예제 #1
        public override void UpdateAfterSimulation100()
                //if(!MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServer) // only server-side/SP
                if (!AiSessionCore.IsServer)

                IMyRemoteControl rc   = (IMyRemoteControl)Entity;
                IMyCubeGrid      grid = rc.CubeGrid;

                if (grid.Physics == null || !rc.IsWorking || !Constants.NpcFactions.Contains(rc.GetOwnerFactionTag()))
                    if (Constants.CleanupDebug)
                        AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", grid.DisplayName + " (" + grid.EntityId + " @ " + grid.WorldMatrix.Translation + ") is not valid; " + (grid.Physics == null ? "Phys=null" : "Phys OK") + "; " + (rc.IsWorking ? "RC OK" : "RC Not working!") + "; " + (!Constants.NpcFactions.Contains(rc.GetOwnerFactionTag()) ? "Owner faction tag is not in NPC list (" + rc.GetOwnerFactionTag() + ")" : "Owner Faction OK"));


                if (!rc.CustomData.Contains(Constants.CleanupRcTag))
                    if (Constants.CleanupDebug)
                        AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", grid.DisplayName + " (" + grid.EntityId + " @ " + grid.WorldMatrix.Translation + ") RC does not contain the " + Constants.CleanupRcTag + "tag!");


                if (Constants.CleanupRcExtraTags.Length > 0)
                    bool hasExtraTag = Constants.CleanupRcExtraTags.Any(tag => rc.CustomData.Contains(tag));

                    if (!hasExtraTag)
                        if (Constants.CleanupDebug)
                            AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", grid.DisplayName + " (" + grid.EntityId + " @ " + grid.WorldMatrix.Translation + ") RC does not contain one of the extra tags!");


                if (Constants.CleanupDebug)
                    AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", "Checking RC '" + rc.CustomName + "' from grid '" + grid.DisplayName + "' (" + grid.EntityId + ") for any nearby players...");

                int      rangeSq    = CleanEem.RangeSq;
                Vector3D gridCenter = grid.WorldAABB.Center;

                if (rangeSq <= 0)
                    if (Constants.CleanupDebug)
                        AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", "- WARNING: Range not assigned yet, ignoring grid for now.");


                //check if any player is within range of the ship
                foreach (IMyPlayer player in CleanEem.Players)
                    if (Vector3D.DistanceSquared(player.GetPosition(), gridCenter) <= rangeSq)
                        if (Constants.CleanupDebug)
                            AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", " - player '" + player.DisplayName + "' is within " + Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(rangeSq), 1) + "m of it, not removing.");


                if (Constants.CleanupDebug)
                    AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", " - no player is within " + Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(rangeSq), 1) + "m of it, removing...");

                AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", "NPC ship '" + grid.DisplayName + "' (" + grid.EntityId + ") removed.");

                CleanEem.GetAttachedGrids(grid); // this gets all connected grids and places them in Exploration.grids (it clears it first)

                foreach (IMyCubeGrid g in CleanEem.Grids)
                    g.Close(); // this only works server-side
                    AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", "  - subgrid '" + g.DisplayName + "' (" + g.EntityId + ") removed.");

                grid.Close(); // this only works server-side
            catch (Exception e)
                AiSessionCore.GeneralLog.WriteToLog("CleanEemRc", $"Exception: {e}");