}// End loadGAmeOver()

    void saveHighScore()
        // Calculate final scores here
        //If the high score is greater than the current sessions score
        if (highScore > GameControl.score)
            // Save score when player dies
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("High Score", highScore);
        else if (highScore == GameControl.score) // High score was equaled but not beaten
            // Save score when player dies
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("High Score", highScore);
        else // New high score set so store the current sessions score
            // Stores the high score
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("High Score", GameControl.score);
        }// End if/else

        // Using normal array
        var temp = HighScoreTable.saveHighScores[0];

        // If current session score is greater than the smallest high score
        if (GameControl.score > temp)
            // pass current session score in get saved
        } // End if
    }     // End saveHighScore()