public void ValidateCumulativeDistribution(double location, double scale, double dof, double x, double p)
            var dist = new StudentT(location, scale, dof);

            Assert.That(dist.CumulativeDistribution(x), Is.EqualTo(p).Within(1e-13));
            Assert.That(StudentT.CDF(location, scale, dof, x), Is.EqualTo(p).Within(1e-13));
Пример #2
        public Vector <double> PValues()
            Vector <double> result = TStatistics();
            int             df     = intercept ? N - k - 1 : N - k;

            result.PointwiseAbs().Map(t => 2 * (1 - StudentT.CDF(0, 1, df, t)), result);
Пример #3
 //[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")]
 public static double TDist(double x, int degreesFreedom, int tails)
     switch (tails)
         case 1:
             return 1d - StudentT.CDF(0d, 1d, degreesFreedom, x);
         case 2:
             return 1d - StudentT.CDF(0d, 1d, degreesFreedom, x) + StudentT.CDF(0d, 1d, degreesFreedom, -x);
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tails");
Пример #4
 public static double GetPValue(double tScore, double df)
     return(2.0D * (1 - StudentT.CDF(0.0, 1.0, df, Math.Abs(tScore))));
Пример #5
        // Perform the Augmented Dickey Fuller Test on a timeseries with a given number of lags
        public float ADF(float[] values, int lag = 1)
            // To keep the regression feasable in terms of the proportion of features and observations, the lag will be restricted to the squareroot of all observations
            // This relation was arbitrarly choosen and could be changed -> however a decreasing growth rate for the lag in the number of observations, is desirable for run time efficiency and computational precision
            if (lag > Math.Sqrt(values.Length))
                lag = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt(values.Length));
            }                                                                                        // A warning could be added

            // The reasoning of the following code follows the ADF as described here:
            // The ADF performs a regresssion where the Dependent variable y_delta is regressed on the lag one of y_t and multiple lags of the differenced timeseries
            // First calculate the set of dependent variables
            double[] getYDifferences()
                double[] results = new double[values.Length - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
                    results[i] = (double)values[i + 1] - values[i];
            double[] YDifferences = getYDifferences();
            // Because the ADF requires YDifferences to be regressed on its own lags (p), the number dependent variables for the observation are actually YDifferences.Lenght - lag
            int length = YDifferences.Length - lag;

            // alpha will be generated by allowing the regression to have an intercept, the other parameters are defined in the lines below

            // beta is defined as being the coefficient of t, thus the regression will require a count variable for the observatins
            int[] t_values = Enumerable.Range(0, length).ToArray();

            // The regression requires the last <length> observations of y_t with lag one, this is the parameter whose coefficient will be used to create the test statistic
            float[] y_1 = new float[length];
            Array.Copy(values, lag, y_1, 0, length); // lag does not need to be corrected by -1 as the YDifferences are calculated looking forward

            // define a function to get the differences in yDifferences with the desired shift -> shift 0 yields the dependent variable
            double[] YDifferencesWithLag(int shift)
                double[] yDiff = new double[length];
                Array.Copy(YDifferences, lag - shift, yDiff, 0, length);

            // Y_t - Y_{t-1}-> the dependent variable of the regression
            var y = DenseVector.OfArray(YDifferencesWithLag(0));

            // define a matrix with the lagged YDifferences, as features, a constant to facilitate an intercept in the regresion is added by the regressionmodel
            var x_values = new Vector <double> [lag + 2]; // plus 2 for  t_values and y_1

            x_values[0] = new DenseVector(t_values.Select(i => Convert.ToDouble(i)).ToArray());
            x_values[1] = new DenseVector(y_1.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray());

            // Fill the columns of the matrix with the lagged timeseries values (lag is increasing -> i)
            for (int i = 0; i < lag; i++)
                float[] ydiff_t_i = new float[length];
                Array.Copy(values, lag - (i + 1), ydiff_t_i, 0, length);
                x_values[i + 2] = new DenseVector(Array.ConvertAll(ydiff_t_i, v => (double)v));
            var x = DenseMatrix.OfColumns(x_values);
            // Perform a regression
            var rm = new MultipleRegressionModel();

            rm.Fit(y, x);
            // return the p-Value for the Intercept

            float testStatistic = (float)(((float)rm.betas.ToArray()[2]) / Math.Sqrt(rm.VarSEbyJ(2))); // cf. for ADF statistic with mutliple regressors (not shown in the link above)

            return((float)(StudentT.CDF(0, 1, length - x.ColumnCount, testStatistic)));                // The test is a onesided, testing for t-values beyond the critical threshold -> a sufficiently low CDF value here implies stationarity
Пример #6
 static double tdistOneTail(double x, int degreesOfFreedom)
     return(1 - StudentT.CDF(0, 1, degreesOfFreedom, x));