// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);

        int lElbowIndex = (int)LeftElbowJoint;
        int rElbowIndex = (int)RightElbowJoint;

        int lShoulderIndex = (int)LeftShoulderJoint;
        int rShoulderIndex = (int)RightShoulderJoint;

        //Get angles made by the joint with the next joint
        if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, lElbowIndex))
            leAngle = kinectManager.GetAngleAtJoint(userId, lElbowIndex);

        if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, rElbowIndex))
            reAngle = kinectManager.GetAngleAtJoint(userId, rElbowIndex);

        if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, lShoulderIndex))
            lsAngle = kinectManager.GetAngleAtJoint(userId, lShoulderIndex);

        if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, rShoulderIndex))
            rsAngle = kinectManager.GetAngleAtJoint(userId, rShoulderIndex);

        //If the exercise is Bicep Curl
        if (ExerciseNumber == 1)
            BicepCurlFeedback(lsAngle, rsAngle);
        //If the exercise is Arnold Press
        else if (ExerciseNumber == 2)
            ArnoldPressFeedback(lsAngle, rsAngle, leAngle, reAngle);

        //LeftText.text = "SHOULDER:  " + lsAngle.ToString() + "\n" + "ELBOW:  " + leAngle.ToString();
        //RightText.text = "SHOULDER:  " + rsAngle.ToString() + "\n" + "ELBOW:  " + reAngle.ToString();
        //Debug.Log(new Vector2(lsAngle, rsAngle));