public bool Draw() { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(500, 500), ImGuiCond.Always); var isOpen = true; if (!ImGui.Begin(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsHeader", "Dalamud Settings") + "###XlSettings", ref isOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize)) { ImGui.End(); return(false); } ImGui.BeginChild("scrolling", new Vector2(499, 430), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar); if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("SetTabBar")) { if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsGeneral", "General"))) { ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsLanguage", "Language")); ImGui.Combo("##XlLangCombo", ref this.langIndex, this.languages, this.languages.Length); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsLanguageHint", "Select the language Dalamud will be displayed in.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(5f, 5f)); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsChannel", "General Chat Channel")); ImGui.Combo("##XlChatTypeCombo", ref this.dalamudMessagesChatType, this.chatTypes, this.chatTypes.Length); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsChannelHint", "Select the chat channel that is to be used for general Dalamud messages.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(5f, 5f)); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsFlash", "Flash FFXIV window on duty pop"), ref this.doCfTaskBarFlash); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsFlashHint", "Select, if the FFXIV window should be flashed in your task bar when a duty is ready.")); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsExperimental", "Experimental"))) { ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsRestartHint", "You need to restart your game after changing these settings.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(10f, 10f)); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsPluginTest", "Get plugin testing builds"), ref this.doPluginTest); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsPluginTestHint", "Check this box to receive testing prereleases for plugins.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingDalamudTest", "Get Dalamud testing builds"), ref this.doDalamudTest); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingDalamudTestHint", "Check this box to receive testing prereleases for Dalamud.")); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } ImGui.EndTabBar(); } ImGui.EndChild(); if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("Save", "Save"))) { Save(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("SaveAndClose", "Save and Close"))) { Save(); isOpen = false; } ImGui.End(); return(isOpen); }
private bool PropertyRow(Type typ, object oldval, out object newval, bool isBool) { try { if (isBool) { dynamic val = oldval; bool checkVal = val > 0; if (ImGui.Checkbox("##valueBool", ref checkVal)) { newval = Convert.ChangeType(checkVal ? 1 : 0, oldval.GetType()); return(true); } ImGui.SameLine(); } } catch { } if (typ == typeof(long)) { long val = (long)oldval; string strval = $@"{val}"; if (ImGui.InputText("##value", ref strval, 128)) { var res = long.TryParse(strval, out val); if (res) { newval = val; return(true); } } } else if (typ == typeof(int)) { int val = (int)oldval; if (ImGui.InputInt("##value", ref val)) { newval = val; return(true); } } else if (typ == typeof(uint)) { uint val = (uint)oldval; string strval = $@"{val}"; if (ImGui.InputText("##value", ref strval, 16)) { var res = uint.TryParse(strval, out val); if (res) { newval = val; return(true); } } } else if (typ == typeof(short)) { int val = (short)oldval; if (ImGui.InputInt("##value", ref val)) { newval = (short)val; return(true); } } else if (typ == typeof(ushort)) { ushort val = (ushort)oldval; string strval = $@"{val}"; if (ImGui.InputText("##value", ref strval, 5)) { var res = ushort.TryParse(strval, out val); if (res) { newval = val; return(true); } } } else if (typ == typeof(sbyte)) { int val = (sbyte)oldval; if (ImGui.InputInt("##value", ref val)) { newval = (sbyte)val; return(true); } } else if (typ == typeof(byte)) { byte val = (byte)oldval; string strval = $@"{val}"; if (ImGui.InputText("##value", ref strval, 3)) { var res = byte.TryParse(strval, out val); if (res) { newval = val; return(true); } } } else if (typ == typeof(bool)) { bool val = (bool)oldval; if (ImGui.Checkbox("##value", ref val)) { newval = val; return(true); } } else if (typ == typeof(float)) { float val = (float)oldval; if (ImGui.DragFloat("##value", ref val, 0.1f)) { newval = val; return(true); // shouldUpdateVisual = true; } } else if (typ == typeof(string)) { string val = (string)oldval; if (val == null) { val = ""; } if (ImGui.InputText("##value", ref val, 128)) { newval = val; return(true); } } else if (typ == typeof(Vector2)) { Vector2 val = (Vector2)oldval; if (ImGui.DragFloat2("##value", ref val, 0.1f)) { newval = val; return(true); // shouldUpdateVisual = true; } } else if (typ == typeof(Vector3)) { Vector3 val = (Vector3)oldval; if (ImGui.DragFloat3("##value", ref val, 0.1f)) { newval = val; return(true); // shouldUpdateVisual = true; } } else { ImGui.Text("ImplementMe"); } newval = null; return(false); }
public static bool DrawBool(string label, ref bool b, RenderContext rc) { return(ImGui.Checkbox(label, ref b)); }
public bool Draw() { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(500, 500) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale, ImGuiCond.Always); var isOpen = true; if (!ImGui.Begin(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsHeader", "Dalamud Settings") + "###XlSettings", ref isOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize)) { ImGui.End(); return(false); } ImGui.BeginChild("scrolling", new Vector2(499, 430) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale, false, ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar); if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("SetTabBar")) { if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsGeneral", "General"))) { ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsLanguage", "Language")); ImGui.Combo("##XlLangCombo", ref this.langIndex, this.languages, this.languages.Length); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsLanguageHint", "Select the language Dalamud will be displayed in.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(5f, 5f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsChannel", "General Chat Channel")); ImGui.Combo("##XlChatTypeCombo", ref this.dalamudMessagesChatType, this.chatTypes, this.chatTypes.Length); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsChannelHint", "Select the chat channel that is to be used for general Dalamud messages.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(5f, 5f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsFlash", "Flash FFXIV window on duty pop"), ref this.doCfTaskBarFlash); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsFlashHint", "Select, if the FFXIV window should be flashed in your task bar when a duty is ready.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsDutyFinderMessage", "Chatlog message on duty pop"), ref this.doCfChatMessage); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsDutyFinderMessageHint", "Select, if a message should be sent in the FFXIV chat when a duty is ready.")); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsVisual", "Look & Feel"))) { if (ImGui.DragFloat(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsGlobalUiScale", "Global UI scale"), ref this.globalUiScale, 0.005f, MinScale, MaxScale, "%.2f")) { ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale = this.globalUiScale; } ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsGlobalUiScaleHint", "Scale all XIVLauncher UI elements - useful for 4K displays.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(10f, 16f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideOptOutNote", "Plugins may independently opt out of the settings below.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHide", "Hide plugin UI when the game UI is toggled off."), ref this.doToggleUiHide); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideHint", "Check this box to hide any open windows by plugins when toggling the game overlay.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideDuringCutscenes", "Hide plugin UI during cutscenes."), ref this.doToggleUiHideDuringCutscenes); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideDuringCutscenesHint", "Check this box to hide any open windows by plugins during cutscenes.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideDuringGpose", "Hide plugin UI while gpose is active."), ref this.doToggleUiHideDuringGpose); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideDuringGposeHint", "Check this box to hide any open windows by plugins while gpose is active.")); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsExperimental", "Experimental"))) { ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsRestartHint", "You need to restart your game after changing these settings.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(10f, 10f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsPluginTest", "Get plugin testing builds"), ref this.doPluginTest); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsPluginTestHint", "Check this box to receive testing prereleases for plugins.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingDalamudTest", "Get Dalamud testing builds"), ref this.doDalamudTest); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingDalamudTestHint", "Check this box to receive testing prereleases for Dalamud.")); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } ImGui.EndTabBar(); } ImGui.EndChild(); if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("Save", "Save"))) { Save(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("SaveAndClose", "Save and Close"))) { Save(); isOpen = false; } ImGui.End(); return(isOpen); }
private static void HandleType(SettingsHolder holder, object type, string propertyInfo) { switch (type) { case ButtonNode buttonNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { if (ImGui.Button(holder.Unique)) { buttonNode.OnPressed(); } }; return; case null: case EmptyNode _: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { }; return; case HotkeyNode hotkeyNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { var str = $"{holder.Name} {hotkeyNode.Value}##{hotkeyNode.Value}"; var popupOpened = true; if (ImGui.Button(str)) { ImGui.OpenPopup(str); popupOpened = true; } if (!ImGui.BeginPopupModal(str, ref popupOpened, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse)) { return; } if (Input.GetKeyState(Keys.Escape)) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui.EndPopup(); return; } foreach (var key in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Keys))) { if (!Input.GetKeyState((Keys)key)) { continue; } hotkeyNode.Value = (Keys)key; ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); break; } ImGui.Text($"Press new key to change '{hotkeyNode.Value}' or Esc for exit."); ImGui.EndPopup(); }; return; case ToggleNode toggleNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { var isChecked = toggleNode.Value; ImGui.Checkbox(holder.Unique, ref isChecked); toggleNode.Value = isChecked; }; return; case ColorNode colorNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { var color = colorNode.Value.ToVector4().ToVector4Num(); if (ImGui.ColorEdit4(holder.Unique, ref color, ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoInputs | ImGuiColorEditFlags.AlphaBar | ImGuiColorEditFlags.AlphaPreviewHalf)) { colorNode.Value = color.ToSharpColor(); } }; return; case ListNode listNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { if (!ImGui.BeginCombo(holder.Unique, listNode.Value)) { return; } foreach (var value in listNode.Values) { if (!ImGui.Selectable(value)) { continue; } listNode.Value = value; break; } ImGui.EndCombo(); }; return; case FileNode fileNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { if (!ImGui.TreeNode(holder.Unique)) { return; } var value = fileNode.Value; if (ImGui.BeginChildFrame(1, new Vector2(0f, 300f))) { var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo("config"); if (directoryInfo.Exists) { var files = directoryInfo.GetFiles(); foreach (var fileInfo in files) { if (ImGui.Selectable(fileInfo.Name, value == fileInfo.FullName)) { fileNode.Value = fileInfo.FullName; } } } ImGui.EndChildFrame(); } ImGui.TreePop(); }; return; case RangeNode <int> iRangeNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { var value = iRangeNode.Value; ImGui.SliderInt(holder.Unique, ref value, iRangeNode.Min, iRangeNode.Max); iRangeNode.Value = value; }; return; case RangeNode <float> fRangeNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { var value = fRangeNode.Value; ImGui.SliderFloat(holder.Unique, ref value, fRangeNode.Min, fRangeNode.Max); fRangeNode.Value = value; }; return; case RangeNode <long> lRangeNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { var value = (int)lRangeNode.Value; ImGui.SliderInt(holder.Unique, ref value, (int)lRangeNode.Min, (int)lRangeNode.Max); lRangeNode.Value = value; }; return; case RangeNode <Vector2> vRangeNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { var value = vRangeNode.Value; ImGui.SliderFloat2(holder.Unique, ref value, vRangeNode.Min.X, vRangeNode.Max.X); vRangeNode.Value = value; }; return; case TextNode textNode: holder.DrawDelegate = () => { var value = textNode.Value; ImGui.InputText(holder.Unique, ref value, 200); textNode.Value = value; }; return; } DebugWindow.LogDebug( $"SettingsParser => DrawDelegate not auto-generated for '{propertyInfo}'."); }
public static bool Checkbox(string label, ref bool val, string fmt) { GUIUtility.TextIndentFunction(fmt); return(ImGui.Checkbox(label, ref val)); }
unsafe void Popups() { //StringEditor if (stringConfirm) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Confirm?##stringedit" + Unique); stringConfirm = false; } if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Confirm?##stringedit" + Unique, WindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text("Data is >255 bytes, string will be truncated. Continue?"); if (ImGui.Button("Yes")) { text.SetBytes(selectedNode.Data, 255); stringEditor = true; ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("No")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } if (stringEditor) { ImGui.OpenPopup("String Editor##" + Unique); stringEditor = false; } if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("String Editor##" + Unique, WindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text("String: "); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.InputText("", text.Pointer, 255, InputTextFlags.Default, text.Callback); if (ImGui.Button("Ok")) { selectedNode.Data = text.GetByteArray(); ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Cancel")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } //Hex Editor if (hexEditor) { ImGui.OpenPopup("HexEditor##" + Unique); hexEditor = false; } if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("HexEditor##" + Unique)) { ImGui.PushFont(ImGuiHelper.Default); int res; if ((res = mem.Draw("Hex", hexdata, hexdata.Length, 0)) != 0) { if (res == 1) { selectedNode.Data = hexdata; } ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.PopFont(); ImGui.EndPopup(); } //Color Picker if (colorPicker) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Color Picker##" + Unique); colorPicker = false; } if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Color Picker##" + Unique, WindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { bool old4 = pickcolor4; ImGui.Checkbox("Alpha?", ref pickcolor4); if (old4 != pickcolor4) { if (old4 == false) { color4 = new System.Numerics.Vector4(color3.X, color3.Y, color3.Z, 1); } if (old4 == true) { color3 = new System.Numerics.Vector3(color4.X, color4.Y, color4.Z); } } ImGui.Separator(); if (pickcolor4) { ImGui.ColorPicker4("Color", ref color4, ColorEditFlags.AlphaPreview | ColorEditFlags.AlphaBar); } else { ImGui.ColorPicker3("Color", ref color3); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.Button("Ok")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); if (pickcolor4) { var bytes = new byte[16]; fixed(byte *ptr = bytes) { var f = (System.Numerics.Vector4 *)ptr; f[0] = color4; } selectedNode.Data = bytes; } else { var bytes = new byte[12]; fixed(byte *ptr = bytes) { var f = (System.Numerics.Vector3 *)ptr; f[0] = color3; } selectedNode.Data = bytes; } } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Cancel")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } //Float Editor if (floatEditor) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Float Editor##" + Unique); floatEditor = false; } DataEditors.FloatEditor("Float Editor##" + Unique, ref floats, selectedNode); if (intEditor) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Int Editor##" + Unique); intEditor = false; } DataEditors.IntEditor("Int Editor##" + Unique, ref ints, ref intHex, selectedNode); //Rename dialog if (doRename) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Rename##" + Unique); doRename = false; } if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Rename##" + Unique, WindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text("Name: "); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.InputText("", text.Pointer, text.Size, InputTextFlags.Default, text.Callback); if (ImGui.Button("Ok")) { var n = text.GetText().Trim(); if (n.Length == 0) { ErrorPopup("Node name cannot be empty"); } else { renameNode.Name = text.GetText(); } ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Cancel")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } //Error if (doError) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Error##" + Unique); doError = false; } if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Error##" + Unique, WindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text(errorText); if (ImGui.Button("Ok")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } //Add if (doAdd) { ImGui.OpenPopup("New Node##" + Unique); doAdd = false; } if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("New Node##" + Unique, WindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text("Name: "); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.InputText("", text.Pointer, text.Size, InputTextFlags.Default, text.Callback); if (ImGui.Button("Ok")) { var node = new LUtfNode() { Name = text.GetText().Trim(), Parent = addParent ?? addNode }; if (node.Name.Length == 0) { ErrorPopup("Node name cannot be empty"); } else { if (addParent != null) { addParent.Children.Insert(addParent.Children.IndexOf(addNode) + addOffset, node); } else { addNode.Data = null; if (addNode.Children == null) { addNode.Children = new List <LUtfNode>(); } addNode.Children.Add(node); } selectedNode = node; } ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Cancel")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } //Confirmation if (doConfirm) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Confirm?##generic" + Unique); doConfirm = false; } if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Confirm?##generic" + Unique, WindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text(confirmText); if (ImGui.Button("Yes")) { confirmAction(); ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("No")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } }
public bool DrawConfigUI() { var drawConfig = true; var windowFlags = ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse; ImGui.Begin($"{plugin.Name} Config##fpsPluginConfigWindow", ref drawConfig, windowFlags); var changed = false; changed |= ImGui.Checkbox("Show Display##fpsPluginEnabledSetting", ref Enable); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.TextDisabled("/pfps [show|hide|toggle]"); changed |= ImGui.Checkbox("Lock Display##fpsPluginLockSetting", ref Locked); changed |= ImGui.Checkbox("Show Decimals##fpsPluginDecimalsSetting", ref ShowDecimals); changed |= ImGui.Checkbox("Show Average##fpsPluginShowAverageSetting", ref ShowAverage); changed |= ImGui.Checkbox("Show Minimum##fpsPluginShowMinimumSetting", ref ShowMinimum); changed |= ImGui.Checkbox("Multiline##fpsPluginMultiline", ref MultiLine); changed |= ImGui.InputInt("Tracking Timespan (Seconds)", ref HistorySnapshotCount, 1, 60); if (ImGui.TreeNode("Style Options###fpsPluginStyleOptions")) { changed |= ImGui.SliderFloat("Background Opacity##fpsPluginOpacitySetting", ref Alpha, 0, 1); if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Font##fpsPluginFontSelect", this.Font.Description())) { foreach (var v in (FPSPluginFont[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(FPSPluginFont))) { if (ImGui.Selectable($"{v.Description()}##fpsPluginFont_{v}")) { this.Font = v; changed = true; FontChangeTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } if (ImGui.SliderFloat("Font Size##fpsPluginFontSizeSetting", ref FontSize, 6, 90, "%.0f")) { FontChangeTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; changed = true; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.SmallButton("Reload Font")) { plugin.ReloadFont(); } changed |= ImGui.ColorEdit4("Text Colour##fpsPluginColorSetting", ref Colour); changed |= ImGui.SliderFloat("Corner Rounding###fpsPluginCornerRounding", ref WindowCornerRounding, 0f, 20f, "%.0f"); changed |= ImGui.SliderFloat2("Window Padding###fpsPluginWindowPadding", ref WindowPadding, 0f, 20f, "%.0f"); ImGui.TreePop(); } #if DEBUG if (ImGui.TreeNode("Debug##fpsPlugin")) { ImGui.InputText("Test Text", ref TestText, 100, ImGuiInputTextFlags.Multiline); ImGui.TreePop(); } #endif ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.Button("Restore Default##fpsPluginDefaultsButton")) { LoadDefaults(); changed = true; } if (changed) { if (HistorySnapshotCount < 1) { HistorySnapshotCount = 1; } if (HistorySnapshotCount > 10000) { HistorySnapshotCount = 10000; } Save(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, 0xFF5E5BFF); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ButtonActive, 0xFF5E5BAA); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ButtonHovered, 0xFF5E5BDD); var c = ImGui.GetCursorPos(); ImGui.SetCursorPosX(ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - ImGui.CalcTextSize("Support on Ko-fi").X - ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X * 2); if (ImGui.Button("Support on Ko-fi")) { Process.Start(""); } ImGui.SetCursorPos(c); ImGui.PopStyleColor(3); ImGui.End(); return(drawConfig); }
public void Draw() { if (!this.plugin.SettingsVisible) { return; } bool settingsVisible = this.plugin.SettingsVisible; if (ImGui.Begin("Oops, All Lalafells!", ref settingsVisible, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { bool shouldChangeOthers = this.plugin.config.ShouldChangeOthers; ImGui.Checkbox("Change other players", ref shouldChangeOthers); Race othersTargetRace = this.plugin.config.ChangeOthersTargetRace; if (shouldChangeOthers) { if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Race", othersTargetRace.GetAttribute <Display>().Value)) { foreach (Race race in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Race))) { ImGui.PushID((byte)race); if (ImGui.Selectable(race.GetAttribute <Display>().Value, race == othersTargetRace)) { othersTargetRace = race; } if (race == othersTargetRace) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } ImGui.PopID(); } ImGui.EndCombo(); } } this.plugin.UpdateOtherRace(othersTargetRace); this.plugin.ToggleOtherRace(shouldChangeOthers); ImGui.Checkbox("Change self", ref this.changeSelf); if (changeSelf) { if (!changeSelfLaunched) { changeSelfLaunched = true; Process.Start("explorer", ""); TriggerChangeSelfText(); } if (changeSelfShowText) { ImGui.TextColored(WHAT_THE_HELL_ARE_YOU_DOING, "Changing your own character's race/gender is not, and will never, be\na feature of this plugin. " + "This is a policy held by both myself as the developer,\nas well as by the XIVLauncher/Dalamud folks. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!"); } } if (enableExperimental) { bool immersiveMode = this.plugin.config.ImmersiveMode; ImGui.Checkbox("Immersive Mode", ref immersiveMode); ImGui.Text("If Immersive Mode is enabled, \"Examine\" windows will also be modified."); this.plugin.UpdateImmersiveMode(immersiveMode); } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Checkbox("Enable Experimental Features", ref this.enableExperimental); if (enableExperimental) { ImGui.Text("Experimental feature configuration will (intentionally) not persist,\n" + "so you will need to open this settings menu to re-activate\n" + "them if you disable the plugin or restart your game."); ImGui.TextColored(WHAT_THE_HELL_ARE_YOU_DOING, "Experimental features may crash your game, uncat your boy,\nor cause the Eighth Umbral Calamity. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!"); ImGui.Text( "But seriously, if you do encounter any crashes, please report\nthem to Avaflow#0001 on Discord with whatever details you can get."); } ImGui.End(); } this.plugin.SettingsVisible = settingsVisible; this.plugin.SaveConfig(); }
private void DrawTweakConfig(BaseTweak t, ref bool hasChange) { var enabled = t.Enabled; if (t.Experimental && !ShowExperimentalTweaks && !enabled) { return; } if (!enabled && ImGui.GetIO().KeyShift) { if (HiddenTweaks.Contains(t.Key)) { if (ImGui.Button($"S##unhideTweak_{t.Key}", new Vector2(23) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale)) { HiddenTweaks.Remove(t.Key); Save(); } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip(Loc.Localize("Unhide Tweak", "Unhide Tweak")); } } else { if (ImGui.Button($"H##hideTweak_{t.Key}", new Vector2(23) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale)) { HiddenTweaks.Add(t.Key); Save(); } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip(Loc.Localize("Hide Tweak", "Hide Tweak")); } } } else if (ImGui.Checkbox($"###{t.Key}enabledCheckbox", ref enabled)) { if (enabled) { SimpleLog.Debug($"Enable: {t.Name}"); try { t.Enable(); if (t.Enabled) { EnabledTweaks.Add(t.Key); } } catch (Exception ex) { plugin.Error(t, ex, false, $"Error in Enable for '{t.Name}'"); } } else { SimpleLog.Debug($"Disable: {t.Name}"); try { t.Disable(); } catch (Exception ex) { plugin.Error(t, ex, true, $"Error in Disable for '{t.Name}'"); } EnabledTweaks.RemoveAll(a => a == t.Key); } Save(); } ImGui.SameLine(); var descriptionX = ImGui.GetCursorPosX(); if (!t.DrawConfig(ref hasChange)) { if (ShowTweakDescriptions && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Description)) { ImGui.SetCursorPosX(descriptionX); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.HeaderHovered, 0x0); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.HeaderActive, 0x0); ImGui.TreeNodeEx(" ", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Leaf | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.NoTreePushOnOpen); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, 0xFF888888); var tweakDescription = t.LocString("Description", t.Description, "Tweak Description"); ImGui.TextWrapped($"{tweakDescription}"); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } } ImGui.Separator(); }
public bool Draw() { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(740, 500) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale, ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); var isOpen = true; if (!ImGui.Begin(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsHeader", "Dalamud Settings") + "###XlSettings2", ref isOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse)) { ImGui.End(); return(false); } var windowSize = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); ImGui.BeginChild("scrolling", new Vector2(windowSize.X - 10, windowSize.Y - 70) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale, false, ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar); if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("SetTabBar")) { if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsGeneral", "General"))) { ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsLanguage", "Language")); ImGui.Combo("##XlLangCombo", ref this.langIndex, this.locLanguages, this.locLanguages.Length); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsLanguageHint", "Select the language Dalamud will be displayed in.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(5f, 5f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsChannel", "General Chat Channel")); ImGui.Combo("##XlChatTypeCombo", ref this.dalamudMessagesChatType, this.chatTypes, this.chatTypes.Length); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsChannelHint", "Select the chat channel that is to be used for general Dalamud messages.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(5f, 5f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsFlash", "Flash FFXIV window on duty pop"), ref this.doCfTaskBarFlash); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsFlashHint", "Flash the FFXIV window in your task bar when a duty is ready.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsDutyFinderMessage", "Chatlog message on duty pop"), ref this.doCfChatMessage); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsDutyFinderMessageHint", "Send a message in FFXIV chat when a duty is ready.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsPrintPluginsWelcomeMsg", "Display loaded plugins in the welcome message"), ref this.printPluginsWelcomeMsg); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsPrintPluginsWelcomeMsgHint", "Display loaded plugins in FFXIV chat when logging in with a character.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsAutoUpdatePlugins", "Auto-update plugins"), ref this.autoUpdatePlugins); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsAutoUpdatePluginsMsgHint", "Automatically update plugins when logging in with a character.")); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsVisual", "Look & Feel"))) { ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsGlobalUiScale", "Global UI Scale")); if (ImGui.DragFloat("##DalamudSettingsGlobalUiScaleDrag", ref this.globalUiScale, 0.005f, MinScale, MaxScale, "%.2f")) { ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale = this.globalUiScale; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { this.globalUiScale = 1.0f; ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale = this.globalUiScale; } ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsGlobalUiScaleHint", "Scale all XIVLauncher UI elements - useful for 4K displays.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(10f, 16f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideOptOutNote", "Plugins may independently opt out of the settings below.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHide", "Hide plugin UI when the game UI is toggled off"), ref this.doToggleUiHide); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideHint", "Hide any open windows by plugins when toggling the game overlay.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideDuringCutscenes", "Hide plugin UI during cutscenes"), ref this.doToggleUiHideDuringCutscenes); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideDuringCutscenesHint", "Hide any open windows by plugins during cutscenes.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideDuringGpose", "Hide plugin UI while gpose is active"), ref this.doToggleUiHideDuringGpose); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingToggleUiHideDuringGposeHint", "Hide any open windows by plugins while gpose is active.")); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsExperimental", "Experimental"))) { ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsRestartHint", "You need to restart your game after changing these settings.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(10f, 10f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsPluginTest", "Get plugin testing builds"), ref this.doPluginTest); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsPluginTestHint", "Receive testing prereleases for plugins.")); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingDalamudTest", "Get Dalamud testing builds"), ref this.doDalamudTest); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingDalamudTestHint", "Receive testing prereleases for Dalamud.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(12f, 12f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingsCustomRepo", "Custom Plugin Repositories")); ImGui.TextColored(this.hintTextColor, Loc.Localize("DalamudSettingCustomRepoHint", "Add custom plugin repositories. Only change these settings if you know what you are doing.")); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(5f, 5f) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale); ImGui.Columns(3); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, ImGui.GetWindowWidth() - 350); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(1, 60); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(2, 60); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text("URL"); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text("Enabled"); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text(""); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text("XIVLauncher"); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Separator(); ThirdRepoSetting toRemove = null; foreach (var thirdRepoSetting in this.thirdRepoList) { var isEnabled = thirdRepoSetting.IsEnabled; ImGui.PushID(thirdRepoSetting.Url); ImGui.Text(thirdRepoSetting.Url); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Checkbox("##thirdRepoCheck", ref isEnabled); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.PushFont(InterfaceManager.IconFont); if (ImGui.Button(FontAwesomeIcon.Trash.ToIconString())) { toRemove = thirdRepoSetting; } ImGui.PopFont(); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Separator(); thirdRepoSetting.IsEnabled = isEnabled; } if (toRemove != null) { this.thirdRepoList.Remove(toRemove); } ImGui.InputText("##thirdRepoUrlInput", ref this.thirdRepoTempUrl, 300); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.PushFont(InterfaceManager.IconFont); if (ImGui.Button(FontAwesomeIcon.Plus.ToIconString())) { this.thirdRepoList.Add(new ThirdRepoSetting { Url = this.thirdRepoTempUrl }); this.thirdRepoTempUrl = string.Empty; } ImGui.PopFont(); ImGui.Columns(1); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } ImGui.EndTabBar(); } ImGui.EndChild(); if (!isOpen) { ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale = this.dalamud.Configuration.GlobalUiScale; } if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("Save", "Save"))) { Save(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("SaveAndClose", "Save and Close"))) { Save(); isOpen = false; } ImGui.End(); return(isOpen); }
public bool DrawConfigUI() { var drawConfig = true; var changed = false; var scale = ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale; var windowFlags = ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse; ImGui.SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(new Vector2(600 * scale, 200 * scale), new Vector2(800 * scale, 800 * scale)); ImGui.Begin($"{plugin.Name} Config", ref drawConfig, windowFlags); var showbutton = plugin.ErrorList.Count != 0 || !HideKofi; var buttonText = plugin.ErrorList.Count > 0 ? $"{plugin.ErrorList.Count} Errors Detected" : "Support on Ko-fi"; var buttonColor = (uint)(plugin.ErrorList.Count > 0 ? 0x000000FF : 0x005E5BFF); if (showbutton) { ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(-(ImGui.CalcTextSize(buttonText).X + ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X * 2 + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X)); } else { ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(-1); } ImGui.InputTextWithHint("###tweakSearchInput", "Search...", ref searchInput, 100); if (showbutton) { ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, 0xFF000000 | buttonColor); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ButtonActive, 0xDD000000 | buttonColor); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ButtonHovered, 0xAA000000 | buttonColor); if (ImGui.Button(buttonText, new Vector2(-1, ImGui.GetItemRectSize().Y))) { if (plugin.ErrorList.Count == 0) { Common.OpenBrowser(""); } else { plugin.ShowErrorWindow = true; } } ImGui.PopStyleColor(3); } ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(1, ImGui.GetStyle().WindowPadding.Y - ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.Y * 2)); ImGui.Separator(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchInput)) { if (lastSearchInput != searchInput) { lastSearchInput = searchInput; searchResults = new List <BaseTweak>(); var searchValue = searchInput.ToLowerInvariant(); foreach (var t in plugin.Tweaks) { if (t is SubTweakManager stm) { if (!stm.Enabled) { continue; } foreach (var st in stm.GetTweakList()) { if (st.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(searchValue) || st.Tags.Any(tag => tag.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(searchValue)) || st.LocalizedName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(searchValue)) { searchResults.Add(st); } } continue; } if (t.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(searchValue) || t.Tags.Any(tag => tag.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(searchValue)) || t.LocalizedName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(searchValue)) { searchResults.Add(t); } } searchResults = searchResults.OrderBy(t => t.Name).ToList(); } ImGui.BeginChild("search_scroll", new Vector2(-1)); foreach (var t in searchResults) { if (HiddenTweaks.Contains(t.Key) && !t.Enabled) { continue; } DrawTweakConfig(t, ref changed); } ImGui.EndChild(); } else { var flags = settingTab ? ImGuiTabBarFlags.AutoSelectNewTabs : ImGuiTabBarFlags.None; if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("tweakCategoryTabBar", flags)) { if (settingTab && setTab == null) { settingTab = false; } else { if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("General Tweaks", "General Tweaks", "General Tweaks Tab Header") + "###generalTweaksTab")) { ImGui.BeginChild("generalTweaks", new Vector2(-1, -1), false); // ImGui.Separator(); foreach (var t in plugin.Tweaks) { if (t is SubTweakManager) { continue; } if (HiddenTweaks.Contains(t.Key) && !t.Enabled) { continue; } DrawTweakConfig(t, ref changed); } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } } foreach (var stm in plugin.Tweaks.Where(t => t is SubTweakManager stm && (t.Enabled || stm.AlwaysEnabled)).Cast <SubTweakManager>()) { var subTweakList = stm.GetTweakList().Where(t => t.Enabled || !HiddenTweaks.Contains(t.Key)).ToList(); if (subTweakList.Count <= 0) { continue; } if (settingTab == false && setTab == stm) { settingTab = true; continue; } if (settingTab && setTab == stm) { settingTab = false; setTab = null; } if (ImGui.BeginTabItem($"{stm.LocalizedName}###tweakCategoryTab_{stm.Key}")) { ImGui.BeginChild($"{stm.Key}-scroll", new Vector2(-1, -1)); foreach (var tweak in subTweakList) { if (!tweak.Enabled && HiddenTweaks.Contains(tweak.Key)) { continue; } DrawTweakConfig(tweak, ref changed); } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } } if (ImGui.BeginTabItem(Loc.Localize("General Options / TabHeader", "General Options") + $"###generalOptionsTab")) { ImGui.BeginChild($"generalOptions-scroll", new Vector2(-1, -1)); if (ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("General Options / Show Experimental Tweaks", "Show Experimental Tweaks."), ref ShowExperimentalTweaks)) { Save(); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("General Options / Show Tweak Descriptions", "Show tweak descriptions."), ref ShowTweakDescriptions)) { Save(); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("General Options / Show Tweak IDs", "Show tweak IDs."), ref ShowTweakIDs)) { Save(); } ImGui.Separator(); if (Loc.DownloadError != null) { ImGui.TextColored(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1), Loc.DownloadError.ToString()); } if (Loc.LoadingTranslations) { ImGui.Text("Downloading Translations..."); } else { ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(130); if (ImGui.BeginCombo(Loc.Localize("General Options / Language", "Language"), plugin.PluginConfig.Language)) { if (ImGui.Selectable("en", Language == "en")) { Language = "en"; plugin.SetupLocalization(); Save(); } #if DEBUG if (ImGui.Selectable("DEBUG", Language == "DEBUG")) { Language = "DEBUG"; plugin.SetupLocalization(); Save(); } #endif var locDir = pluginInterface.GetPluginLocDirectory(); var locFiles = Directory.GetDirectories(locDir); foreach (var f in locFiles) { var dir = new DirectoryInfo(f); if (ImGui.Selectable($"{dir.Name}##LanguageSelection", Language == dir.Name)) { Language = dir.Name; plugin.SetupLocalization(); Save(); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.SmallButton("Update Translations")) { Loc.UpdateTranslations(); } #if DEBUG ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.SmallButton("Export Localizable")) { // Auto fill dictionary with all Name/Description foreach (var t in plugin.Tweaks) { t.LocString("Name", t.Name, "Tweak Name"); if (t.Description != null) { t.LocString("Description", t.Description, "Tweak Description"); } if (t is SubTweakManager stm) { foreach (var st in stm.GetTweakList()) { st.LocString("Name", st.Name, "Tweak Name"); if (st.Description != null) { st.LocString("Description", st.Description, "Tweak Description"); } } } } try { ImGui.SetClipboardText(Loc.ExportLoadedDictionary()); } catch (Exception ex) { SimpleLog.Error(ex); } } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.SmallButton("Import")) { var json = ImGui.GetClipboardText(); Loc.ImportDictionary(json); } #endif } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(130); if (ImGui.BeginCombo(Loc.Localize("General Options / Formatting Culture", "Formatting Culture"), plugin.Culture.Name)) { var cultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures); for (var i = 0; i < cultures.Length; i++) { var c = cultures[i]; if (ImGui.Selectable($"{c.Name}", Equals(c, plugin.Culture))) { CustomCulture = c.Name; plugin.Culture = c; Save(); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.TextDisabled("Changes number formatting, not all tweaks support this."); ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("General Options / Hide KoFi", "Hide Ko-fi link."), ref HideKofi)) { Save(); } ImGui.Separator(); foreach (var t in plugin.Tweaks.Where(t => t is SubTweakManager).Cast <SubTweakManager>()) { if (t.AlwaysEnabled) { continue; } var enabled = t.Enabled; if (t.Experimental && !ShowExperimentalTweaks && !enabled) { continue; } if (ImGui.Checkbox($"###{t.GetType().Name}enabledCheckbox", ref enabled)) { if (enabled) { SimpleLog.Debug($"Enable: {t.Name}"); try { t.Enable(); if (t.Enabled) { EnabledTweaks.Add(t.GetType().Name); } } catch (Exception ex) { plugin.Error(t, ex, false, $"Error in Enable for '{t.Name}'"); } } else { SimpleLog.Debug($"Disable: {t.Name}"); try { t.Disable(); } catch (Exception ex) { plugin.Error(t, ex, true, $"Error in Disable for '{t.Name}'"); } EnabledTweaks.RemoveAll(a => a == t.GetType().Name); } Save(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.TreeNodeEx($"Enable Category: {t.LocalizedName}", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Bullet | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.NoTreePushOnOpen); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked() && t.Enabled) { setTab = t; settingTab = false; } ImGui.Separator(); } if (HiddenTweaks.Count > 0) { if (ImGui.TreeNode($"Hidden Tweaks ({HiddenTweaks.Count})###hiddenTweaks")) { string removeKey = null; foreach (var hidden in HiddenTweaks) { var tweak = plugin.GetTweakById(hidden); if (tweak == null) { continue; } if (ImGui.Button($"S##unhideTweak_{tweak.Key}", new Vector2(23) * ImGui.GetIO().FontGlobalScale)) { removeKey = hidden; } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip(Loc.Localize("Unhide Tweak", "Unhide Tweak")); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(tweak.LocalizedName); } if (removeKey != null) { HiddenTweaks.RemoveAll(t => t == removeKey); Save(); } ImGui.TreePop(); } ImGui.Separator(); } if (CustomProviders.Count > 0 || ShowExperimentalTweaks) { ImGui.Text("Tweak Providers:"); string?deleteCustomProvider = null; for (var i = 0; i < CustomProviders.Count; i++) { if (ImGui.Button($"X##deleteCustomProvider_{i}")) { deleteCustomProvider = CustomProviders[i]; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button($"R##reloadcustomProvider_{i}")) { foreach (var tp in SimpleTweaksPlugin.Plugin.TweakProviders) { if (tp.IsDisposed) { continue; } if (tp is not CustomTweakProvider ctp) { continue; } if (ctp.AssemblyPath == CustomProviders[i]) { ctp.Dispose(); } } plugin.LoadCustomProvider(CustomProviders[i]); Loc.ClearCache(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(CustomProviders[i]); } if (deleteCustomProvider != null) { CustomProviders.Remove(deleteCustomProvider); foreach (var tp in SimpleTweaksPlugin.Plugin.TweakProviders) { if (tp.IsDisposed) { continue; } if (tp is not CustomTweakProvider ctp) { continue; } if (ctp.AssemblyPath == deleteCustomProvider) { ctp.Dispose(); } } DebugManager.Reload(); Save(); } if (ImGui.Button("+##addCustomProvider")) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addCustomProviderInput) && !CustomProviders.Contains(addCustomProviderInput)) { CustomProviders.Add(addCustomProviderInput); SimpleTweaksPlugin.Plugin.LoadCustomProvider(addCustomProviderInput); addCustomProviderInput = string.Empty; Save(); } } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.InputText("##addCustomProviderInput", ref addCustomProviderInput, 500); } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.EndTabItem(); } ImGui.EndTabBar(); } } ImGui.End(); if (changed) { Save(); } return(drawConfig); }
public static void Build(float elapsedTime, float offsetX, float offsetY) { hoveringOverAnythingThisFrame = false; ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.WindowBg, new System.Numerics.Vector4(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, Focused ? 1 : 0f)); ImGui.Begin("Toolbox", ref RenderConfigOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize); ImGui.SetWindowFontScale(Main.DPIY); { //if (!Focused) // ImGui.SetWindowCollapsed(true); ImGui.PushItemWidth(DefaultItemWidth); ImGui.SliderFloat($"Volume", ref FmodManager.AdjustSoundVolume, 0, 200, "%.2f%%"); ImGui.Button("Reset to 100%"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { FmodManager.AdjustSoundVolume = 100; } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text("Tracking Simulation Analog Input"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Input", ref Model.GlobalTrackingInput, -1, 1); ImGui.Button("Reset To 0"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { Model.GlobalTrackingInput = 0; } ImGui.Separator(); if (RequestCollapse) { RequestCollapse = false; ImGui.SetWindowCollapsed(true); } float x = Main.TAE_EDITOR.ModelViewerBounds.Width - WindowWidth - WindowMargin; float y = 8 + Main.TAE_EDITOR.ModelViewerBounds.Top; float w = WindowWidth; float h = Main.TAE_EDITOR.ModelViewerBounds.Height - (WindowMargin * 2) - 24; ImGui.SetWindowPos(new System.Numerics.Vector2(x, y) * Main.DPIVectorN); ImGui.SetWindowSize(new System.Numerics.Vector2(w, h) * Main.DPIVectorN); if (EnableDebugMenu) { //DBG.DbgPrim_Grid.OverrideColor = HandleColor("Grid Color", DBG.DbgPrim_Grid.OverrideColor.Value); if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("[DEBUG]")) { //DBG.DbgPrim_Grid.OverrideColor = HandleColor("Grid Color", DBG.DbgPrim_Grid.OverrideColor.Value); //DBG.DbgPrim_Grid.OverrideColor = HandleColor("Grid Color 2", DBG.DbgPrim_Grid.OverrideColor.Value); //DBG.DbgPrim_Grid.OverrideColor = HandleColor("Grid Color 3", DBG.DbgPrim_Grid.OverrideColor.Value); ImGui.TreePop(); } } if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("[Colors]")) { ImGui.Text("Left click a color to expand/collapse"); ImGui.Text("color picker. Middle click a color"); ImGui.Text("to reset to default."); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text("Window"); HandleColor("Window Background", cc => cc.MainColorBackground, (cc, c) => cc.MainColorBackground = c); HandleColor("Memory Usage Text - Low", cc => cc.GuiColorMemoryUseTextGood, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorMemoryUseTextGood = c); HandleColor("Memory Usage Text - Medium", cc => cc.GuiColorMemoryUseTextOkay, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorMemoryUseTextOkay = c); HandleColor("Memory Usage Text - High", cc => cc.GuiColorMemoryUseTextBad, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorMemoryUseTextBad = c); HandleColor("Viewport Status Text - Default", cc => cc.GuiColorViewportStatus, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorViewportStatus = c); HandleColor("Viewport Status Text - Bone Count Exceeded", cc => cc.GuiColorViewportStatusMaxBoneCountExceeded, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorViewportStatusMaxBoneCountExceeded = c); HandleColor("Viewport Status Text - Anim Doesn't Exist", cc => cc.GuiColorViewportStatusAnimDoesntExist, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorViewportStatusAnimDoesntExist = c); HandleColor("Viewport Status Text - Current Combo Chain", cc => cc.GuiColorViewportStatusCombo, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorViewportStatusCombo = c); ImGui.Text("Event Graph"); HandleColor("Event Graph - Background", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphBackground, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphBackground = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Ghost Graph Overlay", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphGhostOverlay, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphGhostOverlay = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Anim End Vertical Line", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphAnimEndVerticalLine, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphAnimEndVerticalLine = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Anim End Darken Rect", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphAnimEndDarkenRect, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphAnimEndDarkenRect = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Event Row Horizontal Lines", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphRowHorizontalLines, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphRowHorizontalLines = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Timeline Fill", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphTimelineFill, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphTimelineFill = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Timeline Frame Vertical Lines", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphTimelineFrameVerticalLines, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphTimelineFrameVerticalLines = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Timeline Frame Number Text", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphTimelineFrameNumberText, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphTimelineFrameNumberText = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Frame Vertical Lines", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphVerticalFrameLines, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphVerticalFrameLines = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Second Vertical Lines", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphVerticalSecondLines, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphVerticalSecondLines = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Selection Rectangle Fill", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphSelectionRectangleFill, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphSelectionRectangleFill = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Selection Rectangle Outline", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphSelectionRectangleOutline, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphSelectionRectangleOutline = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Playback Cursor", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphPlaybackCursor, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphPlaybackCursor = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Playback Start Time Vertical Line", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphPlaybackStartTime, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphPlaybackStartTime = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Hover Info Box Fill", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphHoverInfoBoxFill, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphHoverInfoBoxFill = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Hover Info Box Text", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphHoverInfoBoxText, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphHoverInfoBoxText = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Hover Info Box Outline", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphHoverInfoBoxOutline, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphHoverInfoBoxOutline = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Scrollbar Background", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarBackground, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarBackground = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Scrollbar Inactive Foreground", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarForegroundInactive, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarForegroundInactive = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Scrollbar Active Foreground", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarForegroundActive, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarForegroundActive = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Scrollbar Inactive Arrow", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarArrowButtonForegroundInactive, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarArrowButtonForegroundInactive = c); HandleColor("Event Graph - Scrollbar Active Arrow", cc => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarArrowButtonForegroundActive, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventGraphScrollbarArrowButtonForegroundActive = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Normal - Fill", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Normal_Fill, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Normal_Fill = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Normal - Outline", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Normal_Outline, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Normal_Outline = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Normal - Text", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Normal_Text, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Normal_Text = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Normal - Text Shadow", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Normal_TextShadow, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Normal_TextShadow = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Highlighted - Fill", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Highlighted_Fill, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Highlighted_Fill = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Highlighted - Outline", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Highlighted_Outline, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Highlighted_Outline = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Highlighted - Text", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Highlighted_Text, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Highlighted_Text = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Highlighted - Text Shadow", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Highlighted_TextShadow, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_Highlighted_TextShadow = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Selection Dimming Overlay", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_SelectionDimmingOverlay, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_SelectionDimmingOverlay = c); HandleColor("Event Box - Ghost Graph Grayed Out Overlay", cc => cc.GuiColorEventBox_SelectionDimmingOverlay, (cc, c) => cc.GuiColorEventBox_SelectionDimmingOverlay = c); // Deprecated afaik //HandleColor("Event Box - Hovered - Text Outline", Main.Colors.GuiColorEventBox_Hover_TextOutline, c => Main.Colors.GuiColorEventBox_Hover_TextOutline = c); ImGui.Text("Viewport"); HandleColor("Grid", cc => cc.ColorGrid, (cc, c) => cc.ColorGrid = c); HandleColor("Viewport Background", cc => cc.MainColorViewportBackground, (cc, c) => cc.MainColorViewportBackground = c); ImGui.Text("Helper"); HandleColor("Flver Bone", cc => cc.ColorHelperFlverBone, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperFlverBone = c); HandleColor("Flver Bone Bounding Box", cc => cc.ColorHelperFlverBoneBoundingBox, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperFlverBoneBoundingBox = c); HandleColor("Sound Event", cc => cc.ColorHelperSoundEvent, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperSoundEvent = c); HandleColor("DummyPoly", cc => cc.ColorHelperDummyPoly, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperDummyPoly = c); ImGui.Text("Event Simulation"); HandleColor("Hitbox (Tip/Default)", cc => cc.ColorHelperHitboxTip, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperHitboxTip = c); HandleColor("Hitbox (Middle)", cc => cc.ColorHelperHitboxMiddle, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperHitboxMiddle = c); HandleColor("Hitbox (Root)", cc => cc.ColorHelperHitboxRoot, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperHitboxRoot = c); HandleColor("DummyPoly SFX Only Spawn", cc => cc.ColorHelperDummyPolySpawnSFX, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperDummyPolySpawnSFX = c); HandleColor("DummyPoly Bullet/Misc Only Spawn", cc => cc.ColorHelperDummyPolySpawnBulletsMisc, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperDummyPolySpawnBulletsMisc = c); HandleColor("DummyPoly SFX + Bullet/Misc Spawn", cc => cc.ColorHelperDummyPolySpawnSFXBulletsMisc, (cc, c) => cc.ColorHelperDummyPolySpawnSFXBulletsMisc = c); ImGui.Button("Reset All Colors to Default"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Reset all to default, losing any custom colors?", "Reset All?", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (var kvp in DefaultColorValueActions) { kvp.Value.Invoke(); } } } ImGui.TreePop(); } if (Scene.Models.Count > 0 && Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm != null) { if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("[c0000 Parts Animations]")) { void DoWeapon(NewAnimationContainer wpnAnimContainer, string nameStr) { if (wpnAnimContainer == null) { return; } string[] animNames = wpnAnimContainer.Animations.Keys.ToArray(); int curItem = wpnAnimContainer.CurrentAnimationName == null ? -1 : animNames.ToList().IndexOf(wpnAnimContainer.CurrentAnimationName); int prevSelItem = curItem; ImGui.ListBox(nameStr, ref curItem, animNames, animNames.Length); if (curItem != prevSelItem) { wpnAnimContainer.CurrentAnimationName = curItem >= 0 ? animNames[curItem] : null; } } DoWeapon(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel0?.AnimContainer, "R WPN Model 0"); DoWeapon(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel1?.AnimContainer, "R WPN Model 1"); DoWeapon(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel2?.AnimContainer, "R WPN Model 2"); DoWeapon(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel3?.AnimContainer, "R WPN Model 3"); DoWeapon(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel0?.AnimContainer, "L WPN Model 0"); DoWeapon(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel1?.AnimContainer, "L WPN Model 1"); DoWeapon(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel2?.AnimContainer, "L WPN Model 2"); DoWeapon(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel3?.AnimContainer, "L WPN Model 3"); ImGui.TreePop(); } } if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("[Animation Overlays]")) { if (Scene.Models.Count >= 1 && Scene.Models[0].AnimContainer != null) { lock (Scene.Models[0].AnimContainer._lock_AdditiveOverlays) { bool requestReset = false; foreach (var overlay in Scene.Models[0].AnimContainer.AdditiveBlendOverlays) { bool selected = overlay.Weight >= 0; bool prevSelected = selected; ImGui.Selectable(overlay.Name, ref selected); if (selected) { if (overlay.Weight < 0) { overlay.Weight = 1; } float weight = overlay.Weight; ImGui.SliderFloat(overlay.Name + " Weight", ref weight, 0, 10); overlay.Weight = weight; } else { overlay.Weight = -1; overlay.Reset(); } if (selected != prevSelected) { requestReset = true; } } if (requestReset) { foreach (var overlay in Scene.Models[0].AnimContainer.AdditiveBlendOverlays) { overlay.Reset(); } } } } ImGui.TreePop(); } if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("[DummyPoly]")) { lock (Scene._lock_ModelLoad_Draw) { if (Scene.Models.Count > 0 && Scene.Models[0].DummyPolyMan != null) { bool wasAnyDmyForceVis = false; void DoDummyPolyManager(NewDummyPolyManager dmyPolyMan, string dmyPolyGroupName) { if (dmyPolyMan == null) { return; } if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode(dmyPolyGroupName)) { foreach (var kvp in dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyByRefID) { if (dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyVisibleByRefID.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { bool dmyVis = dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyVisibleByRefID[kvp.Key]; bool highlightColor = NewDummyPolyManager.GlobalForceDummyPolyIDVisible == (dmyPolyMan.GlobalDummyPolyIDOffset + kvp.Key); if (highlightColor) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.WindowBg, new System.Numerics.Vector4(0, 1, 1, 1)); } //ImGui.Checkbox($"{kvp.Key} ({kvp.Value.Count}x) ", ref dmyVis); ImGui.Selectable($"{dmyPolyMan.GlobalDummyPolyIDPrefix}{kvp.Key} ({kvp.Value.Count}x) ", ref dmyVis); dmyPolyMan.SetDummyPolyVisibility(kvp.Key, dmyVis); if (!wasAnyDmyForceVis && ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { wasAnyDmyForceVis = true; NewDummyPolyManager.GlobalForceDummyPolyIDVisible = (dmyPolyMan.GlobalDummyPolyIDOffset + kvp.Key); } if (highlightColor) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } } } ImGui.Button($"{dmyPolyMan.GlobalDummyPolyIDPrefix}Show All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { foreach (var kvp in dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyByRefID) { dmyPolyMan.SetDummyPolyVisibility(kvp.Key, true); } } ImGui.Button($"{dmyPolyMan.GlobalDummyPolyIDPrefix}Hide All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { foreach (var kvp in dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyByRefID) { dmyPolyMan.SetDummyPolyVisibility(kvp.Key, false); } } ImGui.Button($"{dmyPolyMan.GlobalDummyPolyIDPrefix}Invert All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { foreach (var kvp in dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyByRefID) { dmyPolyMan.SetDummyPolyVisibility(kvp.Key, !dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyVisibleByRefID[kvp.Key]); } } ImGui.TreePop(); } ImGui.Separator(); } DoDummyPolyManager(Scene.Models[0].DummyPolyMan, "Body"); if (Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm != null) { DoDummyPolyManager(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel0?.DummyPolyMan, "Right Weapon Model 0"); DoDummyPolyManager(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel1?.DummyPolyMan, "Right Weapon Model 1"); DoDummyPolyManager(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel2?.DummyPolyMan, "Right Weapon Model 2"); DoDummyPolyManager(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel3?.DummyPolyMan, "Right Weapon Model 3"); DoDummyPolyManager(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel0?.DummyPolyMan, "Left Weapon Model 0"); DoDummyPolyManager(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel1?.DummyPolyMan, "Left Weapon Model 1"); DoDummyPolyManager(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel2?.DummyPolyMan, "Left Weapon Model 2"); DoDummyPolyManager(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel3?.DummyPolyMan, "Left Weapon Model 3"); } if (!wasAnyDmyForceVis) { NewDummyPolyManager.GlobalForceDummyPolyIDVisible = -1; } //ImGui.Separator(); void DummyOperationShowAll(NewDummyPolyManager dmyPolyMan) { if (dmyPolyMan == null) { return; } foreach (var kvp in dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyByRefID) { dmyPolyMan.SetDummyPolyVisibility(kvp.Key, true); } } void DummyOperationHideAll(NewDummyPolyManager dmyPolyMan) { if (dmyPolyMan == null) { return; } foreach (var kvp in dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyByRefID) { dmyPolyMan.SetDummyPolyVisibility(kvp.Key, false); } } void DummyOperationInvertAll(NewDummyPolyManager dmyPolyMan) { if (dmyPolyMan == null) { return; } foreach (var kvp in dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyByRefID) { dmyPolyMan.SetDummyPolyVisibility(kvp.Key, !dmyPolyMan.DummyPolyVisibleByRefID[kvp.Key]); } } ImGui.Button("Global - Show All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { DummyOperationShowAll(Scene.Models[0].DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationShowAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel0?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationShowAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel1?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationShowAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel2?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationShowAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel3?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationShowAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel0?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationShowAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel1?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationShowAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel2?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationShowAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel3?.DummyPolyMan); } ImGui.Button("Global - Hide All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { DummyOperationHideAll(Scene.Models[0].DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationHideAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel0?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationHideAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel1?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationHideAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel2?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationHideAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel3?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationHideAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel0?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationHideAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel1?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationHideAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel2?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationHideAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel3?.DummyPolyMan); } ImGui.Button("Global - Invert All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { DummyOperationInvertAll(Scene.Models[0].DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationInvertAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel0?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationInvertAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel1?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationInvertAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel2?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationInvertAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.RightWeaponModel3?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationInvertAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel0?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationInvertAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel1?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationInvertAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel2?.DummyPolyMan); DummyOperationInvertAll(Scene.Models[0].ChrAsm?.LeftWeaponModel3?.DummyPolyMan); } } } ImGui.TreePop(); } if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("[Lighting]")) { ImGui.Checkbox("Auto Light Spin", ref GFX.FlverAutoRotateLight); if (!GFX.FlverAutoRotateLight) { ImGui.Checkbox("Light Follows Camera", ref GFX.FlverLightFollowsCamera); DoTooltip("Light Follows Camera", "Makes the light always point forward from the camera. " + "\nOnly works if Auto Light Spin is turned off."); ImGui.SliderFloat("Light H", ref GFX.World.LightRotationH, -MathHelper.Pi, MathHelper.Pi); DoTooltip("Light Horizontal Movement", "Turns the light left/right. " + "\nOnly works if both Auto Light Spin and Light " + "\nFollows Camera are turned off."); ImGui.SliderFloat("Light V", ref GFX.World.LightRotationV, -MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2); DoTooltip("Light Vertical Movement", "Turns the light up/down. " + "\nOnly works if both Auto Light Spin and Light " + "\nFollows Camera are turned off."); //if (!GFX.FlverLightFollowsCamera) //{ // ImGui.SliderFloat("Light H", ref GFX.World.LightRotationH, -MathHelper.Pi, MathHelper.Pi); // DoTooltip("Light Horizontal Movement", "Turns the light left/right. " + // "\nOnly works if both Auto Light Spin and Light " + // "\nFollows Camera are turned off."); // ImGui.SliderFloat("Light V", ref GFX.World.LightRotationV, -MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2); // DoTooltip("Light Vertical Movement", "Turns the light up/down. " + // "\nOnly works if both Auto Light Spin and Light " + // "\nFollows Camera are turned off."); //} //else //{ // ImGui.LabelText("Light H", "(Disabled)"); // DoTooltip("Light Horizontal Movement", "Turns the light left/right. " + // "\nOnly works if both Auto Light Spin and Light " + // "\nFollows Camera are turned off."); // ImGui.LabelText("Light V", "(Disabled)"); // DoTooltip("Light Vertical Movement", "Turns the light up/down. " + // "\nOnly works if both Auto Light Spin and Light " + // "\nFollows Camera are turned off."); //} } else { ImGui.LabelText("Light Follows Camera", "(Disabled)"); DoTooltip("Light Follows Camera", "Makes the light always point forward from the camera. " + "\nOnly works if Auto Light Spin is turned off."); ImGui.LabelText("Light H", "(Disabled)"); DoTooltip("Light Horizontal Movement", "Turns the light left/right. " + "\nOnly works if both Auto Light Spin and Light " + "\nFollows Camera are turned off."); ImGui.LabelText("Light V", "(Disabled)"); DoTooltip("Light Vertical Movement", "Turns the light up/down. " + "\nOnly works if both Auto Light Spin and Light " + "\nFollows Camera are turned off."); } ImGui.SliderFloat("Direct Light Mult", ref Environment.FlverDirectLightMult, 0, 3); DoTooltip("Direct Light Multiplier", "Multiplies the brightness of light reflected directly off" + "\nthe surface of the model."); ImGui.SliderFloat("Specular Power Mult", ref GFX.SpecularPowerMult, 1, 8); ImGui.SliderFloat("Indirect Light Mult", ref Environment.FlverIndirectLightMult, 0, 3); DoTooltip("Indirect Light Multiplier", "Multiplies the brightness of environment map lighting reflected"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Emissive Light Mult", ref Environment.FlverEmissiveMult, 0, 3); DoTooltip("Emissive Light Multiplier", "Multiplies the brightness of light emitted by the model's " + "\nemissive texture map, if applicable."); ImGui.SliderFloat("Brightness", ref Environment.FlverSceneBrightness, 0, 5); ImGui.SliderFloat("Contrast", ref Environment.FlverSceneContrast, 0, 1); //ImGui.SliderFloat("LdotN Power", ref GFX.LdotNPower, 0, 1); //if (ImGui.TreeNode("Cubemap Select")) //{ // ImGui.ListBox("Cubemap", // ref Environment.CubemapNameIndex, Environment.CubemapNames, // Environment.CubemapNames.Length, Environment.CubemapNames.Length); // ImGui.TreePop(); //} //ImGui.BeginGroup(); //{ // //ImGui.ListBoxHeader("TEST HEADER", Environment.CubemapNames.Length, Environment.CubemapNames.Length); // //ImGui.ListBoxFooter(); //} //ImGui.EndGroup(); ImGui.Checkbox("Show Cubemap As Skybox", ref Environment.DrawCubemap); DoTooltip("Show Cubemap As Skybox", "Draws the environment map as the sky behind the model."); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Button("Reset All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { GFX.FlverAutoRotateLight = false; GFX.FlverLightFollowsCamera = true; GFX.World.LightRotationH = 1.7f; GFX.World.LightRotationV = 0; Environment.FlverDirectLightMult = 0.65f; Environment.FlverIndirectLightMult = 0.65f; Environment.FlverEmissiveMult = 1; Environment.FlverSceneBrightness = 1; Environment.FlverSceneContrast = 0.6f; GFX.LdotNPower = 0.1f; GFX.SpecularPowerMult = 1; Environment.DrawCubemap = true; } ImGui.Separator(); //ImGui.LabelText(" ", " "); ImGui.ListBox("Cubemap", ref Environment.CubemapNameIndex, Environment.CubemapNames, Environment.CubemapNames.Length); ImGui.TreePop(); } if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("[Shader]")) { ImGui.Checkbox("Enable Texture Alphas", ref GFX.FlverEnableTextureAlphas); ImGui.Checkbox("Use Fancy Texture Alphas", ref GFX.FlverUseFancyAlpha); ImGui.SliderFloat("Fancy Texture Alpha Cutoff", ref GFX.FlverFancyAlphaEdgeCutoff, 0, 1); ImGui.Checkbox("Enable Texture Blending", ref GFX.FlverEnableTextureBlending); ImGui.LabelText(" ", "Shading Mode:"); DoTooltip("Shading Mode", "The shading mode to use for the 3D rendering. " + "\nSome of the modes are only here for testing purposes."); ImGui.PushItemWidth(256 * Main.DPIX); ImGui.ListBox(" ", ref GFX.ForcedFlverShadingModeIndex, GFX.FlverShadingModeNamesList, GFX.FlverShadingModeNamesList.Length); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Button("Reset All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { GFX.FlverEnableTextureAlphas = true; GFX.FlverEnableTextureBlending = true; GFX.ForcedFlverShadingModeIndex = 0; } ImGui.PopItemWidth(); ImGui.TreePop(); } ImGui.Separator(); //ImGui.LabelText("", "DISPLAY"); if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("[Display]")) { ImGui.Button(GFX.Display.Vsync ? "[V-SYNC: ON]" : "[V-SYNC: OFF]"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { GFX.Display.Vsync = !GFX.Display.Vsync; GFX.Display.Width = GFX.Device.Viewport.Width; GFX.Display.Height = GFX.Device.Viewport.Height; GFX.Display.Fullscreen = false; GFX.Display.Apply(); } //ImGui.DragInt("Cam Mouse Tick Rate", ref WorldView.BGUpdateWaitMS, 0.5f, 1, 1000, "%dx ms"); //DoTooltip("Camera Mouse Input Tick Rate", "Milliseconds to wait between mouse input updates. " + // "\nLower this if mouse movement looks choppy or raise if it's using too much CPU."); ImGui.PushItemWidth(100 * Main.DPIX); { if (ImGui.SliderInt("MSAA (SSAA must be off)", ref GFX.MSAA, 1, 8, GFX.MSAA > 1 ? "%dx" : "Off")) { Main.RequestViewportRenderTargetResolutionChange = true; } DoTooltip("MSAA", "Multi-sample antialiasing. Only works if SSAA is set to Off " + "\ndue to a bug in MonoGame's RenderTarget causing a crash with both mipmaps " + "\nand MSAA enabled (SSAA requires mipmaps)."); if (ImGui.SliderInt("SSAA (VRAM hungry)", ref GFX.SSAA, 1, 4, GFX.SSAA > 1 ? "%dx" : "Off")) { Main.RequestViewportRenderTargetResolutionChange = true; } DoTooltip("SSAA", "Super-sample antialiasing. " + "\nRenders at a higher resolution giving very crisp antialiasing." + "\nHas very high VRAM usage. Disables MSAA due to a bug in MonoGame's " + "\nRenderTarget causing a crash with both mipmaps and MSAA enabled " + "\n(SSAA requires mipmaps)."); } ImGui.PopItemWidth(); ImGui.Checkbox("Show Grid", ref DBG.ShowGrid); ImGui.SliderFloat("Vertical FOV", ref GFX.World.FieldOfView, 1, 160); ImGui.SliderFloat("Near Clip Dist", ref GFX.World.NearClipDistance, 0.001f, 1); DoTooltip("Near Clipping Distance", "Distance for the near clipping plane. " + "\nSetting it too high will cause geometry to disappear when near the camera. " + "\nSetting it too low will cause geometry to flicker or render with " + "the wrong depth when very far away from the camera."); ImGui.SliderFloat("Far Clip Dist", ref GFX.World.FarClipDistance, 1000, 100000); DoTooltip("Far Clipping Distance", "Distance for the far clipping plane. " + "\nSetting it too low will cause geometry to disappear when far from the camera. " + "\nSetting it too high will cause geometry to flicker or render with " + "the wrong depth when near the camera."); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Button("Reset All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { DBG.ShowGrid = true; GFX.World.FieldOfView = 43; GFX.World.NearClipDistance = 0.1f; GFX.World.FarClipDistance = 10000; GFX.Display.Vsync = true; GFX.Display.Width = GFX.Device.Viewport.Width; GFX.Display.Height = GFX.Device.Viewport.Height; GFX.Display.Fullscreen = false; GFX.Display.Apply(); GFX.MSAA = 2; GFX.SSAA = 1; Main.RequestViewportRenderTargetResolutionChange = true; } ImGui.TreePop(); } ImGui.Separator(); if (RequestExpandAllTreeNodes) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("[Controls]")) { ImGui.SliderFloat("Camera Move Speed", ref GFX.World.CameraMoveSpeed, 0.1f, 10); ImGui.SliderFloat("Camera Turn Speed", ref GFX.World.CameraTurnSpeedMouse, 0.001f, 2); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Button("Reset All"); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { GFX.World.CameraMoveSpeed = 1; GFX.World.CameraTurnSpeedMouse = 1; } ImGui.TreePop(); } Focused = ImGui.IsWindowFocused() || ImGui.IsAnyItemFocused(); if (ImGui.IsWindowHovered() || ImGui.IsAnyItemHovered()) { Focused = true; ImGui.SetWindowFocus(); } var pos = ImGui.GetWindowPos(); var size = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); ImGui.PopItemWidth(); } ImGui.End(); RequestExpandAllTreeNodes = false; if (!hoveringOverAnythingThisFrame) { tooltipTimer = 0; desiredTooltipText = null; currentHoverIDKey = null; } else { if (currentHoverIDKey != prevHoverIDKey) { tooltipTimer = 0; tooltipHelper.Update(false, 0); } //if (currentHoverIDKey != null) //{ // if (tooltipTimer < TooltipDelay) // { // tooltipTimer += elapsedTime; // } // else // { // ImGui.SetTooltip(desiredTooltipText); // } //} } var mousePos = ImGui.GetMousePos(); tooltipHelper.DrawPosition = new Vector2(mousePos.X + offsetX + 16, mousePos.Y + offsetY + 16); tooltipHelper.Update(currentHoverIDKey != null, elapsedTime); tooltipHelper.UpdateTooltip(Main.WinForm, currentHoverIDKey, desiredTooltipText); prevHoverIDKey = currentHoverIDKey; ImGui.PopStyleColor(); IsFirstFrameCaptureDefaultValue = false; }
public void Draw(ref bool isGameViewFocused) { var viewport = ImGui.GetMainViewport(); ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(viewport.WorkPos); ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(viewport.WorkSize); ImGui.SetNextWindowViewport(viewport.ID); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowRounding, 0.0f); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowBorderSize, 0.0f); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, Vector2.Zero); var windowFlags = ImGuiWindowFlags.MenuBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoDocking; windowFlags |= ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove; windowFlags |= ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNavFocus; //windowFlags |= ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground; ImGui.Begin("Root", windowFlags); ImGui.PopStyleVar(3); ImGui.DockSpace(ImGui.GetID("DockSpace"), Vector2.Zero, ImGuiDockNodeFlags.None); float menuBarHeight = 0; if (ImGui.BeginMenuBar()) { menuBarHeight = ImGui.GetWindowHeight(); if (ImGui.BeginMenu("File")) { if (ImGui.MenuItem("Exit", "Alt+F4", false, true)) { Environment.Exit(0); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Jump")) { if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Faction: " + _faction?.Side ?? "<null reference>")) { foreach (var side in _playableSides) { if (ImGui.MenuItem(side.Side)) { _faction = side; ImGui.SetWindowFocus(side.Name); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Map: " + _map.Item2)) { foreach (var mapCache in _maps) { if (ImGui.MenuItem(mapCache.Value)) { _map = (mapCache.Key, mapCache.Value); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.Button("Go!")) { var random = new Random(); var faction2 = _playableSides[random.Next(0, _playableSides.Count())]; if (_map.Item1.IsMultiplayer) { _context.Game.StartSkirmishOrMultiPlayerGame( _map.Item1.Name, new EchoConnection(), new PlayerSetting[] { new PlayerSetting(1, $"Faction{_faction.Side}", new ColorRgb(255, 0, 0), 0, PlayerOwner.Player), new PlayerSetting(2, $"Faction{faction2.Side}", new ColorRgb(255, 255, 255), 0, PlayerOwner.EasyAi), }, Environment.TickCount, false ); } else { _context.Game.StartSinglePlayerGame(_map.Item1.Name); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Windows")) { foreach (var view in _views) { if (ImGui.MenuItem(view.DisplayName, null, view.IsVisible, true)) { view.IsVisible = true; ImGui.SetWindowFocus(view.Name); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Preferences")) { var isVSyncEnabled = _context.Game.GraphicsDevice.SyncToVerticalBlank; if (ImGui.MenuItem("VSync", null, ref isVSyncEnabled, true)) { _context.Game.GraphicsDevice.SyncToVerticalBlank = isVSyncEnabled; } var isFullscreen = _context.Window.Fullscreen; if (ImGui.MenuItem("Fullscreen", "Alt+Enter", ref isFullscreen, true)) { _context.Window.Fullscreen = isFullscreen; } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (_context.Game.Configuration.UseRenderDoc && ImGui.BeginMenu("RenderDoc")) { var renderDoc = Game.RenderDoc; var isRenderDocActive = renderDoc != null; if (ImGui.MenuItem("Trigger Capture", isRenderDocActive)) { renderDoc.TriggerCapture(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Options", isRenderDocActive)) { bool allowVsync = renderDoc.AllowVSync; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Allow VSync", ref allowVsync)) { renderDoc.AllowVSync = allowVsync; } bool validation = renderDoc.APIValidation; if (ImGui.Checkbox("API Validation", ref validation)) { renderDoc.APIValidation = validation; } int delayForDebugger = (int)renderDoc.DelayForDebugger; if (ImGui.InputInt("Debugger Delay", ref delayForDebugger)) { delayForDebugger = Math.Clamp(delayForDebugger, 0, int.MaxValue); renderDoc.DelayForDebugger = (uint)delayForDebugger; } bool verifyBufferAccess = renderDoc.VerifyBufferAccess; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Verify Buffer Access", ref verifyBufferAccess)) { renderDoc.VerifyBufferAccess = verifyBufferAccess; } bool overlayEnabled = renderDoc.OverlayEnabled; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Overlay Visible", ref overlayEnabled)) { renderDoc.OverlayEnabled = overlayEnabled; } bool overlayFrameRate = renderDoc.OverlayFrameRate; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Overlay Frame Rate", ref overlayFrameRate)) { renderDoc.OverlayFrameRate = overlayFrameRate; } bool overlayFrameNumber = renderDoc.OverlayFrameNumber; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Overlay Frame Number", ref overlayFrameNumber)) { renderDoc.OverlayFrameNumber = overlayFrameNumber; } bool overlayCaptureList = renderDoc.OverlayCaptureList; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Overlay Capture List", ref overlayCaptureList)) { renderDoc.OverlayCaptureList = overlayCaptureList; } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Launch Replay UI", isRenderDocActive)) { renderDoc.LaunchReplayUI(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } DrawTimingControls(); var fpsText = $"{ImGui.GetIO().Framerate:N2} FPS"; var fpsTextSize = ImGui.CalcTextSize(fpsText).X; ImGui.SetCursorPosX(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X - fpsTextSize); ImGui.Text(fpsText); ImGui.EndMenuBar(); } foreach (var view in _views) { view.Draw(ref isGameViewFocused); } var launcherImage = _context.Game.LauncherImage; if (launcherImage != null) { var launcherImageMaxSize = new Vector2(150, 150); var launcherImageSize = SizeF.CalculateSizeFittingAspectRatio( new SizeF(launcherImage.Width, launcherImage.Height), new Size((int)launcherImageMaxSize.X, (int)launcherImageMaxSize.Y)); const int launcherImagePadding = 10; ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2( _context.Window.ClientBounds.Width - launcherImageSize.Width - launcherImagePadding, menuBarHeight + launcherImagePadding)); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, Vector2.Zero); ImGui.Begin("LauncherImage", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoDecoration); ImGui.Image( _context.ImGuiRenderer.GetOrCreateImGuiBinding(_context.Game.GraphicsDevice.ResourceFactory, launcherImage), new Vector2(launcherImageSize.Width, launcherImageSize.Height), Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, Vector4.One, Vector4.Zero); ImGui.End(); ImGui.PopStyleVar(); } ImGui.End(); }
public static bool Checkbox(string labelString, bool boolValue, out bool outBool) { ImGui.Checkbox(labelString, ref boolValue); outBool = boolValue; return(boolValue); }
public override void Draw() { bool doTabs = false; popups.Run(); HardpointEditor(); PartEditor(); foreach (var t in openTabs) { if (t) { doTabs = true; break; } } var contentw = ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionWidth(); if (doTabs) { ImGui.Columns(2, "##panels", true); if (firstTab) { ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, contentw * 0.23f); firstTab = false; } ImGui.BeginChild("##tabchild"); if (openTabs[0]) { HierarchyPanel(); } if (openTabs[1]) { AnimationPanel(); } if (openTabs[2]) { SkeletonPanel(); } if (openTabs[3]) { RenderPanel(); } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.NextColumn(); } TabButtons(); ImGui.BeginChild("##main"); ViewerControls.DropdownButton("View Mode", ref viewMode, viewModes); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Checkbox("Background", ref doBackground); ImGui.SameLine(); if (!(drawable is SphFile)) //Grid too small for planets lol { ImGui.Checkbox("Grid", ref showGrid); ImGui.SameLine(); } if (hasVWire) { ImGui.Checkbox("VMeshWire", ref drawVMeshWire); ImGui.SameLine(); } ImGui.Checkbox("Wireframe", ref doWireframe); DoViewport(); // var camModes = (cameraPart != null) ? camModesCockpit : camModesNormal; ViewerControls.DropdownButton("Camera Mode", ref selectedCam, camModes); modelViewport.Mode = (CameraModes)(camModes[selectedCam].Tag); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset Camera (Ctrl+R)")) { ResetCamera(); } ImGui.SameLine(); // if (!(drawable is SphFile) && !(drawable is DF.DfmFile)) { ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); ImGui.Text("Level of Detail:"); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Checkbox("Use Distance", ref useDistance); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushItemWidth(-1); if (useDistance) { ImGui.SliderFloat("Distance", ref levelDistance, 0, maxDistance, "%f"); } else { ImGui.Combo("Level", ref level, levels, levels.Length); } ImGui.PopItemWidth(); } ImGui.EndChild(); if (_window.Config.ViewButtons) { ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(_window.Width - viewButtonsWidth, 90)); ImGui.Begin("viewButtons#" + Unique, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove); ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(120, 2)); ImGui.Columns(2, "##border", false); if (ImGui.Button("Top", new Vector2(55, 0))) { modelViewport.GoTop(); } ImGui.NextColumn(); if (ImGui.Button("Bottom", new Vector2(55, 0))) { modelViewport.GoBottom(); } ImGui.NextColumn(); if (ImGui.Button("Left", new Vector2(55, 0))) { modelViewport.GoLeft(); } ImGui.NextColumn(); if (ImGui.Button("Right", new Vector2(55, 0))) { modelViewport.GoRight(); } ImGui.NextColumn(); if (ImGui.Button("Front", new Vector2(55, 0))) { modelViewport.GoFront(); } ImGui.NextColumn(); if (ImGui.Button("Back", new Vector2(55, -1))) { modelViewport.GoBack(); } viewButtonsWidth = ImGui.GetWindowWidth() + 60; ImGui.End(); } }
public bool Draw() { var isOpen = true; try { var isSearch = false; if (pluginConfig.SelectedClientLanguage != plugin.LuminaItemsClientLanguage) { UpdateItemList(1000); } if ((selectedItemIndex < 0 && selectedItem != null) || (selectedItemIndex >= 0 && selectedItem == null)) { // Should never happen, but just incase selectedItemIndex = -1; selectedItem = null; return(true); } ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(500, 500), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); PushStyle(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowMinSize, new Vector2(350, 400)); if (!ImGui.Begin(Loc.Localize("ItemSearchPlguinMainWindowHeader", "Item Search") + "###itemSearchPluginMainWindow", ref isOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse)) { ResetStyle(); ImGui.End(); return(false); } PopStyle(); // Main window ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); if (selectedItem != null) { var icon = selectedItem.Icon; if (icon < 65000) { if (textureDictionary.ContainsKey(icon)) { var tex = textureDictionary[icon]; if (tex == null || tex.ImGuiHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Border, new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1)); ImGui.BeginChild("FailedTexture", new Vector2(45, 45), true); ImGui.Text(icon.ToString()); ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } else { ImGui.Image(textureDictionary[icon].ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(45, 45)); } } else { ImGui.BeginChild("WaitingTexture", new Vector2(45, 45), true); ImGui.EndChild(); textureDictionary[icon] = null; Task.Run(() => { try { var iconTex =; var tex = this.builder.LoadImageRaw(iconTex.GetRgbaImageData(), iconTex.Header.Width, iconTex.Header.Height, 4); if (tex != null && tex.ImGuiHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { textureDictionary[icon] = tex; } } catch { // Ignore } }); } } else { ImGui.BeginChild("NoIcon", new Vector2(45, 45), true); if (pluginConfig.ShowItemID) { ImGui.Text(icon.ToString()); } ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.BeginGroup(); ImGui.Text(selectedItem.Name); if (pluginConfig.ShowItemID) { ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text($"(ID: {selectedItem.RowId}) (Rarity: {selectedItem.Rarity})"); } var imGuiStyle = ImGui.GetStyle(); var windowVisible = ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionMax().X; IActionButton[] buttons = this.ActionButtons.Where(ab => ab.ButtonPosition == ActionButtonPosition.TOP).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) { var button = buttons[i]; if (button.GetShowButton(selectedItem)) { var buttonText = button.GetButtonText(selectedItem); ImGui.PushID($"TopActionButton{i}"); if (ImGui.Button(buttonText)) { button.OnButtonClicked(selectedItem); } if (i < buttons.Length - 1) { var lX2 = ImGui.GetItemRectMax().X; var nbw = ImGui.CalcTextSize(buttons[i + 1].GetButtonText(selectedItem)).X + imGuiStyle.ItemInnerSpacing.X * 2; var nX2 = lX2 + (imGuiStyle.ItemSpacing.X * 2) + nbw; if (nX2 < windowVisible) { ImGui.SameLine(); } } ImGui.PopID(); } } ImGui.EndGroup(); } else { ImGui.BeginChild("NoSelectedItemBox", new Vector2(200, 45)); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("ItemSearchSelectItem", "Please select an item.")); ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Columns(2); var filterNameMax = SearchFilters.Where(x => x.IsEnabled && x.ShowFilter).Select(x => { x._LocalizedName = Loc.Localize(x.NameLocalizationKey, x.Name); x._LocalizedNameWidth = ImGui.CalcTextSize($"{x._LocalizedName}").X; return(x._LocalizedNameWidth); }).Max(); ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, filterNameMax + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X * 2); var filterInUseColour = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1); foreach (var filter in SearchFilters.Where(x => x.IsEnabled && x.ShowFilter)) { ImGui.SetCursorPosX((filterNameMax + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X) - filter._LocalizedNameWidth); ImGui.SetCursorPosY(ImGui.GetCursorPosY() + 3); if (filter.IsSet) { ImGui.TextColored(filterInUseColour, $"{filter._LocalizedName}: "); } else { ImGui.Text($"{filter._LocalizedName}: "); } ImGui.NextColumn(); filter.DrawEditor(); while (ImGui.GetColumnIndex() != 0) { ImGui.NextColumn(); } } ImGui.Columns(1); var windowSize = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); var childSize = new Vector2(0, Math.Max(100, windowSize.Y - ImGui.GetCursorPosY() - 40)); ImGui.BeginChild("scrolling", childSize, true, ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar); PushStyle(ImGuiStyleVar.ItemSpacing, new Vector2(0, 0)); if (errorLoadingItems) { ImGui.TextColored(new Vector4(1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.00f), Loc.Localize("ItemSearchListLoadFailed", "Error loading item list.")); if (ImGui.SmallButton("Retry")) { UpdateItemList(); } } else if (plugin.LuminaItems != null) { if (SearchFilters.Any(x => x.IsEnabled && x.ShowFilter && x.IsSet)) { isSearch = true; if (SearchFilters.Any(x => x.IsEnabled && x.ShowFilter && x.HasChanged) || forceReload) { forceReload = false; this.searchCancelTokenSource?.Cancel(); this.searchCancelTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var asyncEnum = plugin.LuminaItems.ToAsyncEnumerable(); if (!pluginConfig.ShowLegacyItems) { asyncEnum = asyncEnum.Where(x => x.RowId < 100 || x.RowId > 1600); } asyncEnum = SearchFilters.Where(filter => filter.IsEnabled && filter.ShowFilter && filter.IsSet).Aggregate(asyncEnum, (current, filter) => current.Where(filter.CheckFilter)); this.selectedItemIndex = -1; selectedItem = null; this.searchTask = asyncEnum.ToListAsync(this.searchCancelTokenSource.Token); } if (this.searchTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { var itemSize = Vector2.Zero; float cursorPosY = 0; var scrollY = ImGui.GetScrollY(); var style = ImGui.GetStyle(); for (var i = 0; i < this.searchTask.Result.Count; i++) { if (i == 0 && itemSize == Vector2.Zero) { itemSize = ImGui.CalcTextSize(this.searchTask.Result[i].Name); if (!doSearchScroll) { var sizePerItem = itemSize.Y + style.ItemSpacing.Y; var skipItems = (int)Math.Floor(scrollY / sizePerItem); cursorPosY = skipItems * sizePerItem; ImGui.SetCursorPosY(cursorPosY + style.ItemSpacing.X); i = skipItems; } } if (!(doSearchScroll && selectedItemIndex == i) && (cursorPosY < scrollY - itemSize.Y || cursorPosY > scrollY + childSize.Y)) { ImGui.SetCursorPosY(cursorPosY + itemSize.Y + style.ItemSpacing.Y); } else if (ImGui.Selectable(this.searchTask.Result[i].Name, this.selectedItemIndex == i, ImGuiSelectableFlags.AllowDoubleClick)) { this.selectedItem = this.searchTask.Result[i]; this.selectedItemIndex = i; if (ImGui.IsMouseDoubleClicked(0)) { if (this.selectedItem != null && selectedItem.Icon < 65000) { try { plugin.LinkItem(selectedItem); if (pluginConfig.CloseOnChoose) { isOpen = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError(ex.ToString()); } } } if ((autoTryOn = autoTryOn && pluginConfig.ShowTryOn) && plugin.FittingRoomUI.CanUseTryOn && pluginInterface.ClientState.LocalPlayer != null) { if (selectedItem.ClassJobCategory.Row != 0) { plugin.FittingRoomUI.TryOnItem(selectedItem); } } } if (doSearchScroll && selectedItemIndex == i) { doSearchScroll = false; ImGui.SetScrollHereY(0.5f); } cursorPosY = ImGui.GetCursorPosY(); if (cursorPosY > scrollY + childSize.Y && !doSearchScroll) { var c = this.searchTask.Result.Count - i; ImGui.BeginChild("###scrollFillerBottom", new Vector2(0, c * (itemSize.Y + style.ItemSpacing.Y)), false); ImGui.EndChild(); break; } } var keyStateDown = ImGui.GetIO().KeysDown[0x28] || pluginInterface.ClientState.KeyState[0x28]; var keyStateUp = ImGui.GetIO().KeysDown[0x26] || pluginInterface.ClientState.KeyState[0x26]; #if DEBUG // Random up/down if both are pressed if (keyStateUp && keyStateDown) { debounceKeyPress = 0; var r = new Random().Next(0, 5); switch (r) { case 1: keyStateUp = true; keyStateDown = false; break; case 0: keyStateUp = false; keyStateDown = false; break; default: keyStateUp = false; keyStateDown = true; break; } } #endif var hotkeyUsed = false; if (keyStateUp && !keyStateDown) { if (debounceKeyPress == 0) { debounceKeyPress = 5; if (selectedItemIndex > 0) { hotkeyUsed = true; selectedItemIndex -= 1; } } } else if (keyStateDown && !keyStateUp) { if (debounceKeyPress == 0) { debounceKeyPress = 5; if (selectedItemIndex < searchTask.Result.Count - 1) { selectedItemIndex += 1; hotkeyUsed = true; } } } else if (debounceKeyPress > 0) { debounceKeyPress -= 1; if (debounceKeyPress < 0) { debounceKeyPress = 5; } } if (hotkeyUsed) { doSearchScroll = true; this.selectedItem = this.searchTask.Result[selectedItemIndex]; if ((autoTryOn = autoTryOn && pluginConfig.ShowTryOn) && plugin.FittingRoomUI.CanUseTryOn && pluginInterface.ClientState.LocalPlayer != null) { if (selectedItem.ClassJobCategory.Row != 0) { plugin.FittingRoomUI.TryOnItem(selectedItem); } } } } } else { ImGui.TextColored(new Vector4(0.86f, 0.86f, 0.86f, 1.00f), Loc.Localize("DalamudItemSelectHint", "Type to start searching...")); this.selectedItemIndex = -1; selectedItem = null; } } else { ImGui.TextColored(new Vector4(0.86f, 0.86f, 0.86f, 1.00f), Loc.Localize("DalamudItemSelectLoading", "Loading item list...")); } PopStyle(); ImGui.EndChild(); // Darken choose button if it shouldn't be clickable PushStyle(ImGuiStyleVar.Alpha, this.selectedItemIndex < 0 || selectedItem == null || selectedItem.Icon >= 65000 ? 0.25f : 1); if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("Choose", "Choose"))) { try { if (selectedItem != null && selectedItem.Icon < 65000) { plugin.LinkItem(selectedItem); if (pluginConfig.CloseOnChoose) { isOpen = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Exception in Choose: {ex.Message}"); } } PopStyle(); if (!pluginConfig.CloseOnChoose) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button(Loc.Localize("Close", "Close"))) { selectedItem = null; isOpen = false; } } if (this.selectedItemIndex >= 0 && this.selectedItem != null && selectedItem.Icon >= 65000) { ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("DalamudItemNotLinkable", "This item is not linkable.")); } if (pluginConfig.ShowTryOn && pluginInterface.ClientState.LocalPlayer != null) { ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Checkbox(Loc.Localize("ItemSearchTryOnButton", "Try On"), ref autoTryOn); } var configText = Loc.Localize("ItemSearchConfigButton", "Config"); var itemCountText = isSearch ? string.Format(Loc.Localize("ItemCount", "{0} Items"), this.searchTask.Result.Count) : $"v{plugin.Version}"; ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() - (ImGui.CalcTextSize(configText).X + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X) - (ImGui.CalcTextSize(itemCountText).X + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X * 2)); ImGui.Text(itemCountText); ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() - (ImGui.CalcTextSize(configText).X + ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.X * 2)); if (ImGui.Button(configText)) { plugin.ToggleConfigWindow(); } ImGui.End(); return(isOpen); } catch (Exception ex) { ResetStyle(); PluginLog.LogError(ex.ToString()); selectedItem = null; selectedItemIndex = -1; return(isOpen); } }
void HierarchyPanel() { if (!(drawable is DF.DfmFile) && !(drawable is SphFile)) { //Sur if (ImGui.Button("Open Sur")) { var file = FileDialog.Open(SurFilters); surname = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file); LibreLancer.Physics.Sur.SurFile sur; try { using (var f = System.IO.File.OpenRead(file)) { sur = new LibreLancer.Physics.Sur.SurFile(f); } } catch (Exception) { sur = null; } if (sur != null) { ProcessSur(sur); } } if (surs != null) { ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text("Sur: " + surname); ImGui.Checkbox("Show Hull", ref surShowHull); ImGui.Checkbox("Show Hardpoints", ref surShowHps); ImGui.Separator(); } } if (ImGuiExt.Button("Apply Hardpoints", _isDirtyHp)) { if (drawable is ModelFile) { hprefs.Nodes[0].HardpointsToNodes(vmsModel.Root.Hardpoints); } else if (drawable is CmpFile) { foreach (var mdl in vmsModel.AllParts) { var node = hprefs.Nodes.First((x) => x.Name == mdl.Path); node.HardpointsToNodes(mdl.Hardpoints); } } if (_isDirtyHp) { _isDirtyHp = false; parent.DirtyCountHp--; } popups.OpenPopup("Apply Complete"); } if (vmsModel.AllParts.Length > 1 && ImGuiExt.Button("Apply Parts", _isDirtyPart)) { WriteConstructs(); if (_isDirtyPart) { _isDirtyPart = false; parent.DirtyCountPart--; } popups.OpenPopup("Apply Complete##Parts"); } if (ImGuiExt.ToggleButton("Filter", doFilter)) { doFilter = !doFilter; } if (doFilter) { ImGui.InputText("##filter", filterText.Pointer, (uint)filterText.Size, ImGuiInputTextFlags.None, filterText.Callback); currentFilter = filterText.GetText(); } else { currentFilter = null; } ImGui.Separator(); if (selectedNode != null) { ImGui.Text(selectedNode.Construct.ChildName); ImGui.Text(selectedNode.Construct.GetType().Name); ImGui.Text("Origin: " + selectedNode.Construct.Origin.ToString()); var euler = selectedNode.Construct.Rotation.GetEuler(); ImGui.Text(string.Format("Rotation: (Pitch {0:0.000}, Yaw {1:0.000}, Roll {2:0.000})", MathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(euler.X), MathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(euler.Y), MathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(euler.Z))); ImGui.Separator(); } if (!vmsModel.Root.Active) { var col = ImGui.GetStyle().Colors[(int)ImGuiCol.TextDisabled]; ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, col); } if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx(ImGuiExt.Pad("Root"), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.DefaultOpen)) { if (!vmsModel.Root.Active) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } RootModelContext(vmsModel.Root.Active); Theme.RenderTreeIcon("Root", "tree", Color4.DarkGreen); if (vmsModel.Root.Children != null) { foreach (var n in vmsModel.Root.Children) { DoConstructNode(n); } } DoModel(vmsModel.Root); //if (!(drawable is SphFile)) DoModel(rootModel, null); ImGui.TreePop(); } else { if (!vmsModel.Root.Active) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } RootModelContext(vmsModel.Root.Active); Theme.RenderTreeIcon("Root", "tree", Color4.DarkGreen); } }
public static unsafe void RenderDebug(string id, JsonValue parent, JsonValue root) { if (ImGui.TreeNode("Origin")) { var v = new System.Numerics.Vector2((float)root["ox"].AsNumber * 3, (float)root["oy"].AsNumber * 3); var region = CommonAse.Items.GetSlice(id); var m = ImGui.GetScrollY(); var pos = ImGui.GetWindowPos() + ImGui.GetCursorPos() - new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, m); if (ImGui.IsMouseDown(1)) { v = ImGui.GetMousePos() - pos; if (!(v.X < 0) && !(v.Y < 0) && !(v.X > region.Width * 3) && !(v.Y > region.Height * 3)) { if (snapGrid) { v.X = (float)(Math.Floor(v.X / 3) * 3); v.Y = (float)(Math.Floor(v.Y / 3) * 3); } v.X = VelcroPhysics.Utilities.MathUtils.Clamp(v.X, 0, region.Width * 3); v.Y = VelcroPhysics.Utilities.MathUtils.Clamp(v.Y, 0, region.Height * 3); root["ox"] = v.X / 3f; root["oy"] = v.Y / 3f; } } ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRect(ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(), pos - new System.Numerics.Vector2(1, 1), pos + new System.Numerics.Vector2(region.Width * 3 + 1, region.Height * 3 + 1), ColorUtils.WhiteColor.PackedValue, 0, 0, 1); ItemEditor.DrawItem(region); ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled(ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(), pos + v, 3, ColorUtils.WhiteColor.PackedValue, 8); v /= 3f; ImGui.Checkbox("Snap to grid", ref snapGrid); if (ImGui.InputFloat2("Origin", ref v)) { root["ox"] = v.X; root["oy"] = v.Y; } if (ImGui.Button("tx")) { root["ox"] = 0; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("ty")) { root["oy"] = 0; } if (ImGui.Button("cx")) { root["ox"] = region.Width / 2f; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("cy")) { root["oy"] = region.Height / 2f; } if (ImGui.Button("bx")) { root["ox"] = region.Width; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("by")) { root["oy"] = region.Height; } ImGui.TreePop(); } if (ImGui.TreeNode("Nozzle")) { var v = new System.Numerics.Vector2((float)root["nx"].AsNumber * 3, (float)root["ny"].AsNumber * 3); var region = CommonAse.Items.GetSlice(id); var m = ImGui.GetScrollY(); var pos = ImGui.GetWindowPos() + ImGui.GetCursorPos() - new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, m); if (ImGui.IsMouseDown(1)) { v = ImGui.GetMousePos() - pos; if (!(v.X < 0) && !(v.Y < 0) && !(v.X > region.Width * 3) && !(v.Y > region.Height * 3)) { if (snapGrid) { v.X = (float)(Math.Floor(v.X / 3) * 3); v.Y = (float)(Math.Floor(v.Y / 3) * 3); } v.X = VelcroPhysics.Utilities.MathUtils.Clamp(v.X, 0, region.Width * 3); v.Y = VelcroPhysics.Utilities.MathUtils.Clamp(v.Y, 0, region.Height * 3); root["nx"] = v.X / 3f; root["ny"] = v.Y / 3f; } } ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddRect(ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(), pos - new System.Numerics.Vector2(1, 1), pos + new System.Numerics.Vector2(region.Width * 3 + 1, region.Height * 3 + 1), ColorUtils.WhiteColor.PackedValue, 0, 0, 1); ItemEditor.DrawItem(region); ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled(ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(), pos + v, 3, ColorUtils.WhiteColor.PackedValue, 8); v /= 3f; ImGui.Checkbox("Snap to grid", ref snapGrid); if (ImGui.InputFloat2("Nozzle", ref v)) { root["nx"] = v.X; root["ny"] = v.Y; } if (ImGui.Button("tx")) { root["nx"] = 0; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("ty")) { root["ny"] = 0; } if (ImGui.Button("cx")) { root["nx"] = region.Width / 2f; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("cy")) { root["ny"] = region.Height / 2f; } if (ImGui.Button("bx")) { root["nx"] = region.Width; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("by")) { root["oy"] = region.Height; } ImGui.TreePop(); } }
private void DrawWindow() { if (_check) { var tempCastBar = _getUi2ObjByName(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(_getBaseUiObj(), 0x20), "_CastBar", 1); if (tempCastBar != IntPtr.Zero) { _wait = 1000; if (_config) { ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(300, 500), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); ImGui.Begin("SlideCast Config", ref _config); ImGui.InputInt("Time (cs)", ref _slideTime); ImGui.TextWrapped("The time for slidecasting is 50cs (half a second) by default.\n" + "Lower numbers make it later in the cast, higher numbers earlier in the cast.\n" + "Apart from missed packets, 50cs is the exact safe time to slidecast."); ImGui.ColorEdit4("Bar Colour", ref _slideCol, ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoInputs); ImGui.Checkbox("Enable Debug Mode", ref _debug); ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.Button("Save and Close Config")) { SaveConfig(); _config = false; } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, 0xFF000000 | 0x005E5BFF); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ButtonActive, 0xDD000000 | 0x005E5BFF); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ButtonHovered, 0xAA000000 | 0x005E5BFF); if (ImGui.Button("Buy Haplo a Hot Chocolate")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); } ImGui.PopStyleColor(3); ImGui.End(); } if (_enabled) { if (_castBar != tempCastBar) { _castBar = IntPtr.Zero; } if (_castBar != IntPtr.Zero) { _cbCastLast = _cbCastPer; _cbX = Marshal.ReadInt16(_castBar + 0x1BC); _cbY = Marshal.ReadInt16(_castBar + 0x1BE); _cbScale = Marshal.PtrToStructure <float>(_castBar + 0x1AC); _cbCastTime = Marshal.ReadInt16(_castBar + 0x2BC); _cbCastPer = Marshal.PtrToStructure <float>(_castBar + 0x2C0); var plus = 0; _cbSpell = new List <byte>(); while (Marshal.ReadByte(_castBar + 0x242 + plus) != 0) { _cbSpell.Add(Marshal.ReadByte(_castBar + 0x242 + plus)); plus++; } if (_cbCastLast == _cbCastPer) { if (_cbCastSameCount < 5) { _cbCastSameCount++; } } else { _cbCastSameCount = 0; } if (_cbCastPer == 5) { _colS = new Colour(_col1S.R / 255f, _col1S.G / 255f, _col1S.B / 255f); } if (Marshal.ReadByte(_castBar + 0x182).ToString() != "84") { ImGuiHelpers.SetNextWindowPosRelativeMainViewport(new Num.Vector2(_cbX, _cbY)); ImGui.Begin("SlideCast", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNav | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground); ImGui.SetWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(220 * _cbScale, 60 * _cbScale)); //float time = (float)cbCastTime - (0.01f * cbCastPer * (float)cbCastTime); float slidePer = ((float)_cbCastTime - (float)_slideTime) / (float)_cbCastTime; ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddRectFilled( new Num.Vector2( ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * _cbScale) + (152 * slidePer * _cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (20 * _cbScale)), new Num.Vector2( ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * _cbScale) + 5 + (152 * slidePer * _cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (29 * _cbScale)), ImGui.GetColorU32(_slideCol)); ImGui.End(); } } else { _castBar = tempCastBar; } if (_debug) { ImGuiHelpers.SetNextWindowPosRelativeMainViewport(new Num.Vector2(_cbX, _cbY)); ImGui.Begin("SlideCast DEBUG", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNav | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar); ImGui.SetWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(220 * _cbScale, 60 * _cbScale)); //float time = (float)cbCastTime - (0.01f * cbCastPer * (float)cbCastTime); var slidePer = ((float)_cbCastTime - (float)_slideTime) / (float)_cbCastTime; ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddRectFilled( new Num.Vector2( ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * _cbScale) + (152 * slidePer * _cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (20 * _cbScale)), new Num.Vector2( ImGui.GetWindowPos().X + (48 * _cbScale) + 5 + (152 * slidePer * _cbScale), ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y + (29 * _cbScale)), ImGui.GetColorU32(_slideCol)); ImGui.End(); ImGui.Begin("Slidecast Debug Values"); ImGui.Text("cbX: " + _cbX); ImGui.Text("cbY: " + _cbY); ImGui.Text("cbS: " + _cbScale); ImGui.Text("cbCastTime: " + _cbCastTime); ImGui.Text("cbCastPer: " + _cbCastPer); ImGui.Text("Mem Addr: " + _castBar.ToString("X")); ImGui.Text(_colS.Hue.ToString()); ImGui.Text(_colS.Saturation.ToString()); ImGui.Text(_colS.Brightness.ToString()); ImGui.End(); } } } else { _check = false; } } if (_wait > 0) { _wait--; } else { _check = true; } }
public void draw() { // check to see if we are still alive if (entity.isDestroyed) { Core.getGlobalManager <ImGuiManager>().stopInspectingEntity(this); return; } if (_shouldFocusWindow) { _shouldFocusWindow = false; ImGui.SetNextWindowFocus(); ImGui.SetNextWindowCollapsed(false); } // every 60 frames we check for newly added Components and add them if (Time.frameCount % 60 == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < _entity.components.count; i++) { var component = _entity.components[i]; if (_componentInspectors.Where(inspector => inspector.component != null && inspector.component == component).Count() == 0) { _componentInspectors.Insert(0, new ComponentInspector(component)); } } } ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Num.Vector2(335, 400), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver); ImGui.SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(new Num.Vector2(335, 200), new Num.Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height)); var open = true; if (ImGui.Begin($"Entity Inspector: {}###" + _entityWindowId, ref open)) { var enabled = entity.enabled; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Enabled", ref enabled)) { entity.enabled = enabled; } ImGui.InputText("Name", ref, 25); var updateInterval = (int)entity.updateInterval; if (ImGui.SliderInt("Update Interval", ref updateInterval, 1, 100)) { entity.updateInterval = (uint)updateInterval; } var tag = entity.tag; if (ImGui.InputInt("Tag", ref tag)) { entity.tag = tag; } NezImGui.MediumVerticalSpace(); _transformInspector.draw(); NezImGui.MediumVerticalSpace(); // watch out for removed Components for (var i = _componentInspectors.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_componentInspectors[i].entity == null) { _componentInspectors.RemoveAt(i); continue; } _componentInspectors[i].draw(); NezImGui.MediumVerticalSpace(); } if (NezImGui.CenteredButton("Add Component", 0.6f)) { _componentNameFilter = ""; ImGui.OpenPopup("component-selector"); } drawComponentSelectorPopup(); ImGui.End(); } if (!open) { Core.getGlobalManager <ImGuiManager>().stopInspectingEntity(this); } }
private void ImGuiLayout() { ImGui.BeginWindow("Settings", WindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize); if (RenderThread.IsAlive) { if (ImGui.Button("Stop render")) { Window.AllowUserResizing = true; RenderThread.Abort(); } if (Progressive) { ImGui.Text("Current samples: " + (Frames * RT.Samples).ToString()); } ImGui.SameLine(); } else { if (ImGui.Button("Start render")) { Window.AllowUserResizing = false; RenderTarget = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, RT.Width, RT.Height); if (Progressive) { RenderThread = new Thread(RenderProgressive); RenderThread.Start(); } else { RenderThread = new Thread(RenderStandard); RenderThread.Start(); } } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Clear framebuffer")) { RenderTarget.SetData(new Color[RT.Width * RT.Height]); } ImGui.Checkbox("Progressive", ref Progressive); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Checkbox("Direct Light Sampling", ref NEE)) { RT.NEE = NEE; } if (ImGui.SliderFloat("FOV", ref FOV, 0, 180, "%f", 1)) { RT.FOV = FOV; } if (ImGui.DragVector3("Camera Position", ref CamPos, -float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, 0.1f)) { RT.CameraPosition = new Core.Vector3(CamPos.X, CamPos.Y, CamPos.Z); } if (ImGui.DragVector3("Camera Rotation", ref CamRot, -float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, 0.1f)) { RT.CameraRotation = new Core.Vector3(CamRot.X, CamRot.Y, CamRot.Z); } if (ImGui.DragIntRange2("Min/Max Bounces", ref MinBounces, ref MaxBounces, 1, 1, int.MaxValue)) { RT.MinBounces = MinBounces; RT.MaxBounces = MaxBounces; } if (ImGui.DragInt("Samples per pixel", ref Samples, 1, 1, int.MaxValue, "%g")) { RT.Samples = Samples; } if (ImGui.SliderInt("Threads", ref Threads, 1, Environment.ProcessorCount, "%g")) { RT.Threads = Threads; } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Combo("Select scene", ref SelectedScene, Scenes); if (ImGui.Button("Load scene")) { if (Scenes.Length > 0) { RT.LoadScene(Scenes[SelectedScene], SceneRenderSettings); FOV = (float)RT.FOV; CamPos = new System.Numerics.Vector3((float)RT.CameraPosition.X, (float)RT.CameraPosition.Y, (float)RT.CameraPosition.Z); CamRot = new System.Numerics.Vector3((float)RT.CameraRotation.X, (float)RT.CameraRotation.Y, (float)RT.CameraRotation.Z); graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = RT.Width; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = RT.Height; graphics.ApplyChanges(); } } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Scan scene directory")) { ScanSceneDirectory(); } ImGui.Checkbox("Load scene render settings", ref SceneRenderSettings); } ImGui.EndWindow(); }
public override void Draw() { ImGui.Text("Zoom: "); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushItemWidth(120); ImGui.SliderFloat("", ref zoom, 10, 800, "%.0f%%", 1); ImGui.PopItemWidth(); ImGui.SameLine(); if (anim != null) { ImGui.PushItemWidth(80); ImGui.InputInt("Frame Number", ref frame, 1, 1); if (frame <= 0) { frame = 0; } if (frame >= anim.FrameCount) { frame = anim.FrameCount - 1; } ImGui.PopItemWidth(); ImGui.SameLine(); } ImGui.Checkbox("Checkerboard", ref checkerboard); ImGui.SameLine(); bool doOpen = ImGui.Button("Info"); if (doOpen) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Info##" + Unique); } ImGui.Separator(); var w = ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionWidth(); zoom = (int)zoom; var scale = zoom / 100; var sz = new Vector2(tex.Width, tex.Height) * scale; ImGuiNative.igSetNextWindowContentSize(new Vector2(sz.X, 0)); bool isOpen = true; if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Info##" + Unique, ref isOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text("Format: " + tex.Format); ImGui.Text("Width: " + tex.Width); ImGui.Text("Height: " + tex.Height); ImGui.Text("Mipmaps: " + ((tex.LevelCount > 1) ? "Yes" : "No")); ImGui.EndPopup(); } ImGui.BeginChild("##scroll", new Vector2(-1), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar); var pos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(); var windowH = ImGui.GetWindowHeight(); var windowW = ImGui.GetWindowWidth(); var cbX = Math.Max(windowW, sz.X); var cbY = Math.Max(windowH, sz.Y); if (checkerboard) { unsafe { var lst = ImGuiNative.igGetWindowDrawList(); ImGuiNative.ImDrawList_AddImage(lst, (IntPtr)ImGuiHelper.CheckerboardId, pos, new Vector2(pos.X + cbX, pos.Y + cbY), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(cbX / 16, cbY / 16), uint.MaxValue); } } if (sz.Y < windowH) //Centre { ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(5, (windowH / 2) - (sz.Y / 2))); } if (sz.X < w) { ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2((w / 2) - (sz.X / 2), 5)); ImGui.SameLine(); } var tl = new Vector2(0, 1); var br = new Vector2(1, 0); if (anim != null) { var f = anim.Frames[frame]; tl = new Vector2(f.UV1.X, 1 - f.UV1.Y); br = new Vector2(f.UV2.X, 1 - f.UV2.Y); } ImGui.Image((IntPtr)tid, sz, tl, br, Vector4.One, Vector4.Zero); ImGui.EndChild(); }
void TexImportDialog(PopupData data) { if (teximportprev == null) { //processing ImGui.Text("Processing..."); if (!texImportWaiting) { if (texImportChildren != null) { selectedNode.Data = null; foreach (var c in texImportChildren) { c.Parent = selectedNode; } selectedNode.Children = texImportChildren; } else { selectedNode.Children = null; selectedNode.Data = texImportData; } texImportData = null; texImportChildren = null; ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } } else { ImGui.Image((IntPtr)teximportid, new Vector2(64, 64), new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2(1, 0), Vector4.One, Vector4.Zero); ImGui.Text(string.Format("Dimensions: {0}x{1}", teximportprev.Width, teximportprev.Height)); ImGui.Combo("Format", ref compressOption, texOptions, texOptions.Length); ImGui.Combo("Mipmaps", ref mipmapOption, mipmapOptions, mipmapOptions.Length); ImGui.Checkbox("Flip Vertically", ref texFlip); ImGui.Checkbox("High Quality (slow)", ref compressSlow); if (ImGui.Button("Import")) { ImGuiHelper.DeregisterTexture(teximportprev); teximportprev.Dispose(); teximportprev = null; texImportWaiting = true; new System.Threading.Thread(() => { var format = DDSFormat.Uncompressed; switch (compressOption) { case 1: format = DDSFormat.DXT1; break; case 2: format = DDSFormat.DXT1a; break; case 3: format = DDSFormat.DXT3; break; case 4: format = DDSFormat.DXT5; break; } var mipm = MipmapMethod.None; switch (mipmapOption) { case 1: mipm = MipmapMethod.Box; break; case 2: mipm = MipmapMethod.Bicubic; break; case 3: mipm = MipmapMethod.Bilinear; break; case 4: mipm = MipmapMethod.Bspline; break; case 5: mipm = MipmapMethod.CatmullRom; break; case 6: mipm = MipmapMethod.Lanczos3; break; } if (mipm == MipmapMethod.None && format == DDSFormat.Uncompressed) { texImportData = TextureImport.TGANoMipmap(teximportpath, texFlip); } else if (format == DDSFormat.Uncompressed) { texImportChildren = TextureImport.TGAMipmaps(teximportpath, mipm, texFlip); } else { texImportData = TextureImport.CreateDDS(teximportpath, format, mipm, compressSlow, texFlip); } texImportWaiting = false; }).Start(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Cancel")) { ImGuiHelper.DeregisterTexture(teximportprev); teximportprev.Dispose(); teximportprev = null; ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } } }
protected override void RenderImGui() { if (ImGui.BeginMenuBar()) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, new Vector4(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1f)); if (ImGui.Button("Open OBJ")) { var explorer = new FileExplorer <ObjMeshAsset>(asset => { DisplayObject.Entity = asset.Entity; }); _toolsRoot.AddLegacyWindow(explorer); } if (ImGui.Button("Open EM3")) { var explorer = new FileExplorer <EmotionMeshAsset>(asset => { DisplayObject.Entity = asset.Entity; }); _toolsRoot.AddLegacyWindow(explorer); } if (ImGui.Button("Open Sprite Stack Texture")) { var explorer = new FileExplorer <SpriteStackTexture>(asset => { _toolsRoot.AddLegacyWindow(new Vec2Modal(size => { MeshEntity entity = asset.GetSpriteStackEntity(size); DisplayObject.Entity = entity; }, "Sprite Stack Settings", "Individual Frame Size", new Vector2(32, 32))); }); _toolsRoot.AddLegacyWindow(explorer); } ImGui.EndMenuBar(); } ImGui.Checkbox("Show Terrain", ref _showTerrain); Vector3 pos = DisplayObject.Position; if (ImGui.DragFloat3("Position", ref pos)) { DisplayObject.Position = pos; } float scale = DisplayObject.Scale; if (ImGui.DragFloat("Scale", ref scale)) { DisplayObject.Scale = scale; } Vector3 rot = DisplayObject.RotationDeg; if (ImGui.DragFloat3("Rotation", ref rot)) { DisplayObject.RotationDeg = rot; } if (DisplayObject.Entity != null && DisplayObject.Entity.Animations != null && ImGui.BeginCombo("Animation", DisplayObject.CurrentAnimation)) { if (ImGui.Button("None")) { DisplayObject.SetAnimation(null); } for (var i = 0; i < DisplayObject.Entity.Animations.Length; i++) { SkeletalAnimation anim = DisplayObject.Entity.Animations[i]; if (ImGui.Button($"{anim.Name}")) { DisplayObject.SetAnimation(anim.Name); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } }
private void ProcessingConfig() { // restrict in combat var restrictInCombat = this.Plugin.Configuration.RestrictInCombat; if (ImGui.Checkbox( Loc.Localize("RestrictInCombat", "Don't process in combat") + "###PlayerTrack_RestrictInCombat_Checkbox", ref restrictInCombat)) { this.Plugin.Configuration.RestrictInCombat = restrictInCombat; this.Plugin.SaveConfig(); } ImGuiComponents.HelpMarker(Loc.Localize( "RestrictInCombat_HelpMarker", "stop processing players while in combat")); ImGui.Spacing(); // add / update players ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("RestrictAddUpdatePlayers", "Add / Update Players")); var restrictAddUpdatePlayersIndex = this.plugin.Configuration.RestrictAddUpdatePlayers; ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(180f * ImGuiHelpers.GlobalScale); if (ImGui.Combo( "###PlayerTrack_RestrictAddUpdatePlayers_Combo", ref restrictAddUpdatePlayersIndex, ContentRestrictionType.RestrictionTypeNames.ToArray(), ContentRestrictionType.RestrictionTypeNames.Count)) { this.plugin.Configuration.RestrictAddUpdatePlayers = ContentRestrictionType.GetContentRestrictionTypeByIndex(restrictAddUpdatePlayersIndex).Index; this.plugin.SaveConfig(); this.plugin.PlayerService.ResetViewPlayers(); } ImGuiComponents.HelpMarker(Loc.Localize( "RestrictAddUpdatePlayers_HelpMarker", "when to add or update players in your area")); ImGui.Spacing(); // add encounters ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("RestrictAddEncounters", "Add New Encounters")); var restrictAddEncountersIndex = this.plugin.Configuration.RestrictAddEncounters; ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(180f * ImGuiHelpers.GlobalScale); if (ImGui.Combo( "###PlayerTrack_RestrictAddEncounters_Combo", ref restrictAddEncountersIndex, ContentRestrictionType.RestrictionTypeNames.ToArray(), ContentRestrictionType.RestrictionTypeNames.Count)) { this.plugin.Configuration.RestrictAddEncounters = ContentRestrictionType.GetContentRestrictionTypeByIndex(restrictAddEncountersIndex).Index; this.plugin.SaveConfig(); this.plugin.PlayerService.ResetViewPlayers(); } ImGuiComponents.HelpMarker(Loc.Localize( "RestrictAddEncounters_HelpMarker", "when to add new encounters (new row in the encounters tab). " + "don't recommend using always as this will significantly increase file size.")); ImGui.Spacing(); // encounters threshold ImGui.Text(Loc.Localize("NewEncounterThreshold", "New Encounter Threshold (minutes)")); ImGuiComponents.HelpMarker(Loc.Localize( "NewEncounterThreshold_HelpMarker", "threshold for creating new encounter for player in same location")); var newEncounterThreshold = this.plugin.Configuration.CreateNewEncounterThreshold.FromMillisecondsToMinutes(); if (ImGui.SliderInt("###PlayerTrack_NewEncounterThreshold_Slider", ref newEncounterThreshold, 0, 240)) { this.plugin.Configuration.CreateNewEncounterThreshold = newEncounterThreshold.FromMinutesToMilliseconds(); this.plugin.SaveConfig(); } ImGui.Spacing(); }
public static bool Checkbox(string labelString, bool boolValue) { ImGui.Checkbox(labelString, ref boolValue); return(boolValue); }
private void Update(float deltaseconds) { ImguiRenderer.Update(deltaseconds, InputTracker.FrameSnapshot); //ImGui. var command = EditorCommandQueue.GetNextCommand(); string[] commandsplit = null; if (command != null) { commandsplit = command.Split($@"/"); } ApplyStyle(); var vp = ImGui.GetMainViewport(); ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(vp.Pos); ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(vp.Size); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowRounding, 0.0f); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowBorderSize, 0.0f); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)); ImGuiWindowFlags flags = ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove; flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags.NoDocking | ImGuiWindowFlags.MenuBar; flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNavFocus; flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground; if (ImGui.Begin("DockSpace_W", flags)) { //Console.WriteLine("hi"); } var dsid = ImGui.GetID("DockSpace"); ImGui.DockSpace(dsid, new Vector2(0, 0), ImGuiDockNodeFlags.NoSplit); ImGui.PopStyleVar(1); ImGui.End(); bool newProject = false; ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.FrameBorderSize, 0.0f); if (ImGui.BeginMainMenuBar()) { if (ImGui.BeginMenu("File")) { if (_projectSettings == null || _projectSettings.ProjectName == null) { ImGui.MenuItem("No project open", false); } else { ImGui.MenuItem($@"Settings: {_projectSettings.ProjectName}"); } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Enable Texturing (alpha)", "", CFG.Current.EnableTexturing)) { CFG.Current.EnableTexturing = !CFG.Current.EnableTexturing; } if (ImGui.MenuItem("New Project", "CTRL+N") || InputTracker.GetControlShortcut(Key.I)) { newProject = true; } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Open Project", "")) { var browseDlg = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog() { Filter = AssetLocator.JsonFilter, ValidateNames = true, CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, }; if (browseDlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { var settings = MsbEditor.ProjectSettings.Deserialize(browseDlg.FileName); AttemptLoadProject(settings, browseDlg.FileName); } } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Recent Projects")) { CFG.RecentProject recent = null; foreach (var p in CFG.Current.RecentProjects) { if (ImGui.MenuItem($@"{p.GameType.ToString()}:{p.Name}")) { if (File.Exists(p.ProjectFile)) { var settings = MsbEditor.ProjectSettings.Deserialize(p.ProjectFile); if (AttemptLoadProject(settings, p.ProjectFile, false)) { recent = p; } } } } if (recent != null) { CFG.Current.RecentProjects.Remove(recent); CFG.Current.RecentProjects.Insert(0, recent); CFG.Current.LastProjectFile = recent.ProjectFile; } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Save", "Ctrl-S")) { if (_msbEditorFocused) { MSBEditor.Save(); } if (_modelEditorFocused) { ModelEditor.Save(); } if (_paramEditorFocused) { ParamEditor.Save(); } if (_textEditorFocused) { TextEditor.Save(); } } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Save All", "")) { MSBEditor.SaveAll(); ModelEditor.SaveAll(); ParamEditor.SaveAll(); TextEditor.SaveAll(); } if (Resource.FlverResource.CaptureMaterialLayouts && ImGui.MenuItem("Dump Flver Layouts (Debug)", "")) { DumpFlverLayouts(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (_msbEditorFocused) { MSBEditor.DrawEditorMenu(); } else if (_modelEditorFocused) { ModelEditor.DrawEditorMenu(); } else if (_paramEditorFocused) { ParamEditor.DrawEditorMenu(); } else if (_textEditorFocused) { TextEditor.DrawEditorMenu(); } ImGui.EndMainMenuBar(); } ImGui.PopStyleVar(); // New project modal if (newProject) { _newProjectSettings = new MsbEditor.ProjectSettings(); _newProjectDirectory = ""; ImGui.OpenPopup("New Project"); } bool open = true; ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowRounding, 7.0f); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowBorderSize, 1.0f); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, new Vector2(14.0f, 8.0f)); if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("New Project", ref open, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); ImGui.Text("Project Name: "); ImGui.SameLine(); var pname = _newProjectSettings.ProjectName; if (ImGui.InputText("##pname", ref pname, 255)) { _newProjectSettings.ProjectName = pname; } ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); ImGui.Text("Project Directory: "); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.InputText("##pdir", ref _newProjectDirectory, 255); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button($@"{ForkAwesome.FileO}")) { var browseDlg = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); if (browseDlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { _newProjectDirectory = browseDlg.SelectedPath; } } ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); ImGui.Text("Game Executable: "); ImGui.SameLine(); var gname = _newProjectSettings.GameRoot; if (ImGui.InputText("##gdir", ref gname, 255)) { _newProjectSettings.GameRoot = gname; _newProjectSettings.GameType = _assetLocator.GetGameTypeForExePath(_newProjectSettings.GameRoot); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.PushID("fd2"); if (ImGui.Button($@"{ForkAwesome.FileO}")) { var browseDlg = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog() { Filter = AssetLocator.GameExecutatbleFilter, ValidateNames = true, CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, //ShowReadOnly = true, }; if (browseDlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { _newProjectSettings.GameRoot = browseDlg.FileName; _newProjectSettings.GameType = _assetLocator.GetGameTypeForExePath(_newProjectSettings.GameRoot); } } ImGui.PopID(); ImGui.Text($@"Detected Game: {_newProjectSettings.GameType.ToString()}"); ImGui.NewLine(); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.NewLine(); if (_newProjectSettings.GameType == GameType.DarkSoulsIISOTFS || _newProjectSettings.GameType == GameType.DarkSoulsIII) { ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); ImGui.Text($@"Use Loose Params: "); ImGui.SameLine(); var looseparams = _newProjectSettings.UseLooseParams; if (ImGui.Checkbox("##looseparams", ref looseparams)) { _newProjectSettings.UseLooseParams = looseparams; } ImGui.NewLine(); } if (ImGui.Button("Create", new Vector2(120, 0))) { bool validated = true; if (_newProjectSettings.GameRoot == null || !File.Exists(_newProjectSettings.GameRoot)) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Your game executable path does not exist. Please select a valid executable.", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.None); validated = false; } if (validated && _newProjectSettings.GameType == GameType.Undefined) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Your game executable is not a valid supported game.", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.None); validated = false; } if (validated && (_newProjectDirectory == null || !Directory.Exists(_newProjectDirectory))) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Your selected project directory is not valid.", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.None); validated = false; } if (validated && File.Exists($@"{_newProjectDirectory}\project.json")) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Your selected project directory is already a project.", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.None); validated = false; } if (validated && (_newProjectSettings.ProjectName == null || _newProjectSettings.ProjectName == "")) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You must specify a project name.", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.None); validated = false; } string gameroot = Path.GetDirectoryName(_newProjectSettings.GameRoot); if (_newProjectSettings.GameType == GameType.Bloodborne) { gameroot = gameroot + @"\dvdroot_ps4"; } if (!_assetLocator.CheckFilesExpanded(gameroot, _newProjectSettings.GameType)) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show($@"The files for {_newProjectSettings.GameType} do not appear to be unpacked. Please use UDSFM for DS1:PTDE and UXM for the rest of the games to unpack the files.", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.None); validated = false; } if (validated) { _projectSettings = _newProjectSettings; _projectSettings.GameRoot = gameroot; _projectSettings.Serialize($@"{_newProjectDirectory}\project.json"); ChangeProjectSettings(_projectSettings, _newProjectDirectory); CFG.Current.LastProjectFile = $@"{_newProjectDirectory}\project.json"; var recent = new CFG.RecentProject(); recent.Name = _projectSettings.ProjectName; recent.GameType = _projectSettings.GameType; recent.ProjectFile = $@"{_newProjectDirectory}\project.json"; CFG.Current.RecentProjects.Insert(0, recent); if (CFG.Current.RecentProjects.Count > CFG.MAX_RECENT_PROJECTS) { CFG.Current.RecentProjects.RemoveAt(CFG.Current.RecentProjects.Count - 1); } ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Cancel", new Vector2(120, 0))) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } ImGui.PopStyleVar(3); ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)); if (FirstFrame) { ImGui.SetNextWindowFocus(); } string[] mapcmds = null; if (commandsplit != null && commandsplit[0] == "map") { mapcmds = commandsplit.Skip(1).ToArray(); ImGui.SetNextWindowFocus(); } if (ImGui.Begin("Map Editor")) { ImGui.PopStyleVar(1); MSBEditor.OnGUI(mapcmds); ImGui.End(); _msbEditorFocused = true; MSBEditor.Update(deltaseconds); } else { ImGui.PopStyleVar(1); _msbEditorFocused = false; ImGui.End(); } ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)); if (ImGui.Begin("Model Editor")) { ImGui.PopStyleVar(1); ModelEditor.OnGUI(); _modelEditorFocused = true; ModelEditor.Update(deltaseconds); } else { ImGui.PopStyleVar(1); _modelEditorFocused = false; } ImGui.End(); string[] paramcmds = null; if (commandsplit != null && commandsplit[0] == "param") { paramcmds = commandsplit.Skip(1).ToArray(); ImGui.SetNextWindowFocus(); } if (ImGui.Begin("Param Editor")) { ParamEditor.OnGUI(paramcmds); _paramEditorFocused = true; } else { _paramEditorFocused = false; } ImGui.End(); string[] textcmds = null; if (commandsplit != null && commandsplit[0] == "text") { textcmds = commandsplit.Skip(1).ToArray(); ImGui.SetNextWindowFocus(); } ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, new Vector2(4, 4)); if (ImGui.Begin("Text Editor")) { TextEditor.OnGUI(textcmds); _textEditorFocused = true; } else { _textEditorFocused = false; } ImGui.End(); ImGui.PopStyleVar(); ImGui.PopStyleVar(2); UnapplyStyle(); Resource.ResourceManager.UpdateTasks(); if (!_firstframe) { FirstFrame = false; } _firstframe = false; }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void OnRender() { ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(10.0f, 100.0f)); ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(200.0f, 700.0f)); ImGui.Begin("Tuning", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.PushItemWidth(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() * 0.5f); const ImGuiComboFlags comboFlags = 0; string[] bendModels = { "Spring", "PBD Ang", "XPBD Ang", "PBD Dist", "PBD Height" }; string[] stretchModels = { "PBD", "XPBD" }; ImGui.Text("Rope 1"); var bendModel1 = (int)_tuning1.BendingModel; if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Bend Model##1", bendModels[bendModel1], comboFlags)) { for (var i = 0; i < bendModels.Length; ++i) { var isSelected = bendModel1 == i; if (ImGui.Selectable(bendModels[i], isSelected)) { bendModel1 = i; _tuning1.BendingModel = (BendingModel)i; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } ImGui.SliderFloat("Damping##B1", ref _tuning1.BendDamping, 0.0f, 4.0f, "%.1f"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Hertz##B1", ref _tuning1.BendHertz, 0.0f, 60.0f, "%.0f"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Stiffness##B1", ref _tuning1.BendStiffness, 0.0f, 1.0f, "%.1f"); ImGui.Checkbox("Isometric##1", ref _tuning1.Isometric); ImGui.Checkbox("Fixed Mass##1", ref _tuning1.FixedEffectiveMass); ImGui.Checkbox("Warm Start##1", ref _tuning1.WarmStart); var stretchModel1 = (int)_tuning1.StretchingModel; if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Stretch Model##1", stretchModels[stretchModel1], comboFlags)) { for (var i = 0; i < stretchModels.Length; ++i) { var isSelected = stretchModel1 == i; if (ImGui.Selectable(stretchModels[i], isSelected)) { stretchModel1 = i; _tuning1.StretchingModel = (StretchingModel)i; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } ImGui.SliderFloat("Damping##S1", ref _tuning1.StretchDamping, 0.0f, 4.0f, "%.1f"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Hertz##S1", ref _tuning1.StretchHertz, 0.0f, 60.0f, "%.0f"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Stiffness##S1", ref _tuning1.StretchStiffness, 0.0f, 1.0f, "%.1f"); ImGui.SliderInt("Iterations##1", ref _iterations1, 1, 100, "%d"); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text("Rope 2"); var bendModel2 = (int)_tuning2.BendingModel; if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Bend Model##2", bendModels[bendModel2], comboFlags)) { for (var i = 0; i < bendModels.Length; ++i) { var isSelected = bendModel2 == i; if (ImGui.Selectable(bendModels[i], isSelected)) { bendModel2 = i; _tuning2.BendingModel = (BendingModel)i; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } ImGui.SliderFloat("Damping##", ref _tuning2.BendDamping, 0.0f, 4.0f, "%.1f"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Hertz##", ref _tuning2.BendHertz, 0.0f, 60.0f, "%.0f"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Stiffness##", ref _tuning2.BendStiffness, 0.0f, 1.0f, "%.1f"); ImGui.Checkbox("Isometric##2", ref _tuning2.Isometric); ImGui.Checkbox("Fixed Mass##2", ref _tuning2.FixedEffectiveMass); ImGui.Checkbox("Warm Start##2", ref _tuning2.WarmStart); var stretchModel2 = (int)_tuning2.StretchingModel; if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Stretch Model##2", stretchModels[stretchModel2], comboFlags)) { for (var i = 0; i < stretchModels.Length; ++i) { var isSelected = stretchModel2 == i; if (ImGui.Selectable(stretchModels[i], isSelected)) { stretchModel2 = i; _tuning2.StretchingModel = (StretchingModel)i; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } ImGui.SliderFloat("Damping##S2", ref _tuning2.StretchDamping, 0.0f, 4.0f, "%.1f"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Hertz##S2", ref _tuning2.StretchHertz, 0.0f, 60.0f, "%.0f"); ImGui.SliderFloat("Stiffness##S2", ref _tuning2.StretchStiffness, 0.0f, 1.0f, "%.1f"); ImGui.SliderInt("Iterations##2", ref _iterations2, 1, 100, "%d"); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.SliderFloat("Speed", ref _speed, 10.0f, 100.0f, "%.0f"); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { _position1.Set(-5.0f, 15.0f); _position2.Set(5.0f, 15.0f); _rope1.Reset(_position1); _rope2.Reset(_position2); } ImGui.PopItemWidth(); ImGui.End(); _rope1.Draw(Drawer); _rope2.Draw(Drawer); DrawString("Press comma and period to move left and right"); }
private void DrawPluginConfigWindow() { ImGui.SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(new Vector2(588, 500), ImGui.GetIO().DisplaySize); ImGui.Begin("QoL Bar Configuration", ref configOpen); if (ImGui.Checkbox("Export on Delete", ref config.ExportOnDelete)) { config.Save(); } ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() / 2); if (ImGui.Checkbox("Resizing Repositions Bars", ref config.ResizeRepositionsBars)) { config.Save(); } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip("Undocked bars will automatically readjust if you change resolutions."); } if (ImGui.Checkbox("Use Hotbar Frames on Icons", ref config.UseIconFrame)) { config.Save(); } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip("Might cause lag."); } ImGui.Spacing(); ImGui.Spacing(); ImGui.Spacing(); ImGui.Spacing(); ImGui.SameLine(30); ImGui.Text("Bar Manager"); ImGui.Spacing(); ImGui.Separator(); Vector2 textsize = new Vector2(-1, 0); float textx = 0.0f; ImGui.Columns(3, "QoLBarsList", false); for (int i = 0; i < bars.Count; i++) { ImGui.PushID(i); ImGui.Text($"#{i + 1}"); ImGui.SameLine(); textx = ImGui.GetCursorPosX(); ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(-1); if (ImGui.InputText("##Title", ref config.BarConfigs[i].Title, 32)) { config.Save(); } textsize = ImGui.GetItemRectSize(); ImGui.NextColumn(); if (ImGui.Button("O")) { ImGui.OpenPopup($"BarConfig##{i}"); } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip("Options"); } bars[i].BarConfigPopup(); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button(config.BarConfigs[i].Hidden ? "R" : "H")) { bars[i].ToggleVisible(); } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip(config.BarConfigs[i].Hidden ? "Reveal" : "Hide"); } ImGui.NextColumn(); if (ImGui.Button("↑") && i > 0) { var b = bars[i]; bars.RemoveAt(i); bars.Insert(i - 1, b); var b2 = config.BarConfigs[i]; config.BarConfigs.RemoveAt(i); config.BarConfigs.Insert(i - 1, b2); config.Save(); RefreshBarIndexes(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("↓") && i < (bars.Count - 1)) { var b = bars[i]; bars.RemoveAt(i); bars.Insert(i + 1, b); var b2 = config.BarConfigs[i]; config.BarConfigs.RemoveAt(i); config.BarConfigs.Insert(i + 1, b2); config.Save(); RefreshBarIndexes(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Export")) { ImGui.SetClipboardText(plugin.ExportBar(config.BarConfigs[i], false)); } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip("Export to clipboard without default settings (May change with updates).\n" + "Right click to export with every setting (Longer string, doesn't change)."); if (ImGui.IsMouseReleased(1)) { ImGui.SetClipboardText(plugin.ExportBar(config.BarConfigs[i], true)); } } if (i > 0) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button(config.ExportOnDelete ? "Cut" : "Delete")) { plugin.ExecuteCommand("/echo <se> Right click to delete!"); } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip($"Right click this button to delete bar #{i + 1}!" + (config.ExportOnDelete ? "\nThe bar will be exported to clipboard first." : "")); if (ImGui.IsMouseReleased(1)) { if (config.ExportOnDelete) { ImGui.SetClipboardText(plugin.ExportBar(config.BarConfigs[i], false)); } bars.RemoveAt(i); config.BarConfigs.RemoveAt(i); config.Save(); RefreshBarIndexes(); } } } ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.PopID(); } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Spacing(); ImGui.SameLine(textx); if (ImGui.Button("+", textsize)) { AddBar(new BarConfig()); } ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.NextColumn(); if (ImGui.Button("Import", textsize)) { try { AddBar(plugin.ImportBar(ImGui.GetClipboardText())); } catch (Exception e) // Try as a shortcut instead { try { var sh = plugin.ImportShortcut(ImGui.GetClipboardText()); var bar = new BarConfig(); bar.ShortcutList.Add(sh); AddBar(bar); } catch (Exception e2) { PluginLog.LogError("Invalid import string!"); PluginLog.LogError($"{e.GetType()}\n{e.Message}"); PluginLog.LogError($"{e2.GetType()}\n{e2.Message}"); } } } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.SetTooltip("Import a bar from the clipboard,\n" + "or import a single shortcut as a new bar."); } ImGui.Columns(1); // I just wanna know who did this and where they live ImGui.End(); }