예제 #1
        public void OnGUI()
            ImGui.CheckboxFlags("BGFX_DEBUG_WIREFRAME##DebugWindow", ref debug, (uint)bgfx.Debug.BGFX_DEBUG_WIREFRAME);
            ImGui.CheckboxFlags("BGFX_DEBUG_IFH##DebugWindow", ref debug, (uint)bgfx.Debug.BGFX_DEBUG_IFH);
            ImGui.CheckboxFlags("BGFX_DEBUG_STATS##DebugWindow", ref debug, (uint)bgfx.Debug.BGFX_DEBUG_STATS);
            ImGui.CheckboxFlags("BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT##DebugWindow", ref debug, (uint)bgfx.Debug.BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT);
            ImGui.CheckboxFlags("BGFX_DEBUG_PROFILER##DebugWindow", ref debug, (uint)bgfx.Debug.BGFX_DEBUG_PROFILER);
            ImGui.Checkbox("Debug Game?", ref debugGame);

            FireEngineNative.febgfxSetDebug(debug, debugGame);
예제 #2
        static unsafe void SubmitUI()
            // Demo code adapted from the official Dear ImGui demo program:

            // 1. Show a simple window.
            // Tip: if we don't call ImGui.BeginWindow()/ImGui.EndWindow() the widgets automatically appears in a window called "Debug".
                ImGui.Text("Hello, world!");                                        // Display some text (you can use a format string too)
                ImGui.SliderFloat("float", ref _f, 0, 1, _f.ToString("0.000"));     // Edit 1 float using a slider from 0.0f to 1.0f
                // ImGui.ColorEdit3("clear color", ref _clearColor);                // Edit 3 floats representing a color

                ImGui.Text($"Mouse position: {ImGui.GetMousePos()}");

                ImGui.Checkbox("Demo Window", ref _showDemoWindow);                 // Edit bools storing our windows open/close state
                ImGui.Checkbox("Another Window", ref _showAnotherWindow);
                ImGui.Checkbox("Memory Editor", ref _showMemoryEditor);
                if (ImGui.Button("Button"))                                         // Buttons return true when clicked (NB: most widgets return true when edited/activated)
                ImGui.SameLine(0, -1);
                ImGui.Text($"counter = {_counter}");

                ImGui.DragInt("Draggable Int", ref _dragInt);

                float framerate = ImGui.GetIO().Framerate;
                ImGui.Text($"Application average {1000.0f / framerate:0.##} ms/frame ({framerate:0.#} FPS)");

            // 2. Show another simple window. In most cases you will use an explicit Begin/End pair to name your windows.
            if (_showAnotherWindow)
                ImGui.Begin("Another Window", ref _showAnotherWindow);
                ImGui.Text("Hello from another window!");
                if (ImGui.Button("Close Me"))
                    _showAnotherWindow = false;

            // 3. Show the ImGui demo window. Most of the sample code is in ImGui.ShowDemoWindow(). Read its code to learn more about Dear ImGui!
            if (_showDemoWindow)
                // Normally user code doesn't need/want to call this because positions are saved in .ini file anyway.
                // Here we just want to make the demo initial state a bit more friendly!
                ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(650, 20), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver);
                ImGui.ShowDemoWindow(ref _showDemoWindow);

            if (ImGui.TreeNode("Tabs"))
                if (ImGui.TreeNode("Basic"))
                    ImGuiTabBarFlags tab_bar_flags = ImGuiTabBarFlags.None;
                    if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("MyTabBar", tab_bar_flags))
                        if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Avocado"))
                            ImGui.Text("This is the Avocado tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
                        if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Broccoli"))
                            ImGui.Text("This is the Broccoli tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
                        if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Cucumber"))
                            ImGui.Text("This is the Cucumber tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");

                if (ImGui.TreeNode("Advanced & Close Button"))
                    // Expose a couple of the available flags. In most cases you may just call BeginTabBar() with no flags (0).
                    ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_Reorderable", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.Reorderable);
                    ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_AutoSelectNewTabs", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.AutoSelectNewTabs);
                    ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton);

                    if ((s_tab_bar_flags & (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyMask) == 0)
                        s_tab_bar_flags |= (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyDefault;
                    if (ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyResizeDown", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyResizeDown))
                        s_tab_bar_flags &= ~((uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyMask ^ (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyResizeDown);
                    if (ImGui.CheckboxFlags("ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll", ref s_tab_bar_flags, (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyScroll))
                        s_tab_bar_flags &= ~((uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyMask ^ (uint)ImGuiTabBarFlags.FittingPolicyScroll);

                    // Tab Bar
                    string[] names = { "Artichoke", "Beetroot", "Celery", "Daikon" };

                    for (int n = 0; n < s_opened.Length; n++)
                        if (n > 0)
                        ImGui.Checkbox(names[n], ref s_opened[n]);

                    // Passing a bool* to BeginTabItem() is similar to passing one to Begin(): the underlying bool will be set to false when the tab is closed.
                    if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("MyTabBar", (ImGuiTabBarFlags)s_tab_bar_flags))
                        for (int n = 0; n < s_opened.Length; n++)
                            if (s_opened[n] && ImGui.BeginTabItem(names[n], ref s_opened[n]))
                                ImGui.Text($"This is the {names[n]} tab!");
                                if ((n & 1) != 0)
                                    ImGui.Text("I am an odd tab.");

            ImGuiIOPtr io = ImGui.GetIO();

            SetThing(out io.DeltaTime, 2f);

            if (_showMemoryEditor)
                _memoryEditor.Draw("Memory Editor", _memoryEditorData, _memoryEditorData.Length);