예제 #1
        public override void Build(ImGui gui)
            BuildHeader(gui, "Module autofill parameters");
            BuildSimple(gui, modules);
            if (gui.BuildCheckBox("Fill modules in miners", modules.fillMiners, out var newFill))
                modules.RecordUndo().fillMiners = newFill;
            gui.BuildText("Filler module:", Font.subheader);
            gui.BuildText("Use this module when aufofill doesn't add anything (for example when productivity modules doesn't fit)", wrap: true);
            if (gui.BuildFactorioObjectButtonWithText(modules.fillerModule))
                SelectObjectPanel.Select(Database.allModules, "Select filler module", select => { modules.RecordUndo().fillerModule = select; }, true);

            gui.BuildText("Beacons & beacon modules:", Font.subheader);
            if (gui.BuildFactorioObjectButtonWithText(modules.beacon))
                SelectObjectPanel.Select(Database.allBeacons, "Select beacon", select =>
                    modules.beacon = select;
                    if (modules.beaconModule != null && (modules.beacon == null || !modules.beacon.CanAcceptModule(modules.beaconModule.module)))
                        modules.beaconModule = null;
                }, true);

            if (gui.BuildFactorioObjectButtonWithText(modules.beaconModule))
                SelectObjectPanel.Select(Database.allModules.Where(x => modules.beacon?.CanAcceptModule(x.module) ?? false), "Select module for beacon", select => { modules.RecordUndo().beaconModule = select; }, true);

            using (gui.EnterRow())
                gui.BuildText("Beacons per building: ");
                if (gui.BuildTextInput(modules.beaconsPerBuilding.ToString(), out var newText, null, Icon.None, true, new Padding(0.5f, 0f)) &&
                    int.TryParse(newText, out var newAmount) && newAmount > 0)
                    modules.RecordUndo().beaconsPerBuilding = newAmount;
            gui.BuildText("Please note that beacons themself are not part of the calculation", wrap: true);

            using (gui.EnterRow())
                gui.BuildText("Mining productivity bonus (project-wide setting): ");
                if (gui.BuildTextInput(DataUtils.FormatAmount(Project.current.settings.miningProductivity, UnitOfMeasure.Percent), out var newText, null, Icon.None, true, new Padding(0.5f, 0f)) &&
                    DataUtils.TryParseAmount(newText, out var newAmount, UnitOfMeasure.Percent))
                    Project.current.settings.RecordUndo().miningProductivity = newAmount;

            if (gui.BuildButton("Done"))
예제 #2
        public override void Build(ImGui gui)
            BuildHeader(gui, "Never Enough Items Explorer");
            using (gui.EnterRow())
                if (recent.Count == 0)
                    gui.AllocateRect(0f, 3f);
                for (var i = recent.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var elem = recent[i];
                    if (gui.BuildFactorioObjectButton(elem, 3f))
                        changing = elem;
            using (gui.EnterGroup(new Padding(0.5f), RectAllocator.LeftRow))
                gui.spacing = 0.2f;
                gui.BuildFactorioObjectIcon(current, size: 3f);
                gui.BuildText(current.locName, Font.subheader);
                gui.allocator = RectAllocator.RightAlign;
                var amount = CostAnalysis.Instance.GetItemAmount(current);
                if (amount != null)
                    gui.BuildText(amount, wrap: true);

            if (gui.BuildFactorioObjectButton(gui.lastRect, current, SchemeColor.Grey))
                SelectObjectPanel.Select(Database.goods.all, "Select item", SetItem);

            using (var split = gui.EnterHorizontalSplit(2))
                gui.BuildText("Production:", Font.subheader);
                gui.BuildText("Usages:", Font.subheader);
            using (gui.EnterRow())
                if (gui.BuildLink("What do colored bars mean?"))
                    MessageBox.Show("How to read colored bars",
                                    "Blue bar means estimated production or comsumption of the thing you selected. Blue bar at 50% means that that recipe produces(consumes) 50% of the product.\n\n" +
                                    "Orange bar means estimated recipe efficiency. If it is not full, the recipe looks inefficient to YAFC.\n\n" +
                                    "It is possible for a recipe to be efficient but not useful - for example a recipe that produces something that is not useful.\n\n" +
                                    "YAFC only estimates things that are required for science recipes. So buildings, belts, weapons, fuel - are not shown in estimations.", "Ok");
                if (gui.BuildCheckBox("Current milestones info", atCurrentMilestones, out atCurrentMilestones, allocator: RectAllocator.RightRow))
                    var item = current;
                    current = null;