///<summary>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///</summary>////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } //set death Ex becouse of Null Error // LazerBeams.eDeath = deathEX; if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.F4) && flag == false) { if (graphics.IsFullScreen == false && flag == false) { graphics.IsFullScreen = true; flag = true; graphics.HardwareModeSwitch = false; graphics.ApplyChanges(); } if (graphics.IsFullScreen == true && flag == false) { graphics.IsFullScreen = false; flag = true; Window.IsBorderless = false; graphics.ApplyChanges(); } } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyUp(Keys.F4)) { flag = false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------SET PANIC MODE------------------------// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Global.panic == false && Global.shield <= 0) { Global.shield = 0; Global.panic = true; } if (Global.shield > 0) { Global.panic = false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //----------------------SET LV SCORE BOUNDS-----------------// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Global.lvScore >= 999999) { Global.lvScore = 999999; } if (Global.lvScore <= 0) { Global.lvScore = 0; } if (Global.lvBegin == true) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //-----------------------Game States------------------------// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// switch (gameState) { case GameState.titleScreen: //TITLE SCREEN STATE if (Global.LV > 0) { gameState = GameState.play; } ts.Update(gameTime); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------RESET VALUES FOR NEXT RUN OF GAME--------// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// player.destRect = new Rectangle(64, 200, 80, 80); player.position = new Vector2(64, 200); Global.grandScore = 0; player.gmPos = new Vector2(1024, 256); player.gmTimer = 2000; Global.invincible = false; Global.panic = false; Global.GameOver = false; Global.Death = false; Global.shield = 1000; Global.lvScore = 0; EnemySpawn.timer = 0; if (Global.LV == 1) { Global.lives = 3; } EnemyManager.Clear(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// break; case GameState.play: //PLAYING THE GAME STATE if (Global.LV == 0) { gameState = GameState.titleScreen; } //--!!!!!!!--READ ME--!!!!!!!--// // RedRay.UpdateEnemies(gameTime, octonaut); //For some reason This enemy still spawns in other LVs but invisible (The player can collide and take damage with invisible enemies)// if (Global.gamePause == false) { LazerBeams.UpdateManagerLaser(gameTime, explosion); // we can fix this when we set up the wave class, so don't worry about it.// bd.Update(gameTime); if (Global.LV != 4) { octonaut.Update(gameTime); } UI.Update(gameTime); } gamePause.Update(gameTime); break; } transition.Update(gameTime); lvend.Update(gameTime); debug.Update(gameTime); base.Update(gameTime); }