void Traverse(GameObject gameObject) { bool leaf = gameObject.Transform.Children.Count <= 0; if (gameObject == selectedObj) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, new System.Numerics.Vector4(0.25882352941f, 0.5294117647f, 0.96078431372f, 1)); } var x = ImGui.GetCursorPosX(); ImGui.Dummy(new System.Numerics.Vector2(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X, ImGui.GetFontSize())); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.SetCursorPosX(x); bool open = ImGui.TreeNodeEx(gameObject.UIDText, (!ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left) && leaf ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Leaf : 0) | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnDoubleClick | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.SpanAvailWidth | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnArrow, gameObject.Name); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { if (ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("Transform", IntPtr.Zero, 0)) { scr = gameObject.Transform; } ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("Transform"); if (payload.NativePtr != null && scr != null) { scr.Parent = gameObject.Transform; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } if (gameObject == selectedObj) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { if (selectedObj != gameObject) { SelectionChanged(gameObject); } selectedObj = gameObject; } if (open) { for (int i = 0; i < gameObject.Transform.Children.Count; i++) { Traverse(gameObject.Transform.Children[i].GameObject); } ImGui.TreePop(); } }
protected virtual void DragDropProc() { if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { if (m_NodeGraph != null) { OnDropEvent?.Invoke(m_NodeGraph); } } }
private static bool DrawDragDropTargetSources(CooldownTrigger trigger, IList <int> toSwap) { const string payloadIdentifier = "PRIORITY_PAYLOAD"; if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource(ImGuiDragDropFlags.SourceNoHoldToOpenOthers | ImGuiDragDropFlags.SourceNoPreviewTooltip)) { unsafe { var prio = trigger.Priority; var ptr = new IntPtr(&prio); ImGui.SetDragDropPayload(payloadIdentifier, ptr, sizeof(int)); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); #if DEBUG ImGui.Text($"{trigger.Priority + 1} Dragging {trigger.ActionName}."); #else ImGui.Text($"Dragging {trigger.ActionName}."); #endif ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); return(true); } if (!ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { return(false); } var imGuiPayloadPtr = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload(payloadIdentifier, ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptNoPreviewTooltip | ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect); unsafe { if (imGuiPayloadPtr.NativePtr is not null) { var prio = *(int *)imGuiPayloadPtr.Data; toSwap[0] = prio; toSwap[1] = trigger.Priority; } } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); #if DEBUG ImGui.Text($"{trigger.Priority + 1} Swap with {trigger.ActionName}"); #else ImGui.Text($"Swap with {trigger.ActionName}"); #endif ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); return(true); }
public static bool DragDropTarget(ushort handleIdx, DragDropWindow window, DragDropTree tree, string payloadType, ImGuiDragDropFlags flags, Action <DragDropWindow, DragDropTree, ushort, DragDropWindow, DragDropTree, ushort> action) { bool ret = false; if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload(payloadType, flags); unsafe { if (payload.NativePtr != null) { IntPtr dataSource = payload.Data; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(dataSource, s_dragdropDataE, 0, s_dragdrop_size); DragDropWindow windowSource = (DragDropWindow)s_dragdropDataE[0]; DragDropTree treeSource = (DragDropTree)s_dragdropDataE[1]; ushort handleIdxSource = 0; unsafe { fixed(byte *pbyte = &s_dragdropDataE[2]) { handleIdxSource = *((ushort *)pbyte); } } if (action != null) { action(windowSource, treeSource, handleIdxSource, window, tree, handleIdx); } ret = true; } } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } return(ret); }
public override void DrawUI() { if (ImGui.Begin(UIName, ref IsActive, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse)) { ImGui.Dummy(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail()); ImGui.SetCursorPosY(0); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.DragDropTarget, new System.Numerics.Vector4(0.219f, 0.223f, 0.623f, 1)); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("Transform"); if (payload.NativePtr != null && scr != null) { scr.Parent = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } //for (int i = 0; i < EditorManager.Instance.LÖÖPS.Scenes.Count; i++) { Scene scene = Manager.GameGameLoop.MasterScene; if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx(scene.UIDText, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnDoubleClick | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Framed | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.DefaultOpen | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.FramePadding, "Root Scene")) { var gos = scene.RootObjects; for (int j = 0; j < gos.Count; j++) { if (gos[j].Transform.Parent == null) { Traverse(gos[j]); } } ImGui.TreePop(); } } ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } ImGui.End(); }
private void TextNodeDragDrop(ITextNode node) { if (node != plugin.Configuration.RootFolder && ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { DraggedNode = node; ImGui.Text(node.Name); ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("TextNodePayload", IntPtr.Zero, 0); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("TextNodePayload"); bool nullPtr; unsafe { nullPtr = payload.NativePtr == null; } var targetNode = node; if (!nullPtr && payload.IsDelivery() && DraggedNode != null) { if (plugin.Configuration.TryFindParent(DraggedNode, out var draggedNodeParent)) { if (targetNode is TextFolderNode targetFolderNode) { AddTextNode.Add(new AddTextNodeOperation { Node = DraggedNode, ParentNode = targetFolderNode, Index = -1 }); RemoveTextNode.Add(new RemoveTextNodeOperation { Node = DraggedNode, ParentNode = draggedNodeParent }); } else { if (plugin.Configuration.TryFindParent(targetNode, out var targetNodeParent)) { var targetNodeIndex = targetNodeParent.Children.IndexOf(targetNode); if (targetNodeParent == draggedNodeParent) { var draggedNodeIndex = targetNodeParent.Children.IndexOf(DraggedNode); if (draggedNodeIndex < targetNodeIndex) { targetNodeIndex -= 1; } } AddTextNode.Add(new AddTextNodeOperation { Node = DraggedNode, ParentNode = targetNodeParent, Index = targetNodeIndex }); RemoveTextNode.Add(new RemoveTextNodeOperation { Node = DraggedNode, ParentNode = draggedNodeParent }); } else { throw new Exception($"Could not find parent of node \"{targetNode.Name}\""); } } } else { throw new Exception($"Could not find parent of node \"{DraggedNode.Name}\""); } DraggedNode = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } }
unsafe private void MapObjectSelectable(Entity e, bool visicon, bool hierarchial = false) { // Main selectable if (e is MapEntity me) { ImGui.PushID(me.Type.ToString() + e.Name); } else { ImGui.PushID(e.Name); } bool doSelect = false; if (_setNextFocus) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); _setNextFocus = false; doSelect = true; } bool nodeopen = false; string padding = hierarchial ? " " : " "; if (hierarchial && e.Children.Count > 0) { var treeflags = ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnArrow | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.SpanAvailWidth; if (_selection.GetSelection().Contains(e)) { treeflags |= ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Selected; } nodeopen = ImGui.TreeNodeEx(e.PrettyName, treeflags); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered() && ImGui.IsMouseDoubleClicked(0)) { if (e.RenderSceneMesh != null) { _viewport.FrameBox(e.RenderSceneMesh.GetBounds()); } } } else { if (ImGui.Selectable(padding + e.PrettyName, _selection.GetSelection().Contains(e), ImGuiSelectableFlags.AllowDoubleClick | ImGuiSelectableFlags.AllowItemOverlap)) { // If double clicked frame the selection in the viewport if (ImGui.IsMouseDoubleClicked(0)) { if (e.RenderSceneMesh != null) { _viewport.FrameBox(e.RenderSceneMesh.GetBounds()); } } } } if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(0)) { _pendingClick = e; } if (_pendingClick == e && ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { doSelect = true; } _pendingClick = null; } if (ImGui.IsItemFocused() && !_selection.IsSelected(e)) { doSelect = true; } if (hierarchial && doSelect) { if ((nodeopen && !_treeOpenEntities.Contains(e)) || (!nodeopen && _treeOpenEntities.Contains(e))) { doSelect = false; } if (nodeopen && !_treeOpenEntities.Contains(e)) { _treeOpenEntities.Add(e); } else if (!nodeopen && _treeOpenEntities.Contains(e)) { _treeOpenEntities.Remove(e); } } if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem()) { _handler.OnEntityContextMenu(e); ImGui.EndPopup(); } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { ImGui.Text(e.PrettyName); // Kinda meme DragDropPayload p = new DragDropPayload(); p.Entity = e; _dragDropPayloads.Add(_dragDropPayloadCounter, p); DragDropPayloadReference r = new DragDropPayloadReference(); r.Index = _dragDropPayloadCounter; _dragDropPayloadCounter++; GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(r, GCHandleType.Pinned); ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("entity", handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (uint)sizeof(DragDropPayloadReference)); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); handle.Free(); _initiatedDragDrop = true; } if (hierarchial && ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("entity"); if (payload.NativePtr != null) { DragDropPayloadReference *h = (DragDropPayloadReference *)payload.Data; var pload = _dragDropPayloads[h->Index]; _dragDropPayloads.Remove(h->Index); _dragDropSources.Add(pload.Entity); _dragDropDestObjects.Add(e); _dragDropDests.Add(e.Children.Count); } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } // Visibility icon if (visicon) { ImGui.SetItemAllowOverlap(); bool visible = e.EditorVisible; ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 18.0f); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, visible ? new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) : new Vector4(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f)); ImGui.TextWrapped(visible ? ForkAwesome.Eye : ForkAwesome.EyeSlash); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(0)) { e.EditorVisible = !e.EditorVisible; doSelect = false; } } // If the visibility icon wasn't clicked actually perform the selection if (doSelect) { if (InputTracker.GetKey(Key.ControlLeft) || InputTracker.GetKey(Key.ControlRight)) { _selection.AddSelection(e); } else { _selection.ClearSelection(); _selection.AddSelection(e); } } ImGui.PopID(); // Invisible item to be a drag drop target between nodes if (_pendingDragDrop) { if (e is MapEntity me2) { ImGui.SetItemAllowOverlap(); ImGui.InvisibleButton(me2.Type.ToString() + e.Name, new Vector2(-1, 3.0f)); } else { ImGui.SetItemAllowOverlap(); ImGui.InvisibleButton(e.Name, new Vector2(-1, 3.0f)); } if (ImGui.IsItemFocused()) { _setNextFocus = true; } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("entity"); if (payload.NativePtr != null) { DragDropPayloadReference *h = (DragDropPayloadReference *)payload.Data; var pload = _dragDropPayloads[h->Index]; _dragDropPayloads.Remove(h->Index); if (hierarchial) { _dragDropSources.Add(pload.Entity); _dragDropDestObjects.Add(e.Parent); _dragDropDests.Add(e.Parent.ChildIndex(e) + 1); } else { _dragDropSources.Add(pload.Entity); _dragDropDests.Add(pload.Entity.Container.Objects.IndexOf(e) + 1); } } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } } // If there's children then draw them if (nodeopen) { HierarchyView(e); ImGui.TreePop(); } }
public override void DrawUI() { if (IsWindowOpen) { ImGui.Begin("Tilemap Editor"); if (Input.GetKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.D)) { ActiveTool = Tools.Delete; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.B)) { ActiveTool = Tools.Brush; } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.G)) { ActiveTool = Tools.Bucket; } else if (ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Middle)) { ActiveTool = Tools.None; } //else if (Input.GetKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.S)) // ActiveTool = Tools.Select; //else if (Input.GetKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.C)) // ActiveTool = Tools.CustomBrush; Vector2 ThisWindowPos = ImGui.GetWindowPos(); Vector2 ThisWindowSize = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); MultiSelectRect.X += (int)(ThisWindowPos.X - LastWindPos.X); MultiSelectRect.Y += (int)(ThisWindowPos.Y - LastWindPos.Y); LastWindPos = ThisWindowPos; if (ImGui.IsKeyPressed(ImGui.GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey.Escape))) { IsWindowOpen = false; } if (ImGui.BeginCombo("TileSets", ChosenTileSet)) { for (int i = 0; i < TileSets.Count; i++) { if (ImGui.Selectable(TileSets[i].Name)) { ChosenTileSet = TileSets[i].Name; ActiveTileSet = i; } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Checkbox("Show Utils", ref ShowUtils); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, new Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1)); if (ImGui.Button("New Tileset")) { ActiveTileSet = TileSets.Count; string[] TilesetNames = new string[TileSets.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < TilesetNames.Length; i++) { TilesetNames[i] = TileSets[i].Name; } ChosenTileSet = Utility.UniqueName(ChosenTileSet, TilesetNames); TileSets.Add(new TileSetClass() { Name = ChosenTileSet }); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Delete Tileset") && ActiveTileSet != -1) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Are You Sure?" + "##2"); EnsureClipDeletion = true; } string activeTilemap = ActiveTilemap != null ? ActiveTilemap.Name : "Drag a tilemap gameobject here!"; ImGui.InputText("Active Tilemap", ref activeTilemap, 50, ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget() && ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { if (GameObjects_Tab.DraggedGO != null && GameObjects_Tab.DraggedGO.GetComponent <Tilemap>() != null) { ActiveTilemap = GameObjects_Tab.DraggedGO; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ContentWindow.HelpMarker("Drag a gameobject having a Tilemap component here!", true); if (ActiveTilemap != null && (ActiveTilemap.ShouldBeDeleted || ActiveTilemap.ShouldBeRemoved)) { ActiveTilemap = null; } if (ActiveTileSet != -1) { ImGui.InputText("Name", ref ChosenTileSet, 50); if (ImGui.IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit()) { string[] TilesetNames = new string[TileSets.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < TilesetNames.Length; i++) { TilesetNames[i] = TileSets[i].Name; } ChosenTileSet = TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Name.Equals(ChosenTileSet)? ChosenTileSet : Utility.UniqueName(ChosenTileSet, TilesetNames); TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Name = ChosenTileSet; } ImGui.InputText("Tileset", ref TilesetName, 50, ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget() && ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left) && ContentWindow.DraggedAsset != null && ActiveTileSet != -1) { if (ContentWindow.DraggedAsset is KeyValuePair <string, Vector4> ) { KeyValuePair <string, Vector4> KVP = (KeyValuePair <string, Vector4>)ContentWindow.DraggedAsset; TileSetClass tileset = new TileSetClass(); tileset.Tex = Setup.Content.Load <Texture2D>(KVP.Key); tileset.Name = "TileSet"; tileset.TexPtr = Scene.GuiRenderer.BindTexture(tileset.Tex); int TileSetColumnCount = (int)Math.Round(10000.0f / KVP.Value.Z); int TileSetRowCount = (int)Math.Round(10000.0f / KVP.Value.W); tileset.Rects = new Vector4[TileSetRowCount * TileSetColumnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < TileSetRowCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < TileSetColumnCount; j++) { tileset.Rects[i * TileSetColumnCount + j] = new Vector4(j * KVP.Value.Z, i * KVP.Value.W, KVP.Value.Z, KVP.Value.W) / 10000.0f; } } TileSets[ActiveTileSet] = tileset; TilesetName = tileset.Name; ContentWindow.DraggedAsset = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } float UpperGroupCursPos = ImGui.GetCursorPosY() + ImGui.GetWindowPos().Y; ImGui.BeginChild("SpriteSheet", new Vector2(ImGui.GetWindowSize().X * 0.95f, 64 * 5.1f), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysHorizontalScrollbar); if (ActiveTileSet != -1 && TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Rects != null) { ImGui.Separator(); TileSets[ActiveTileSet].TexPtr = TileSets[ActiveTileSet].TexPtr == IntPtr.Zero ? Scene.GuiRenderer.BindTexture(TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex) : TileSets[ActiveTileSet].TexPtr; //MultiSelect Vector2 MousePos = ImGui.GetMousePos(); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point ScrollPos = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point((int)ImGui.GetScrollX(), (int)ImGui.GetScrollY()); if (ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { WindowHoveredLastClick = ImGui.IsWindowHovered() && MousePos.Y > UpperGroupCursPos; if (WindowHoveredLastClick) { VisualizeMultiSelect = false; MultiSelectRect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((int)MousePos.X + ScrollPos.X, (int)MousePos.Y + ScrollPos.Y, 0, 0); } } if (ImGui.IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton.Left) && WindowHoveredLastClick) { VisualizeMultiSelect = true; MultiSelectRect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(MultiSelectRect.X, MultiSelectRect.Y, (int)MousePos.X - MultiSelectRect.X + ScrollPos.X, (int)MousePos.Y - MultiSelectRect.Y + ScrollPos.Y); Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle AdjustedRect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(Math.Min(MultiSelectRect.X, MultiSelectRect.X + MultiSelectRect.Width), Math.Min(MultiSelectRect.Y, MultiSelectRect.Y + MultiSelectRect.Height), Math.Abs(MultiSelectRect.Width), Math.Abs(MultiSelectRect.Height)); MultiSelectRect = AdjustedRect; } int ID = 0; Vector2 WindPos = ImGui.GetWindowPos(); Vector2 Min = new Vector2(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue); Vector2 Max = new Vector2(int.MinValue, int.MinValue); Vector2 Size = new Vector2(TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Rects[0].Z * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Width, TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Rects[0].W * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Height); Size = new Vector2((float)Math.Round(Size.X), (float)Math.Round(Size.Y)); Vector2 InnserSpacingOld = ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing; ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing = Vector2.Zero; Vector4 SelectedRect = Vector4.Zero; for (int j = 0; j < TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Rects.Length; j++) { Vector2 CursPos = ImGui.GetCursorPos(); Vector4 Rect = TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Rects[j]; Vector2 RealSize = new Vector2(64, Size.X / Size.Y * 64); bool MultiSelected = VisualizeMultiSelect && MultiSelectRect.Intersects(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((int)(CursPos.X + WindPos.X), (int)(CursPos.Y + WindPos.Y), (int)RealSize.X, (int)RealSize.Y)); if (MultiSelected) { if (CursPos.X < Min.X) { SelectedRect.X = Rect.X; Min.X = CursPos.X; } if (CursPos.Y < Min.Y) { SelectedRect.Y = Rect.Y; Min.Y = CursPos.Y; } if (CursPos.X + RealSize.X > Max.X) { SelectedRect.Z = Rect.X + Rect.Z; Max.X = CursPos.X + RealSize.X; } if (CursPos.Y + RealSize.Y > Max.Y) { SelectedRect.W = Rect.Y + Rect.W; Max.Y = CursPos.Y + RealSize.Y; } } ImGui.PushID(ID++); ImGui.Image(TileSets[ActiveTileSet].TexPtr, RealSize, new Vector2(Rect.X, Rect.Y), new Vector2(Rect.Z + Rect.X, Rect.W + Rect.Y), (SelectedTile == j || MultiSelected) ? new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f) : Vector4.One); ImGui.PopID(); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { SelectedTile = j; } if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { HitBoxDebuger.DrawNonFilledRectangle_Effect(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((int)(CursPos.X + WindPos.X - ImGui.GetScrollX()), (int)(CursPos.Y + WindPos.Y - ImGui.GetScrollY()), (int)RealSize.X, (int)RealSize.Y)); } ImGui.SameLine(); if ((j + 1) * Size.X % TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Width == 0) { ImGui.NewLine(); } } ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing = InnserSpacingOld; ImGui.EndChild(); if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Are You Sure?" + "##2", ref EnsureClipDeletion, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { if (ImGui.Button("Yes, delete this")) { TileSets.RemoveAt(ActiveTileSet); ActiveTileSet = -1; ChosenTileSet = ""; ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } if (ImGui.Button("No")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } if (ActiveTilemap != null) //Edit mode { if (GizmosVisualizer.IsThisWindowHovered && !ImGui.IsAnyItemHovered()) { Tilemap tilemap = ActiveTilemap.GetComponent <Tilemap>(); if (tilemap != null) { var Bias = Setup.Camera.Position - ResolutionIndependentRenderer.GetVirtualRes() * 0.5f - new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(GizmosVisualizer.SceneWindow.X + 7, GizmosVisualizer.SceneWindow.Y + 28); var GridSize = tilemap.TileSize.ToVector2() * tilemap.GridSize.ToVector2() * tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Scale; var MapRect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Position - GridSize * 0.5f).ToPoint(), GridSize.ToPoint()); bool InsideBoundaries = MapRect.Contains(Bias + Input.GetMousePosition()); ImGui.Text(InsideBoundaries.ToString()); if (InsideBoundaries) { switch (ActiveTool) { case Tools.Brush: if (Min.X == int.MaxValue) { break; } if (ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { HandyList.Clear(); HandyList2.Clear(); } else if (ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { //Undo action if (HandyList2.Count != 0) { GameObjects_Tab.AddToACircularBuffer(GameObjects_Tab.Undo_Buffer, new KeyValuePair <object, Operation>(HandyList2.ToArray(), Operation.Delete)); } if (HandyList.Count != 0) { GameObjects_Tab.AddToACircularBuffer(GameObjects_Tab.Undo_Buffer, new KeyValuePair <object, Operation>(HandyList.ToArray(), Operation.Create)); } GameObjects_Tab.Redo_Buffer.Clear(); } else if (!ImGui.IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { break; } Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point tileSize = (tilemap.TileSize.ToVector2() * tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Scale).ToPoint(); GameObject NewTile = new GameObject(); NewTile.Name = Utility.UniqueGameObjectName("Tile"); NewTile.Layer = ActiveTilemap.Layer; NewTile.AddComponent(new Transform()); NewTile.AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer()); NewTile.Start(); NewTile.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().Sprite.Texture = TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex; NewTile.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().SourceRectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((int)Math.Round(SelectedRect.X * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Width), (int)Math.Round(SelectedRect.Y * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Height), (int)Math.Round((SelectedRect.Z - SelectedRect.X) * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Width), (int)Math.Round((SelectedRect.W - SelectedRect.Y) * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Height)); var RealTileSize = NewTile.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().SourceRectangle.Size.ToVector2() * tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Scale; var NewPos = (Input.GetMousePosition() + Bias - MapRect.Location.ToVector2()) / MapRect.Size.ToVector2() / (RealTileSize / MapRect.Size.ToVector2()); NewPos *= RealTileSize / tileSize.ToVector2(); NewPos.X = (int)NewPos.X; NewPos.Y = (int)NewPos.Y; NewTile.Transform.Scale = tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Scale; NewTile.Transform.Position = MapRect.Location.ToVector2() + tileSize.ToVector2() * NewPos + RealTileSize * 0.5f * Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2.One; bool ShouldBreak = false; foreach (GameObject Child in ActiveTilemap.Children) { if (Utility.Vector2Int(Child.Transform.Position) == NewTile.Transform.Position) { SpriteRenderer DeletedOBJ_SR = Child.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); SpriteRenderer NewOBJ_SR = NewTile.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); if (DeletedOBJ_SR.TextureName == NewOBJ_SR.TextureName && DeletedOBJ_SR.SourceRectangle == NewOBJ_SR.SourceRectangle) { ShouldBreak = true; break; } else { HandyList2.Add(Child); } Child.ShouldBeRemoved = true; break; } } if (ShouldBreak) { break; } HandyList.Add(NewTile); SceneManager.ActiveScene.AddGameObject_Recursive(NewTile); ActiveTilemap.AddChild(NewTile); break; case Tools.Delete: if (ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { HandyList2.Clear(); } else if (ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { if (HandyList2.Count != 0) { GameObjects_Tab.AddToACircularBuffer(GameObjects_Tab.Undo_Buffer, new KeyValuePair <object, Operation>(HandyList2.ToArray(), Operation.Delete)); GameObjects_Tab.Redo_Buffer.Clear(); } } if (ImGui.IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { tileSize = (tilemap.TileSize.ToVector2() * tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Scale).ToPoint(); foreach (GameObject Child in ActiveTilemap.Children) { if (new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(Child.Transform.Position.ToPoint() - (tileSize.ToVector2() * 0.5f).ToPoint(), tileSize).Contains(Input.GetMousePosition() + Bias)) { Child.ShouldBeRemoved = true; HandyList2.Add(Child); break; } } } break; case Tools.Bucket: //remember to take another look at the logic (Solved!) if (Min.X == int.MaxValue) { break; } if (ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { HandyList.Clear(); HandyList2.Clear(); foreach (GameObject Child in ActiveTilemap.Children) { Child.ShouldBeRemoved = true; HandyList2.Add(Child); } tileSize = (tilemap.TileSize.ToVector2() * tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Scale).ToPoint(); var SrcRect = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((int)Math.Round(SelectedRect.X * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Width), (int)Math.Round(SelectedRect.Y * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Height), (int)Math.Round((SelectedRect.Z - SelectedRect.X) * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Width), (int)Math.Round((SelectedRect.W - SelectedRect.Y) * TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex.Height)); RealTileSize = SrcRect.Size.ToVector2() * tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Scale; var Ratio = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point((int)Math.Round(RealTileSize.X / tileSize.X), (int)Math.Round(RealTileSize.Y / tileSize.Y)); for (int i = 0; i < tilemap.GridSize.X / Ratio.Y; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tilemap.GridSize.Y / Ratio.X; j++) { NewTile = new GameObject(); NewTile.Name = Utility.UniqueGameObjectName("Tile"); NewTile.Layer = ActiveTilemap.Layer; NewTile.AddComponent(new Transform()); NewTile.AddComponent(new SpriteRenderer()); NewTile.Start(); NewTile.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().Sprite.Texture = TileSets[ActiveTileSet].Tex; NewTile.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().SourceRectangle = SrcRect; NewPos = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(j * RealTileSize.X, i * RealTileSize.Y); NewPos.X = (int)NewPos.X; NewPos.Y = (int)NewPos.Y; NewTile.Transform.Scale = tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Scale; NewTile.Transform.Position = MapRect.Location.ToVector2() + NewPos + RealTileSize * 0.5f; SceneManager.ActiveScene.AddGameObject_Recursive(NewTile); ActiveTilemap.AddChild(NewTile); HandyList.Add(NewTile); } } //Undo action if (HandyList2.Count != 0) { GameObjects_Tab.AddToACircularBuffer(GameObjects_Tab.Undo_Buffer, new KeyValuePair <object, Operation>(HandyList2.ToArray(), Operation.Delete)); } if (HandyList.Count != 0) { GameObjects_Tab.AddToACircularBuffer(GameObjects_Tab.Undo_Buffer, new KeyValuePair <object, Operation>(HandyList.ToArray(), Operation.Create)); } GameObjects_Tab.Redo_Buffer.Clear(); } break; //case Tools.Select: // tileSize = (tilemap.TileSize.ToVector2() * tilemap.gameObject.Transform.Scale).ToPoint(); // NewPos = (Input.GetMousePosition() + Bias - MapRect.Location.ToVector2()) / MapRect.Size.ToVector2() / (tileSize.ToVector2() / MapRect.Size.ToVector2()); // NewPos.X = (int)NewPos.X; // NewPos.Y = (int)NewPos.Y; // var TPos = MapRect.Location.ToVector2() + tileSize.ToVector2() * NewPos; // if (ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) // TileMapSelectionArea = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(TPos.ToPoint(), Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point.Zero); // else if (ImGui.IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) // { // TileMapSelectionArea.Size = (TPos + tileSize.ToVector2() - TileMapSelectionArea.Location.ToVector2()).ToPoint(); // TileMapSelectionArea.Size = MathCompanion.Abs(TileMapSelectionArea.Size); // TileMapSelectionArea.Location = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(Math.Min(TileMapSelectionArea.X, TileMapSelectionArea.X + TileMapSelectionArea.Width), Math.Min(TileMapSelectionArea.Y, TileMapSelectionArea.Y + TileMapSelectionArea.Height)); // } // break; } } //else if (ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) // TileMapSelectionArea = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle.Empty; } else if (tilemap == null) { ActiveTilemap = null; } } } } ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.End(); if (ShowUtils) { ImGui.Begin("Utils", ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove); ContentWindow.HelpMarker("Handy Shortcuts: \nBrush(B)\nBucket(G)\nDelete(D)", true); ImGui.SetWindowPos(new Vector2(ThisWindowPos.X + ThisWindowSize.X, ThisWindowPos.Y)); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, 0); if (ImGui.ImageButton(TexPtrs[0], new Vector2(32, 32))) //Brush { ActiveTool = Tools.Brush; } if (ImGui.ImageButton(TexPtrs[1], new Vector2(32, 32))) //Bucket { ActiveTool = Tools.Bucket; } if (ImGui.ImageButton(TexPtrs[2], new Vector2(32, 32))) //Delete { ActiveTool = Tools.Delete; } ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.End(); } } }
private void DrawComponents(Entity context) { // TODO: fix bool entityEnabled = context.Enabled; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Enabled", ref entityEnabled)) { context.Enabled = entityEnabled; } var components = context.Components; for (int compi = 0; compi < components.Count; compi++) { Component component = components[compi]; Type componentType = component.GetType(); bool stay = true; ImGui.PushID(componentType.Name + compi); bool valcol = !component.Valid; if (valcol) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Header, new Vector4(0.412f, 0.118f, 0.118f, 1.0f)); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.HeaderHovered, new Vector4(0.729f, 0.208f, 0.208f, 1.0f)); } // item shifting drop unsafe { // smoll fix bool resetTarget = false; if (targetedComponent == component) { ImGui.Button("##target", new Vector2(ImGui.GetColumnWidth(), 2.5f)); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { resetTarget = true; } } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("_COMPONENT"); if (payload.NativePtr != null && selectedDragNDropComponent != null) { int tci = Context.ActiveEntity.GetComponentIndex(targetedComponent); if (tci > Context.ActiveEntity.GetComponentIndex(selectedDragNDropComponent)) { tci--; } Context.ActiveEntity.ShiftComponent(selectedDragNDropComponent, tci); selectedDragNDropComponent = null; targetedComponent = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } if (resetTarget) { targetedComponent = null; } } bool collapsingHeader = ImGui.CollapsingHeader(componentType.Name, ref stay); // item shifting drag { if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { ImGui.Text("Component: " + componentType.Name); selectedDragNDropComponent = component; ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("_COMPONENT", IntPtr.Zero, 0); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { targetedComponent = component; ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } } // contex menu { if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem()) { if (ImGui.MenuItem("Move Up")) { context.ShiftComponent(component, Math.Max(0, compi - 1)); } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Move Down")) { context.ShiftComponent(component, Math.Min(components.Count - 1, compi + 1)); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.MenuItem("Remove")) { Context.ActiveEntity.RemoveComponent(component); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } } var style = ImGui.GetStyle(); float collapsingHeaderButtonOffset = ((ImGui.GetTextLineHeight() + style.FramePadding.Y * 2) + 1); ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X - (collapsingHeaderButtonOffset * 1 + style.FramePadding.X + style.FramePadding.Y)); bool enabled = component.Enabled; if (ImGui.Checkbox("##enabled", ref enabled)) { component.Enabled = enabled; } ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X - (collapsingHeaderButtonOffset * 2 + style.FramePadding.X + style.FramePadding.Y)); if (ImGui.ArrowButton("up", ImGuiDir.Up)) { context.ShiftComponent(component, Math.Max(0, compi - 1)); } ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X - (collapsingHeaderButtonOffset * 3 + style.FramePadding.X + style.FramePadding.Y)); if (ImGui.ArrowButton("down", ImGuiDir.Down)) { context.ShiftComponent(component, Math.Min(components.Count - 1, compi + 1)); } if (collapsingHeader) { ImGuiUtils.BeginGroupFrame(); MemberInfo[] membs = componentType.GetMembers(); for (int mi = 0; mi < membs.Length; mi++) { var mem = membs[mi]; if (mem.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field || mem.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property) { PropertyDrawer.DrawEditorValue(mem, component); } } //ImGui.Separator(); ImGuiUtils.EndGroupFrame(); } if (valcol) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(2); } ImGui.PopID(); if (!stay) { Context.ActiveEntity.RemoveComponent(component); } } }
static unsafe void SubmitFieldPropertyInspector(FieldPropertyListInfo info, object entityComponent, bool showMidi = true) { ImGui.PushID(GetIdString(info, entityComponent)); EditorHelper.RangeAttribute rangeAttribute = null; if (info.MemberInfo != null) { rangeAttribute = CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute <EditorHelper.RangeAttribute>(info.MemberInfo, true); } var infoType = info.FieldPropertyType; if (infoType == typeof(string)) { string val = (string)info.GetValue(); if (val == null) { val = string.Empty; } if (ImGui.InputText(info.Name, ref val, 1000)) { info.SetValue(val); } } else if (infoType == typeof(bool)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Button); } bool val = (bool)info.GetValue(); if (ImGui.Checkbox(info.Name, ref val)) { info.SetValue(val); } } else if (infoType == typeof(float)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Knob); } float val = (float)info.GetValue(); bool result; if (rangeAttribute != null && (rangeAttribute.RangeType == EditorHelper.RangeAttribute.RangeTypeEnum.Float || rangeAttribute.RangeType == EditorHelper.RangeAttribute.RangeTypeEnum.Int)) { if (rangeAttribute.RangeType == EditorHelper.RangeAttribute.RangeTypeEnum.Float) { result = ImGui.SliderFloat(info.Name, ref val, rangeAttribute.MinFloat, rangeAttribute.MaxFloat); } else { result = ImGui.SliderFloat(info.Name, ref val, rangeAttribute.MinInt, rangeAttribute.MaxInt); } } else { result = ImGui.DragFloat(info.Name, ref val, 0.1f); } if (result) { info.SetValue(val); } } else if (infoType == typeof(Vector2)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Knob); } Vector2 val = (Vector2)info.GetValue(); if (ImGui.DragFloat2(info.Name, ref val)) { info.SetValue(val); } } else if (infoType == typeof(Vector3)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Knob); } Vector3 val = (Vector3)info.GetValue(); if (ImGui.DragFloat3(info.Name, ref val)) { info.SetValue(val); } } else if (infoType == typeof(Vector4)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Knob); } Vector4 val = (Vector4)info.GetValue(); if (ImGui.DragFloat4(info.Name, ref val)) { info.SetValue(val); } } else if (infoType == typeof(Xna.Vector2)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Knob); } Xna.Vector2 xnaVal = (Xna.Vector2)info.GetValue(); Vector2 val = new Vector2(xnaVal.X, xnaVal.Y); if (ImGui.DragFloat2(info.Name, ref val)) { xnaVal.X = val.X; xnaVal.Y = val.Y; info.SetValue(xnaVal); } } else if (infoType == typeof(Xna.Vector3)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Knob); } Xna.Vector3 xnaVal = (Xna.Vector3)info.GetValue(); Vector3 val = new Vector3(xnaVal.X, xnaVal.Y, xnaVal.Z); if (ImGui.DragFloat3(info.Name, ref val)) { xnaVal.X = val.X; xnaVal.Y = val.Y; xnaVal.Z = val.Z; info.SetValue(xnaVal); } } else if (infoType == typeof(Xna.Vector4)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Knob); } Xna.Vector4 xnaVal = (Xna.Vector4)info.GetValue(); Vector4 val = new Vector4(xnaVal.X, xnaVal.Y, xnaVal.Z, xnaVal.W); if (ImGui.DragFloat4(info.Name, ref val)) { xnaVal.X = val.X; xnaVal.Y = val.Y; xnaVal.Z = val.Z; xnaVal.W = val.W; info.SetValue(xnaVal); } } else if (infoType == typeof(int)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Knob); } int val = (int)info.GetValue(); bool result; if (rangeAttribute != null && rangeAttribute.RangeType == EditorHelper.RangeAttribute.RangeTypeEnum.Int) { result = ImGui.SliderInt(info.Name, ref val, rangeAttribute.MinInt, rangeAttribute.MaxInt); } else { result = ImGui.InputInt(info.Name, ref val); } if (result) { info.SetValue(val); } } else if (infoType == typeof(uint)) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Knob); } int val = (int)((uint)info.GetValue()); bool result; if (rangeAttribute != null && rangeAttribute.RangeType == EditorHelper.RangeAttribute.RangeTypeEnum.Int) { result = ImGui.SliderInt(info.Name, ref val, rangeAttribute.MinInt, rangeAttribute.MaxInt); } else { result = ImGui.InputInt(info.Name, ref val); } if (result) { if (val < 0) { val = 0; } info.SetValue((uint)val); } } else if (infoType.IsEnum) { if (showMidi) { SubmitMidiAssignment(entityComponent, info, MidiState.MidiControlDescriptionType.Button); } var val = info.GetValue(); var enumNames = infoType.GetEnumNames(); int currentIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < enumNames.Length; i++) { if (enumNames[i] == val.ToString()) { currentIndex = i; } } if (ImGui.Combo(info.Name, ref currentIndex, enumNames, enumNames.Length)) { info.SetValue(infoType.GetEnumValues().GetValue(currentIndex)); } } else if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(infoType)) { var listthing = info.GetValue(); IList list = listthing as IList; ImGui.Text($"{info.Name} List ({list.Count} items)"); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("-")) { if (list.Count > 0) { list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); } } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("+")) { Type listItemType = list.GetType().GetGenericArguments().First(); if (listItemType.IsValueType) { list.Add(Activator.CreateInstance(listItemType)); } else { list.Add(null); } } ImGui.Indent(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { FieldPropertyListInfo itemInfo = new FieldPropertyListInfo(list, i); SubmitFieldPropertyInspector(itemInfo, list); } ImGui.Unindent(); } else if (!infoType.IsValueType) { string valText; var value = info.GetValue(); if (value != null) { valText = value.ToString(); } else { valText = "null"; } string label = $"{info.Name}: {valText}"; if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(infoType) || typeof(Entity).IsAssignableFrom(infoType)) { if (ImGui.Selectable(label, false)) { SelectedEntityComponent = value; scrollEntitiesView = true; scrollSceneGraphView = true; } } else { ImGui.Text(label); } if (draggedObject != null && infoType.IsAssignableFrom(draggedObject.GetType())) { if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload(PAYLOAD_STRING); if (payload.NativePtr != null) // Only when this is non-null does it mean that we've released the drag { info.SetValue(draggedObject); draggedObject = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } } } else { SubmitReadonlyFieldPropertyInspector(info); } ImGui.PopID(); SubmitHelpMarker(info); }
private void AnimationFrameEditor(Dictionary <string, SpriteAnimationData> anims) { AnimatedSprite currentFileContext = _currentAsset !.Content !; SpriteAnimationData selAnim = anims[_selectedAnimation]; ImGui.BeginChild("Animation", new Vector2(-1, -1), true); ImGui.Text("Frames: (Drag and Drop to rearrange)"); SpriteAnimationFrameSource frameSource = currentFileContext.FrameSource; _draggedFrame = EditorHelpers.DragAndDropList(selAnim.FrameIndices, _draggedFrame, true); if (selAnim.FrameIndices.Length == 0) { EditorHelpers.ButtonSizedHole(""); } ImGui.PushItemWidth(150); if (ImGui.InputInt("", ref _addFrameInput)) { _addFrameInput = Maths.Clamp(_addFrameInput, 0, frameSource.GetFrameCount() - 1); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Add Frame")) { selAnim.FrameIndices = selAnim.FrameIndices.AddToArray(_addFrameInput); if (_addFrameInput < frameSource.GetFrameCount() - 2) { _addFrameInput++; } _controller.Reset(); UnsavedChanges(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Button("Remove (Drop Here)"); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { ImGuiPayloadPtr dataPtr = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("UNUSED"); unsafe { if ((IntPtr)dataPtr.NativePtr != IntPtr.Zero && dataPtr.IsDelivery()) { int[] indices = selAnim.FrameIndices; for (int i = _draggedFrame; i < indices.Length - 1; i++) { indices[i] = indices[i + 1]; } Array.Resize(ref selAnim.FrameIndices, selAnim.FrameIndices.Length - 1); _controller.Reset(); _draggedFrame = -1; UnsavedChanges(); } } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } ImGui.PushItemWidth(150); ImGui.Text("Duration"); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.InputInt("###DurInput", ref selAnim.TimeBetweenFrames)) { _controller.Reset(); UnsavedChanges(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (selAnim.FrameIndices.Length > 0) { ImGui.Text($"Total Duration: {selAnim.TimeBetweenFrames * selAnim.FrameIndices.Length}"); } var loopType = (int)selAnim.LoopType; if (ImGui.Combo("Loop Type", ref loopType, string.Join('\0', Enum.GetNames(typeof(AnimationLoopType))))) { selAnim.LoopType = (AnimationLoopType)loopType; _controller.Reset(); UnsavedChanges(); } }
void DrawEntityNode(TreeNode <Entity> node, string id, int i = 0) { Entity nodeEntity = node.Value; // drag drop unsafe { // smoll fix bool resetTarget = false; if (targetedNode == node && targetedNode.Value != null) { ImGui.Button("##target", new Vector2(ImGui.GetColumnWidth(), 2.5f)); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { resetTarget = true; } } // dropped next to if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("_TREENODE<ENTITY>"); if (payload.NativePtr != null && selectedDragNDropNode != null) { EditorApplication.Log.Trace("dropped " + $"{((selectedDragNDropNode != null && selectedDragNDropNode.Value != null) ? selectedDragNDropNode.Value.UID : "null")} before " + $"{((targetedNode != null && nodeEntity != null) ? nodeEntity.UID : "null")}"); if (!targetedNode.IsParentedBy(selectedDragNDropNode)) { if (selectedDragNDropNode.Parent != targetedNode.Parent) { selectedDragNDropNode.Value.Parent = targetedNode.Value.Parent; } int tnei = Context.Scene.GetEntityIndex(targetedNode.Value); if (tnei > Context.Scene.GetEntityIndex(selectedDragNDropNode.Value)) { tnei--; } Context.Scene.ShiftEntity(selectedDragNDropNode.Value, tnei); int tnci = targetedNode.Parent.GetChildIndex(targetedNode); if (tnci > targetedNode.Parent.GetChildIndex(selectedDragNDropNode)) { tnci--; } targetedNode.Parent.ShiftChild(selectedDragNDropNode, tnci); } else { EditorApplication.Log.Trace($"drop failed (cyclic tree prevented)"); } selectedDragNDropNode = null; targetedNode = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } if (resetTarget) { targetedNode = null; } } ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = ((nodeEntity == Context.ActiveEntity) ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Selected : ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.None) | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnArrow | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnDoubleClick | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.DefaultOpen | ((node.Children.Count <= 0) ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Leaf : ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.None); if (nodeEntity == Context.ActiveEntity) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, new Vector4(0.259f, 0.588f, 0.98f, 1.0f)); } string label = (Context.Scene.HierarchyRoot == node) ? "Scene" : (nodeEntity != null) ? ( nodeEntity.TryGetComponent(out TagComponent tagcomp) ? tagcomp.Tag : "uid: " + nodeEntity.UID.ToString()) : ""; bool opened = ImGui.TreeNodeEx(id + i.ToString(), flags, label); if (nodeEntity == Context.ActiveEntity) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { Context.ActiveEntity = nodeEntity; } // drag drop unsafe { if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { ImGui.Text("Entity: " + label); selectedDragNDropNode = node; ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("_TREENODE<ENTITY>", IntPtr.Zero, 0); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } // dropped on to if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { targetedNode = node; var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("_TREENODE<ENTITY>"); if (payload.NativePtr != null) { EditorApplication.Log.Trace("dropped " + $"{((selectedDragNDropNode != null && selectedDragNDropNode.Value != null) ? selectedDragNDropNode.Value.UID : "null")} onto " + $"{((node != null && nodeEntity != null) ? nodeEntity.UID : "null")}"); if (!node.IsParentedBy(selectedDragNDropNode)) { selectedDragNDropNode.Value.Parent = nodeEntity; } else { EditorApplication.Log.Trace($"drop failed (cyclic tree prevented)"); } selectedDragNDropNode = null; targetedNode = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } } // context menu { if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem()) { if (ImGui.MenuItem("Add child")) { var newboi = Context.Scene.CreateEntity(); newboi.Parent = nodeEntity; } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Add empty child")) { var newboi = Context.Scene.CreateEmptyEntity(); newboi.Parent = nodeEntity; } ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.MenuItem("Remove entity", nodeEntity != null)) { Context.Scene.DestroyEntity(nodeEntity); Context.ActiveEntity = null; } ImGui.EndPopup(); } } if (opened) { for (int cni = 0; cni < node.Children.Count; cni++) { DrawEntityNode(node.Children[cni], id + "|" + i++.ToString()); } ImGui.TreePop(); } }
public static bool BeginDragDropTarget() => ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget();
public void Render() { //Menu if (ImGui.BeginMenuBar()) { if (ImGui.BeginMenu("View Setting")) { if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Background")) { ImGui.Checkbox("Display", ref DrawableBackground.Display); ImGui.ColorEdit3("Color Top", ref DrawableBackground.BackgroundTop); ImGui.ColorEdit3("Color Bottom", ref DrawableBackground.BackgroundBottom); ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Grid")) { ImGui.Checkbox("Display", ref DrawableFloor.Display); ImGui.ColorEdit4("Grid Color", ref DrawableFloor.GridColor); ImGui.InputInt("Grid Cell Count", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.GridSettings.CellAmount); ImGui.InputFloat("Grid Cell Size", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.GridSettings.CellSize); ImGui.EndMenu(); } // ImGui.Checkbox("VSync", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.EnableVSync); ImGui.Checkbox("Wireframe", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.RenderSettings.Wireframe); ImGui.Checkbox("WireframeOverlay", ref Toolbox.Core.Runtime.RenderSettings.WireframeOverlay); ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu($"Shading [{Runtime.DebugRendering}]")) { foreach (var mode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Runtime.DebugRender))) { bool isSelected = (Runtime.DebugRender)mode == Runtime.DebugRendering; if (ImGui.Selectable(mode.ToString(), isSelected)) { Runtime.DebugRendering = (Runtime.DebugRender)mode; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Camera")) { if (ImGui.Button("Reset Transform")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.TargetPosition = new OpenTK.Vector3(0, 1, -5); Pipeline._context.Camera.RotationX = 0; Pipeline._context.Camera.RotationY = 0; Pipeline._context.Camera.UpdateMatrices(); } ImGuiHelper.InputFromBoolean("Orthographic", Pipeline._context.Camera, "IsOrthographic"); ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("Fov (Degrees)", Pipeline._context.Camera, "FovDegrees", true, 1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.FovDegrees != 45) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.FovDegrees = 45; } } ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("ZFar", Pipeline._context.Camera, "ZFar", true, 1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.ZFar != 100000.0f) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.ZFar = 100000.0f; } } ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("ZNear", Pipeline._context.Camera, "ZNear", true, 0.1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.ZNear != 0.1f) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.ZNear = 0.1f; } } ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("Zoom Speed", Pipeline._context.Camera, "ZoomSpeed", true, 0.1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.ZoomSpeed != 1.0f) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.ZoomSpeed = 1.0f; } } ImGuiHelper.InputFromFloat("Pan Speed", Pipeline._context.Camera, "PanSpeed", true, 0.1f); if (Pipeline._context.Camera.PanSpeed != 1.0f) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Reset")) { Pipeline._context.Camera.PanSpeed = 1.0f; } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Reset Animations")) { parentWindow.Reset(); ImGui.EndMenu(); } ImGui.EndMenuBar(); var menuBG = ImGui.GetStyle().Colors[(int)ImGuiCol.MenuBarBg]; ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.WindowBg, menuBG); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.ChildBg, menuBG); if (ImGui.BeginChild("viewport_menu2", new System.Numerics.Vector2(350, 22))) { ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding(); ImGui.Text("Active Model(s)"); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.BeginCombo("##model_select", selectedModel)) { bool isSelected = "All Models" == selectedModel; if (ImGui.Selectable("All Models", isSelected)) { selectedModel = "All Models"; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } foreach (var file in Pipeline.Files) { string name = file.Renderer.Name; isSelected = name == selectedModel; if (ImGui.Selectable(name, isSelected)) { selectedModel = name; } if (isSelected) { ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(2); } //Make sure the entire viewport is within a child window to have accurate mouse and window sizing relative to the space it uses. if (ImGui.BeginChild("viewport_child1")) { var size = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); if (Pipeline.Width != (int)size.X || Pipeline.Height != (int)size.Y) { Pipeline.Width = (int)size.X; Pipeline.Height = (int)size.Y; Pipeline.OnResize(); } Pipeline.RenderScene(); if (ImGui.IsWindowFocused() && ImGui.IsWindowHovered() || ForceUpdate || _mouseDown) { ForceUpdate = false; if (!onEnter) { Pipeline.ResetPrevious(); onEnter = true; } //Only update scene when necessary UpdateCamera(); } else { onEnter = false; //Reset drag/dropped model data if mouse leaves the viewport during a drag event if (DragDroppedModel != null) { DragDroppedModel.DragDroppedOnLeave(); DragDroppedModel = null; } } var id = Pipeline.GetViewportTexture(); ImGui.Image((IntPtr)id, size, new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 1), new System.Numerics.Vector2(1, 0)); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { ImGuiPayloadPtr outlinerDrop = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("OUTLINER_ITEM", ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect | ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptBeforeDelivery); if (outlinerDrop.IsValid()) { //Drag/drop things onto meshes var mouseInfo = CreateMouseState(); var picked = Pipeline.GetPickedObject(mouseInfo); //Picking object changed. if (DragDroppedModel != picked) { //Set exit drop event for previous model if (DragDroppedModel != null) { DragDroppedModel.DragDroppedOnLeave(); } DragDroppedModel = picked; //Model has changed so call the enter event if (picked != null) { picked.DragDroppedOnEnter(); } } if (picked != null) { //Set the drag/drop event var node = Outliner.GetDragDropNode(); picked.DragDropped(node.Tag); } } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } } ImGui.EndChild(); }
public static int DragAndDropList <T>(T[] list, int draggedState, bool horizontal = false) { //draggedState = -1; for (var i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { T item = list[i]; if (item == null) { continue; } if (i == draggedState) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, 0); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, 0); } ImGui.PushID($"Item {i}"); ImGui.Button(item.ToString()); ImGui.PopID(); if (i == draggedState) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { draggedState = i; ImGui.PushID("carrying"); ImGui.Text(item.ToString()); ImGui.PopID(); ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("UNUSED", IntPtr.Zero, 0); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { ImGuiPayloadPtr dataPtr = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("UNUSED"); unsafe { if ((IntPtr)dataPtr.NativePtr != IntPtr.Zero && dataPtr.IsDelivery()) { int idxDragged = draggedState; (list[idxDragged], list[i]) = (list[i], list[idxDragged]); draggedState = -1; } } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } // Check if drag/drop ended. ImGuiPayloadPtr payLoad = ImGui.GetDragDropPayload(); unsafe { if ((IntPtr)payLoad.NativePtr == IntPtr.Zero) { draggedState = -1; } } if (horizontal && i != list.Length - 1) { ImGui.SameLine(); } } return(draggedState); }
private void TreeRecursive(GameObject GO, bool Root) { if (GO.ShouldBeDeleted || GO.IsEditor) { return; } int ChildrenCount = GO.Children.Count; if (ChildrenCount == 0) { if (!Root) { ImGui.Indent(); } if (!GO.IsActive()) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1)); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.HeaderHovered, new Vector4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1)); } ImGui.Selectable(GO.Name, SelectedGOs.Contains(GO)); if (ImGui.IsMouseDoubleClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { Setup.Camera.Position = GO.Transform.Position + new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(-GizmosVisualizer.SceneWindow.Z * 0.5f + Setup.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth * 0.5f, -GizmosVisualizer.SceneWindow.W * 0.5f + Setup.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight * 0.5f); } } //Accept Drag and Drop if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource(ImGuiDragDropFlags.SourceNoDisableHover)) { ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("GameObject", IntPtr.Zero, 0); DraggedGO = GO; InspectorWindow.DraggedObject = GO; ImGui.Text(GO.Name); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } // The GameObject is a drag source and drop target at the same time if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { if (ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { if (DraggedGO != null && GO.Parent != DraggedGO) { if (DraggedGO.Parent != null) { DraggedGO.Parent.RemoveChild(DraggedGO); } GO.AddChild(DraggedGO); // Undo and Redo Buffering KeyValuePair <object, GameObject> KVP_GO = new KeyValuePair <object, GameObject>(new KeyValuePair <GameObject, string>(DraggedGO, (DraggedGO.Parent == null) ? null : DraggedGO.Parent.Name), GO); AddToACircularBuffer(Undo_Buffer, new KeyValuePair <object, Operation>(KVP_GO, Operation.GO_DragAndDrop)); Redo_Buffer.Clear(); } DraggedGO = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } if (!GO.IsActive()) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } if (!Root) { ImGui.Unindent(); } if (ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left) && ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { if (ImGui.GetIO().KeyCtrl) { if (!SelectedGOs.Add(GO)) { SelectedGOs.Remove(GO); } else { WhoIsSelected = GO; } } else if (ImGui.GetIO().KeyShift) { if (SelectedGOs.Count == 0) { SelectedGOs.Add(GO); WhoIsSelected = GO; } else { SelectedGOs.Clear(); int CurrentGoIndex = -1; int LastOneIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects.Count; i++) { if (SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects[i] == GO) { CurrentGoIndex = i; } if (SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects[i] == WhoIsSelected) { LastOneIndex = i; } } WhoIsSelected = GO; if (CurrentGoIndex > LastOneIndex) { for (int i = LastOneIndex; i <= CurrentGoIndex; i++) { SelectedGOs.Add(SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects[i]); } } else { for (int i = CurrentGoIndex; i <= LastOneIndex; i++) { SelectedGOs.Add(SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects[i]); } } } } else { SelectedGOs.Clear(); if (!SelectedGOs.Add(GO)) { SelectedGOs.Remove(GO); } else { WhoIsSelected = GO; } } } return; } if (Root) { ImGui.Unindent(); } bool Open = ImGui.TreeNodeEx(GO.Name, SelectedGOs.Contains(GO) ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Selected : ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.None); if (!GO.IsActive()) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1)); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.HeaderHovered, new Vector4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1)); } if (ImGui.IsMouseDoubleClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { Setup.Camera.Position = GO.Transform.Position + (MyRegion[1].X + MyRegion[0].X) * Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2.UnitX; } } //Accept Drag and Drop if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource(ImGuiDragDropFlags.SourceNoDisableHover)) { ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("GameObject", IntPtr.Zero, 0); DraggedGO = GO; InspectorWindow.DraggedObject = GO; ImGui.Text(GO.Name); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } // The GameObject is a drag source and drop targer at the same time if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { if (ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { if (DraggedGO != null && GO.Parent != DraggedGO) { if (DraggedGO.Parent != null) { DraggedGO.Parent.RemoveChild(DraggedGO); } GO.AddChild(DraggedGO); // Undo and Redo Buffering KeyValuePair <object, GameObject> KVP_GO = new KeyValuePair <object, GameObject>(new KeyValuePair <GameObject, string>(DraggedGO, (DraggedGO.Parent == null) ? null : DraggedGO.Parent.Name), GO); AddToACircularBuffer(Undo_Buffer, new KeyValuePair <object, Operation>(KVP_GO, Operation.GO_DragAndDrop)); Redo_Buffer.Clear(); } DraggedGO = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } if (!GO.IsActive()) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } if (ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left) && ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { if (ImGui.GetIO().KeyCtrl) { if (!SelectedGOs.Add(GO)) { SelectedGOs.Remove(GO); } if (SelectedGOs.Count != 0) { WhoIsSelected = GO; } } else if (ImGui.GetIO().KeyShift) { if (SelectedGOs.Count == 0) { SelectedGOs.Add(GO); WhoIsSelected = GO; } else { SelectedGOs.Clear(); int CurrentGoIndex = -1; int LastOneIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects.Count; i++) { if (SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects[i] == GO) { CurrentGoIndex = i; } if (SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects[i] == WhoIsSelected) { LastOneIndex = i; } } WhoIsSelected = GO; if (CurrentGoIndex > LastOneIndex) { for (int i = LastOneIndex; i <= CurrentGoIndex; i++) { SelectedGOs.Add(SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects[i]); } } else { for (int i = CurrentGoIndex; i <= LastOneIndex; i++) { SelectedGOs.Add(SceneManager.ActiveScene.GameObjects[i]); } } } } else { SelectedGOs.Clear(); if (!SelectedGOs.Add(GO)) { SelectedGOs.Remove(GO); } else { WhoIsSelected = GO; } } } for (int i = 0; i < ChildrenCount; i++) { if (ChildrenCount != GO.Children.Count) { break; } if (Open) { TreeRecursive(GO.Children[i], false); } } if (Open) { ImGui.TreePop(); } if (Root) { ImGui.Indent(); } }
private static unsafe void AddSceneGraphTransforms(EntityAdmin admin, List <Transform> list) { // The selectedTransform is either the selectedEntityComponent (if it's a Transform) or the Transform associated with the selected Entity/Component. Transform selectedTransform = SelectedEntityComponent as Transform; if (selectedTransform == null) { Entity entity = SelectedEntityComponent as Entity; if (entity == null) { Component component = SelectedEntityComponent as Component; if (component != null) { entity = component.Entity; } } if (entity != null) { selectedTransform = entity.GetComponent <Transform>(true); } } foreach (var transform in list) { ImGuiTreeNodeFlags nodeFlags = ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnArrow | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnDoubleClick | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.SpanAvailWidth; // OpenOnDoubleClick doesn't seem to work. Not sure why. if (transform.Children.Count == 0) { nodeFlags |= ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Leaf; } if (transform == selectedTransform) { nodeFlags |= ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Selected; if (scrollSceneGraphView) { ImGui.SetScrollHereY(); } } bool parentOfSelected = false; Transform parent = selectedTransform as Transform; while (parent != null) { parent = parent.Parent; if (parent == transform) { parentOfSelected = true; break; } } if (parentOfSelected) { ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true); } if (!transform.IsActive) { ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f)); } bool expanded = ImGui.TreeNodeEx(transform.Guid.ToString(), nodeFlags, transform.EntityName); if (!transform.IsActive) { ImGui.PopStyleColor(); } if (ImGui.IsItemClicked()) { SelectedEntityComponent = transform; scrollEntitiesView = true; } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { ImGui.SetDragDropPayload(PAYLOAD_STRING, IntPtr.Zero, 0); // Payload is needed to trigger BeginDragDropTarget() draggedObject = transform; ImGui.Text(transform.EntityName); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } if (draggedObject != null && draggedObject is Transform) { if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payload = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload(PAYLOAD_STRING); if (payload.NativePtr != null) // Only when this is non-null does it mean that we've released the drag { Transform draggedTransform = draggedObject as Transform; Transform newParent; if (draggedTransform.Parent == transform) { newParent = null; } else { newParent = transform; } Transform.AssignParent(draggedTransform, newParent, admin, true); draggedObject = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } } if (expanded) { AddSceneGraphTransforms(admin, transform.Children.ToList()); ImGui.TreePop(); } } }
public override void DrawUI() { if (IsWindowOpen) { if (ImGui.IsKeyPressed(ImGui.GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey.Escape))) { IsWindowOpen = false; } ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.Alpha, 2); ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, new Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1)); ImGui.Begin("Animation Editor"); if (ImGui.Button("New Animation")) { string[] ClipNames = new string[AnimationClips.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < AnimationClips.Count; i++) { ClipNames[i] = AnimationClips[i].Name; } AnimationClips.Add(new AnimationInfo() { Frames = new List <Frame>(), Name = Utility.UniqueName("Default Animation", ClipNames) }); SelectedClip = AnimationClips.Count - 1; SearchText = AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Name; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Delete Clip")) { if (SelectedClip != -1) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Are You Sure?"); EnsureClipDeletionBool = true; } } if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Are You Sure?", ref EnsureClipDeletionBool, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { if (ImGui.Button("Yes, delete this clip")) { AnimationClips.RemoveAt(SelectedClip); ActiveFrame = 0; SelectedClip = -1; ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("No")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.InputText("", ref DraggedGO, 50, ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget() && GameObjects_Tab.DraggedGO != null && ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left) && GameObjects_Tab.DraggedGO.GetComponent <Animator>() != null) { DraggedGO = GameObjects_Tab.DraggedGO.Name; DraggedGO_AnimClips = GameObjects_Tab.DraggedGO.GetComponent <Animator>().AnimationClips; GameObjects_Tab.DraggedGO = null; } bool AnimatorTree = ImGui.TreeNode("Animator"); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget() && DraggedClip != -1 && ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { bool SafeToAdd = true; foreach (Animation AI in DraggedGO_AnimClips) { if (AI.Name == AnimationClips[DraggedClip].Name) { SafeToAdd = false; break; } } if (SafeToAdd) { DraggedGO_AnimClips.Add(CopyAnimation(AnimationClips[DraggedClip])); } DraggedClip = -1; ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } ImGui.SameLine(); ContentWindow.HelpMarker("- To add an animation to a gameobject, \njust drag the animation player on the right \nto this drop down menu called \"Animator\". \n- To delete an existing animation from the \nanimator gameobject, just right click on an entry!"); if (AnimatorTree) { if (DraggedGO_AnimClips != null) { for (int i = 0; i < DraggedGO_AnimClips.Count; i++) { ImGui.Selectable(DraggedGO_AnimClips[i].Name); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Right)) { DraggedGO_AnimClips.RemoveAt(i--); } if (ImGui.IsMouseDoubleClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Left) && ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { for (int j = 0; j < AnimationClips.Count; j++) { if (AnimationClips[j].Name == DraggedGO_AnimClips[i].Name) { SelectedClip = j; AnimationClips[j].Loop = DraggedGO_AnimClips[i].Loop; AnimationClips[j].FixedTimeAmount = DraggedGO_AnimClips[i].FixedTime; AnimationClips[j].FixedTimeBewteenFrames = DraggedGO_AnimClips[i].FixedTimeBetweenFrames; AnimationClips[j].PlayReverse = DraggedGO_AnimClips[i].Reverse; AnimationClips[j].Speed = DraggedGO_AnimClips[i].Speed; ActiveFrame = 0; SearchText = DraggedGO_AnimClips[i].Name; break; } } } } } ImGui.TreePop(); } ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.BeginCombo("Clips", SearchText)) { for (int i = 0; i < AnimationClips.Count; i++) { if (ImGui.Selectable(AnimationClips[i].Name)) { SelectedClip = i; SearchText = AnimationClips[i].Name; ActiveFrame = 0; } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } //var CursPos = ImGui.GetCursorPos(); //ImGui.Combo("Selected Clip", ref SelectedClip, ClipsNames, AnimationClips.Count); //ImGui.SetCursorPos(CursPos); //ImGui.SetItemAllowOverlap(); //ImGui.InputText("", ref SearchText, 50); if (SelectedClip >= 0) { //Animation Player var CursPos1 = ImGui.GetCursorPos(); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.SetCursorPosX(ImGui.GetCursorPosX() + 90); ImGui.BeginChild("Animation Player", new Vector2(128, 128), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { DraggedClip = SelectedClip; ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("Animation Clip", IntPtr.Zero, 0); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } if (AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Count == 0) { ImGui.Image(DragAndDropTex, new Vector2(128, 128)); } else { Frame F = AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames[ActiveFrame]; if (ChangeFrameTimer < (AnimationClips[SelectedClip].FixedTimeBewteenFrames ? AnimationClips[SelectedClip].FixedTimeAmount : F.Time) / AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Speed) { ChangeFrameTimer += ImGui.GetIO().DeltaTime; } else { if (AnimationClips[SelectedClip].PlayReverse) { ActiveFrame = (ActiveFrame > 0) ? ActiveFrame - 1 : AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Count - 1; } else { ActiveFrame = (ActiveFrame < AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Count - 1) ? ActiveFrame + 1 : 0; } ChangeFrameTimer = 0; } ImGui.Image(F.TexPtr, new Vector2(128, 128), new Vector2((float)F.SourceRectangle.X / F.Tex.Width, (float)F.SourceRectangle.Y / F.Tex.Height), new Vector2((float)F.SourceRectangle.Right / F.Tex.Width, (float)F.SourceRectangle.Bottom / F.Tex.Height)); } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.SetCursorPos(CursPos1); ImGui.InputText("Name", ref AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Name, 50); if (ImGui.IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit()) { string[] ClipNames = new string[AnimationClips.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < AnimationClips.Count; i++) { ClipNames[i] = AnimationClips[i].Name; } AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Name = AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Name.Equals(AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Name) ? AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Name : Utility.UniqueName(AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Name, ClipNames); SearchText = AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Name; } ImGui.InputText("Tag", ref AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Tag, 50); ImGui.InputFloat("Speed", ref AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Speed); ImGui.Checkbox("Reversed", ref AnimationClips[SelectedClip].PlayReverse); ImGui.Checkbox("Loop", ref AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Loop); ImGui.Checkbox("Fixed Time Bewteen Frames", ref AnimationClips[SelectedClip].FixedTimeBewteenFrames); if (AnimationClips[SelectedClip].FixedTimeBewteenFrames) { ImGui.InputFloat("Time", ref AnimationClips[SelectedClip].FixedTimeAmount); } //Frames ImGui.Separator(); if (AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Count != 0) { ImGui.BeginChild("Frames", Vector2.Zero, false, ImGuiWindowFlags.HorizontalScrollbar); for (int i = 0; i < AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Count; i++) { Frame F = AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames[i]; if (F.TexPtr == default(IntPtr)) { F.TexPtr = Scene.GuiRenderer.BindTexture(F.Tex); } ImGui.BeginGroup(); ImGui.ImageButton(F.TexPtr, new Vector2(64, 64), new Vector2((float)F.SourceRectangle.X / F.Tex.Width, (float)F.SourceRectangle.Y / F.Tex.Height), new Vector2((float)F.SourceRectangle.Right / F.Tex.Width, (float)F.SourceRectangle.Bottom / F.Tex.Height)); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Right)) { AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.RemoveAt(i--); ActiveFrame = 0; } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { DraggedFrame = i; ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("Dragged Frame", IntPtr.Zero, 0); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget() && DraggedFrame != -1 && ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { Frame Source = AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames[DraggedFrame]; Frame Target = AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames[i]; AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.RemoveAt(DraggedFrame); AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Insert(DraggedFrame, Target); AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.RemoveAt(i); AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Insert(i, Source); DraggedFrame = -1; ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } if (!AnimationClips[SelectedClip].FixedTimeBewteenFrames) { ImGui.PushItemWidth(64); ImGui.PushID(i); ImGui.SliderFloat("", ref F.Time, 0, 10); ImGui.PopID(); ImGui.PopItemWidth(); } ImGui.EndGroup(); ImGui.SameLine(); } ImGui.EndChild(); ImGui.SameLine(); } ImGui.ImageButton(DragAndDropTex, new Vector2(64, 64)); //Drag and Drop if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget() && ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Left)) { if (ContentWindow.DraggedAsset != null) { if (ContentWindow.DraggedAsset is string) //Whole texture { Frame NewFrame = new Frame(); bool Safe = true; try { NewFrame.Tex = Setup.Content.Load <Texture2D>((string)ContentWindow.DraggedAsset); } catch (Exception E) { Safe = false; Utility.Log(E.Message); } if (Safe) { NewFrame.SourceRectangle = NewFrame.Tex.Bounds; NewFrame.Time = 0.25f; NewFrame.TexPtr = Scene.GuiRenderer.BindTexture(NewFrame.Tex); AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Add(NewFrame); ActiveFrame = 0; } } else if (ContentWindow.DraggedAsset is KeyValuePair <string, Vector4> ) //Sliced Texture { Frame NewFrame = new Frame(); bool Safe = true; try { NewFrame.Tex = Setup.Content.Load <Texture2D>(((KeyValuePair <string, Vector4>)ContentWindow.DraggedAsset).Key); } catch (Exception E) { Safe = false; Utility.Log(E.Message); } if (Safe) { Vector4 SrcRect = ((KeyValuePair <string, Vector4>)ContentWindow.DraggedAsset).Value; NewFrame.SourceRectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((int)Math.Round(SrcRect.X * (NewFrame.Tex.Width / 10000.0f)), (int)Math.Round(SrcRect.Y * (NewFrame.Tex.Height / 10000.0f)), (int)Math.Round(SrcRect.Z * (NewFrame.Tex.Width / 10000.0f)), (int)Math.Round(SrcRect.W * (NewFrame.Tex.Height / 10000.0f))); NewFrame.Time = 0.25f; NewFrame.TexPtr = Scene.GuiRenderer.BindTexture(NewFrame.Tex); AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Add(NewFrame); ActiveFrame = 0; } } ContentWindow.DraggedAsset = null; } else if (slicedTexs.Key != null) { bool Safe = true; Texture2D T2D = null; try { T2D = Setup.Content.Load <Texture2D>(slicedTexs.Key); } catch (Exception E) { Safe = false; Utility.Log(E.Message); } if (Safe) { foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle Rect in slicedTexs.Value) { Frame NewFrame = new Frame(); NewFrame.Tex = T2D; Vector4 SrcRect = new Vector4(Rect.X, Rect.Y, Rect.Width, Rect.Height); NewFrame.SourceRectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((int)Math.Round(SrcRect.X * (NewFrame.Tex.Width / 10000.0f)), (int)Math.Round(SrcRect.Y * (NewFrame.Tex.Height / 10000.0f)), (int)Math.Round(SrcRect.Z * (NewFrame.Tex.Width / 10000.0f)), (int)Math.Round(SrcRect.W * (NewFrame.Tex.Height / 10000.0f))); NewFrame.Time = 0.25f; NewFrame.TexPtr = Scene.GuiRenderer.BindTexture(NewFrame.Tex); AnimationClips[SelectedClip].Frames.Add(NewFrame); } ActiveFrame = 0; } slicedTexs = new KeyValuePair <string, List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle> >(null, null); } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } } ImGui.End(); ImGui.PopStyleColor(); ImGui.PopStyleVar(); } }
private void DrawViewport() { var size = ImGui.GetWindowSize(); if (Pipeline.Width != (int)size.X || Pipeline.Height != (int)size.Y) { Pipeline.Width = (int)size.X; Pipeline.Height = (int)size.Y; Pipeline.OnResize(); } Pipeline.RenderScene(); if ((ImGui.IsWindowFocused() && _mouseDown) || ImGui.IsWindowFocused() && ImGui.IsWindowHovered() || _mouseDown) { if (!onEnter) { Pipeline.ResetPrevious(); onEnter = true; } //Only update scene when necessary if (ImGuiController.ApplicationHasFocus) { UpdateCamera(); } } else { onEnter = false; //Reset drag/dropped model data if mouse leaves the viewport during a drag event if (DragDroppedModel != null) { DragDroppedModel.DragDroppedOnLeave(); DragDroppedModel = null; } } var id = Pipeline.GetViewportTexture(); ImGui.Image((IntPtr)id, size, new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 1), new System.Numerics.Vector2(1, 0)); if (ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { ImGuiPayloadPtr outlinerDrop = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("OUTLINER_ITEM", ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect | ImGuiDragDropFlags.AcceptBeforeDelivery); if (outlinerDrop.IsValid()) { //Drag/drop things onto meshes var mouseInfo = CreateMouseState(); var picked = Pipeline.GetPickedObject(mouseInfo); //Picking object changed. if (DragDroppedModel != picked) { //Set exit drop event for previous model if (DragDroppedModel != null) { DragDroppedModel.DragDroppedOnLeave(); } DragDroppedModel = picked; //Model has changed so call the enter event if (picked != null) { picked.DragDroppedOnEnter(); } } if (picked != null) { //Set the drag/drop event var node = Outliner.GetDragDropNode(); picked.DragDropped(node.Tag); } if (mouseInfo.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { DragDroppedModel = null; } } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } }
public static bool BeginDragDropTarget() { return(ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()); }