 protected override void OnEquip(Creature wearer)
     if (!wearer.HasPerk <BloodMage>())
         wearer.AddPerk <BloodMage>();
        protected override void OnEquip(Creature wearer)
            if (!Ceraph.isSlave)
                if (wearer.HasPerk <CeraphFetishesPerk>())
                    CeraphFetishesPerk ceraph = wearer.GetPerkData <CeraphFetishesPerk>();
                    if (!ceraph.hasBondageFetish)
                    wearer.AddPerk(new CeraphFetishesPerk(2));

                oldPiercings = wearer.breasts[0].nipplePiercings.AsReadOnlyData();

                //give them horizontal nipple piercings on the first row (both sides), piercing them first if needed. Replace any existing piercings.
                wearer.breasts[0].nipplePiercings.EquipOrPierceAndEquip(NipplePiercingLocation.LEFT_HORIZONTAL, new CeraphNipplePiercings(), true);
                wearer.breasts[0].nipplePiercings.EquipOrPierceAndEquip(NipplePiercingLocation.RIGHT_HORIZONTAL, new CeraphNipplePiercings(), true);

            //then silently remove the armor.
            wearer.RemoveArmorManual(out _);
        protected override string OnConsumeAttempt(Creature consumer, out bool consumeItem, out bool isBadEnd)
            isBadEnd    = false;
            consumeItem = true;

            //gives you unnaturally smooth skin.
            if (consumer.body.type != BodyType.HUMANOID || (consumer.body.primarySkin.skinTexture != SkinTexture.NONDESCRIPT &&
                                                            consumer.body.primarySkin.skinTexture != SkinTexture.SMOOTH))
                BodyData oldBodyData = consumer.body.AsReadOnlyData();
                if (consumer.body.type != BodyType.HUMANOID)
                    consumer.UpdateBody(BodyType.HUMANOID, SkinTexture.SMOOTH);
                    return(RestoredBodyText(consumer, oldBodyData));

                    return(SkinBecameSmoothText(consumer, oldBodyData));
            else if ((isLarge || Utils.Rand(3) == 0) && !consumer.HasPerk <RubberySkin>())
                consumer.AddPerk <RubberySkin>();
                bool knewAboutBlackEggs = false;
                if (consumer is IExtendedCreature extended)
                    knewAboutBlackEggs = extended.extendedData.knowsAboutBlackEggs;
                    extended.extendedData.knowsAboutBlackEggs = true;
                consumer.DeltaCreatureStats(sens: 8, lus: 10, corr: 2);

                return(GainedRubberySkinPerk(consumer, knewAboutBlackEggs));
            else if (isLarge && consumer.StackPerk <RubberySkin>())
                return(StackedRubberySkinText(consumer.GetPerkData <RubberySkin>()));
                return(NothingHappenedText(consumer.HasPerk <RubberySkin>()));
        //MOD NOTE: this has been changed to work like bimbo liqueur - it will remove all vaginas and restore breasts to manly defaults if
        //the futa perk is not active.
        protected override string OnConsumeAttempt(Creature consumer, out bool consumeItem, out bool isBadEnd)
            isBadEnd = false;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //get our common bimbo/bro/futa perk store. Note that it may be null (if we don't have it).
            BimBro bimbro = consumer.GetPerkData <BimBro>();

            //intro text.

            //first check: we don't have any bro/futa/bimbo perks, because it's not in our perk list. do the standard faire.
            sb.Append(Intro(consumer, bimbro));

            if (bimbro?.hasBroEffect == true)
                (consumer as CombatCreature)?.RecoverFatigue(33);
                (consumer as CombatCreature)?.AddHPPercent(1);

            VaginaCollectionData oldVaginaCollection = consumer.genitals.allVaginas.AsReadOnlyData();

            //get taller. only occurs if the player does not already have the bro perk in any form.
            if ((bimbro is null || !bimbro.broBody) && consumer.build.heightInInches < 77)
                short delta = consumer.build.SetHeight(77);

                sb.Append(GrewTaller(consumer, delta));

            //(T**s b' gone)
            //Does not affect creature if they already have bimbo or futa perks.
            if (bimbro is null || bimbro.broBody)
                //Note: minimum cup size respects current gender. we'll need to make the creature male (or genderless) first.

                if (consumer.genitals.BiggestCupSize() >= consumer.genitals.smallestPossibleMaleCupSize)
                    BreastCollectionData oldRows = consumer.genitals.allBreasts.AsReadOnlyData();
                    consumer.RemovePerk <Feeder>();
                    bool stoppedLactation = consumer.genitals.SetLactationTo(LactationStatus.NOT_LACTATING);

                    sb.Append(ChangedBreastsText(consumer, bimbro, oldRows, stoppedLactation));

            //Body tone Flavor text. No effect on stats (yet)
            sb.Append(BecomeRippedFlavorText(consumer, bimbro));

            //Dick&balls growth. Affects all.

            //(has dick less than 10 inches)
            if (consumer.hasCock)
                bool grewBalls      = !consumer.hasBalls;
                bool lengthenedCock = false;

                if (consumer.cocks[0].length < 10)
                    lengthenedCock = true;
                    if (consumer.cocks[0].girth < 2.75)

                if (!consumer.hasBalls)
                    consumer.balls.GrowBalls(2, 3);

                sb.Append(LengthenedCock(consumer, bimbro, lengthenedCock, grewBalls));
            //(No dick)
                consumer.AddCock(CockType.defaultValue, 12, 2.75);
                bool grewBalls = false;
                if (!consumer.balls.hasBalls)
                    grewBalls = true;
                    consumer.balls.GrowBalls(2, 3);
                sb.Append(GrewCock(consumer, bimbro, grewBalls));

            //(Pussy b gone)
            //Note: only applies if consumer does not have bimbo or futa perks. also note that we already silently removed them so the breasts would resize correctly.
            //so all this does is print out the data.
            if ((bimbro is null || bimbro.broBody) && oldVaginaCollection.hasVagina)
                sb.Append(RemovedAllVaginas(consumer, oldVaginaCollection));

            //(below max masculinity)
            if ((bimbro is null || bimbro.broBody) && consumer.femininity > 0)
                FemininityData oldFem = consumer.femininity.AsReadOnlyData();
                sb.Append(consumer.ModifyFemininity(0, 100));
                sb.Append(Masculinize(consumer, bimbro is null, oldFem));

            //max tone. Thickness + 50
            //both are silent.
            consumer.build.ChangeMuscleToneToward(100, 100);
            consumer.build.ChangeThicknessToward(100, 50);

            if (consumer.intelligence > 21)
                consumer.SetIntelligence((byte)Math.Floor(Math.Max(consumer.intelligenceTrue / 5.0, 21)));
            consumer.DeltaCreatureStats(str: 33, tou: 33, inte: -1, lib: 4, lus: 40);

            sb.Append(Outro(consumer, bimbro, consumer.perks.HasPerk <Feeder>()));

            //apply the perks. this will also correct any silent data we missed.
            if (bimbro is null)
                consumer.AddPerk(new BimBro(Gender.MALE));

            ////Bonus cum production!
            //sb.Append("<b>(Bro Body - Perk Gained!)" + Environment.NewLine);
            //sb.Append("(Bro Brains - Perk Gained!)</b>" + Environment.NewLine);//int to 20. max int 50)
            //if (consumer.HasPerk<Feeder>())
            //	sb.Append("<b>(Perk Lost - Feeder!)</b>" + Environment.NewLine);
            //	consumer.RemovePerk<Feeder>();

            consumeItem = true;
        protected internal override string DoTransformation(Creature target, out bool isBadEnd)
            isBadEnd = false;

            //by default, this is 2 rolls at 50%, so a 25% chance of 0 additional tfs, 50% chance of 1 additional tf, 25% chance of 2 additional tfs.
            //also takes into consideration any perks that increase or decrease tf effectiveness. if you need to roll out your own, feel free to do so.
            int changeCount      = GenerateChangeCount(target, new int[] { 2, 2 });
            int remainingChanges = changeCount;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            //For all of these, any text regarding the transformation should be instead abstracted out as an abstract string function. append the result of this abstract function
            //to the string builder declared above (aka sb.Append(FunctionCall(variables));) string builder is just a fancy way of telling the compiler that you'll be creating a
            //long string, piece by piece, so don't do any crazy optimizations first.

            //the initial text for starting the transformation. feel free to add additional variables to this if needed.

            //Add any free changes here - these can occur even if the change count is 0. these include things such as change in stats (intelligence, etc)
            //change in height, hips, and/or butt, or other similar stats.

            //this will handle the edge case where the change count starts out as 0.
            if (remainingChanges <= 0)
                return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeCount - remainingChanges));

            //Any transformation related changes go here. these typically cost 1 change. these can be anything from body parts to gender (which technically also changes body parts,
            //but w/e). You are required to make sure you return as soon as you've applied changeCount changes, but a single line of code can be applied at the end of a change to do
            //this for you.

            //paste this line after any tf is applied, and it will: automatically decrement the remaining changes count. if it becomes 0 or less, apply the total number of changes
            //underwent to the target's change count (if applicable) and then return the StringBuilder content.
            //if (--remainingChanges <= 0) return ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeCount - remainingChanges);


            //libido up to 80
            if (target.relativeLibido < 80)
                target.DeltaCreatureStats(lib: .5 + (90 - target.libido) / 10, lus: target.libidoTrue / 2);
            //sensitivity moves towards 50
            if (target.relativeSensitivity < 50)
            else if (target.relativeSensitivity > 50)

            //Cosmetic changes based on 'goopyness'
            //Neck restore
            if (target.neck.type != NeckType.HUMANOID && Utils.Rand(4) == 0)
            //Rear body restore
            if (!target.back.isDefault && Utils.Rand(5) == 0)
            //Ovi perk loss
            if (target.womb.canRemoveOviposition && Utils.Rand(5) == 0)

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeCount - remainingChanges));
            //Remove wings and shark fin
            if (target.wings.type != WingType.NONE || target.back.type == BackType.SHARK_FIN)
                if (target.back.type == BackType.SHARK_FIN)

                WingData oldData = target.wings.AsReadOnlyData();
                sb.Append(RestoredWingsText(target, oldData));
                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeCount - remainingChanges));

            if (target.hair.type != HairType.GOO)
                //if bald
                if (target.hair.length <= 0)

                if (!Species.GOO.availableHairColors.Contains(target.hair.hairColor))
                    target.hair.SetHairColor(Species.GOO.GetRandomHairColor(), true);

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeCount - remainingChanges));
            //1.Goopy skin
            if (target.hair.type == HairType.GOO && target.body.type != BodyType.GOO)
                if (target.arms.type != ArmType.GOO)

                if (!Species.GOO.availableTones.Contains(target.body.primarySkin.tone))
                    target.UpdateBody(BodyType.GOO, Utils.RandomChoice(Species.GOO.availableTones));

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeCount - remainingChanges));
            ////1a.Make alterations to dick/vaginal/nippular descriptors to match
            //2.Goo legs
            if (target.body.type == BodyType.GOO && target.lowerBody.type != LowerBodyType.GOO)
                target.build.DecreaseHeight((byte)(3 + Utils.Rand(2)));
                if (target.build.heightInInches < 36)
                LowerBodyData oldData = target.lowerBody.AsReadOnlyData();
                sb.Append(UpdateLowerBodyText(target, oldData));

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeCount - remainingChanges));
            //3a. Grow v****a if none
            if (!target.hasVagina)
                target.genitals.AddVagina(VaginaType.defaultValue, 0.4, VaginalLooseness.GAPING, VaginalWetness.DROOLING);

                if (--remainingChanges <= 0)
                    return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeCount - remainingChanges));
            //3b.Infinite V****a
            else if (!target.HasPerk <ElasticInnards>())
                target.AddPerk <ElasticInnards>();
            else if (target.build.heightInInches < 100 && Utils.Rand(3) <= 1)
                target.DeltaCreatureStats(str: 1, tou: 1);
            //Big slime girl
            else if (!target.HasPerk <SlimeCraving>())
                target.AddPerk <SlimeCraving>();

            //this is the fallthrough that occurs when a tf item goes through all the changes, but does not proc enough of them to exit early. it will apply however many changes
            //occurred, then return the contents of the stringbuilder.
            return(ApplyChangesAndReturn(target, sb, changeCount - remainingChanges));