Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Predicted position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target for spell</param>
        /// <param name="s">Spell to cast</param>
        /// <param name="path">Waypoint of target</param>
        /// <param name="avgt">Average reaction time (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="movt">Passed time from last movement change (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="hc">Predicted HitChance</param>
        /// <param name="rangeCheckFrom">Position where spell will be casted from</param>
        /// <returns>Predicted position and HitChance out value</returns>
        public static Vector2 GetPrediction(Obj_AI_Hero target, Spell s, List<Vector2> path, float avgt, float movt, out HitChance hc, Vector3 rangeCheckFrom)
            if (!blInitialized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Prediction is not initalized");

            if (target.MovImmobileTime() > 200 || target.AvgMovChangeTime() == 0 || Utility.IsImmobileTarget(target)) //if target is not moving, easy to hit
                hc = HitChance.Immobile;
                return target.ServerPosition.To2D() + target.Direction.To2D().Perpendicular() * s.Width / 2;

            if (target.IsDashing())
                return GetDashingPrediction(target, s, out hc, rangeCheckFrom);

            float targetDistance = rangeCheckFrom.Distance(target.ServerPosition);
            float flyTime = 0f;

            if (s.Speed != 0) //skillshot with a missile
                Vector2 Vt = (path[path.Count - 1] - path[0]).Normalized() * target.MoveSpeed;
                Vector2 Vs = (target.ServerPosition.To2D() - rangeCheckFrom.To2D()).Normalized() * s.Speed;
                Vector2 Vr = Vs - Vt;

                flyTime = targetDistance / Vr.Length();

                if (path.Count > 5) //complicated movement
                    flyTime = targetDistance / s.Speed;

            float t = flyTime + s.Delay + Game.Ping / 1000f;
            float distance = t * target.MoveSpeed;

            //can be improved by checking area of circle
            if (s.Type == SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle) //haven't tested yet.
                distance -= s.Width / 2;

            hc = GetHitChance(t * 1000f, avgt, movt);

            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++)
                float d = path[i + 1].Distance(path[i]);
                if (distance == d)
                    return path[i + 1];
                else if (distance < d)
                    return path[i] + distance * (path[i + 1] - path[i]).Normalized();
                else distance -= d;

            hc = HitChance.Impossible;
            return path[path.Count - 1];
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Predicted position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target for spell</param>
        /// <param name="s">Spell to cast</param>
        /// <param name="path">Waypoint of target</param>
        /// <param name="avgt">Average reaction time (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="movt">Passed time from last movement change (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="hc">Predicted HitChance</param>
        /// <param name="rangeCheckFrom">Position where spell will be casted from</param>
        /// <returns>Predicted position and HitChance out value</returns>
        public static Vector2 GetPrediction(Obj_AI_Hero target, Spell s, List <Vector2> path, float avgt, float movt, out HitChance hc, Vector3 rangeCheckFrom)
            if (!blInitialized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Prediction is not initalized");

            if (target.MovImmobileTime() > 200 || target.AvgMovChangeTime() == 0 || Utility.IsImmobileTarget(target)) //if target is not moving, easy to hit
                hc = HitChance.Immobile;
                return(target.ServerPosition.To2D() + target.Direction.To2D().Perpendicular() * s.Width / 2);

            if (target.IsDashing())
                return(GetDashingPrediction(target, s, out hc, rangeCheckFrom));

            float targetDistance = rangeCheckFrom.Distance(target.ServerPosition);
            float flyTime        = 0f;

            if (s.Speed != 0) //skillshot with a missile
                Vector2 Vt = (path[path.Count - 1] - path[0]).Normalized() * target.MoveSpeed;
                Vector2 Vs = (target.ServerPosition.To2D() - rangeCheckFrom.To2D()).Normalized() * s.Speed;
                Vector2 Vr = Vs - Vt;

                flyTime = targetDistance / Vr.Length();

                if (path.Count > 5) //complicated movement
                    flyTime = targetDistance / s.Speed;

            float t        = flyTime + s.Delay + Game.Ping / 1000f;
            float distance = t * target.MoveSpeed;

            //can be improved by checking area of circle
            if (s.Type == SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle) //haven't tested yet.
                distance -= s.Width / 2;

            hc = GetHitChance(t * 1000f, avgt, movt);

            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++)
                float d = path[i + 1].Distance(path[i]);
                if (distance == d)
                    return(path[i + 1]);
                else if (distance < d)
                    return(path[i] + distance * (path[i + 1] - path[i]).Normalized());
                    distance -= d;

            hc = HitChance.Impossible;
            return(path[path.Count - 1]);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Predicted position for arc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target for spell</param>
        /// <param name="s">Spell to cast</param>
        /// <param name="avgt">Average reaction time (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="movt">Passed time from last movement change (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="hc">Predicted HitChance</param>
        /// <param name="rangeCheckFrom">Position where spell will be casted from</param>
        /// <returns>Predicted position and HitChance out value</returns>
        public static Vector2 GetArcPrediction(Obj_AI_Hero target, Spell s, List<Vector2> path, float avgt, float movt, out HitChance hc, Vector3 rangeCheckFrom)
            if (!blInitialized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Prediction is not initalized");

            if (target.MovImmobileTime() > 200 || target.AvgMovChangeTime() == 0 || Utility.IsImmobileTarget(target)) //if target is not moving, easy to hit
                hc = HitChance.Immobile;
                return target.ServerPosition.To2D();

            if (target.IsDashing())
                return GetDashingPrediction(target, s, out hc, rangeCheckFrom);

            float targetDistance = rangeCheckFrom.Distance(target.ServerPosition);
            float flyTime = 0f;

            if (s.Speed != 0)
                Vector2 Vt = (path[path.Count - 1] - path[0]).Normalized() * target.MoveSpeed;
                Vector2 Vs = (target.ServerPosition.To2D() - rangeCheckFrom.To2D()).Normalized() * s.Speed;
                Vector2 Vr = Vs - Vt;

                flyTime = targetDistance / Vr.Length();

                if (path.Count > 5)
                    flyTime = targetDistance / s.Speed;

            float t = flyTime + s.Delay + Game.Ping / 1000f;
            float distance = t * target.MoveSpeed;

            hc = GetHitChance(t * 1000f, avgt, movt);

            #region arc collision test
            for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
                Vector2 senderPos = ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D();
                Vector2 testPos = path[i];

                float multp = (testPos.Distance(senderPos) / 875.0f);

                var dianaArc = new ShineCommon.Maths.Geometry.Polygon(
                                ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(senderPos - new Vector2(875 / 2f, 20), testPos, (float)Math.PI * multp, 410, 200 * multp),
                                ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(senderPos - new Vector2(875 / 2f, 20), testPos, (float)Math.PI * multp, 410, 320 * multp));

                if (!ClipperWrapper.IsOutside(dianaArc, target.ServerPosition.To2D()))
                    hc = HitChance.VeryHigh;
                    return testPos;

            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++)
                float d = path[i + 1].Distance(path[i]);
                if (distance == d)
                    return path[i + 1];
                else if (distance < d)
                    return path[i] + distance * (path[i + 1] - path[i]).Normalized();
                else distance -= d;

            hc = HitChance.Impossible;
            return path[path.Count - 1];
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Predicted position for arc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target for spell</param>
        /// <param name="s">Spell to cast</param>
        /// <param name="avgt">Average reaction time (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="movt">Passed time from last movement change (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="hc">Predicted HitChance</param>
        /// <param name="rangeCheckFrom">Position where spell will be casted from</param>
        /// <returns>Predicted position and HitChance out value</returns>
        public static Vector2 GetArcPrediction(Obj_AI_Hero target, Spell s, List <Vector2> path, float avgt, float movt, out HitChance hc, Vector3 rangeCheckFrom)
            if (!blInitialized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Prediction is not initalized");

            if (target.MovImmobileTime() > 200 || target.AvgMovChangeTime() == 0 || Utility.IsImmobileTarget(target)) //if target is not moving, easy to hit
                hc = HitChance.Immobile;

            if (target.IsDashing())
                return(GetDashingPrediction(target, s, out hc, rangeCheckFrom));

            float targetDistance = rangeCheckFrom.Distance(target.ServerPosition);
            float flyTime        = 0f;

            if (s.Speed != 0)
                Vector2 Vt = (path[path.Count - 1] - path[0]).Normalized() * target.MoveSpeed;
                Vector2 Vs = (target.ServerPosition.To2D() - rangeCheckFrom.To2D()).Normalized() * s.Speed;
                Vector2 Vr = Vs - Vt;

                flyTime = targetDistance / Vr.Length();

                if (path.Count > 5)
                    flyTime = targetDistance / s.Speed;

            float t        = flyTime + s.Delay + Game.Ping / 1000f;
            float distance = t * target.MoveSpeed;

            hc = GetHitChance(t * 1000f, avgt, movt);

            #region arc collision test
            for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
                Vector2 senderPos = ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D();
                Vector2 testPos   = path[i];

                float multp = (testPos.Distance(senderPos) / 875.0f);

                var dianaArc = new ShineCommon.Maths.Geometry.Polygon(
                    ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(senderPos - new Vector2(875 / 2f, 20), testPos, (float)Math.PI * multp, 410, 200 * multp),
                    ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(senderPos - new Vector2(875 / 2f, 20), testPos, (float)Math.PI * multp, 410, 320 * multp));

                if (!ClipperWrapper.IsOutside(dianaArc, target.ServerPosition.To2D()))
                    hc = HitChance.VeryHigh;

            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++)
                float d = path[i + 1].Distance(path[i]);
                if (distance == d)
                    return(path[i + 1]);
                else if (distance < d)
                    return(path[i] + distance * (path[i + 1] - path[i]).Normalized());
                    distance -= d;

            hc = HitChance.Impossible;
            return(path[path.Count - 1]);