public void ToggleOptions() { // Changes behaviour based what item is active // Closes dialog box on escape if (dialogBox.activeSelf) { manager.CloseBox(); } // Closes inventory on escape else if (inventory.activeSelf) { inventory.SetActive(false); } // Toggles options menu on escape else { options = !options; player.rotate = !options; optionsMenu.SetActive(options); healthBar.SetActive(!options); manaBar.SetActive(!options); hotbar.SetActive(!options); Cursor.visible = options; Cursor.lockState = (options) ? CursorLockMode.None : CursorLockMode.Locked; } }
private void AcceptQuest(BaseQuest quest) { // Disables buttons dialogManager.accept.gameObject.SetActive(false); dialogManager.decline.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Create a copy of the original quest, set it as child to the manager and set it to active var temp = Instantiate(quest, this.gameObject.transform); temp.state = BaseQuest.QuestState.Active; // Adds the new quest to list activeQuests.Add(temp); // Close dialog dialogManager.CloseBox(); }
void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other) { dMan.CloseBox(); }