        public void FindShortestPath_ShouldFindShortestPath_WhenThereArePenaltiesAndObstacles()
            // Now let's make 1,1 water and block 1,2
            var graph = GraphFactory.CreateRectangularGraph(3, 3, MovementTypesFixture.GetMovementTypes(),

            graph.BlockCells(new Coordinate2D(1, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D());
            graph.SetCellsTerrainType(new Coordinate2D(1, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),

            var start = new Coordinate2D(2, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();
            var goal  = new Coordinate2D(0, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();

            // Now we have two shortest paths - 1,1, 1,0, 0,0 costs 4, since there is a penalty on 1,1
            // And 2,1, 2,0, 1,0 0,0, costs 4 too. It's 1 cell longer, but there is no penalties.
            // We are expecting to take path 1 because of the heuristics - it's leades to our goal a bit more stright.
            var expectedPath = new List <Coordinate3D>
                new Coordinate2D(1, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(1, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),

            var path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Walking);

            Assert.That(path, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void FindShortestPath_ShouldFindShortestPathWithoutObstacles()
            var graph = GraphFactory.CreateRectangularGraph(3, 3, MovementTypesFixture.GetMovementTypes(),

            // Cube coordinates are not so intuitive when it comes to visualizing them in your head, so let's use
            // offset ones and convert them to cube. Cube coordinate are used by the algorythm because it's
            // much easier to operate them when in comes to actual algorythms

            // From bottom right
            var start = new Coordinate2D(2, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();
            // To top left
            var goal = new Coordinate2D(0, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();

            var expectedPath = new List <Coordinate3D>
                // From 2, 2 we move to 1,1, which is central
                new Coordinate2D(1, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // From 1,1 we move to 1,0, since there is no direct connection between 1,1 and 0,0
                new Coordinate2D(1, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),

            // For the simplest test we assume that all cells have type ground, as well as a unit
            var path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Walking);

            Assert.That(path, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void FindShortestPath_ShouldFindShortestPathWithObstacles()
            // Now let's block center, 1,1
            var graph = GraphFactory.CreateRectangularGraph(3, 3, MovementTypesFixture.GetMovementTypes(),

            graph.BlockCells(new Coordinate2D(1, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D());

            // Same as in prevoius test
            var start = new Coordinate2D(2, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();
            var goal  = new Coordinate2D(0, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();

            var expectedPath = new List <Coordinate3D>
                // But this time we can't go to 1,1, since it's blocked. Instead, we are going to the left - 1,2 first
                new Coordinate2D(1, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // From there we can move up and right
                new Coordinate2D(0, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // And from there we can go to our final goal.

            var path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Walking);

            Assert.That(path, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));

            // Let's block 0,1 and move our starting point to bottom left
            graph.BlockCells(new Coordinate2D(0, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D());
            start = new Coordinate2D(0, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();

            expectedPath = new List <Coordinate3D>
                // Now we need to go through all corners - first let's go to the bottom right
                new Coordinate2D(1, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(2, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // Up to the top right
                new Coordinate2D(2, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(2, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // And from there we can go left until we reach our goal
                new Coordinate2D(1, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),

            path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Walking);

            Assert.That(path, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void FindShortestPath_ShouldFindShortestPath_OnAGraphWithDifferentTerrainTypes()
            // Everything is like before, but now instead of blocking 1,1 let's make it water to apply some penalties
            // to our ground moving type
            var graph = GraphFactory.CreateRectangularGraph(3, 3, MovementTypesFixture.GetMovementTypes(),

            graph.SetCellsTerrainType(new Coordinate2D(1, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
            // And we expect to achieve same result - even through 1,1 is not blocked

            var start = new Coordinate2D(2, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();
            var goal  = new Coordinate2D(0, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();

            var expectedPath = new List <Coordinate3D>
                // But this time we can't go to 1,1, since there is movement penalty. Instead, we are going to the left - 1,2 first
                new Coordinate2D(1, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // From there we can move up and right
                new Coordinate2D(0, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // And from there we can go to our final goal.

            var path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Walking);

            Assert.That(path, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));

            // Let's make 0,1 water too and move our starting point to bottom left
            graph.SetCellsTerrainType(new Coordinate2D(0, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
            start = new Coordinate2D(0, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();

            // What's different from previous test - even if 0,1 is water, if we go from the bottom left
            // to the top left - go through water still we preferable - path length will be only two cells, but because
            // of penalty it'll cost 3 movement point. Going through all corners will take 6 points - 6 cells, 1 point each.
            expectedPath = new List <Coordinate3D>
                // Going up to the water
                new Coordinate2D(0, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),

            path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Walking);

            Assert.That(path, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void FindShortestPathShouldReturnAnEmptyList_WhenNoPathFound()
            // There's no connection between (0,1) and (2,5)
            var graph = new Graph(new List <CellState>
                new CellState(false, new Coordinate2D(0, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight), MovementTypesFixture.Ground),
                new CellState(false, new Coordinate2D(0, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight), MovementTypesFixture.Ground),
                new CellState(false, new Coordinate2D(0, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight), MovementTypesFixture.Ground),
                new CellState(false, new Coordinate2D(1, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight), MovementTypesFixture.Ground),
                new CellState(false, new Coordinate2D(1, 1, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight), MovementTypesFixture.Ground),
                new CellState(false, new Coordinate2D(2, 5, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight), MovementTypesFixture.Ground)
            }, MovementTypesFixture.GetMovementTypes());

            var start = new Coordinate2D(0, 0, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();
            var goal  = new Coordinate2D(2, 5, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();

            var path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Walking);

            Assert.That(path, Is.Empty);
        public void FindShortestPath_ShouldFindShortestPathOnBiggerGraph()
            // This test wouldn't be that different from previous ones, except size of the graph
            var graph = GraphFactory.CreateRectangularGraph(7, 10, MovementTypesFixture.GetMovementTypes(),

            // First, let's do simple test - from 5,6 to 1,2 without obstacles
            var start = new Coordinate2D(5, 6, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();
            var goal  = new Coordinate2D(1, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D();

            // We expect algo to go up by diagonal and then turn left
            var expectedPath = new List <Coordinate3D>
                // Go up and left
                new Coordinate2D(4, 5, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(4, 4, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(3, 3, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(3, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // And now just left until the goal is reached
                new Coordinate2D(2, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),

            var path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Walking);

            Assert.That(path, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));

            // Good! Now let's block some of them, and also let's add a lake in the middle.
            graph.BlockCells(Coordinate2D.To3D(new List <Coordinate2D>
                new Coordinate2D(4, 6, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight),
                new Coordinate2D(4, 5, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight),
                new Coordinate2D(4, 7, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight),
                new Coordinate2D(5, 5, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight)
            graph.SetCellsTerrainType(Coordinate2D.To3D(new List <Coordinate2D>
                new Coordinate2D(4, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight),
                new Coordinate2D(3, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight),
                new Coordinate2D(2, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight),
                new Coordinate2D(1, 3, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight),
                new Coordinate2D(2, 3, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight),
                new Coordinate2D(3, 3, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight)
            }), MovementTypesFixture.Water);

            expectedPath = new List <Coordinate3D>
                // Avoiding obstacles
                new Coordinate2D(6, 6, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(6, 5, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(6, 4, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // Going parallel to the bank
                new Coordinate2D(5, 4, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(4, 4, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(3, 4, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(2, 4, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // Now we are going to cross the water, since it's shortest available solution from this point
                new Coordinate2D(1, 3, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // And we are here.

            path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Walking);

            Assert.That(path, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));

            // Now let's check water movement type - it should prefer going through the water rather than the ground
            path = AStarSearch.FindShortestPath(graph, start, goal, MovementTypesFixture.Swimming);

            expectedPath = new List <Coordinate3D>
                // Avoiding obstacles
                new Coordinate2D(6, 6, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(6, 5, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(6, 4, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // Head right to the water
                new Coordinate2D(5, 3, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(5, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // Swim
                new Coordinate2D(4, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(3, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                new Coordinate2D(2, 2, OffsetTypes.OddRowsRight).To3D(),
                // And we are here.

            Assert.That(path, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));