public void SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge edge, float inset, float size)
        int     axis = (edge != RectTransform.Edge.Top && edge != RectTransform.Edge.Bottom) ? 0 : 1;
        bool    topOrRightAligned = edge == RectTransform.Edge.Top || edge == RectTransform.Edge.Right;
        float   value             = !topOrRightAligned ? 0 : 1;
        Vector2 temp = default(Vector2); // Used to bypass property assignment

        // anchorMin
        temp           = this.anchorMin;
        temp[axis]     = value;
        this.anchorMin = temp;

        // anchorMax
        temp           = this.anchorMax;
        temp[axis]     = value;
        this.anchorMax = temp;

        // sizeDelta
        temp           = this.sizeDelta;
        temp[axis]     = size;
        this.sizeDelta = temp;

        // anchoredPosition
        temp       = this.anchoredPosition;
        temp[axis] = ((!topOrRightAligned)
            ? (inset + size * this.pivot[axis])
            : (-inset - size * (1f - this.pivot[axis])));
        this.anchoredPosition = temp;

        // position
        // NOTE: Might be able to defer this until second axis
        temp       = this.position;
        temp[axis] = Misc.AnchoredPositionToWorldPosition((RectTransform)parent, anchoredPosition,
                                                          pivot, anchorMin, anchorMax)[axis];
        this.position = temp;

        // localPosition
        // NOTE: Might be able to defer this until second axis
        temp               = this.localPosition;
        temp[axis]         = parent.InverseTransformPoint(this.position)[axis];
        this.localPosition = temp;