예제 #1
        public static void MyVisualOutput_ComposedPatterns(List <MyComposedPattern> listOfOutputComposedPattern,
                                                           List <MyComposedPattern> listOfOutputComposedPatternTwo, SldWorks mySwApplication, ModelDoc2 SwModel)

            int      nOfPatterns = 0;
            var      tolerance   = Math.Pow(10, -4);
            MyVertex headCentroidPattern;
            MyVertex backCentroidPattern;

            foreach (var composedPattern in listOfOutputComposedPattern)
                nOfPatterns         = composedPattern.listOfMyPattern.Count;
                headCentroidPattern = composedPattern.listOfMyPattern[0].patternCentroid;
                backCentroidPattern = composedPattern.listOfMyPattern[nOfPatterns - 1].patternCentroid;
                if (composedPattern.pathOfMyComposedPattern.GetType() == typeof(MyLine))
                    SwModel.CreateLine2(headCentroidPattern.x, headCentroidPattern.y, headCentroidPattern.z,
                                        backCentroidPattern.x, backCentroidPattern.y, backCentroidPattern.z);
                else //typeof(MyCircumForPath)
                    var pathObject   = (MyCircumForPath)composedPattern.pathOfMyComposedPattern;
                    var circumCenter = pathObject.circumcenter;
                    //SwModel.CreateArc2(pathObject.circumcenter.x, pathObject.circumcenter.y, pathObject.circumcenter.z,
                    //    headCentroidPattern.x, headCentroidPattern.y, headCentroidPattern.z,
                    //    backCentroidPattern.x, backCentroidPattern.y, backCentroidPattern.z, -1);   //o +1?

                    if (
                        Math.Abs(headCentroidPattern.Distance(backCentroidPattern) -
                                 composedPattern.constStepOfMyComposedPattern) < tolerance)
                        SwModel.CreateCircle2(circumCenter.x, circumCenter.y, circumCenter.z,
                                              headCentroidPattern.x, headCentroidPattern.y, headCentroidPattern.z);
                        SwModel.Create3PointArc(headCentroidPattern.x, headCentroidPattern.y, headCentroidPattern.z,
                                                backCentroidPattern.x, backCentroidPattern.y, backCentroidPattern.z,

            foreach (var composedPattern in listOfOutputComposedPatternTwo)
                headCentroidPattern = composedPattern.listOfMyPattern[0].patternCentroid;
                backCentroidPattern = composedPattern.listOfMyPattern[1].patternCentroid;
                SwModel.CreateLine2(headCentroidPattern.x, headCentroidPattern.y, headCentroidPattern.z,
                                    backCentroidPattern.x, backCentroidPattern.y, backCentroidPattern.z);

            #region esempio linea funzionante
            //ModelDoc2 SwModel = mySwApplication.ActiveDoc;
            //SwModel.CreateLine2(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1);

예제 #2
        public void AddFeature(SldWorks SwApp, ModelDoc2 SwModel, Point2D P1, Point2D P2)
            if (CheckUsing() == false)

            Helper         helper         = new Helper(SwModel, SwApp);
            SketchManager  sketchManager  = SwModel.SketchManager;
            FeatureManager featureManager = SwModel.FeatureManager;
            SelectionMgr   selectionMgr   = SwModel.SelectionManager;
            Feature        feature        = default(Feature);
            Entity         entity         = default(Entity);
            Face2          face2          = default(Face2);
            Array          faceArray      = default(Array);
            Array          edgeArray      = default(Array);
            Edge           swEdge         = default(Edge);

            List <double> filletedges = new List <double>();
            double        edgeL       = default(double);

            double[] TNormal = { 0, 1, 0 };  // Y up normal
            double[] LNormal = { 0, 0, 1 };  // +Z normal
            double[] RNormal = { 0, 0, -1 }; // -Z normal

            CurveParamData curveParamData = default(CurveParamData);

            double LStage = P2.x - P1.x;

            #region // add features

            helper.select_feature("RefPlane", 0, false, 0);

            if (splinedMethod == (object)"From Start")
                sketchManager.CreateLine(P1.x, P1.y, 0, (P1.x + splinedLength), P1.y, 0); // top line
                sketchManager.CreateLine(P1.x, splinedR, 0, ((P1.x + splinedLength) - splinedArcL), splinedR, 0);
                // bottom line
                sketchManager.CreateLine(P1.x, P1.y, 0, P1.x, splinedR, 0); //left line
                sketchManager.CreateTangentArc((P1.x + (splinedLength - splinedArcL)), splinedR, 0,
                                               (P1.x + splinedLength),
                                               P1.y, 0, 1);

            if (splinedMethod == (object)"From End")
                sketchManager.CreateLine(P2.x, P1.y, 0, (P2.x - splinedLength), P2.y, 0); // top line
                sketchManager.CreateLine(P2.x, splinedR, 0, (P2.x - (splinedLength - splinedArcL)), splinedR, 0);
                // bottom line
                sketchManager.CreateLine(P2.x, P1.y, 0, P2.x, splinedR, 0); //left line
                sketchManager.CreateTangentArc((P2.x - (splinedLength - splinedArcL)), splinedR, 0,
                                               (P2.x - splinedLength),
                                               P1.y, 0, 0);

            if (splinedMethod == (object)"Through")
                sketchManager.CreateCenterRectangle((P1.x + (LStage / 2)), (splinedR + (P1.y - splinedR) / 2), 0,
                                                    P1.x, P1.y, 0);

            SwModel.FeatureManager.FeatureCut3(true, false, false, 6, 0, splinedWidth, 0,
                                               false, false, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true, true,
                                               false, 0, 0, false); //cut from mide plane


            feature   = (Feature)selectionMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
            faceArray = feature.GetFaces() as Array;

            #region // edge filleting, 0 - pass

            if (splinedFillet != 0)

                for (int j = 0; j < faceArray.Length; j++) // get face by normal 0,1,0
                    face2 = faceArray.GetValue(j) as Face2;
                    var normal = face2.Normal;
                    if (TNormal.SequenceEqual(normal as double[]))
                        entity = faceArray.GetValue(j) as Entity;
                        entity.Select4(false, null);
                        //                                MessageBox.Show(j.ToString());

                face2     = selectionMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
                edgeArray = face2.GetEdges() as Array;
                //                     MessageBox.Show(""+face2.GetEdgeCount().ToString());

                for (int j = 0; j < face2.GetEdgeCount(); j++) // finding of edge length
                    swEdge         = edgeArray.GetValue(j) as Edge;
                    curveParamData = swEdge.GetCurveParams3();
                    edgeL          = Math.Abs(curveParamData.UMaxValue - curveParamData.UMinValue);

                double max = filletedges.Max();
                for (int j = 0; j < filletedges.Count; j++) // select edges for filleting
                    if (filletedges[j] == max)
                        entity = edgeArray.GetValue(j) as Entity;
                        entity.Select4(true, null);

                featureManager.FeatureFillet(194, splinedFillet, 0, 0, null, null, null);
                // edges fillet 194 - target propagate off


            #region // edge chamfering, 0 - pass

            if (splinedChamfer != 0)
                List <Face2> facesList = new List <Face2>();
                facesList.Add(default(Face2));             // empty element
                facesList.Add(default(Face2));             // empty element

                for (int j = 0; j < faceArray.Length; j++) // select faces by normal
                    face2 = faceArray.GetValue(j) as Face2;
                    var normal = face2.Normal;
                    if (LNormal.SequenceEqual(normal as double[]))
                        facesList[0] = face2;
                    if (RNormal.SequenceEqual(normal as double[]))
                        facesList[1] = face2;

                faceArray = facesList.ToArray() as Array; // refill array of neded face's
                int index_f0 = 0;                         // index of top edge L
                int index_f1 = 0;                         // index of top edge R

                for (int j = 0; j < faceArray.Length; j++)
                    face2     = faceArray.GetValue(j) as Face2;
                    edgeArray = face2.GetEdges() as Array;
                    swEdge    = edgeArray.GetValue(0) as Edge;

                    CurveParamData cData = swEdge.GetCurveParams3() as CurveParamData;

                    var Spoint = (double[])cData.StartPoint;
                    var Epoint = (double[])cData.EndPoint;

                    for (int k = 0; k < edgeArray.Length; k++)
                        swEdge = edgeArray.GetValue(k) as Edge;
                        cData  = swEdge.GetCurveParams3() as CurveParamData;
                        var SP = (double[])cData.StartPoint;
                        var EP = (double[])cData.EndPoint;

                        if ((SP[1] >= Spoint[1]) && (EP[1] >= Epoint[1])) // check max y cordinats of the edge
                            if (Spoint[1] == Spoint[1])                   // horisontal line always have same y cordinats
                                Epoint = EP;
                                Spoint = SP;
                                if (j == 0)
                                    index_f0 = k;
                                    index_f1 = k;

                // finally selecy top up edges
                face2     = faceArray.GetValue(0) as Face2;
                edgeArray = face2.GetEdges() as Array;
                entity    = edgeArray.GetValue(index_f0) as Entity;
                entity.Select4(false, null);

                face2     = faceArray.GetValue(1) as Face2;
                edgeArray = face2.GetEdges() as Array;
                entity    = edgeArray.GetValue(index_f1) as Entity;
                entity.Select4(true, null);

                int chamferOpt = 4; // target propagate by default

                if (splinedMethod == (object)"From Start" ||
                    splinedMethod == (object)"From End")
                    chamferOpt = 1; // flip direction
                featureManager.InsertFeatureChamfer(chamferOpt, 1, splinedChamfer, helper.ToRad(45), 0, 0, 0, 0);


            #region //Pattern if value less then 1 pass

            if (splinedArray > 1)
                helper.select_feature("Cut", (helper.get_features_count("Cut") - 1), false, 4);
                helper.select_feature("RefAxis", 0, true, 1);

                if (splinedChamfer > 0)
                    helper.select_feature("Chamfer", (helper.get_features_count("Chamfer") - 1), true, 4);

                if (splinedFillet > 0)
                    helper.select_feature("Fillet", (helper.get_features_count("Fillet") - 1), true, 4);

                featureManager.FeatureCircularPattern4(splinedArray, helper.ToRad(360), false, "null", false, true,

예제 #3
        //This function prints the detected COMPOSED patterns of components (lines and circles).
        public static void ShowAndPrintResults_Assembly_ComposedPatterns(
            List <MyComposedPatternOfComponents> listOfOutputComposedPattern,
            List <MyComposedPatternOfComponents> listOfOutputComposedPatternTwo, ModelDoc2 SwModel, SldWorks swApplication)

            int      nOfPatterns;
            var      tolerance = Math.Pow(10, -4);
            MyVertex headCentroidPattern;
            MyVertex backCentroidPattern;

            foreach (var composedPattern in listOfOutputComposedPattern)
                nOfPatterns         = composedPattern.ListOfMyPatternOfComponents.Count;
                headCentroidPattern = composedPattern.ListOfMyPatternOfComponents[0].patternCentroid;
                backCentroidPattern = composedPattern.ListOfMyPatternOfComponents[nOfPatterns - 1].patternCentroid;
                if (composedPattern.pathOfMyComposedPatternOfComponents.GetType() == typeof(MyLine))
                    SwModel.CreateLine2(headCentroidPattern.x, headCentroidPattern.y, headCentroidPattern.z,
                                        backCentroidPattern.x, backCentroidPattern.y, backCentroidPattern.z);
                else //typeof(MyCircumForPath)
                    var pathObject   = (MyCircumForPath)composedPattern.pathOfMyComposedPatternOfComponents;
                    var circumCenter = pathObject.circumcenter;

                    if (
                        Math.Abs(headCentroidPattern.Distance(backCentroidPattern) -
                                 composedPattern.constStepOfMyComposedPatternOfComponents) < tolerance)
                        SwModel.CreateCircle2(circumCenter.x, circumCenter.y, circumCenter.z,
                                              headCentroidPattern.x, headCentroidPattern.y, headCentroidPattern.z);
                        SwModel.Create3PointArc(headCentroidPattern.x, headCentroidPattern.y, headCentroidPattern.z,
                                                backCentroidPattern.x, backCentroidPattern.y, backCentroidPattern.z,

            foreach (var composedPattern in listOfOutputComposedPatternTwo)
                headCentroidPattern = composedPattern.ListOfMyPatternOfComponents[0].patternCentroid;
                backCentroidPattern = composedPattern.ListOfMyPatternOfComponents[1].patternCentroid;
                SwModel.CreateLine2(headCentroidPattern.x, headCentroidPattern.y, headCentroidPattern.z,
                                    backCentroidPattern.x, backCentroidPattern.y, backCentroidPattern.z);