg);
            else if (bFangDai_Enable && bFangDai_Result == false)
                HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(count, 0, out MFangDai.FangDai_OkNg);
            if (count != MFangDai.FangDai_OkNg.Length)
                return("视觉程序异常" + Environment.NewLine);


            for (int i = 0; i < MFindShapeMode.angle.Length; i++)
                if (MFangDai.FangDai_OkNg[i] != 1)
                    DateTime dt          = DateTime.Now;
                    string   timeNow     = dt.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_fff");
                    string   NGImagePath = "D:\\data\\" + "\\NgImage\\" + "\\工具组" + settingIndex + "\\";
                    SaveImage(NGImagePath + timeNow + ".png", ImageTestIn);

                    NG_Reason = NG_Reason.TupleConcat(new HTuple("防呆"));
                    id_Send   = id_Send.TupleConcat(new HTuple(0));
                    id_Send = id_Send.TupleConcat(new HTuple(1));
                row_Send   = row_Send.TupleConcat(MGrabPointSetting.GrabRowTarget[i]);
                col_Send   = col_Send.TupleConcat(MGrabPointSetting.GrabColTarget[i]);
                Angle_Send = Angle_Send.TupleConcat(MFindShapeMode.angle[i]);

            StringBuilder outCoord = new StringBuilder();
            if (bIsCalibration)
                if (cameraParam == null || cameraParam.Length != 9)
                    if (NotifyExcInfo != null)
                if (MPInCamPose == null || MPInCamPose.Length != 7)
                    if (NotifyExcInfo != null)
                if (MPInToolPose == null || MPInToolPose.Length != 7)
                    if (NotifyExcInfo != null)

                if (cameraParam != null && cameraParam.Length == 9 &&
                    MPInCamPose != null && MPInCamPose.Length == 7 &&
                    MPInToolPose != null && MPInToolPose.Length == 7)
                    outCoord.Append("Image" + Environment.NewLine);

                    for (int i = 0; i < row_Send.Length; i++)
                        HTuple mpX, mpY;
                        HOperatorSet.ImagePointsToWorldPlane(cameraParam, MPInCamPose, row_Send[i], col_Send[i], 1, out mpX, out mpY);
                        HTuple homMat3d;
                        HOperatorSet.PoseToHomMat3d(MPInToolPose, out homMat3d);
                        HTuple rx, ry, rz;
                        HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(homMat3d, mpX, mpY, new HTuple(0.0), out rx, out ry, out rz);
                        HTuple angle;
                        HOperatorSet.TupleDeg(Angle_Send[i].D, out angle);
                        string temp =
                            "X:" + (1000 * (rx.D + Robot_Tool_Comp[0].D) + x_Compensation).ToString("F2") + ";"
                            + "Y:" + (1000 * (ry.D + Robot_Tool_Comp[1].D) + y_Compensation).ToString("F2") + ";"
                            + "A:" + (angle.D + angle_Compensation).ToString("F2") + ";"
                            + "ID:" + id_Send.I.ToString();
                        outCoord.Append("]" + Environment.NewLine);
                    outCoord.Append("Done" + Environment.NewLine);
                    return("视觉程序异常" + Environment.NewLine);
                outCoord.Append("Image" + Environment.NewLine);

                for (int i = 0; i < row_Send.Length; i++)
                    HTuple angle;
                    HOperatorSet.TupleDeg(Angle_Send[i].D, out angle);
                    string temp =
                        "X:" + (row_Send[i].D + x_Compensation).ToString("F2") + ";" +
                        "Y:" + (col_Send[i].D + y_Compensation).ToString("F2") + ";" +
                        "A:" + (angle.D + angle_Compensation).ToString("F2") + ";" +
                        "ID:" + id_Send.I.ToString() + ";";
                    outCoord.Append("];" + Environment.NewLine);
                outCoord.Append("Done" + Environment.NewLine);
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the axes of a 3d coordinate system.
        /// </summary>
        private void disp_3d_coord_system(HTuple hv_WindowHandle,
                                          HTuple hv_CamParam,
                                          HTuple hv_Pose,
                                          HTuple hv_CoordAxesLength)
            // Local iconic variables

            HObject ho_ContX, ho_ContY, ho_ContZ;

            // Local control variables

            HTuple hv_TransWorld2Cam, hv_OrigCamX, hv_OrigCamY;
            HTuple hv_OrigCamZ, hv_Row0, hv_Column0, hv_X, hv_Y, hv_Z;
            HTuple hv_RowAxX, hv_ColumnAxX, hv_RowAxY, hv_ColumnAxY;
            HTuple hv_RowAxZ, hv_ColumnAxZ;

            // Initialize local and output iconic variables
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ContX);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ContY);
            HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ContZ);

            if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Pose.TupleLength())).TupleNotEqual(7))) != 0)

            if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Pose.TupleSelect(5))).TupleEqual(0.0))) != 0)

            HOperatorSet.PoseToHomMat3d(hv_Pose, out hv_TransWorld2Cam);
            //Project the world origin into the image
            HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(hv_TransWorld2Cam, 0, 0, 0, out hv_OrigCamX,
                                            out hv_OrigCamY, out hv_OrigCamZ);
            HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(hv_OrigCamX, hv_OrigCamY, hv_OrigCamZ, hv_CamParam,
                                        out hv_Row0, out hv_Column0);
            //Project the coordinate axes into the image
            HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(hv_TransWorld2Cam, hv_CoordAxesLength, 0, 0,
                                            out hv_X, out hv_Y, out hv_Z);
            HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(hv_X, hv_Y, hv_Z, hv_CamParam, out hv_RowAxX, out hv_ColumnAxX);
            HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(hv_TransWorld2Cam, 0, hv_CoordAxesLength, 0,
                                            out hv_X, out hv_Y, out hv_Z);
            HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(hv_X, hv_Y, hv_Z, hv_CamParam, out hv_RowAxY, out hv_ColumnAxY);
            HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(hv_TransWorld2Cam, 0, 0, hv_CoordAxesLength,
                                            out hv_X, out hv_Y, out hv_Z);
            HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(hv_X, hv_Y, hv_Z, hv_CamParam, out hv_RowAxZ, out hv_ColumnAxZ);
            gen_arrow_cont(out ho_ContX, hv_Row0, hv_Column0, hv_RowAxX, hv_ColumnAxX);
            gen_arrow_cont(out ho_ContY, hv_Row0, hv_Column0, hv_RowAxY, hv_ColumnAxY);
            gen_arrow_cont(out ho_ContZ, hv_Row0, hv_Column0, hv_RowAxZ, hv_ColumnAxZ);
            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
                //dev_display (ContX)
            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
                //dev_display (ContY)
            if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen())
                //dev_display (ContZ)
            HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_ContX, hv_WindowHandle);
            HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_ContY, hv_WindowHandle);
            HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_ContZ, hv_WindowHandle);
            HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_RowAxX + 3, hv_ColumnAxX + 3);
            HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, "X");
            HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_RowAxY + 3, hv_ColumnAxY + 3);
            HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, "Y");
            HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_RowAxZ + 3, hv_ColumnAxZ + 3);
            HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, "Z");

        public static int ShowOrigin(HWindow _windown, HTuple CamParam, HTuple Pose, HTuple Length)
                // Convert to pose to a transformation matrix
                HOperatorSet.PoseToHomMat3d(Pose, out HTuple TransWorld2Cam);
                // Project the world origin into the image
                HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(TransWorld2Cam, 0, 0, 0, out HTuple OrigCamX, out HTuple OrigCamY, out HTuple OrigCamZ);
                HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(OrigCamX, OrigCamY, OrigCamZ, CamParam, out HTuple Row0, out HTuple Column0);
                //Project the coordinate axes into the image
                HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(TransWorld2Cam, Length, 0, 0, out HTuple X, out HTuple Y, out HTuple Z);
                HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(X, Y, Z, CamParam, out HTuple RowAxX, out HTuple ColumnAxX);
                HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(TransWorld2Cam, 0, Length, 0, out X, out Y, out Z);
                HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(X, Y, Z, CamParam, out HTuple RowAxY, out HTuple ColumnAxY);
                HOperatorSet.AffineTransPoint3d(TransWorld2Cam, 0, 0, Length, out X, out Y, out Z);
                HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(X, Y, Z, CamParam, out HTuple RowAxZ, out HTuple ColumnAxZ);
                //Generate an XLD contour for each axis
                HOperatorSet.DistancePp(new HTuple(Row0, Row0, Row0), new HTuple(Column0, Column0, Column0), new HTuple(RowAxX, RowAxY, RowAxZ), new HTuple(ColumnAxX, ColumnAxY, ColumnAxZ), out HTuple Distance);
                double HeadLength = new HTuple(new HTuple(5.0), Distance.TupleMax() / 12.0).TupleMax();
                HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out HObject Arrow);
                // Calculate auxiliary variables.
                HTuple DR            = 1.0 * (new HTuple(RowAxX, RowAxY, RowAxZ) - new HTuple(Row0, Row0, Row0)) / Distance;
                HTuple DC            = 1.0 * (new HTuple(ColumnAxX, ColumnAxY, ColumnAxZ) - new HTuple(Column0, Column0, Column0)) / Distance;
                HTuple Row2          = new HTuple(RowAxX, RowAxY, RowAxZ);
                HTuple Column2       = new HTuple(ColumnAxX, ColumnAxY, ColumnAxZ);
                HTuple HalfHeadWidth = HeadLength / 2.0;
                //Calculate end points of the arrow head.
                HTuple RowP1 = new HTuple(Row0, Row0, Row0) + (Distance - HeadLength) * DR + HalfHeadWidth * DC;
                HTuple ColP1 = new HTuple(Column0, Column0, Column0) + (Distance - HeadLength) * DC - HalfHeadWidth * DR;
                HTuple RowP2 = new HTuple(Row0, Row0, Row0) + (Distance - HeadLength) * DR - HalfHeadWidth * DC;
                HTuple ColP2 = new HTuple(Column0, Column0, Column0) + (Distance - HeadLength) * DC + HalfHeadWidth * DR;
                //Finally create output XLD contour for each input point pair
                HObject TempArrow = new HObject();
                for (int i = 0; i < Distance.Length; i++)
                    if (Distance[i] == (-1.0))
                    //Create_ single points for arrows with identical start and end point
                        HOperatorSet.GenContourPolygonXld(out TempArrow, Row0, Column0);

                        HOperatorSet.GenContourPolygonXld(out TempArrow, new HTuple(Row0, Row2[i], RowP1[i], Row2[i], RowP2[i], Row2[i]), new HTuple(Column0, Column2[i], ColP1[i], Column2[i], ColP2[i], Column2[i]));
                    //Create arrow contour
                    HOperatorSet.ConcatObj(Arrow, TempArrow, out Arrow);
                //Display coordinate system
                HOperatorSet.DispXld(Arrow, _windown);
                HOperatorSet.GetRgb(_windown, out HTuple Red, out HTuple Green, out HTuple Blue);
                HOperatorSet.SetRgb(_windown, Red[0], Green[0], Blue[0]);
                HOperatorSet.SetTposition(_windown, RowAxX + 3, ColumnAxX + 3);
                HOperatorSet.WriteString(_windown, "X");
                HOperatorSet.SetRgb(_windown, Red[1 % Red.Length], Green[1 % Green.Length], Blue[1 % Blue.Length]);
                HOperatorSet.SetTposition(_windown, RowAxY + 3, ColumnAxY + 3);
                HOperatorSet.WriteString(_windown, "Y");
                HOperatorSet.SetRgb(_windown, Red[2 % Red.Length], Green[2 % Green.Length], Blue[2 % Blue.Length]);
                HOperatorSet.SetTposition(_windown, RowAxZ + 3, ColumnAxZ + 3);
                HOperatorSet.WriteString(_windown, "Z");
                HOperatorSet.SetRgb(_windown, Red, Green, Blue);
            catch (Exception)