public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject) { if (target != BuildTarget.iPhone) { return; } #if NO_GPGS // remove plugin code from generated project string pluginDir = pathToBuiltProject + "/Libraries/Plugins/iOS"; GPGSUtil.WriteFile(pluginDir + "/", "// Empty since NO_GPGS is defined\n"); return; #endif if (GetBundleId() == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("The iOS bundle ID has not been set up through the " + "'iOS Setup' submenu of 'Google Play Games' - the generated xcode project will " + "not work properly."); return; } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Adding URL Types for authentication using PlistBuddy."); UpdateGeneratedInfoPlistFile(pathToBuiltProject + "/Info.plist"); UpdateGeneratedPbxproj(pathToBuiltProject + "/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj"); EditorWindow.GetWindow <GPGSInstructionWindow>( utility: true, title: "Building for IOS", focus: true); }
public static void UpdateGameInfo() { string fileBody = GPGSUtil.ReadFully(GameInfoTemplatePath); var appId = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get("proj.AppId", null); if (appId != null) { fileBody = fileBody.Replace("__APPID__", appId); } var clientId = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get("ios.ClientId", null); if (clientId != null) { fileBody = fileBody.Replace("__CLIENTID__", clientId); } var bundleId = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get("ios.BundleId", null); if (bundleId != null) { fileBody = fileBody.Replace("__BUNDLEID__", bundleId); } GPGSUtil.WriteFile(GameInfoPath, fileBody); }
public static void GenerateAndroidManifest(bool needTokenPermissions) { string destFilename = GPGSUtil.SlashesToPlatformSeparator( "Assets/Plugins/Android/MainLibProj/AndroidManifest.xml"); // Generate AndroidManifest.xml string manifestBody = GPGSUtil.ReadEditorTemplate("template-AndroidManifest"); Dictionary <string, string> overrideValues = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (!needTokenPermissions) { overrideValues[TOKENPERMISSIONKEY] = ""; overrideValues[WEBCLIENTIDPLACEHOLDER] = ""; } else { overrideValues[TOKENPERMISSIONKEY] = TokenPermissions; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> ent in Replacements) { string value = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get(ent.Value, overrideValues); manifestBody = manifestBody.Replace(ent.Key, value); } GPGSUtil.WriteFile(destFilename, manifestBody); GPGSUtil.UpdateGameInfo(); }
public static void UpdateGameInfo() { string fileBody = GPGSUtil.ReadFully(GameInfoTemplatePath); var appId = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get(APPIDKEY, null); if (appId != null) { fileBody = fileBody.Replace(APPIDPLACEHOLDER, appId); } var nearbyServiceId = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get(SERVICEIDKEY, null); if (nearbyServiceId != null) { fileBody = fileBody.Replace(SERVICEIDPLACEHOLDER, appId); } var clientId = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get(IOSCLIENTIDKEY, null); if (clientId != null) { fileBody = fileBody.Replace(IOSCLIENTIDPLACEHOLDER, clientId); } var bundleId = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get(IOSBUNDLEIDKEY, null); if (bundleId != null) { fileBody = fileBody.Replace(IOSBUNDLEIDPLACEHOLDER, bundleId); } GPGSUtil.WriteFile(GameInfoPath, fileBody); }
private void FillInAppData(string sourcePath, string outputPath) { string fileBody = GPGSUtil.ReadFully(sourcePath); fileBody = fileBody.Replace("__CLIENTID__", mClientId); fileBody = fileBody.Replace("__BUNDLEID__", mBundleId); GPGSUtil.WriteFile(outputPath, fileBody); }
/// <summary> /// Helper function to do search and replace of the client and bundle ids. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourcePath">Source path.</param> /// <param name="outputPath">Output path.</param> /// <param name="clientId">Client identifier.</param> /// <param name="bundleId">Bundle identifier.</param> private static void FillInAppData(string sourcePath, string outputPath, string clientId) { string fileBody = GPGSUtil.ReadFully(sourcePath); fileBody = fileBody.Replace(GPGSUtil.ANDROIDCLIENTIDPLACEHOLDER, clientId); GPGSUtil.WriteFile(outputPath, fileBody); }
public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject) { #if UNITY_5 if (target != BuildTarget.iOS) { return; } #else if (target != BuildTarget.iPhone) { return; } #endif #if NO_GPGS Debug.Log("Removing AppController code since NO_GPGS is defined"); // remove plugin code from generated project string pluginDir = pathToBuiltProject + "/Libraries/Plugins/iOS"; if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(pluginDir)) { GPGSUtil.WriteFile(pluginDir + "/", "// Empty since NO_GPGS is defined\n"); return; } #else if (GetBundleId() == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("The iOS bundle ID has not been set up through the " + "'iOS Setup' submenu of 'Google Play Games' - the generated xcode project will " + "not work properly."); return; } //Copy the podfile into the project. string podfile = "Assets/GooglePlayGames/Editor/Podfile.txt"; string destpodfile = pathToBuiltProject + "/Podfile"; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(destpodfile)) { FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory(podfile, destpodfile); } GPGSInstructionWindow w = EditorWindow.GetWindow <GPGSInstructionWindow>( true, "Building for IOS", true); w.UsingCocoaPod = CocoaPodHelper.Update(pathToBuiltProject); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Adding URL Types for authentication using PlistBuddy."); UpdateGeneratedInfoPlistFile(pathToBuiltProject + "/Info.plist"); UpdateGeneratedPbxproj(pathToBuiltProject + "/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj"); #endif }
public static void UpdateGameInfo() { string fileBody = GPGSUtil.ReadEditorTemplate("template-GameInfo"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> ent in Replacements) { string value = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get(ent.Value); fileBody = fileBody.Replace(ent.Key, value); } GPGSUtil.WriteFile(GameInfoPath, fileBody); }
public static void GenerateAndroidManifest() { string destFilename = GPGSUtil.SlashesToPlatformSeparator( "Assets/Plugins/Android/MainLibProj/AndroidManifest.xml"); // Generate AndroidManifest.xml string appId = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get(APPIDKEY, string.Empty); string nearbyServiceId = GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Get(SERVICEIDKEY, string.Empty); string manifestBody = GPGSUtil.ReadEditorTemplate("template-AndroidManifest"); manifestBody = manifestBody.Replace(APPIDPLACEHOLDER, appId); manifestBody = manifestBody.Replace(SERVICEIDPLACEHOLDER, nearbyServiceId); GPGSUtil.WriteFile(destFilename, manifestBody); GPGSUtil.UpdateGameInfo(); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the generated pbxproj to reduce manual work required by developers. Currently /// this just adds the '-fobjc-arc' flag for the Play Games ObjC source files. /// </summary> /// <param name="pbxprojPath">Pbxproj path.</param> private static void UpdateGeneratedPbxproj(string pbxprojPath) { // We're looking for lines in the form: // ... = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = DEADBEEF /* */; }; // And we want to append "settings = {COMPILER_FLAGS = "-fobjc-arc"};" to the content in // between the braces. This is done with a regex replace. // The expression is structured as follows: // - Begin a capturing group. // - Find any line that begins with "<anything>{isa = PBXBuildFile" followed by a // reference to a file beginning with "GPGS" and ending with ".m" (e.g. "GPGSFile.m") // - Close the capture group - leaving a trailing "};" // - Replace that line with the captured group with // "settings = {COMPILER_FLAGS = "-fobjc-arc";};};" appended. The trailing "};" is needed // because we omitted the "};" from the group. var withFlagAdded = Regex.Replace( GPGSUtil.ReadFully(pbxprojPath), @"(.*\{isa\s*=\s*PBXBuildFile.*GPGS\w*\.m.*)\}\;", @"$1settings = {COMPILER_FLAGS = ""-fobjc-arc""; }; };"); // Overwrite the pbxproj with the updated value. GPGSUtil.WriteFile(pbxprojPath, withFlagAdded); }
//Provide static access to setup for facilitating automated builds. public static void PerformSetup(string appId) { string sdkPath = GPGSUtil.GetAndroidSdkPath(); string libProjPath = sdkPath + GPGSUtil.SlashesToPlatformSeparator( "/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib"); string libProjAM = libProjPath + GPGSUtil.SlashesToPlatformSeparator("/AndroidManifest.xml"); string libProjDestDir = GPGSUtil.SlashesToPlatformSeparator( "Assets/Plugins/Android/google-play-services_lib"); string projAM = GPGSUtil.SlashesToPlatformSeparator( "Assets/Plugins/Android/MainLibProj/AndroidManifest.xml"); GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Set("proj.AppId", appId); GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Save(); // check for valid app id if (!GPGSUtil.LooksLikeValidAppId(appId)) { GPGSUtil.Alert(GPGSStrings.Setup.AppIdError); return; } // check that Android SDK is there if (!GPGSUtil.HasAndroidSdk()) { Debug.LogError("Android SDK not found."); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(GPGSStrings.AndroidSetup.SdkNotFound, GPGSStrings.AndroidSetup.SdkNotFoundBlurb, GPGSStrings.Ok); return; } // check that the Google Play Services lib project is there if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(libProjPath) || !System.IO.File.Exists(libProjAM)) { Debug.LogError("Google Play Services lib project not found at: " + libProjPath); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(GPGSStrings.AndroidSetup.LibProjNotFound, GPGSStrings.AndroidSetup.LibProjNotFoundBlurb, GPGSStrings.Ok); return; } string supportJarPath = sdkPath + GPGSUtil.SlashesToPlatformSeparator( "/extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar"); string supportJarDest = GPGSUtil.SlashesToPlatformSeparator("Assets/Plugins/Android/android-support-v4.jar"); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(supportJarPath)) { // check for the new location supportJarPath = sdkPath + GPGSUtil.SlashesToPlatformSeparator( "/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/libs/android-support-v4.jar"); Debug.LogError("Android support library v4 not found at: " + supportJarPath); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(supportJarPath)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(GPGSStrings.AndroidSetup.SupportJarNotFound, GPGSStrings.AndroidSetup.SupportJarNotFoundBlurb, GPGSStrings.Ok); return; } } // create needed directories EnsureDirExists("Assets/Plugins"); EnsureDirExists("Assets/Plugins/Android"); // clear out the destination library project DeleteDirIfExists(libProjDestDir); // Clear out any stale version of the support jar. System.IO.File.Delete(supportJarDest); // Copy Google Play Services library FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory(libProjPath, libProjDestDir); // Copy Android Support Library FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory(supportJarPath, supportJarDest); // Generate AndroidManifest.xml string manifestBody = GPGSUtil.ReadEditorTemplate("template-AndroidManifest"); manifestBody = manifestBody.Replace("___APP_ID___", appId); GPGSUtil.WriteFile(projAM, manifestBody); GPGSUtil.UpdateGameInfo(); // refresh assets, and we're done AssetDatabase.Refresh(); GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Set("android.SetupDone", true); GPGSProjectSettings.Instance.Save(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(GPGSStrings.Success, GPGSStrings.AndroidSetup.SetupComplete, GPGSStrings.Ok); }