static int get_isActive(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); TypewriterEffect obj = (TypewriterEffect)o; bool ret = obj.isActive; LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index isActive on a nil value")); } }
static int get_scrollView(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); TypewriterEffect obj = (TypewriterEffect)o; UIScrollView ret = obj.scrollView; ToLua.Push(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index scrollView on a nil value")); } }
static int get_onFinished(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); TypewriterEffect obj = (TypewriterEffect)o; System.Collections.Generic.List <EventDelegate> ret = obj.onFinished; ToLua.PushSealed(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index onFinished on a nil value")); } }
static int get_delayOnNewLine(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); TypewriterEffect obj = (TypewriterEffect)o; float ret = obj.delayOnNewLine; LuaDLL.lua_pushnumber(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index delayOnNewLine on a nil value")); } }
public void SetText(string text, string icon, int type, string soundName) { if (mShowText != null) { mShowText.text = text; if (mTypewriterEffect == null) { mTypewriterEffect = mShowText.gameObject.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); } mTypewriterEffect.EnabledTypewriter(); mTypewriterEffect.TypeWriteStopEvent += OnTypeWriteStopEvent; if (soundName != "") { mDialogSoundSource = Globals.Instance.MSoundManager.PlayTaskSoundEffect("Sounds/TaskSound/" + soundName); } } }
private void Awake() { Transform transform = base.transform.FindChild("DialogBg"); this.content = transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.contentEffect = Tools.GetSafeComponent<TypewriterEffect>(this.content.gameObject); EventDelegate.Add(this.contentEffect.onFinished, new EventDelegate.Callback(this.InfoEffectEnd)); this.contentEffect.enabled = false; this.name0 = transform.FindChild("name0").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.name1 = transform.FindChild("name1").GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.slot0 = this.name0.transform.FindChild("slot"); this.slot1 = this.name1.transform.FindChild("slot"); this.nextBtn = transform.FindChild("NextBtn").gameObject; this.nextBtn.SetActive(false); UIEventListener expr_104 = UIEventListener.Get(base.transform.FindChild("FadeBG").gameObject); expr_104.onClick = (UIEventListener.VoidDelegate)Delegate.Combine(expr_104.onClick, new UIEventListener.VoidDelegate(this.OnFadeBGClick)); GamePadMgr.RegClickDelegate(268435455, new GamePadMgr.VoidDelegate(this.ProcessFadeBGClick)); base.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void StoryReader() { next = false; touchText.SetActive(false); storytext = ""; if (GameObject.Find("Label(Clone)") != null) { UILabel ula = GameObject.Find("Label(Clone)").GetComponent <UILabel> (); ula.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect> ().enabled = false; ula.transform.parent = parentobj.transform; //NGUITools.AddChild(parentobj, ula); grid.Reposition(); } ; var parent = GameObject.Find("LParent"); if (nowpage >= maxpage) { /*Debug.Log ("BUCK!!"); * nowpage = 0; * next = true;*/ Application.LoadLevel("CharaSelect"); return; } NGUITools.AddChild(parent, labelobj); UILabel ul = GameObject.Find("Label(Clone)").GetComponent <UILabel> (); ul.gameObject.SetActive(false); storytext = story.Storys [nowpage]; ul.text = storytext; nowpage++; TypewriterEffect te = ul.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect> (); EventDelegate.Set(te.onFinished, onFinishTweenAlpha); StartCoroutine("DelayMethod", ul); }
protected override void OnAwake() { Transform pivot = transform.Find("Pivot"); btnReceive = pivot.Find("Btn_Receive").gameObject; btnContinue = pivot.Find("Btn_Continue").gameObject; mTalkContent = pivot.Find("Content").GetComponent <UILabel>(); mTypewriterEffect = mTalkContent.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); mTalkModelParents[ETaskDialogPos.TYPE_LF] = pivot.Find("LF"); mTalkModelParents[ETaskDialogPos.TYPE_RT] = pivot.Find("RT"); mRewardsTrans = pivot.Find("Rewards"); for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { Transform p = mRewardsTrans.Find("Moneys/" + i); ItemMoney tab = new ItemMoney(); tab.moneyTexture = p.Find("Texture").GetComponent <UITexture>(); tab.moneyNum = p.Find("Num").GetComponent <UILabel>(); mMoneys.Add(tab); } }
public void Finish() { if (this.mActive) { this.mActive = false; if (!this.mReset) { this.mCurrentOffset = this.mFullText.get_Length(); this.mFade.Clear(); this.mLabel.text = this.mFullText; } if (this.keepFullDimensions && this.scrollView != null) { this.scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } TypewriterEffect.current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(this.onFinished); TypewriterEffect.current = null; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { GUILayout.Space(6f); NGUIEditorTools.SetLabelWidth(120f); serializedObject.Update(); NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty(serializedObject, "charsPerSecond"); NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty(serializedObject, "fadeInTime"); NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty(serializedObject, "delayOnPeriod"); NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty(serializedObject, "delayOnNewLine"); NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty(serializedObject, "scrollView"); NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty(serializedObject, "keepFullDimensions"); TypewriterEffect tw = target as TypewriterEffect; NGUIEditorTools.DrawEvents("On Finished", tw, tw.onFinished); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
public void Finish() { if (this.mActive) { this.mActive = false; if (!this.mReset) { this.mCurrentOffset = this.mFullText.Length; this.mFade.Clear(); this.mLabel.text = this.mFullText; } if (this.keepFullDimensions && this.scrollView != null) { this.scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } TypewriterEffect.current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(this.onFinished); TypewriterEffect.current = null; } }
public void Finish() { if (mActive) { mActive = false; if (!mReset) { mCurrentOffset = mFullText.Length; mFade.Clear(); mLabel.text = mFullText; } if (keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) { scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(onFinished); current = null; } }
void BtnClick_OnClickEventHandler(UIButton sender) { m_iTipIndex++; if (m_iTipIndex >= m_lStrTalks.Count) { WndManager.DestoryDialog <NpcTalksWnd>(); if (m_iWndType == 1) //开启进入战斗按钮 { ViewStageWnd wnd = WndManager.FindDialog <ViewStageWnd>(); if (wnd != null) { wnd.MyHead.btnCombat.enabled = true; CmCarbon.StartTalkOver = true; } if (m_finishCallBack != null) { m_finishCallBack(); } } } else { if (m_iWndType == 1) { SetWndDirection(m_lWndDirs[m_iTipIndex]); NGUIUtil.Set2DSprite(MyHead.Spr2dNpcHead, "Textures/npc/", m_lNpcID[m_iTipIndex]); } NGUIUtil.SetLableText(MyHead.LblTalkDesc, m_lStrTalks[m_iTipIndex]); TypewriterEffect twe = MyHead.LblTalkDesc.gameObject.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); if (twe == null) { MyHead.LblTalkDesc.gameObject.AddComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); } else //修复第二次打字效果不触发的问题 { DestroyImmediate(twe); MyHead.LblTalkDesc.gameObject.AddComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); } } }
// 启动打字机 private void StartEffect() { TypewriterEffect title = mTitleEffect.GetComponent("TypewriterEffect") as TypewriterEffect; if (title != null) { title.ReStart(); } else { mTitleEffect.AddComponent("TypewriterEffect"); } TypewriterEffect content = mContentEffect.GetComponent("TypewriterEffect") as TypewriterEffect; if (content != null) { content.ReStart(); } else { mContentEffect.AddComponent("TypewriterEffect"); } }
private void Update() { if (!this.mActive) { return; } if (this.mReset) { this.mCurrentOffset = 0; this.mReset = false; this.mLabel = base.GetComponent<UILabel>(); this.mFullText = this.mLabel.processedText; this.mFade.Clear(); if (this.keepFullDimensions && this.scrollView != null) { this.scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } } while (this.mCurrentOffset < this.mFullText.Length && this.mNextChar <= RealTime.time) { int num = this.mCurrentOffset; this.charsPerSecond = Mathf.Max(1, this.charsPerSecond); while (NGUIText.ParseSymbol(this.mFullText, ref this.mCurrentOffset)) { } this.mCurrentOffset++; if (this.mCurrentOffset > this.mFullText.Length) { break; } float num2 = 1f / (float)this.charsPerSecond; char c = (num >= this.mFullText.Length) ? '\n' : this.mFullText[num]; if (c == '\n') { num2 += this.delayOnNewLine; } else if (num + 1 == this.mFullText.Length || this.mFullText[num + 1] <= ' ') { if (c == '.') { if (num + 2 < this.mFullText.Length && this.mFullText[num + 1] == '.' && this.mFullText[num + 2] == '.') { num2 += this.delayOnPeriod * 3f; num += 2; } else { num2 += this.delayOnPeriod; } } else if (c == '!' || c == '?') { num2 += this.delayOnPeriod; } } if (this.mNextChar == 0f) { this.mNextChar = RealTime.time + num2; } else { this.mNextChar += num2; } if (this.fadeInTime != 0f) { TypewriterEffect.FadeEntry item = default(TypewriterEffect.FadeEntry); item.index = num; item.alpha = 0f; item.text = this.mFullText.Substring(num, this.mCurrentOffset - num); this.mFade.Add(item); } else { this.mLabel.text = ((!this.keepFullDimensions) ? this.mFullText.Substring(0, this.mCurrentOffset) : (this.mFullText.Substring(0, this.mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + this.mFullText.Substring(this.mCurrentOffset))); if (!this.keepFullDimensions && this.scrollView != null) { this.scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } } } if (this.mFade.size != 0) { int i = 0; while (i < this.mFade.size) { TypewriterEffect.FadeEntry value = this.mFade[i]; value.alpha += RealTime.deltaTime / this.fadeInTime; if (value.alpha < 1f) { this.mFade[i] = value; i++; } else { this.mFade.RemoveAt(i); } } if (this.mFade.size == 0) { if (this.keepFullDimensions) { this.mLabel.text = this.mFullText.Substring(0, this.mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + this.mFullText.Substring(this.mCurrentOffset); } else { this.mLabel.text = this.mFullText.Substring(0, this.mCurrentOffset); } } else { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < this.mFade.size; j++) { TypewriterEffect.FadeEntry fadeEntry = this.mFade[j]; if (j == 0) { stringBuilder.Append(this.mFullText.Substring(0, fadeEntry.index)); } stringBuilder.Append('['); stringBuilder.Append(NGUIText.EncodeAlpha(fadeEntry.alpha)); stringBuilder.Append(']'); stringBuilder.Append(fadeEntry.text); } if (this.keepFullDimensions) { stringBuilder.Append("[00]"); stringBuilder.Append(this.mFullText.Substring(this.mCurrentOffset)); } this.mLabel.text = stringBuilder.ToString(); } } else if (this.mCurrentOffset == this.mFullText.Length) { TypewriterEffect.current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(this.onFinished); TypewriterEffect.current = null; this.mActive = false; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { dialogTypewriter = dialogText.gameObject.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); HideDialog(); }
private void OnEnable() { text = (TypewriterEffect)target; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { typewriter = GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); label = GetComponent <UILabel>(); scrollView = transform.parent.GetComponent <UIScrollView>(); }
private IEnumerator DoAddMessage(string name, string msg, StoryDirector.POS tail_dir, StoryDirector.MSG_TYPE msg_type) { typewriter = null; Transform table_t = GetCtrl(UI.TBL_MESSAGE); string prefab_name = "StoryMessageItem0"; if (msg_type == StoryDirector.MSG_TYPE.MONOLOGUE) { prefab_name = "StoryMessageItem1"; } Transform message_item_t = Realizes(prefab_name, table_t, true); message_item_t.SetSiblingIndex(0); UIWidget message_item_w = message_item_t.GetComponent <UIWidget>(); lastMessageItem = message_item_t; balloon = base.GetComponent <UISprite>(message_item_t, (Enum)UI.SPR_BALLOON); tailLeft = FindCtrl(message_item_t, UI.SPR_TAIL_L); tailRight = FindCtrl(message_item_t, UI.SPR_TAIL_R); tailCenter = FindCtrl(message_item_t, UI.SPR_TAIL_C); nameLabel = base.GetComponent <UILabel>(message_item_t, (Enum)UI.LBL_NAME); messageLabel = base.GetComponent <UILabel>(message_item_t, (Enum)UI.LBL_MESSAGE); initBaseHeight = message_item_w.height; messageLabel.text = " "; initMessageHeight = messageLabel.height; messageHeight = initMessageHeight; string temp = string.Empty; if (messageLabel.Wrap(msg, out temp)) { msg = WordWrap.Convert(messageLabel, msg); } SetLastMessageFocus(true); SetMessageDragEnabled(false); if (msg_type == StoryDirector.MSG_TYPE.NORMAL) { if (tailLeft != null && tail_dir != StoryDirector.POS.LEFT) { tailLeft.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); } if (tailRight != null && tail_dir != StoryDirector.POS.RIGHT) { tailRight.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); } if (tailCenter != null && tail_dir != StoryDirector.POS.CENTER) { tailCenter.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); } nameLabel.text = name; } UIWidget next_arrow_w = base.GetComponent <UIWidget>((Enum)UI.SPR_NEXT); next_arrow_w.get_gameObject().SetActive(false); List <UITweener> tweens = new List <UITweener>(); message_item_t.GetComponentsInChildren <UITweener>(tweens); while (tweens.Find((UITweener o) => o.get_enabled()) != null) { yield return((object)null); } SoundManager.PlaySystemSE(SoundID.UISE.POPUP, 1f); messageLabel.text = msg; typewriter = messageLabel.get_gameObject().AddComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); typewriter.charsPerSecond = StoryDirector.SPEED_TYPEWRITER; typewriter.ResetToBeginning(); while (typewriter.isActive) { yield return((object)null); } yield return((object)null); next_arrow_w.get_gameObject().SetActive(true); Vector3[] message_corners = message_item_w.worldCorners; Vector3[] next_arrow_corners = next_arrow_w.worldCorners; ((UIRect)next_arrow_w).SetAnchor(null); next_arrow_w.cachedTransform.set_position(new Vector3((next_arrow_corners[0].x + next_arrow_corners[2].x) * 0.5f, message_corners[0].y - (next_arrow_corners[1].y - next_arrow_corners[0].y) * 0.5f, next_arrow_corners[0].z)); SetMessageDragEnabled(true); Object.Destroy(typewriter); typewriter = null; messageHeight = 0; messageNum++; coroutine = null; }
private void Update() { if (!this.mActive) { return; } if (this.mReset) { this.mCurrentOffset = 0; this.mReset = false; this.mLabel = base.GetComponent <UILabel>(); this.mFullText = this.mLabel.processedText; this.mFade.Clear(); if (this.keepFullDimensions && this.scrollView != null) { this.scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.mFullText)) { return; } while (this.mCurrentOffset < this.mFullText.get_Length() && this.mNextChar <= RealTime.time) { int num = this.mCurrentOffset; this.charsPerSecond = Mathf.Max(1, this.charsPerSecond); if (this.mLabel.supportEncoding) { while (NGUIText.ParseSymbol(this.mFullText, ref this.mCurrentOffset)) { } } this.mCurrentOffset++; if (this.mCurrentOffset > this.mFullText.get_Length()) { break; } float num2 = 1f / (float)this.charsPerSecond; char c = (num < this.mFullText.get_Length()) ? this.mFullText.get_Chars(num) : '\n'; if (c == '\n') { num2 += this.delayOnNewLine; } else if (num + 1 == this.mFullText.get_Length() || this.mFullText.get_Chars(num + 1) <= ' ') { if (c == '.') { if (num + 2 < this.mFullText.get_Length() && this.mFullText.get_Chars(num + 1) == '.' && this.mFullText.get_Chars(num + 2) == '.') { num2 += this.delayOnPeriod * 3f; num += 2; } else { num2 += this.delayOnPeriod; } } else if (c == '!' || c == '?') { num2 += this.delayOnPeriod; } } if (this.mNextChar == 0f) { this.mNextChar = RealTime.time + num2; } else { this.mNextChar += num2; } if (this.fadeInTime != 0f) { TypewriterEffect.FadeEntry item = default(TypewriterEffect.FadeEntry); item.index = num; item.alpha = 0f; item.text = this.mFullText.Substring(num, this.mCurrentOffset - num); this.mFade.Add(item); } else { this.mLabel.text = (this.keepFullDimensions ? (this.mFullText.Substring(0, this.mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + this.mFullText.Substring(this.mCurrentOffset)) : this.mFullText.Substring(0, this.mCurrentOffset)); if (!this.keepFullDimensions && this.scrollView != null) { this.scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } } } if (this.mCurrentOffset >= this.mFullText.get_Length()) { this.mLabel.text = this.mFullText; TypewriterEffect.current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(this.onFinished); TypewriterEffect.current = null; this.mActive = false; return; } if (this.mFade.size != 0) { int i = 0; while (i < this.mFade.size) { TypewriterEffect.FadeEntry fadeEntry = this.mFade[i]; fadeEntry.alpha += RealTime.deltaTime / this.fadeInTime; if (fadeEntry.alpha < 1f) { this.mFade[i] = fadeEntry; i++; } else { this.mFade.RemoveAt(i); } } if (this.mFade.size == 0) { if (this.keepFullDimensions) { this.mLabel.text = this.mFullText.Substring(0, this.mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + this.mFullText.Substring(this.mCurrentOffset); return; } this.mLabel.text = this.mFullText.Substring(0, this.mCurrentOffset); return; } else { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < this.mFade.size; j++) { TypewriterEffect.FadeEntry fadeEntry2 = this.mFade[j]; if (j == 0) { stringBuilder.Append(this.mFullText.Substring(0, fadeEntry2.index)); } stringBuilder.Append('['); stringBuilder.Append(NGUIText.EncodeAlpha(fadeEntry2.alpha)); stringBuilder.Append(']'); stringBuilder.Append(fadeEntry2.text); } if (this.keepFullDimensions) { stringBuilder.Append("[00]"); stringBuilder.Append(this.mFullText.Substring(this.mCurrentOffset)); } this.mLabel.text = stringBuilder.ToString(); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { TypeWriter = FindObjectOfType <TypewriterEffect>(); BallRB = Ball.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); PL2 = FindObjectOfType <PlayerLogic2>(); }
private void Update() { if (!mActive) { return; } if (mReset) { mCurrentOffset = 0; mReset = false; mLabel = GetComponent <UILabel>(); mFullText = mLabel.processedText; mFade.Clear(); if (keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) { scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } } while (mCurrentOffset < mFullText.Length && mNextChar <= RealTime.time) { int num = mCurrentOffset; charsPerSecond = Mathf.Max(1, charsPerSecond); while (NGUIText.ParseSymbol(mFullText, ref mCurrentOffset)) { } mCurrentOffset++; if (mCurrentOffset > mFullText.Length) { break; } float num2 = 1f / (float)charsPerSecond; char c = (num >= mFullText.Length) ? '\n' : mFullText[num]; if (c == '\n') { num2 += delayOnNewLine; } else if (num + 1 == mFullText.Length || mFullText[num + 1] <= ' ') { switch (c) { case '.': if (num + 2 < mFullText.Length && mFullText[num + 1] == '.' && mFullText[num + 2] == '.') { num2 += delayOnPeriod * 3f; num += 2; } else { num2 += delayOnPeriod; } break; case '!': case '?': num2 += delayOnPeriod; break; } } if (mNextChar == 0f) { mNextChar = RealTime.time + num2; } else { mNextChar += num2; } if (fadeInTime != 0f) { FadeEntry item = default(FadeEntry); item.index = num; item.alpha = 0f; item.text = mFullText.Substring(num, mCurrentOffset - num); mFade.Add(item); } else { mLabel.text = ((!keepFullDimensions) ? mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset) : (mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset))); if (!keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) { scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } } } if (mFade.size != 0) { int num3 = 0; while (num3 < mFade.size) { FadeEntry value = mFade[num3]; value.alpha += RealTime.deltaTime / fadeInTime; if (value.alpha < 1f) { mFade[num3] = value; num3++; } else { mFade.RemoveAt(num3); } } if (mFade.size == 0) { if (keepFullDimensions) { mLabel.text = mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset); } else { mLabel.text = mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset); } return; } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < mFade.size; i++) { FadeEntry fadeEntry = mFade[i]; if (i == 0) { stringBuilder.Append(mFullText.Substring(0, fadeEntry.index)); } stringBuilder.Append('['); stringBuilder.Append(NGUIText.EncodeAlpha(fadeEntry.alpha)); stringBuilder.Append(']'); stringBuilder.Append(fadeEntry.text); } if (keepFullDimensions) { stringBuilder.Append("[00]"); stringBuilder.Append(mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset)); } mLabel.text = stringBuilder.ToString(); } else if (mCurrentOffset == mFullText.Length) { current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(onFinished); current = null; mActive = false; } }
private IEnumerator OpenQuestion() { sm.SetBGM("puzzle"); //恢复默认位置 QLabel.transform.localPosition =; QLabel.GetComponent <UILabel>().text = "Question " + reasoningEvent.num; QLabel.SetActive(false); //3 Question框打开 questionContainer.SetActive(true); float t = 0, alpha = 0; while (t < 1) { t = Mathf.MoveTowards(t, 1, 1 / 0.5f * Time.deltaTime); float scale = 2 - t; if (t < 0.5) { alpha = t * 2; } questionContainer.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, 1); questionContainer.GetComponent <UIWidget>().alpha = alpha; yield return(null); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); //显示question 并闪烁 QLabel.SetActive(true); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { QLabel.GetComponent <UILabel>().color = Color.gray; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); QLabel.GetComponent <UILabel>().color = Color.white; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } //移动Qustion到指定位置 t = 0; while (t < 1) { t = Mathf.MoveTowards(t, 1, 1 / 0.2f * Time.deltaTime); float x = t * -360; QLabel.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, QLabel.transform.localPosition.y); yield return(null); } //4 题目显示 questionLabel.GetComponent <UILabel>().text = reasoningEvent.question; questionLabel.SetActive(true); TypewriterEffect te = questionLabel.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); te.ResetToBeginning(); while (te.isActive) { yield return(null); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); //5 选项依次显示 StartCoroutine(ifevi ? ShowEvidence() : ShowChoice()); //6 *血条展示 hpmpManager.gameObject.SetActive(true); hpmpManager.ShowBar(true, false); }
private void Start() { _typewriterEffect = GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); }
void Update () { if (!mActive) return; if (mReset) { mCurrentOffset = 0; mReset = false; mLabel = GetComponent<UILabel>(); mFullText = mLabel.processedText; mFade.Clear(); if (keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } while (mCurrentOffset < mFullText.Length && mNextChar <= RealTime.time) { int lastOffset = mCurrentOffset; charsPerSecond = Mathf.Max(1, charsPerSecond); // Automatically skip all symbols while (NGUIText.ParseSymbol(mFullText, ref mCurrentOffset)) { } ++mCurrentOffset; // Reached the end? We're done. if (mCurrentOffset > mFullText.Length) break; // Periods and end-of-line characters should pause for a longer time. float delay = 1f / charsPerSecond; char c = (lastOffset < mFullText.Length) ? mFullText[lastOffset] : '\n'; if (c == '\n') { delay += delayOnNewLine; } else if (lastOffset + 1 == mFullText.Length || mFullText[lastOffset + 1] <= ' ') { if (c == '.') { if (lastOffset + 2 < mFullText.Length && mFullText[lastOffset + 1] == '.' && mFullText[lastOffset + 2] == '.') { delay += delayOnPeriod * 3f; lastOffset += 2; } else delay += delayOnPeriod; } else if (c == '!' || c == '?') { delay += delayOnPeriod; } } if (mNextChar == 0f) { mNextChar = RealTime.time + delay; } else mNextChar += delay; if (fadeInTime != 0f) { // There is smooth fading involved FadeEntry fe = new FadeEntry(); fe.index = lastOffset; fe.alpha = 0f; fe.text = mFullText.Substring(lastOffset, mCurrentOffset - lastOffset); mFade.Add(fe); } else { // No smooth fading necessary mLabel.text = keepFullDimensions ? mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset) : mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset); // If a scroll view was specified, update its position if (!keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } } // Alpha-based fading if (mFade.size != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mFade.size; ) { FadeEntry fe = mFade[i]; fe.alpha += RealTime.deltaTime / fadeInTime; if (fe.alpha < 1f) { mFade[i] = fe; ++i; } else mFade.RemoveAt(i); } if (mFade.size == 0) { if (keepFullDimensions) mLabel.text = mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset); else mLabel.text = mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < mFade.size; ++i) { FadeEntry fe = mFade[i]; if (i == 0) { sb.Append(mFullText.Substring(0, fe.index)); } sb.Append('['); sb.Append(NGUIText.EncodeAlpha(fe.alpha)); sb.Append(']'); sb.Append(fe.text); } if (keepFullDimensions) { sb.Append("[00]"); sb.Append(mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset)); } mLabel.text = sb.ToString(); } } else if (mCurrentOffset == mFullText.Length) { current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(onFinished); current = null; mActive = false; } }
protected override void OnStart() { speakLabel = this.GetChild("sperakLabel").GetComponent <UILabel>(); writer = speakLabel.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); bg = this.GetChild("BG").gameObject; }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; uiText = GetComponent <Text>(); }
private void OnGUI() { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); /* * * ALL IMAGE RELATED STUFF HANDLED BELOW THE CUT * The user will simply choose the shader of their choice, drop it into the object field and use the button to assign the shader. * Using toggles to choose between different shaders proved to not be a useful way to assign shaders to game objects. * Scripts to handle the shader animation during game mode... leave the user to add the script component themselves? * Or add toggles to have the user choose the proper script? * */ EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Image effects", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("To apply shader effects to your image or game object, please put it in the appropriate field below. Then select a shader material and put it in the appropriate field below. Pre-made shaders will also come with a script. Imported or custom shaders will not have scripts applied since there aren't any pre-made scripts available.", MessageType.Info); EditorGUILayout.Space(); img = (Image)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Image content", img, typeof(Image), true); media = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Media content", media, typeof(GameObject), true); mat = (Material)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Material", mat, typeof(Material), true); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("Apply shader")) { /* * * This section handles shaders for image objects * */ if (img) { img.material = mat; GameObject go = img.gameObject; if ( == "bubble") { if (go.GetComponent <bubbleScript>() == null) { go.AddComponent <bubbleScript>(); } } else if ( == "checkerboard") { if (go.GetComponent <checkerboardScript>() == null) { go.AddComponent <checkerboardScript>(); } } else if ( == "corrode") { if (go.GetComponent <corrodeScript>() == null) { go.AddComponent <corrodeScript>(); } } else if ( == "dissolve1") { if (go.GetComponent <dissolve1Script>() == null) { go.AddComponent <dissolve1Script>(); } } else if ( == "Dissolve2") { if (go.GetComponent <dissolve2Script>() == null) { go.AddComponent <dissolve2Script>(); } } else if ( == "frost") { if (go.GetComponent <frostScript>() == null) { go.AddComponent <frostScript>(); } } else if ( == "lines") { if (go.GetComponent <linesScript>() == null) { go.AddComponent <linesScript>(); } } else { return; } EditorUtility.SetDirty(img); } /* * * This section handles shaders for other applicable gameobjects * */ if (media) { Renderer rend = media.GetComponent <Renderer>(); rend.material = mat; if ( == "bubble") { if (media.GetComponent <bubbleScript>() == null) { media.AddComponent <bubbleScript>(); } } else if ( == "checkerboard") { if (media.GetComponent <checkerboardScript>() == null) { media.AddComponent <checkerboardScript>(); } } else if ( == "corrode") { if (media.GetComponent <corrodeScript>() == null) { media.AddComponent <corrodeScript>(); } } else if ( == "dissolve1") { if (media.GetComponent <dissolve1Script>() == null) { media.AddComponent <dissolve1Script>(); } } else if ( == "Dissolve2") { if (media.GetComponent <dissolve2Script>() == null) { media.AddComponent <dissolve2Script>(); } } else if ( == "frost") { if (media.GetComponent <frostScript>() == null) { media.AddComponent <frostScript>(); } } else if ( == "lines") { if (media.GetComponent <linesScript>() == null) { media.AddComponent <linesScript>(); } } else { return; } EditorUtility.SetDirty(media); } } /* * * TEXT IMAGE RELATED STUFF HANDLED BELOW THE CUT * The user will simply use toggles to assign scripts to their text UI. * Toggles will be added to the window as additional effects are produced. * */ EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Text UI", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This section handles applying visual effects to text objects. Drop the text object that you'd like to apply a visual effect to below. To apply effects, use the toggles.", MessageType.Info); EditorGUILayout.Space(); text = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Text", text, typeof(GameObject), true); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Text effects", EditorStyles.boldLabel); /////////////////////////// TYPEWRITER FX //////////////////////////// applyTypewriter = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Apply typewriter", applyTypewriter); if (text) { if (applyTypewriter == true) { try { if (text.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>() == null) { text.AddComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(text); } } catch (UnassignedReferenceException e) { } } if (applyTypewriter == false) { try { TypewriterEffect removing = text.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); DestroyImmediate(removing); EditorUtility.SetDirty(text); } catch (UnassignedReferenceException e) { } } } /////////////////////////// FADE-IN FX //////////////////////////// applyFadein = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Apply fade-in", applyFadein); if (text) { if (applyFadein == true) { if (text.GetComponent <FadeInEffect>() == null) { text.AddComponent <FadeInEffect>(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(text); } } if (applyFadein == false) { try { FadeInEffect removing = text.GetComponent <FadeInEffect>(); DestroyImmediate(removing); EditorUtility.SetDirty(text); } catch (UnassignedReferenceException e) { } } } /////////////////////////// FADE-OUT FX //////////////////////////// applyFadeout = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Apply fade-out", applyFadeout); if (text) { if (applyFadeout == true) { if (text.GetComponent <FadeOutEffect>() == null) { text.AddComponent <FadeOutEffect>(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(text); } } if (applyFadeout == false) { try { FadeOutEffect removing = text.GetComponent <FadeOutEffect>(); DestroyImmediate(removing); EditorUtility.SetDirty(text); } catch (UnassignedReferenceException e) { } } } }
protected override void OnStart() { typeWriter = this.GetChild("Label").GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); }
/// <summary> /// 刷新技能说明处显示信息; /// </summary> void UpdateDetails(bool needTypeWriterEffect) { SkillLearnTableItem learnItem = MySkillModule.GetDetailBySkillId(CurSkillId); if (learnItem == null) { return; } SkillLevelTableItem levelItem = null; int levelId = 0; int lv = MySkillModule.GetSkillLvBySkillID(CurSkillId); if (lv < 0) { return; } skillName.text = learnItem.skill_name; if (lv == 0) //锁定状态/可解锁状态; { if (!MySkillModule.canOpen(CurSkillId)) //锁定; { skillLV.text = StringHelper.StringWithColor(FontColor.Red, "未解锁"); } else { skillLV.text = "[079d6a]可解锁[-]"; } levelId = SkillModule.SkillLearnToLevel(CurSkillId, 1); levelItem = MySkillModule.GetDetailByLevelID(levelId); if (levelItem == null) { Debug.LogError("SkillLevel表格缺少ID为" + levelId.ToString() + "的数据!"); return; } detail1.text = learnItem.skill_desc + "\n" + levelItem.skill_desc.Replace("\\n", "\n"); levelId = SkillModule.SkillLearnToLevel(CurSkillId, 2); levelItem = MySkillModule.GetDetailByLevelID(levelId); if (levelItem == null) { Debug.LogError("SkillLevel表格缺少ID为" + levelId.ToString() + "的数据!"); return; } detail2.text = levelItem.skill_desc.Replace("\\n", "\n"); needLvLb.gameObject.SetActive(true); int lvUpLv = SkillModule.GetPlayerLvBySkillLevelId(levelId); if (lvUpLv > 0) { PlayerDataModule pdm = ModuleManager.Instance.FindModule <PlayerDataModule>(); if (pdm == null) { GameDebug.LogError("f**k"); return; } if (pdm.GetLevel() < lvUpLv) { needLvLb.text = string.Format(StringHelper.GetString("skill_open_lv", FontColor.Red), lvUpLv); } else { needLvLb.text = string.Format(StringHelper.GetString("skill_open_lv", FontColor.Green), lvUpLv); } } else { needLvLb.text = ""; } } else { skillLV.text = "Lv. " + lv.ToString(); //levelItem = MySkillModule.GetDetailByCurLvSkillID(CurSkillId, MySkillModule.GetSkillLvBySkillID(CurSkillId) - 1); levelId = SkillModule.SkillLearnToLevel(CurSkillId, lv); levelItem = MySkillModule.GetDetailByLevelID(levelId); if (levelItem == null) { Debug.LogError("error le"); return; } detail1.text = learnItem.skill_desc + "\n" + levelItem.skill_desc.Replace("\\n", "\n"); if (MySkillModule.IsFullLv(CurSkillId)) { detail2.text = StringHelper.GetString("skill_full_lv"); needLvLb.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { levelId = SkillModule.SkillLearnToLevel(CurSkillId, lv + 1); levelItem = MySkillModule.GetDetailByLevelID(levelId); if (levelItem == null) { Debug.LogError("SkillLevel表格缺少ID为" + levelId.ToString() + "的数据!"); return; } needLvLb.gameObject.SetActive(true); int lvUpLv = SkillModule.GetPlayerLvBySkillLevelId(levelId); if (lvUpLv > 0) { PlayerDataModule pdm = ModuleManager.Instance.FindModule <PlayerDataModule>(); if (pdm == null) { GameDebug.LogError("f**k"); return; } if (pdm.GetLevel() < lvUpLv) { needLvLb.text = string.Format(StringHelper.GetString("skill_open_lv", FontColor.Red), lvUpLv); } else { needLvLb.text = string.Format(StringHelper.GetString("skill_open_lv", FontColor.Green), lvUpLv); } } else { needLvLb.text = ""; } detail2.text = levelItem.skill_desc.Replace("\\n", "\n"); } } TypewriterEffect te1 = null, te2 = null; if (UIEffectManager.IsUIEffectActive <TypewriterEffect>(detail1.gameObject, ref te1)) { if (needTypeWriterEffect) { te1.ReStart(); } else { te1.SetProcessText(); } } else { if (needTypeWriterEffect) { detail1.gameObject.AddMissingComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); } } if (UIEffectManager.IsUIEffectActive <TypewriterEffect>(detail2.gameObject, ref te2)) { if (needTypeWriterEffect) { te2.ReStart(); } else { te2.SetProcessText(); } } else { if (needTypeWriterEffect) { detail2.gameObject.AddMissingComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Finish the typewriter operation and show all the text right away. /// </summary> public void Finish () { if (mActive) { mActive = false; if (!mReset) { mCurrentOffset = mFullText.Length; mFade.Clear(); mLabel.text = mFullText; } if (keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) scrollView.UpdatePosition(); current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(onFinished); current = null; } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { s_talkRoot = this; Typewriter = WillTool.GetChildInDepth <Text>("Content", transform).GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); FirtInit(); }
void Update() { if (!mActive) { return; } if (mReset) { mCurrentOffset = 0; mReset = false; mLabel = GetComponent <UILabel>(); mFullText = mLabel.processedText; mFade.Clear(); if (keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) { scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } } while (mCurrentOffset < mFullText.Length && mNextChar <= RealTime.time) { int lastOffset = mCurrentOffset; charsPerSecond = Mathf.Max(1, charsPerSecond); // Automatically skip all symbols while (NGUIText.ParseSymbol(mFullText, ref mCurrentOffset)) { } ++mCurrentOffset; // Reached the end? We're done. if (mCurrentOffset > mFullText.Length) { break; } // Periods and end-of-line characters should pause for a longer time. float delay = 1f / charsPerSecond; char c = (lastOffset < mFullText.Length) ? mFullText[lastOffset] : '\n'; if (c == '\n') { delay += delayOnNewLine; } else if (lastOffset + 1 == mFullText.Length || mFullText[lastOffset + 1] <= ' ') { if (c == '.') { if (lastOffset + 2 < mFullText.Length && mFullText[lastOffset + 1] == '.' && mFullText[lastOffset + 2] == '.') { delay += delayOnPeriod * 3f; lastOffset += 2; } else { delay += delayOnPeriod; } } else if (c == '!' || c == '?') { delay += delayOnPeriod; } } if (mNextChar == 0f) { mNextChar = RealTime.time + delay; } else { mNextChar += delay; } if (fadeInTime != 0f) { // There is smooth fading involved FadeEntry fe = new FadeEntry(); fe.index = lastOffset; fe.alpha = 0f; fe.text = mFullText.Substring(lastOffset, mCurrentOffset - lastOffset); mFade.Add(fe); } else { // No smooth fading necessary mLabel.text = keepFullDimensions ? mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset) : mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset); // If a scroll view was specified, update its position if (!keepFullDimensions && scrollView != null) { scrollView.UpdatePosition(); } } } // Alpha-based fading if (mFade.size != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < mFade.size;) { FadeEntry fe = mFade[i]; fe.alpha += RealTime.deltaTime / fadeInTime; if (fe.alpha < 1f) { mFade[i] = fe; ++i; } else { mFade.RemoveAt(i); } } if (mFade.size == 0) { if (keepFullDimensions) { mLabel.text = mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset) + "[00]" + mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset); } else { mLabel.text = mFullText.Substring(0, mCurrentOffset); } } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < mFade.size; ++i) { FadeEntry fe = mFade[i]; if (i == 0) { sb.Append(mFullText.Substring(0, fe.index)); } sb.Append('['); sb.Append(NGUIText.EncodeAlpha(fe.alpha)); sb.Append(']'); sb.Append(fe.text); } if (keepFullDimensions) { sb.Append("[00]"); sb.Append(mFullText.Substring(mCurrentOffset)); } mLabel.text = sb.ToString(); } } else if (mCurrentOffset == mFullText.Length) { current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(onFinished); current = null; mActive = false; } }
public override void Run() { UILabel labName; UILabel labWords; //主角显示在左侧 if (StoryConst.SELF_ID == this.npcId) { Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.LeftNPC.SetActive(true); Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.RightNPC.SetActive(false); sprNPC = Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.LeftNPCSprite; labName = Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.LeftNPCName; labWords = Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.LeftNPCWords; NPCBustMgr.Instance.GetBust(MeVo.instance.BustUrl, RoleBustLoaded); } //NPC显示在右侧 else { Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.LeftNPC.SetActive(false); Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.RightNPC.SetActive(true); sprNPC = Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.RightNPCSprite; labName = Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.RightNPCName; labWords = Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.RightNPCWords; } talkWindow = Singleton <StoryView> .Instance.TalkWindow; //显示对话框 if (!talkWindow.activeSelf) { talkWindow.SetActive(true); } //打字机不能重复利用,需要先删除再创建 TypewriterEffect typewriter = labWords.GetComponent <TypewriterEffect>(); if (null != typewriter) { GameObject.Destroy(typewriter); } //获得头像、主角名字 string spriteName = ""; string roleName = ""; if (StoryConst.SELF_ID == this.npcId) { //主角头像 spriteName = Singleton <RoleMode> .Instance.GetPlayerHeadSpriteName(MeVo.instance.job); roleName = MeVo.instance.Name; } else { CreateAction action = Singleton <StoryMode> .Instance.GetCreateAction(this.npcId); if (null != action) { string resourceId = action.ResourceId; //为怪物 if (action.IsMonster) { SysMonsterVo vo = BaseDataMgr.instance.getSysMonsterVo(Convert.ToUInt32(resourceId)); if (null != vo) { spriteName = vo.icon.ToString(); roleName =; } } //为NPC else { SysNpcVo vo = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetNpcVoById(Convert.ToUInt32(resourceId)); if (null != vo) { spriteName = vo.halfImgSprite; roleName =; } } bust = action.Bust; } } sprNPC.atlas = Singleton <AtlasManager> .Instance.GetAtlas(AtlasManager.Header); sprNPC.spriteName = spriteName; sprNPC.SetActive(false); labName.text = roleName; labWords.text = this.words; if (null != bust) { bust.SetActive(true); bustVisible = true; } if (delay > 0f) { vp_Timer.In(delay, Finish, 1, 0); } //增加打字效果(测试先屏蔽) //typewriter = labWords.gameObject.AddComponent<TypewriterEffect>(); //typewriter.charsPerSecond = 20; //typewriter.DoTypeEnd = Finish; }