Exemplo n.º 1
    public TerrainFace(ShapeGenerator shapeGenerator, Mesh mesh, int resolution, Vector3 localUp)
        this.shapeGenerator = shapeGenerator;
        this.mesh           = mesh;
        this.resolution     = resolution;
        this.localUp        = localUp;

        axisA = new Vector3(localUp.y, localUp.z, localUp.x);
        axisB = Vector3.Cross(localUp, axisA);
        /// <summary>Calcule distance minimum entre les deux droites</summary>
        public static float Dist(Line x, Line y)
            Point n = Point.Cross(x.direction.normalized, y.direction.normalized);

            if (n.magnitude == 0) // if parallel
                return(Dist(x, y.origin));
            return(Mathf.Abs(Point.Dot(n.normalized, (y.origin - x.origin))));
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void _getMarbleAxis(out Vector3 sideDir, out Vector3 motionDir, out Vector3 upDir)
        var m = Quaternion.Euler(CameraY, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Euler(0, CameraX, 0);

        upDir     = -GravityDir;
        motionDir = m * _forwards;
        sideDir   = Vector3.Cross(motionDir, upDir);
        motionDir = Vector3.Cross(upDir, sideDir);
Exemplo n.º 4
    //calculates a vector that is facing forward but propduces an angular velocity around the middle of the swarm
    private Vector3 CalculateVortexingVelocity()
        Vector3 _vecFromMiddle = transform.position - _vortexMiddle;
        Vector3 output         = Vector3.Cross(_vecFromMiddle.normalized, _rb.velocity.normalized) * _vortexLevel;

        if (slythTraits.showVortexingVector)
            Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, output, Color.magenta);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /** True if the matrix will reverse orientations of faces.
         * Scaling by a negative value along an odd number of axes will reverse
         * the orientation of e.g faces on a mesh. This must be counter adjusted
         * by for example the recast rasterization system to be able to handle
         * meshes with negative scales properly.
         * We can find out if they are flipped by finding out how the signed
         * volume of a unit cube is transformed when applying the matrix
         * If the (signed) volume turns out to be negative
         * that also means that the orientation of it has been reversed.
         * \see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_(geometry)
         * \see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallelepiped
        public static bool ReversesFaceOrientations(Matrix4x4 matrix)
            var dX = matrix.MultiplyVector(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
            var dY = matrix.MultiplyVector(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
            var dZ = matrix.MultiplyVector(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));

            // Calculate the signed volume of the parallelepiped
            var volume = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(dX, dY), dZ);

            return(volume < 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
    private bool CheckCollision(ParticleCollider particleCollider, Vector3 position, float radius, out Vector3 penetrationNormal, out Vector3 penetrationPosition, out float penetrationLength)
        Vector3 colliderProjection = particleCollider.Position - position;

        penetrationNormal   = Vector3.Cross(particleCollider.Right, particleCollider.Up);
        penetrationLength   = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(colliderProjection, penetrationNormal)) - (radius / 2.0f);
        penetrationPosition = particleCollider.Position - colliderProjection;

        return(penetrationLength < 0.0f &&
               Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(colliderProjection, particleCollider.Right)) < particleCollider.Scale.x &&
               Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(colliderProjection, particleCollider.Up)) < particleCollider.Scale.y);
 public void UpdateSliceNormal()
     sliceNormal = Vector3.Cross(WorldNormal(), atom.transform.position - atom.molecularParent.transform.position);
     if (sliceNormal.sqrMagnitude == 0)
         sliceNormal = Vector3.Cross(WorldNormal(), Vector3.right);
     if (sliceNormal.sqrMagnitude == 0)
         sliceNormal = Vector3.Cross(WorldNormal(), Vector3.up);
Exemplo n.º 8
    private Vector3 EPA_2D(Prism prismA, Prism prismB)
        var n = pointList.Count();

        var minDist  = float.MaxValue;
        var prevDist = 0f;

        Tuple <Vector3, Vector3> closestSide = null;
        Vector3 support = Vector3.zero;
        var     normal  = Vector3.zero;

        List <Tuple <Vector3, Vector3> > simplex = new List <Tuple <Vector3, Vector3> >();

        for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
            simplex.Add(new Tuple <Vector3, Vector3>(pointList[i], pointList[(i + 1) % n]));

        while (Mathf.Abs(prevDist - minDist) > 0.01f)
            // DrawSimplex(simplex);
            prevDist = minDist;
            foreach (var side in simplex)
                float distanceFromOrigin = Vector3.Cross(side.Item2 - side.Item1, -side.Item1).magnitude;
                if (distanceFromOrigin < minDist)
                    minDist     = distanceFromOrigin;
                    closestSide = side;

            // find normal to this vector in the outward direction (away from origin)
            var direction = closestSide.Item2 - closestSide.Item1;
            normal = new Vector3(-direction.z, 0f, direction.x);
            if (Vector3.Dot(normal, -closestSide.Item1) > 0)
                normal = -normal;

            // find support point on minkowski in the direction of this normal vector
            support = getSupport(prismA, prismB, normal);

            // remove this side from from the list and add the two new sides in the list
            simplex.Add(new Tuple <Vector3, Vector3>(closestSide.Item1, support - closestSide.Item1));
            simplex.Add(new Tuple <Vector3, Vector3>(support, closestSide.Item2));
        // Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, support, Color.yellow,UPDATE_RATE);
Exemplo n.º 9
    void AdjustVelocity()
        float   acceleration, speed;
        Vector3 xAxis, zAxis;

        if (Climbing)
            acceleration = maxClimbAcceleration;
            speed        = maxClimbSpeed;
            xAxis        = Vector3.Cross(contactNormal, upAxis);
            zAxis        = upAxis;
        else if (InWater)
            float swimFactor = Mathf.Min(1f, submergence / swimThreshold);
            acceleration = Mathf.LerpUnclamped(OnGround ? maxAcceleration : maxAirAcceleration,
                                               maxSwimAcceleration, swimFactor);
            speed = Mathf.LerpUnclamped(maxSpeed, maxSwimSpeed, swimFactor);
            xAxis = rightAxis;
            zAxis = forwardAxis;
            acceleration = OnGround ? maxAcceleration : maxAirAcceleration;
            speed        = OnGround && desiresClimbing ? maxClimbSpeed : maxSpeed;
            xAxis        = rightAxis;
            zAxis        = forwardAxis;

        float maxSpeedChange = acceleration * Time.deltaTime;

        xAxis = ProjectOnContactPlane(xAxis, contactNormal);
        zAxis = ProjectOnContactPlane(zAxis, contactNormal);

        Vector3 relativeVelocity = velocity - connectionVelocity;
        float   currentX         = Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity, xAxis);
        float   currentZ         = Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity, zAxis);

        float newX = Mathf.MoveTowards(currentX, playerInput.x * speed, maxSpeedChange);
        float newZ = Mathf.MoveTowards(currentZ, playerInput.y * speed, maxSpeedChange);

        velocity += xAxis * (newX - currentX) + zAxis * (newZ - currentZ);

        if (Swimming)
            float currentY = Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity, upAxis);
            float newY     = Mathf.MoveTowards(currentY, playerInput.z * speed, maxSpeedChange);
            velocity += upAxis * (newY - currentY);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private Vector3 VertexOfCircleEvent(CircleEvent circle, float angle)
            var a = circle.LeftArc.Site.Position.ToUnityVector3();
            var b = circle.MiddleArc.Site.Position.ToUnityVector3();
            var c = circle.RightArc.Site.Position.ToUnityVector3();

            var n = Vector3.Cross(a - b, c - b).normalized;

            var s = a - Vector3.Dot(a, n) * n;
            var t = Vector3.Cross(s, n);

            var vertex = Vector3.Dot(a, n) * n + Mathf.Cos(angle) * s + Mathf.Sin(angle) * t;

Exemplo n.º 11
    static private float Angle(Vector3 pos1, Vector3 pos2)
        Vector3 from = pos2 - pos1;
        Vector3 to   = new Vector3(1, 0);

        float   result = Vector3.Angle(from, to);
        Vector3 cross  = Vector3.Cross(from, to);

        if (cross.z > 0)
            result = 360f - result;

    private List <Vector3> calculateSurfaceNormals()
        List <Vector3> surfaceNormals = new List <Vector3>();

        for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i += 3)
            Vector3 v0            = vertices[triangles[i]] - vertices[triangles[i + 2]];
            Vector3 v1            = vertices[triangles[i + 1]] - vertices[triangles[i + 2]];
            Vector3 surfaceNormal = Vector3.Cross(v0, v1);

Exemplo n.º 13
        private static IEnumerable <Vector3> VerticesInEdge(Vertex origin, Vertex destination)
            var originVector      = origin.Position.ToUnityVector3();
            var destinationVector = destination.Position.ToUnityVector3();

            if (originVector == destinationVector || Vector3.Cross(originVector, destinationVector) != new Vector3(0, 0, 0))
                return(DrawingUtilities.VerticesOnGeodesic(originVector, destinationVector, NumberOfVerticesPerEdge));
                var commonSites = origin.Sites.Intersect(destination.Sites).ToList();
                var normal      = -(commonSites.First().Position.ToUnityVector3() - commonSites.Last().Position.ToUnityVector3()).normalized;
                return(DrawingUtilities.VerticesOnHalfOfGreatCircle(originVector, normal, NumberOfVerticesPerEdge));
Exemplo n.º 14
            public override void GetPath(Turn turn, List <Vector3> output)
                AddCircleSegment(gamma1, gamma2, clockwise, circleCenter, output, (circleCenter - current).magnitude);

                normal = (current - circleCenter).normalized;
                t2     = Vector3.Cross(normal, Vector3.up).normalized;
                normal = -normal;

                if (!clockwise)
                    t2     = -t2;
                    normal = -normal;

                changedPreviousTangent = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static bool PointInTriangle(Vector3 pnt, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
            a -= pnt;
            b -= pnt;
            c -= pnt;
            Vector3 bc = Vector3.Cross(b, c);
            Vector3 ca = Vector3.Cross(c, a);

            if (Vector3.Dot(bc, ca) < 0.0)
            Vector3 ab = Vector3.Cross(a, b);

            return(Vector3.Dot(bc, ab) >= 0.0);
Exemplo n.º 16
    private bool _computeMoveForces(Vector3 angVelocity, out Vector3 torque, out Vector3 targetAngVel)
        torque       = Vector3.zero;
        targetAngVel = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 relGravity  = -GravityDir * Radius;
        Vector3 topVelocity = Vector3.Cross(angVelocity, relGravity);

        _getMarbleAxis(out var sideDir, out var motionDir, out Vector3 _);
        float   topY = Vector3.Dot(topVelocity, motionDir);
        float   topX = Vector3.Dot(topVelocity, sideDir);
        Vector2 move = InputMovement;
        // move.Normalize();
        float moveY = MaxRollVelocity * move.y;
        float moveX = MaxRollVelocity * move.x;

        if (Math.Abs(moveY) < 0.001f && Math.Abs(moveX) < 0.001f)
        if (topY > moveY && moveY > 0.0)
            moveY = topY;
        else if (topY < moveY && moveY < 0.0)
            moveY = topY;
        if (topX > moveX && moveX > 0.0)
            moveX = topX;
        else if (topX < moveX && moveX < 0.0)
            moveX = topX;
        targetAngVel = Vector3.Cross(relGravity, moveY * motionDir + moveX * sideDir) / relGravity.sqrMagnitude;
        torque       = targetAngVel - angVelocity;
        float targetAngAccel = torque.magnitude;

        if (targetAngAccel > AngularAcceleration)
            torque *= AngularAcceleration / targetAngAccel;

Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Cylinder(Vector3 position, Vector3 up, float height, float radius, Color color)
            var tangent = Vector3.Cross(up, Vector3.one).normalized;

            matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.LookRotation(tangent, up), new Vector3(radius, height, radius));
            CircleXZ(Vector3.zero, 1, color);

            if (height > 0)
                CircleXZ(Vector3.up, 1, color);
                Line(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 0), color);
                Line(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), new Vector3(-1, 1, 0), color);
                Line(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), new Vector3(0, 1, 1), color);
                Line(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), new Vector3(0, 1, -1), color);

            matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
Exemplo n.º 18
            //abstract void Evaluate (Turn turn);

            public static void Setup(int i, Vector3[] vectorPath)
                current = vectorPath[i];
                prev    = vectorPath[i - 1];
                next    = vectorPath[i + 1];

                prev.y = current.y;
                next.y = current.y;

                t1 = t2;

                t2 = (next - current).normalized - (prev - current).normalized;
                t2 = t2.normalized;

                prevNormal = normal;

                normal = Vector3.Cross(t2, Vector3.up);
                normal = normal.normalized;
Exemplo n.º 19
    void dodgePit()
        Vector3 myPos         = this.transform.position;
        Vector3 perpendicular = Vector3.Cross(pitDir, Vector3.forward);
        Vector3 velocityToAdd = perpendicular.normalized * speed * Time.deltaTime;

        if (dodgingLeft)
            velocityToAdd = -velocityToAdd;

        this.transform.position = new Vector3(myPos.x + velocityToAdd.x, myPos.y + velocityToAdd.y, 0);


        if (dodgeCounter <= 0)
            dodgingPit = false;
Exemplo n.º 20
    //получение возможных разделяющих осей
    private static List <Vector3> GetAxis(Vector3[] a, Vector3[] b)
        Vector3 A;
        Vector3 B;
        //потенциальные разделяющие оси
        List <Vector3> Axis = new List <Vector3>();

        //нормали плоскостей первого куба
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
            A = a[i] - a[0];
            B = a[(i + 1) % 3 + 1] - a[0];
            Axis.Add(Vector3.Cross(A, B).normalized);
        //нормали второго куба
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
            A = b[i] - b[0];
            B = b[(i + 1) % 3 + 1] - b[0];
            Axis.Add(Vector3.Cross(A, B).normalized);

        //Теперь добавляем все векторные произведения
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
            A = a[i] - a[0];
            for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++)
                B = b[j] - b[0];
                if (Vector3.Cross(A, B).magnitude != 0)
                    Axis.Add(Vector3.Cross(A, B).normalized);
Exemplo n.º 21
            public override void Draw()

                var   delta = End - Position;
                float len   = delta.magnitude;
                var   dir   = delta.normalized;

                float angSin = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * Angle);
                float radius = angSin * len;

                Handles.color = Color;

                var perp2d        = Vector2.Perpendicular(new Vector2(dir.x, dir.z));
                var perpendicular = Vector3.Cross(dir, new Vector3(perp2d.x, 0, perp2d.y)).normalized;

                var start = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-Angle * 0.5f, perpendicular) * dir;
                var end   = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Angle * 0.5f, perpendicular) * dir;

                Handles.DrawWireArc(Position, perpendicular, start, Angle, len);
                Handles.DrawLine(Position, Position + start * len);
                Handles.DrawLine(Position, Position + end * len);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void CalculateFriction()
            var isGrounded = _wheelCollisionDetector.TryGetCollision(out var point, out var normal, out var collider, out var rb, out var t);

            if (!isGrounded)

            var forceOffset = transform.up * _applyForcesOffset;

            var right   = transform.right;
            var forward = transform.forward;

            var direction = Vector3.Cross(normal, right);

            if (motorTorque < 0)
                direction *= -1;

            var lateralVelocity = Vector3.Project(velocity, right);
            var forwardVelocity = Vector3.Project(velocity, forward);
            var slip            = (forwardVelocity + lateralVelocity) / 2;

            var lateralFriction = Vector3.Project(right, slip).magnitude *lateralVelocity.magnitude *lateralFrictionMultiplier / Time.fixedDeltaTime;

            _rb.AddForceAtPosition(-Vector3.Project(slip, lateralVelocity).normalized *lateralFriction, point + forceOffset);

            var motorForce             = Mathf.Abs(motorTorque / _wheel.GetRadius());
            var maxForwardFriction     = motorForce * forwardFrictionCoeff;
            var appliedForwardFriction = Mathf.Clamp(motorForce, 0, maxForwardFriction);

            var forwardForce = direction.normalized * appliedForwardFriction * engineShaftToWheelRatio;

            _rb.AddForceAtPosition(forwardForce, point + forceOffset);
Exemplo n.º 23
     * Method for Handling Zoom and Rotate
    private void ZoomRotate()
        var touchZero = Input.touches[0];
        var touchOne  = Input.touches[1];

        if (touchZero.phase == TouchPhase.Began || touchOne.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
            _initPinchDist = Vector3.Distance(touchZero.position, touchOne.position);
            _initRotation  = touchZero.position - touchOne.position;

        if (touchZero.phase == TouchPhase.Moved || touchOne.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
            var newPinchDist = Vector3.Distance(touchZero.position, touchOne.position);
            _pinchDistDelta = newPinchDist - _initPinchDist; // save pinch difference

            var rotationVector = touchZero.position - touchOne.position;
            var rotationAngle  = Vector3.Angle(rotationVector, _initRotation);
            var cross          = Vector3.Cross(_initRotation, rotationVector);

            if (rotationAngle > RotationThreshold)
                if (cross.z > 0)
                else if (cross.z < 0)
            else if (Math.Abs(_pinchDistDelta) >= PinchThreshold)
                ZoomCamera(touchZero, touchOne);
Exemplo n.º 24
    private void _applyContactForces(
        float dt,
        List <CollisionInfo> contacts,
        bool isCentered,
        Vector3 aControl,
        Vector3 desiredOmega,
        ref Vector3 velocity,
        ref Vector3 omega,
        ref Vector3 linAccel,
        out Vector3 angAccel)
        angAccel    = Vector3.zero;
        _slipAmount = 0.0f;
        Vector3 vector31 = GravityDir;
        int     index1   = -1;
        float   num1     = 0.0f;

        for (int index2 = 0; index2 < contacts.Count; ++index2)
            // if (contacts[index2].collider == null)
            // {
            float num2 = -Vector3.Dot(contacts[index2].Normal, linAccel);
            if (num2 > num1)
                num1   = num2;
                index1 = index2;

            // }

        CollisionInfo collisionInfo = index1 != -1 ? contacts[index1] : new CollisionInfo();

        if (index1 != -1 && Jump)
            Vector3 vector32 = velocity - collisionInfo.Velocity;
            float   num2     = Vector3.Dot(collisionInfo.Normal, vector32);
            if (num2 < 0.0)
                num2 = 0.0f;
            if (num2 < JumpImpulse)
                velocity += collisionInfo.Normal * (JumpImpulse - num2);
                // MarbleControlComponent._soundBank.PlayCue(MarbleControlComponent._sounds[12]);

        for (int index2 = 0; index2 < contacts.Count; ++index2)
            float num2 = -Vector3.Dot(contacts[index2].Normal, linAccel);
            if (num2 > 0.0 && Vector3.Dot(contacts[index2].Normal, velocity - contacts[index2].Velocity) <=
                linAccel += contacts[index2].Normal * num2;

        if (index1 != -1)
            // (collisionInfo.velocity - (collisionInfo.normal * Vector3.Dot(collisionInfo.normal, collisionInfo.velocity)));
            Vector3 vector32 = velocity + Vector3.Cross(omega, -collisionInfo.Normal * Radius) - collisionInfo.Velocity;
            float   num2     = vector32.magnitude;
            bool    flag     = false;
            Vector3 vector33 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 vector34 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            if (num2 != 0.0)
                flag = true;
                float num3 = KineticFriction * collisionInfo.Friction;
                float num4 = (float)(5.0 * num3 * num1 / (2.0 * Radius));
                float num5 = num1 * num3;
                float num6 = (num4 * Radius + num5) * dt;
                if (num6 > num2)
                    float num7 = num2 / num6;
                    num4 *= num7;
                    num5 *= num7;
                    flag  = false;

                Vector3 vector35 = vector32 / num2;
                vector33    = num4 * Vector3.Cross(-collisionInfo.Normal, -vector35);
                vector34    = -num5 * vector35;
                _slipAmount = num2 - num6;

            if (!flag)
                Vector3 vector35 = -vector31 * Radius;
                Vector3 vector36 = Vector3.Cross(vector35, linAccel) / vector35.sqrMagnitude;
                if (isCentered)
                    Vector3 vector37 = omega + angAccel * dt;
                    aControl = desiredOmega - vector37;
                    float num3 = aControl.magnitude;
                    if (num3 > BrakingAcceleration)
                        aControl = aControl * BrakingAcceleration / num3;

                Vector3 vector38 = -Vector3.Cross(aControl, -collisionInfo.Normal * Radius);
                Vector3 vector39 = Vector3.Cross(vector36, -collisionInfo.Normal * Radius) + vector38;
                float   num4     = vector39.magnitude;
                float   num5     = StaticFriction * collisionInfo.Friction;
                if (num4 > num5 * num1)
                    float num3 = KineticFriction * collisionInfo.Friction;
                    vector38 *= num3 * num1 / num4;

                linAccel += vector38;
                angAccel += vector36;

            linAccel += vector34;
            angAccel += vector33;

        angAccel += aControl;
Exemplo n.º 25
    private void _velocityCancel(List <CollisionInfo> contacts, ref Vector3 velocity, ref Vector3 omega, bool surfaceSlide, bool noBounce)
        bool flag1      = false;
        int  iterations = 0;
        bool done       = false;

        while (!done)
            done = true;
            foreach (var coll in contacts)
                Vector3 relativeVelocity = velocity - coll.Velocity;
                float   bounceSpeed      = Vector3.Dot(coll.Normal, relativeVelocity);
                if (!flag1 && bounceSpeed < 0.0 || bounceSpeed < -0.001f)
                    Vector3 invBounce = bounceSpeed * coll.Normal;
                    // _reportBounce(contacts[index].point, contacts[index].normal, -num3);
                    if (noBounce)
                        velocity -= invBounce;
                    else if (coll.Collider != null)
                        CollisionInfo contact = coll;
                        if (false && contact.Collider.GetComponent <Movement>() is Movement owner)
                            float num5      = 1f;
                            float num6      = 1f;
                            float num7      = 0.5f;
                            var   vector3_4 =
                                                (velocity * num5) -
                                                (owner.Velocity * num6)
                                            ) *
                                    ) *
                                    (1f + num7)

                             *  Vector3.op_Multiply(
                             *      Vector3.Dot(
                             *          Vector3.op_Subtraction(
                             *              Vector3.op_Multiply(velocity, num5),
                             *              Vector3.op_Multiply(owner.Velocity, num6)
                             *          ),
                             *          contact.normal
                             *      ),
                             *      contact.normal
                             *  ),
                             *  1f + num7
                             * );*/
                            velocity = velocity - (vector3_4 / num5);
                            //velocity = Vector3.op_Subtraction(velocity, Vector3.op_Division(vector3_4, num5));
                            var moveComponent = owner;
                            moveComponent.Velocity = moveComponent.Velocity + (vector3_4 / num6);
                            //moveComponent.Velocity = Vector3.op_Addition(moveComponent.Velocity, Vector3.op_Division(vector3_4, num6));
                            contact.Velocity = owner.Velocity;
                            //contacts[index] = contact; // ?
                            float   num5     = 0.5f;
                            Vector3 vector34 = contact.Normal * (Vector3.Dot(velocity, contact.Normal) * (1f + num5));
                            velocity -= vector34;
                        if (coll.Velocity.magnitude > 0.00001 && !surfaceSlide &&
                            bounceSpeed > -MaxDotSlide * velocity.magnitude)
                            velocity -= invBounce;
                            velocity    *= velocity.magnitude;
                            surfaceSlide = true;
                        else if (bounceSpeed > -MinBounceVel)
                            velocity -= invBounce;
                            Vector3 velocityAdd       = (float)-(1.0 + BounceRestitution * coll.Restitution) * invBounce;
                            Vector3 velocityAtContact = relativeVelocity + Vector3.Cross(omega, -coll.Normal * Radius);
                            float   num5     = -Vector3.Dot(coll.Normal, relativeVelocity);
                            Vector3 vector36 = velocityAtContact - coll.Normal * Vector3.Dot(coll.Normal, relativeVelocity);
                            float   num6     = vector36.magnitude;
                            if (Math.Abs(num6) > 0.001f)
                                float inertia = (float)(5.0 * (BounceKineticFriction * coll.Friction) * num5 /
                                                        (2.0 * Radius));
                                if (inertia > num6 / Radius)
                                    inertia = num6 / Radius;
                                Vector3 vector37 = vector36 / num6;
                                Vector3 vAtC     = Vector3.Cross(-coll.Normal, -vector37);
                                Vector3 vector38 = inertia * vAtC;
                                omega    += vector38;
                                velocity -= Vector3.Cross(-vector38, -coll.Normal * Radius);

                            velocity += velocityAdd;

                    done = false;

            flag1 = true;
            if (iterations > 6 && noBounce)
                done = true;

            if (iterations > 1e7)
                Debug.Log("Collision lock");

        if (velocity.sqrMagnitude >= 625.0)
        bool    flag3    = false;
        Vector3 vector39 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        for (int index = 0; index < contacts.Count; ++index)
            Vector3 vector32 = vector39 + contacts[index].Normal;
            if (vector32.sqrMagnitude < 0.01)
                vector32 += contacts[index].Normal;
            vector39 = vector32;
            flag3    = true;

        if (!flag3)
        float num8 = 0.0f;

        for (int index = 0; index < contacts.Count; ++index)
            if (contacts[index].Penetration < Radius)
                float num3        = 0.1f;
                float penetration = contacts[index].Penetration;
                float num4        = Vector3.Dot(velocity + num8 * vector39, contacts[index].Normal);
                if (num3 * num4 < penetration)
                    num8 += (penetration - num4 * num3) / num3 / Vector3.Dot(contacts[index].Normal, vector39);

        float num9 = Mathf.Clamp(num8, -25f, 25f);

        velocity += num9 * vector39;
Exemplo n.º 26
        void FixedUpdate()

            //Must be the local player, or they cannot move
            if (!isLocalPlayer)

            //Ignore movement controls when typing in chat
            if (chatRegister.ChatWindow != null && chatRegister.ChatWindow.PlayerIsTyping())
                currentMovement.Set(0, 0);

            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Toggle Run"))
                isWalking = !isWalking;

            // TODO: Implement gravity and grabbing
            // Calculate next movement
            // The vector is not normalized to allow for the input having potential rise and fall times
            float x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
            float y = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");

            // Smoothly transition to next intended movement
            intendedMovement = new Vector2(x, y).normalized *(isWalking ? walkSpeed : runSpeed);
            currentMovement  = Vector2.Lerp(currentMovement, intendedMovement, Time.deltaTime * (Mathf.Pow(ACCELERATION / 9.5f, 3) / 6));

            // Move (without gravity). Whenever we move we also readjust the player's direction to the direction they are running in.
            characterController.Move(absoluteMovement * Time.deltaTime);

            // Move the player
            if (currentMovement != Vector2.zero)
                // Determine the absolute movement by aligning input to the camera's looking direction
                Vector3 absoluteMovement =
                    currentMovement.y * Vector3.Cross(mainCamera.transform.right, Vector3.up).normalized +
                    currentMovement.x * Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, mainCamera.transform.forward).normalized;

                if (intendedMovement != Vector2.zero)
                    //absoluteMovement = Vector3.Lerp(absoluteMovement, newAbsoluteMovement, Time.deltaTime * 2);
                    // Move (without gravity). Whenever we move we also readjust the player's direction to the direction they are running in.
                    characterController.Move(absoluteMovement * Time.deltaTime);

                    // avoid unwanted rotation when you rotate the camera but isn't doing movement input, comment the "if" to see it

                    // Rotate the chest and head IKs objects
                    Quaternion newChestIKRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(chestIK.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(absoluteMovement), Time.deltaTime * (isWalking ? 3 : 10));
                    Quaternion newHeadIKRotation  = Quaternion.Lerp(headIK.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(absoluteMovement), Time.deltaTime * (isWalking ? 15 : 5));

                    //float rotationDiference = Quaternion.
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(absoluteMovement), Time.deltaTime * (isWalking ? 5 : 7));
                    //Mathf.Pow(intendedMovement.magnitude, 2)

                    chestIK.rotation = newChestIKRotation;
                    headIK.rotation  = newHeadIKRotation;
                if (intendedMovement == Vector2.zero)
                    Quaternion newChestIKRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(chestIK.rotation, transform.rotation, Time.deltaTime * 3);
                    Quaternion newHeadIKRotation  = Quaternion.Lerp(headIK.rotation, transform.rotation, Time.deltaTime * 8);

                    absoluteMovement = Vector3.Lerp(absoluteMovement, Vector3.zero, Time.deltaTime * 5);
                    characterController.Move(absoluteMovement * Time.deltaTime);

                    chestIK.rotation = newChestIKRotation;
                    headIK.rotation  = newHeadIKRotation;
Exemplo n.º 27
    void _advancePhysics(ref float dt)
        List <CollisionInfo> contacts = new List <CollisionInfo>();
        Vector3    pos      = transform.position;
        Quaternion rot      = transform.rotation;
        Vector3    velocity = Velocity;
        Vector3    omega    = AngularVelocity;

        if (useUnityContacts)
            foreach (var collision in _unityCollisions)
                foreach (var contact in collision.contacts)
                    var penetration = -contact.separation;
                    var col         = new CollisionInfo {
                        Penetration = penetration,
                        Restitution = 1,
                        Friction    = 1,
                        Normal      = contact.normal,
                        Point       = contact.point
                    if (contact.otherCollider.attachedRigidbody != null)
                        col.Collider = contact.otherCollider;
                        col.Velocity = contact.otherCollider.attachedRigidbody.GetPointVelocity(contact.point);
                    Debug.DrawRay(contact.point, contact.normal, Color.blue, 5);
            var radius = Radius + 0.0001f;
            for (var index = 0; index < _colTests.Count; index++)
                var meshCollider = _colTests[index];
                var localPos     = meshCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(pos);
                var length       = _meshes[index].Triangles.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 3)
                    var triangle0 = _meshes[index].Triangles[i];
                    var triangle1 = _meshes[index].Triangles[i + 1];
                    var triangle2 = _meshes[index].Triangles[i + 2];
                    var p0        = _meshes[index].Vertices[triangle0];
                    var p1        = _meshes[index].Vertices[triangle1];
                    var p2        = _meshes[index].Vertices[triangle2];
                    var normal    = Vector3.Cross(p2 - p0, p2 - p1).normalized;

                    if (CollisionHelpers.ClosestPtPointTriangle(localPos, radius, p0, p1, p2, normal, out var closest) == false)

                    Vector3 vector32 = localPos - closest;
                    if (vector32.sqrMagnitude > radius * radius)

                    Vector3 vector33 = localPos - closest;
                    if (Vector3.Dot(localPos - closest, normal) < 0.0)

                    CollisionInfo collisionInfo = new CollisionInfo()
                        Normal = meshCollider.transform.TransformDirection(vector33),
                        Point  = meshCollider.transform.TransformPoint(closest)
                    Debug.DrawRay(collisionInfo.Point, collisionInfo.Normal, Color.red);
                    collisionInfo.Penetration = radius - Vector3.Dot(localPos - closest, collisionInfo.Normal);
                    collisionInfo.Restitution = 1f;
                    collisionInfo.Friction    = 1f;
                    if (_colTests[index].attachedRigidbody != null)
                        collisionInfo.Velocity = _colTests[index].attachedRigidbody.GetPointVelocity(collisionInfo.Point);

        _updateMove(ref dt, ref velocity, ref omega, contacts);
        // velocity += _gravityDir * _gravity * dt;

        _updateIntegration(dt, ref pos, ref rot, velocity, omega);

        if (useUnityContacts)
            transform.position = pos;
            transform.rotation = rot;
        Velocity        = velocity;
        AngularVelocity = omega;
Exemplo n.º 28
    private void OrbitParameters()
        if (!moving)

        Vector3 r = orbitingBody.transform.position - transform.position;

        radius = Vector3.Distance(orbitingBody.transform.position, transform.position);
        float mass1 = rb.mass;
        float mass2 = orbitingBody.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().mass;
        float micro = g * mass2;

        keneticEnergy    = mass1 * velocity.magnitude * velocity.magnitude / 2;
        potenetialEnergy = g * mass2 * mass1 / r.magnitude;
        Energy           = mass1 * velocity.magnitude * velocity.magnitude / 2 - g * mass2 * mass1 / r.magnitude;
        float l = Vector3.Cross(velocity, r).magnitude;

        init_energy = Energy;
        float a = -g * mass2 * mass1 / (2 * Energy);
        float T = (float)Math.Sqrt(4 * Math.PI * Math.PI * a * a * a / (g * mass2));
        float e = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 + 2 * Energy * l * l / (mass1 * mass1 * mass1 * micro * micro));

        ecentricity = e;
        float per = (l * l / (mass1 * micro)) * (1 / (1 + e * (float)Math.Cos(0)));

        apoapsis  = (l * l / (mass1 * micro)) * (1 / (1 + e * (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI)));
        periapsis = per;
        //Does work if sat mass is not 1
        orbital_period = T;
        semiMajor      = (apoapsis + periapsis) / 2;
        semiMinor      = Mathf.Sqrt(semiMajor * semiMajor * (1 - e * e));
        float radi = radius;

        theta = Mathf.Acos(l * l / (radi * mass1 * mass1 * micro * e) - 1 / e);
        beta  = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), r) / r.magnitude);
        //theta = Mathf.Acos(l * l / (apoapsis * mass1 * mass1 * micro * e) - 1 / e);
        print(Mathf.Rad2Deg * theta);
        Vector3 p2 = new Vector3(radius * Mathf.Cos(theta), 0, radius * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI + theta));

        //true if ccw (negative ccw)
        renderer.ellipse.orbitSide = -1f;
        print(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(r, velocity), new Vector3(0, 1, 0)));
        float orbitSide = 1;
        float clockWise = 1;

        ccw = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(r, velocity), new Vector3(0, 1, 0)) > 0;
        if (ccw)
            clockWise *= -1;
            //renderer.ellipse.orbitSide = 1f;
            //p2 = new Vector3(radius * Mathf.Cos(theta), 0, radius * Mathf.Sin(theta));
            //renderer.ellipse.orbitSide *= -1f;
            //true if descending
            if (Vector3.Dot(r, velocity) > 0)
                orbitSide = -1;
            orbitSide = -1;
            if (Vector3.Dot(r, velocity) > 0)
                orbitSide = 1;

        //theta *= clockWise;
        theta *= orbitSide;
        beta  *= -Mathf.Sign(r.z);
        //renderer.ellipse.offsetAngle = -beta + theta - Mathf.PI;
        renderer.ellipse.offsetAngle = -beta + Mathf.PI - theta;
        //theta = Mathf.Acos((2 * radius * radius - Vector3.Distance(transform.position, p2)*Vector3.Distance(transform.position, p2)) /
        //                   (2 * radius * radius));
        //theta = Mathf.Acos((2 * radius * radius - Vector3.Distance(transform.position, p2)*Vector3.Distance(transform.position, p2)) / (2 * radius * radius));
        print(Mathf.Rad2Deg * theta);
        //print(Mathf.Rad2Deg* theta);
        renderer.ellipse.offsetPoint = orbitingBody.transform.position;
        renderer.ellipse.xAxis       = semiMajor;
        renderer.ellipse.yAxis       = semiMinor;
        renderer.ellipse.offset.x    = orbitingBody.transform.position.x - semiMajor + periapsis;
        renderer.ellipse.offset.y    = orbitingBody.transform.position.z;
        theta = Mathf.Rad2Deg * theta;
        beta  = Mathf.Rad2Deg * beta;
        //What position in the orbit am I in? How do I return a future x,y cord?
Exemplo n.º 29
        /** Draws Gizmos */
        public void OnDrawGizmos(bool selected)
            gizmoDrawing = true;

            Gizmos.color = new Color(0.615f, 1, 0.06f, selected ? 1.0f : 0.7f);
            var movementPlane = RVOSimulator.active != null ? RVOSimulator.active.movementPlane : MovementPlane.XZ;
            var up            = movementPlane == MovementPlane.XZ ? Vector3.up : -Vector3.forward;

            if (gizmoVerts == null || AreGizmosDirty() || _obstacleMode != obstacleMode)
                _obstacleMode = obstacleMode;

                if (gizmoVerts == null)
                    gizmoVerts = new List <Vector3[]>();


            Matrix4x4 m = GetMatrix();

            for (int i = 0; i < gizmoVerts.Count; i++)
                Vector3[] verts = gizmoVerts[i];
                for (int j = 0, q = verts.Length - 1; j < verts.Length; q = j++)
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(m.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[j]), m.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[q]));

                if (selected)
                    for (int j = 0, q = verts.Length - 1; j < verts.Length; q = j++)
                        Vector3 a = m.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[q]);
                        Vector3 b = m.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[j]);

                        if (movementPlane != MovementPlane.XY)
                            Gizmos.DrawLine(a + up * Height, b + up * Height);
                            Gizmos.DrawLine(a, a + up * Height);

                        Vector3 avg  = (a + b) * 0.5f;
                        Vector3 tang = (b - a).normalized;
                        if (tang == Vector3.zero)

                        Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(up, tang);

                        Gizmos.DrawLine(avg, avg + normal);
                        Gizmos.DrawLine(avg + normal, avg + normal * 0.5f + tang * 0.5f);
                        Gizmos.DrawLine(avg + normal, avg + normal * 0.5f - tang * 0.5f);

            gizmoDrawing = false;
        public GameObject CreateTerrain(GameObject root,
                                        ulong numSampleX, float sizeX, float centerX, ulong numSampleY, float sizeY, float centerY,
                                        float[,] heights, bool recomputeNormal = true)
            // Note that we create terrain with mesh since unity support only square size height map

            List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>();
            List <int>     indices  = new List <int>();
            List <Vector2> uvs      = new List <Vector2>();
            List <Vector3> normals  = new List <Vector3>();

            float gridSizeX  = sizeX / (numSampleX - 1);
            float gridSizeY  = sizeY / (numSampleY - 1);
            float gridStartX = centerX - sizeX * 0.5f;
            float gridStartY = centerY - sizeY * 0.5f;

            // vertices
            for (ulong i = 0; i < numSampleY - 1; i++)
                for (ulong j = 0; j < numSampleX - 1; j++)
                    // (x, y) = (j, i)
                                     gridStartX + j * gridSizeX,
                                     gridStartY + i * gridSizeY,
                                     heights[i, j]

                    // (x, y) = (j+1, i+1)
                                     gridStartX + (j + 1) * gridSizeX,
                                     gridStartY + (i + 1) * gridSizeY,
                                     heights[i + 1, j + 1]

                    // (x, y) = (j+1, i)
                                     gridStartX + (j + 1) * gridSizeX,
                                     gridStartY + i * gridSizeY,
                                     heights[i, j + 1]

                    // (x, y) = (j, i)
                                     gridStartX + j * gridSizeX,
                                     gridStartY + i * gridSizeY,
                                     heights[i, j]

                    // (x, y) = (j, i+1)
                                     gridStartX + j * gridSizeX,
                                     gridStartY + (i + 1) * gridSizeY,
                                     heights[i + 1, j]

                    // (x, y) = (j+1, i+1)
                                     gridStartX + (j + 1) * gridSizeX,
                                     gridStartY + (i + 1) * gridSizeY,
                                     heights[i + 1, j + 1]

            // triangles
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)

            if (!recomputeNormal)
                // normals
                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i += 3)
                    Vector3 point1 = ConvertUnity2Rs(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y, vertices[i].z);
                    Vector3 point2 = ConvertUnity2Rs(vertices[i + 1].x, vertices[i + 1].y, vertices[i + 1].z);
                    Vector3 point3 = ConvertUnity2Rs(vertices[i + 2].x, vertices[i + 2].y, vertices[i + 2].z);

                    Vector3 diff1 = point2 - point1;
                    Vector3 diff2 = point3 - point2;
                    Vector3 norm  = Vector3.Cross(diff1, diff2);
                    norm = Vector3.Normalize(norm);
                    norm = ConvertRs2Unity(norm.x, norm.y, norm.z);


            // uvs
            for (ulong i = 0; i < numSampleY - 1; i++)
                for (ulong j = 0; j < numSampleX - 1; j++)
                    // (x, y) = (j, i)
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(
                                (j / (float)numSampleX),
                                (i / (float)numSampleY)

                    // (x, y) = (j+1, i+1)
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(
                                ((j + 1) / (float)numSampleX),
                                ((i + 1) / (float)numSampleY)

                    // (x, y) = (j+1, i)
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(
                                ((j + 1) / (float)numSampleX),
                                (i / (float)numSampleY)

                    // (x, y) = (j, i)
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(
                                (j / (float)numSampleX),
                                (i / (float)numSampleY)

                    // (x, y) = (j, i+1)
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(
                                (j / (float)numSampleX),
                                ((i + 1) / (float)numSampleY)

                    // (x, y) = (j+1, i+1)
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(
                                ((j + 1) / (float)numSampleX),
                                ((i + 1) / (float)numSampleY)

            var terrain = new GameObject("terrain");

            terrain.transform.SetParent(root.transform, true);
            terrain.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            terrain.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            terrain.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = new Mesh();

            terrain.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.indexFormat = IndexFormat.UInt32;
            terrain.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices    = vertices.ToArray();
            terrain.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.triangles   = indices.ToArray();
            terrain.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.uv          = uvs.ToArray();

            if (!recomputeNormal)
                terrain.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.normals = normals.ToArray();
                terrain.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.RecalculateNormals();
