/* * If rescueOperationInProgess is true, this script will detect the closest teammate that is in Jail */ public void FindNearestTeammate() { if (rescueOperationInProgress) { if (ld.isBlue) { ld.navTarget = battleInfo.GetClosest(battleInfo.bluePrisoners, transform.position).transform.position; } else { ld.navTarget = battleInfo.GetClosest(battleInfo.redPrisoners, transform.position).transform.position; } } }
public void GetClosestInvader() { if (ld.isBlue) { if (battleInfo.redInvaders.Count > 0) { target = battleInfo.GetClosest(battleInfo.redInvaders, transform.position); if (target != null) { hasTarget = true; } else { hasTarget = false; } } else { hasTarget = false; } } else { if (battleInfo.blueInvaders.Count > 0) { target = battleInfo.GetClosest(battleInfo.blueInvaders, transform.position); if (target != null) { hasTarget = true; } else { hasTarget = false; } } else { hasTarget = false; } } }