예제 #1
    bool ConvertCountries()
        List <CNode> foundNodes = new List <CNode> ();

        ConnectedNodes(nodes [0], foundNodes);
        if (foundNodes.Count == nodes.Count && nodes.FindAll(x => x.links.Count < 2).Count == 0)
            //Debug.Log ("All nodes are connected by two links");
            List <List <CNode> > nodeShapes = new List <List <CNode> > ();

            List <CNode> multiNodes = nodes.FindAll(x => x.links.Count > 2);

            /*if(multiNodes.Count == 0) {
             *                      nodeShapes.Add(nodes);
             *              }*/

            List <CNode[]> doneNodes = new List <CNode[]> ();

            foreach (CNode junction in multiNodes)               //we loop through each junction to catch all the shapes
                List <CNode> cwNodes = junction.CClockwiseConnected();

                foreach (CNode node in cwNodes)                   //we go around each node, looking for its clockwise next point
                    if (doneNodes.Find(x => x [0] == node && x [1] == junction) != null)

                    float angleSum = 0f;

                    doneNodes.Add(new CNode[2] {
                        node, junction
                    });                                                               //we start by adding the node so we don't go around it clockwise again

                    CNode currentNode = junction;
                    CNode lastNode    = node;

                    //Debug.Log ("Started from " + lastNode.gameObject.name + " and " + currentNode.gameObject.name);

                    List <CNode> currentShape = new List <CNode> ();

                        CNode temp = currentNode;


                        currentNode = currentNode.CClockwiseFrom(lastNode);

                        float addAngle = MeshMaker.GetCWAngle(temp.gameObject.transform.position,
                                                              currentNode.gameObject.transform.position) - Mathf.PI;                    //we look at the exterior angle, which is why we subtract Pi

                        //Debug.Log ("Angle between " + lastNode.gameObject.name + " and " + currentNode.gameObject.name + " is " + addAngle.ToString());

                        angleSum += addAngle;

                        lastNode = temp;

                        //Debug.Log ("Added " + currentNode.gameObject.name);

                        if (currentNode.links.Count > 2)                           //if it's a node before a junction, we might loop through it in the future and want to avoid it now
                            doneNodes.Add(new CNode[2] {
                                lastNode, currentNode
                    } while(currentNode != node);

                    //Debug.Log (angleSum.ToString());

                    if (angleSum < 0)                      //This is true for shapes we've gone around the inside of - otherwise, we can include a negative shape

            for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeShapes.Count; nodeIndex++)               //we generate the shapes out of the list of CNodes

                List <CNode> nodeList = nodeShapes [nodeIndex];

                Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[nodeList.Count];

                Vector3 averageVert = new Vector3();

                for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
                    averageVert += nodeList [i].gameObject.transform.position;

                averageVert /= nodeList.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
                    vertices[i] = nodeList [i].gameObject.transform.position - averageVert;

                Triangulator triangulator = new Triangulator(vertices);


                GameObject newObject = new GameObject();

                MeshFilter newFilter = newObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ();
                newFilter.mesh.vertices  = vertices;
                newFilter.mesh.triangles = triangulator.Triangulate();

                MeshRenderer newRenderer = newObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> ();
                newRenderer.material.shader = Shader.Find("UI/Default");
                float colorFraction = nodeIndex / (nodeShapes.Count * 1.0f);
                //Debug.Log ("Coloring at " + colorFraction.ToString ());
                newRenderer.material.color = new Color(colorFraction, colorFraction, colorFraction, 1f);

                newObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();

                newObject.AddComponent <CountryObject>();

                newObject.transform.Translate(averageVert + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f));


