public override void Act(NPCAI npc, Scannable target) { NavMeshAgent agent = npc.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); //Debug.Log("isStopped" + agent.isStopped); IsMoving = !agent.isStopped; }
[SerializeField] TargetFilter[] filters; //Filter criteria, all of which must be met for a target to be considered valid. /// <summary> /// Filter out any invalid targets, and then, if there are any valid targets, return one based on the selection criteria. /// </summary> /// <param name="targets"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Scannable FilterAndSelect(ICollection <Scannable> targets, NPCAI npc) { //Filter targets based on given filter. List <Scannable> validTargets = new List <Scannable>(); foreach (Scannable target in targets) { //The target must pass all filters to be considered valid. bool targetValid = true; foreach (TargetFilter filter in filters) { if (!filter.IsValidTarget(target, npc)) { //As soon as a target fails a filter, there is no point in continuing. targetValid = false; break; } } if (targetValid) { validTargets.Add(target); } } if (validTargets.Count == 0) { return(null); } else { return(SelectTarget(validTargets, npc)); } }
public override void Act(NPCAI npc, Scannable target) { //Move towrds the target on the x and z axes, but not the y axis. Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(target.transform.position.x, npc.transform.position.y, target.transform.position.z); MoveNPCTowardsPosition(npc, targetPosition, movementSpeed, turnSpeed); }
void Awake() { RustAI = GetComponent <NPCAI>(); RustAI.ServerDestroy(); RustMetabolism = GetComponent <NPCMetabolism>(); Base = GetComponent <BaseNPC>(); lastTick = Time.time; targetpoint =; action = Act.None; hungerLose = RustMetabolism.calories.max * 2 / 12000; thristyLose = RustMetabolism.hydration.max * 3 / 12000; sleepLose = RustMetabolism.sleep.max / 12000; inventory = new ItemContainer(); inventory.ServerInitialize(null, 6); Base.enableSaving = false; BaseEntity.saveList.Remove(Base); Base.InitializeHealth( * HealthModificator, Base.MaxHealth() * HealthModificator); Base.locomotion.gallopSpeed *= SpeedModificator; Base.locomotion.trotSpeed *= SpeedModificator; Base.locomotion.acceleration *= SpeedModificator; }
public void ShootInPlayer_InViewScope_Success() { //Arrange var player = new PlayerBody(new ShapeCircle(2, new Point(10, 10)), new Vector(0, 0), null, null, 0, 0, "Bob", 100, 1); var viewPort = Substitute.For <IActiveBodyEyesight>(); viewPort.GetFrame(Arg.Any <Guid>(), Arg.Any <IMapTile>()).Returns(v => new ViewFrame() { Bodies = new List <Body> { player } }); var mechanicEngine = Substitute.For <IMechanicEngine>(); mechanicEngine.ViewPort.Returns(v => viewPort); var weapon = Substitute.For <WeaponBase>(10, 100, mechanicEngine, "Gun"); var npc = new NPCAI(new ShapeCircle(2, new Point(20, 20)), mechanicEngine, 10, 10, 100, 1); npc.AddWeapon(weapon); //Act npc.UpdateState(); //Assert weapon.Received().Shoot(Arg.Any <Point>(), Arg.Any <Vector>(), npc.Id); }
IEnumerator SetupBattle() { //set up enemy and enemy AI // GameObject enemyGO = Instantiate(enemyPrefab); GameObject enemyGO = enemyPrefab; enemy = enemyGO.GetComponent <NPC>(); enemyAI = enemyGO.GetComponent <NPCAI>(); //display starting message dialogueBox.gameObject.SetActive(true); dialogueText.text = "A monster approaches."; //set HUDs enemyHUD.SetEnemyHUD(enemy); playerHUD.SetPlayerHUD(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); dialogueText.text = "What will you do?"; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); dialogueBox.gameObject.SetActive(false); //start the battle, move to player turn state = BattleState.PLAYERTURN; PlayerTurn(); }
public WorkDesire(NPCAI pAI, NPC pNPC) { base.currentDegree = 60f; base.maxDegree = 100f; base.owner = pAI; myMaster = pNPC; }
public static void FightRoutine(NPCProto npc) { //Draw Weapon: NPCAI ai = npc.getAI(); NPCProto enemy = ai.EnemyList.First.Value; npc.readyBestWeapon(enemy); if (enemy.HP == 0) { ai.EnemyList.Remove(enemy); npc.standAnim(); npc.unreadyWeapon(); return; } else if ((enemy.Position - npc.Position).Length > 3000)//Stop running! { ai.EnemyList.Remove(enemy); npc.standAnim(); npc.unreadyWeapon(); return; } if (npc.getAI().FightStates.First != null) { npc.getAI().FightStates.First.Value.update(); return; } npc.turnToPosition(enemy.Position); if (rand.NextDouble() > 0.5) { npc.getAI().FightStates.AddLast(new AnimState(npc, "T_FISTPARADEJUMPB")); npc.getAI().FightStates.AddLast(new WaitState(npc, 10000 * 100)); } if (npc.Position.getDistance(enemy.Position) > npc.getAttackRange()) { npc.getAI().FightStates.AddLast(new GotoState(npc, enemy, npc.getAttackRange())); } else { npc.getAI().FightStates.AddLast(new AnimState(npc, npc.getFightRunAnimation())); npc.getAI().FightStates.AddLast(new DamageState(npc, enemy)); npc.getAI().FightStates.AddLast(new WaitState(npc, 10000 * 200)); } //if (npc.gotoPosition(enemy.Position, 200)) //{ // npc.standAnim(); // npc.playAnimation(npc.getFightAnimation()); //} }
public static void MoveNPCTowardsPosition(NPCAI npc, Vector3 targetPosition, float movementSpeed, float turnSpeed) { //Move the npc a step towards the target. npc.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(npc.transform.position, targetPosition, movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime); //Turn the npc towards the target. TurnTowards.Turn(targetPosition, npc.transform, turnSpeed); }
public override void Plan(NPCAI npc, Scannable target) { // Find the furtherest point you can get to for adjustmentDirections evenly distributed directions around a circle, if you try to travel //target distance in that direction. Vector3[] points = new Vector3[adjustmentDirections]; float angleSteps = 360f / adjustmentDirections; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { //Raycast in each direction around the circle. Vector3 currentDirection = Quaternion.Euler(0, angleSteps * i, 0) * Vector3.forward; Ray ray = new Ray(npc.transform.position, currentDirection); RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, targetDistance); //Find closest hit for each direction. if (hits.Length <= 0) { //If there were no hits, the NPC can move target distance in the current direction. points[i] = ray.GetPoint(targetDistance); continue; } else { //If there were hits, find the closest. Vector3 closestHitPoint = hits[0].point; for (int j = 1; j < hits.Length; j++) { float distanceToClosestPoint = Vector3.Distance(closestHitPoint, npc.transform.position); float distanceToCurrentPoint = Vector3.Distance(hits[j].point, npc.transform.position); if (distanceToCurrentPoint < distanceToClosestPoint) { closestHitPoint = hits[j].point; } } points[i] = closestHitPoint; } } //Find furthest point from target - that is the target point. Vector3 furtherestPointFromTarget = points[0]; for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++) { float distanceBetweenFurthestPointAndTarget = Vector3.Distance(furtherestPointFromTarget, target.transform.position); float distanceBetweenCurrentPointAndTarget = Vector3.Distance(points[i], target.transform.position); if (distanceBetweenCurrentPointAndTarget > distanceBetweenFurthestPointAndTarget) { furtherestPointFromTarget = points[i]; } } targetPosition = furtherestPointFromTarget; }
void Awake() { Options = GameObject.Find("Options").GetComponent <PanelScript>(); Speech = GameObject.Find("DialoguePanel").GetComponent <PanelScript>(); NameText = GameObject.Find("Name").GetComponent <Text>(); DialogueText = GameObject.Find("Dialogue").GetComponent <Text>(); nPCAI = GameObject.Find("NPC").GetComponent <NPCAI>(); playerNav = GameObject.Find("PlayerNav").GetComponent <Image>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { nameText = GameObject.Find("Name").GetComponent <Text>(); dialogueText = GameObject.Find("Dialogue").GetComponent <Text>(); //options = GameObject.Find("Options").GetComponent<PanelScript>(); display = GameObject.Find("DialoguePanel").GetComponent <PanelScript>(); nPCAI = GameObject.Find("NPC").GetComponent <NPCAI>(); //playerNav = GameObject.Find("PlayerNav").GetComponent<Image>(); player = GameObject.Find("PlayerController").GetComponent <SMPlayerStats>(); }
void Awake() { AI = GetComponent <NPCAI>(); NPC = GetComponent <BaseNPC>(); Metabolism = GetComponent <NPCMetabolism>(); isAttacking = false; Target = null; NPC.state = BaseNPC.State.Normal; NPC.enableSaving = false; BaseEntity.saveList.Remove(NPC); }
public override void Cease(NPCAI npc, Scannable target) { NavMeshAgent agent = npc.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); if (agent == null) { throw new System.Exception( + " is trying to use the NavigateTowards behavour without having a NavMeshAgent"); } agent.ResetPath(); }
private void Start() { movement = GetComponent <NPCMovement>(); combat = GetComponent <EnemyCombat>(); ai = GetComponent <NPCAI>(); // spawnPoint = transform.position; spawnPoint = transform.localPosition; curState = EnemyStates.Wandering; }
private void SetAttackTarget(NPCAI npc, GameObject target) { AttackAnimationEventHandler handler = npc.GetComponent <AttackAnimationEventHandler>(); if (handler == null) { throw new System.Exception("The npc " + + " does not have an AttackAnimationEventHandler attatched."); } = target; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the NavMeshAgent destination to the position of the target, if it exists. /// </summary> /// <param name="npc"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> private void NaviagteTowardsTarget(NPCAI npc, Scannable target) { NavMeshAgent agent = npc.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); if (agent == null) { throw new System.Exception( + " is trying to use the NavigateTowards behavour without having a NavMeshAgent"); } agent.speed = moveSpeed; agent.SetDestination(target.transform.position); }
void Start() { root = gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject; /*if (root.GetComponent<AntAI>()) * { * AntScript = root.GetComponent<AntAI>(); * whichScript = 1; * } * else if (root.GetComponent<DemigodAI>()) * { * DemigodScript = root.GetComponent<DemigodAI>(); * whichScript = 2; * } * else if (root.GetComponent<MinotaurAI>()) * { * MinotaurScript = root.GetComponent<MinotaurAI>(); * whichScript = 3; * } * else if (root.GetComponent<MedusaAI>()) * { * MedusaScript = root.GetComponent<MedusaAI>(); * whichScript = 4; * } * else if (root.GetComponent<PlayerHealth>()) * { * PlayerScript = root.GetComponent<PlayerHealth>(); * whichScript = 5; * } * else if (root.GetComponent<ChimeraAI>()) * { * ChimeraScript = root.GetComponent<ChimeraAI>(); * whichScript = 6; * } * else if (root.GetComponent<CTFCamperAI>()) * { * CTFScript = root.GetComponent<CTFCamperAI>(); * whichScript = 7; * }*/ if (root.GetComponent <NPCAI>()) { AIScript = root.GetComponent <NPCAI>();//Means this script is attached to an NPC instead of the player onPlayer = false; } else if (root.GetComponent <PlayerHealth>()) { PlayerScript = root.GetComponent <PlayerHealth>();//This script is attached to a player onPlayer = true; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (activeNPC != null) { if (activeAI == null) { activeAI = activeNPC.GetComponent <NPCAI>(); } Debug.Log(activeAI.getDisplay(state)); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { state += 1; } } }
public override void Plan(NPCAI npc, Scannable target) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(npc.transform.position, target.transform.position); //if scary thing is within avoid set new path directly away from scary thing if (distance < avoidDistance) { Vector3 dirToScare = npc.transform.position - target.transform.position; agent = npc.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); agent.speed = moveSpeed; agent.SetDestination(npc.transform.position + dirToScare); } }
public static void OnDamage(NPCProto npc, NPCProto victim, NPCProto attacker, int damage, bool dropUnconscious, bool dropDead) { NPCAI ai = victim.getAI(); if (victim.HP == 0) { victim.standAnim(); victim.playAnimation("S_DEADB"); return; } if (attacker == null) { return; } ai.addEnemy(attacker); }
public IEnumerator MoveToTarget(LivingEntity target, NPCAI npc) { while (true) { float targetDistance = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position); if (targetDistance <= npc.ProperRange) { break; } float directionX = Mathf.Sign((target.transform.position - transform.position).x); input = new Vector2(directionX, 0); yield return(null); } input =; }
void NPC01Init() { NPCAI ai = NPC01.GetComponent <NPCAI>(); ai.addNPCState(); //add empty state 0 ai.setNPCState(0, 0, "This is the forst state.", null, .5f); ai.setNPCState(0, 1, "This is the first target state.", null, .5f); ai.setNPCState(0, 2, "This is the Second target state.", null, .5f); ai.setNPCState(0, 3, "This is the third target state.", null, .5f); ai.setNPCState(0, 4, "This is the fourth target state.", null, .5f); ai.addNPCState(); //add empty state 1 ai.setNPCState(1, 0, "his is the first target state.", null, .5f); ai.setNPCState(1, 1, "This is the first target state.", null, .5f); ai.setNPCState(1, 2, "This is the Second target state.", null, .5f); ai.setNPCState(1, 3, "This is the third target state.", null, .5f); ai.setNPCState(1, 4, "This is the fourth target state.", null, .5f); }
public override bool IsValidTarget(Scannable target, NPCAI npc) { //Find where the target and NPC are on the NavMesh. NavMeshHit npcPosition; NavMeshHit targetPosition; NavMesh.SamplePosition(npc.transform.position, out npcPosition, POINT_TOLERANCE, NavMesh.AllAreas); NavMesh.SamplePosition(target.transform.position, out targetPosition, POINT_TOLERANCE, NavMesh.AllAreas); if (targetPosition.position.Equals(new Vector3(Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity, Mathf.Infinity))) { return(false); } //Try to find a path between the two points and return whether is is successful. NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath(); NavMesh.CalculatePath(npcPosition.position, targetPosition.position, NavMesh.AllAreas, path); return(path.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete); }
public override bool PreAI() { NPCs.NPCAI.ExtraNPCAction action = delegate() { if ((npc.velocity.Y == 0 && Math.Abs((float)(npc.position.X + (npc.width / 2) - (Main.player[].position.X + (Main.player[].width / 2)))) < 160 && Math.Abs((float)(npc.position.Y + (npc.height / 2) - (Main.player[].position.Y + (Main.player[].height / 2)))) < 50.0 && (npc.direction > 0 && npc.velocity.X >= 1 || npc.direction < 0 && npc.velocity.X <= -1))) { npc.velocity.X = npc.velocity.X * 4f; if ((double)npc.velocity.X > 5) { npc.velocity.X = 5f; } if ((double)npc.velocity.X < -5) { npc.velocity.X = -5f; } npc.velocity.Y = -4f; npc.netUpdate = true; } }; NPCAI.FighterAI(npc.whoAmI, 5, 0.2F, null, action); return(false); }
public static void OnAssessTarget(NPCProto npc, NPCProto target) { NPCAI ai = npc.getAI(); //Check if target is Enemy and call AssessEnemy: if (npc.getAttitudeToGuild(target.getGuild()) == Enumeration.GuildsAttitude.HOSTILE && target.HP != 0 && !target.isUnconscious && ai.AssessEnemyRoutine != null) { if (ai.AssessWarnRoutine != null) { } else { ai.AssessEnemyRoutine(npc, target); } } if (target.HP == 0 && ai.AssessBodyRoutine != null) { ai.AssessBodyRoutine(npc, target); } }
public static void OnDamage(NPCProto npc, NPCProto victim, NPCProto attacker, int damage, bool dropUnconscious, bool dropDead) { NPCAI ai = npc.getAI(); if (victim.HP != 0) { if (npc.getAttitudeToGuild(victim.getGuild()) == Enumeration.GuildsAttitude.FRIENDLY && npc.getAttitudeToGuild(attacker.getGuild()) != Enumeration.GuildsAttitude.FRIENDLY) { ai.addEnemy(attacker); } else if (npc.getAttitudeToGuild(attacker.getGuild()) == Enumeration.GuildsAttitude.FRIENDLY && npc.getAttitudeToGuild(victim.getGuild()) != Enumeration.GuildsAttitude.FRIENDLY) { ai.addEnemy(victim); } } else if (ai.AssessBodyRoutine != null) { ai.AssessBodyRoutine(npc, victim); } }
public override Scannable SelectTarget(ICollection <Scannable> targets, NPCAI npc) { Scannable nearestScannable = null; foreach (Scannable target in targets) { //To begin with, set the nearest scannable to the first item in scannables. if (nearestScannable == null) { nearestScannable = target; continue; } float distanceToCurrent = Vector3.Distance(npc.transform.position, target.transform.position); float distanceToNearest = Vector3.Distance(npc.transform.position, nearestScannable.transform.position); if (distanceToCurrent < distanceToNearest) { nearestScannable = target; } } return(nearestScannable); }
public override void Plan(NPCAI npc, Scannable target) { }
public override void Cease(NPCAI npc, Scannable target) { }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>(); npcai = GetComponent<NPCAI>(); }