    //static void MakeAttackZone(Hero hero, Hero initialTarget, out List<Hero> targets, List<Hero> enemyList)
    //    targets = new List<Hero>();
    //    int place;
    //    if (initialTarget != null)
    //    {
    //        place = Mathf.Clamp(initialTarget.mySlot.myPlace, 1, 3);
    //    } else {
    //        place = Mathf.Clamp(enemyList[0].mySlot.myPlace, 1, 3);                     //default behaviour, change later to attack lowest max HP target
    //    }

    //    //make into square-shape target function
    //    TryAddTarget(AIenemies.GetSlotByCoord(1, place));
    //    TryAddTarget(AIenemies.GetSlotByCoord(2, place));
    //    ++place;
    //    TryAddTarget(AIenemies.GetSlotByCoord(1, place));
    //    TryAddTarget(AIenemies.GetSlotByCoord(2, place));

    //static void MakeBuffZone(Hero hero, Hero initialTarget, out List<Hero> targets)
    //    targets = new List<Hero>();
    //    int place = 0;
    //    if (initialTarget != null)
    //    {
    //        place = Mathf.Clamp(initialTarget.mySlot.myPlace, 1, 3);
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        Debug.LogError("unintended AI solution");
    //        return;
    //    }

    //    //make into square-shape target function


    static void CubicalTarget(BattleGrid grid, Hero initialTarget, out List <Hero> targets)
        targets = new List <Hero>();
        int place = 0;

        if (initialTarget != null)
            place = Mathf.Clamp(initialTarget.mySlot.myPlace, 1, 3);
            Debug.LogError("unintended AI solution");

        List <Slot> slots = new List <Slot>();

        slots.Add(grid.GetSlotByCoord(1, place));
        slots.Add(grid.GetSlotByCoord(2, place));
        slots.Add(grid.GetSlotByCoord(1, place));
        slots.Add(grid.GetSlotByCoord(2, place));

        ExtractSlotHeroes(slots, out targets);
    //method that handles how targets are chosen and how to visualise it
    // maybe i gotta separate visual and functional part...
    public void ChooseTargets()
        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
            lastRememberedSlot = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Slot>();

            if (currentSlot == null)
                currentSlot = lastRememberedSlot.myGrid.Slots[0];

        if (currentSlot != null && !chosenSlots.Contains(lastRememberedSlot))
            setDirection(lastRememberedSlot.myPlace, currentSlot.myPlace);

            currentGrid      = currentSlot.myGrid;
            currentSlotmaker = rulerDict[currentGrid.side];

            currentMaterial = selector.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            if (currentGrid.side == Affiliation.Ally)
                selector.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials[0].SetColor("_Color", Color.green);
            else if (currentGrid.side == Affiliation.Enemy)
                selector.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials[0].SetColor("_Color", Color.red);

            int checkPlace = Mathf.Clamp(currentSlot.myPlace, 1, 3);

            chosenSlots.Add(currentGrid.GetSlotByCoord(1, checkPlace));
            chosenSlots.Add(currentGrid.GetSlotByCoord(2, checkPlace));
            chosenSlots.Add(currentGrid.GetSlotByCoord(1, checkPlace + 1));
            chosenSlots.Add(currentGrid.GetSlotByCoord(2, checkPlace + 1));

            selector.transform.position = new Vector3(
                currentSlotmaker.lowerRuler.transform.position.x + 2 * currentSlotmaker.slotHalfWidth,
                currentSlotmaker.lowerRuler.transform.position.z + (2 * checkPlace) * currentSlotmaker.slotHalfHeight

            currentSlot = lastRememberedSlot.myGrid.GetSlotByCoord(1, currentSlot.myPlace + direction);