private bool RemoveReachedObjective() { this.Objective = null; List <MyWaypointInfo> route = new List <MyWaypointInfo>(); remotePilot.GetWaypointInfo(route); if (route.Count > 0) { MyWaypointInfo nextWaypoint = route.First(); route.RemoveAt(0); remotePilot.ClearWaypoints(); switch (remotePilot.FlightMode) { case FlightMode.OneWay: break; case FlightMode.Circle: route.Add(nextWaypoint); break; case FlightMode.Patrol: // behave as one way uIManager.printOnScreens("service", "[AP] Patrol not implemented yet!"); break; } foreach (MyWaypointInfo wp in route) { remotePilot.AddWaypoint(wp); } //Need to reset the autopilot status to true after clearing the queue remotePilot.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); } return(route.Count > 0); }
public bool TurnForward() { control.ClearWaypoints(); Vector3 controlWorldPos = Me.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(control.Position); control.AddWaypoint(controlWorldPos + forward * 100, "[AUTO]Forward"); SwitchFlyMode(false); if (!control.IsAutoPilotEnabled) { control.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); } return(Vector3.Dot(Me.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(control.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(control.Orientation.Forward)) - controlWorldPos, forward) < 0.1f); }
public override void DoOnDirectMasterMsg(MyIGCMessage msg) { p.Echo("Getting msg from master"); if (msg.Tag == ShipFormationMaster.TAG_FORMATION) { GPS center = new GPS(msg.Data.ToString()); p.Echo("Getting formation msg from master : "); IMyRemoteControl r = GetRemote(); r.ClearWaypoints(); int nbWP = 18; double angleTmp = 0; double angleDeg = 360 / nbWP; for (int i = 0; i < nbWP; ++i) { GPS wp = center.ComputeCoordinate(ShipFormationMaster.DISTANCE, DegreeToRadian(angleTmp)); MyWaypointInfo dest = new MyWaypointInfo("WP_" + i, wp.x, wp.y, wp.z); r.AddWaypoint(dest); angleTmp += angleDeg; } GetLight().SetValue("Color", new Color(0, 255, 0)); r.FlightMode = FlightMode.Circle; r.SetCollisionAvoidance(false); r.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); } }
public IEnumerator <int> Forward() //uses rotationGoal { _currentState = "Forward()"; yield return(0); _remote.ClearWaypoints(); _remote.SpeedLimit = 2.0f; _remote.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; var remotePos = _remote.GetPosition(); var diff = remotePos - _remote.CenterOfMass; var wp = 2.5 * (_basis[_rotationGoal]) + remotePos + diff; _remote.AddWaypoint(wp, "Forward"); var curPosition = remotePos; yield return(0); while (Vector3D.DistanceSquared(curPosition, wp) > 2) // requires tweaking { _remote.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); curPosition = _remote.GetPosition(); yield return(0); } _remote.SetAutoPilotEnabled(false); yield return(1); }
private void GoTo(Vector3D pos, string label) { Stop(); rc.AddWaypoint(new MyWaypointInfo(label, pos)); rc.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; rc.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); }
void LaunchDrone(EncounterType encounterType, IMyRemoteControl remote, IMyEntity entity, Vector3D despawnCoords) { if (remote != null && encounterType == EncounterType.TransientCargoship) { remote.ClearWaypoints(); remote.FlightMode = Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.FlightMode.OneWay; remote.AddWaypoint(despawnCoords, "DespawnTarget"); remote.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); remote.SpeedLimit = CARGOSHIP_SPEED; Util.Notify("Autopilot set"); } SpawnedShip ship = new SpawnedShip(); ship.entityId = entity.EntityId; if (encounterType == EncounterType.Static || encounterType == EncounterType.TransientEncounter) { m_empireData.encounters.Add(ship); } else if (encounterType == EncounterType.TransientCargoship) { m_empireData.civilianFleet.Add(ship); } else if (encounterType == EncounterType.TransientAttackship) { m_empireData.militaryFleet.Add(ship); } ship.despawnTick = + Tick.Minutes(10); if (encounterType == EncounterType.TransientAttackship || encounterType == EncounterType.TransientCargoship) { BotManager.CreateBot(BotManager.BotType.CargoShip, this, ship, remote); } Util.Log("Drone Prepped!"); }
void Target(Vector3 position) { target = position; mainControl.ClearWaypoints(); mainControl.AddWaypoint(position, "Target Destination"); mainControl.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; mainControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); }
private void setupAndStartDrone(Vector3D Target, string WP_Name, bool dockingMode) { RemoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(false); RemoteControl.ClearWaypoints(); RemoteControl.AddWaypoint(Target, WP_Name); RemoteControl.ApplyAction("CollisionAvoidance_On"); RemoteControl.ApplyAction("AutoPilot_On"); RemoteControl.ApplyAction((dockingMode)? "DockingMode_On" : "DockingMode_Off"); RemoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); }
void CloneWaypoints() { if (_patrolEnabled) { if (_patrolRoute == null) { _patrolRoute = new List <MyWaypointInfo>(); if (_controllerBlock == null) { _remoteBlock.GetWaypointInfo(_patrolRoute); } else { _controllerBlock.GetWaypointInfo(_patrolRoute); } } if (_controllerBlock != null) { _remoteBlock.ClearWaypoints(); foreach (var item in _patrolRoute) { _remoteBlock.AddWaypoint(item); } } if (_controllerBlock != null) { _opMode = OperationMode.RemoteCtrl; } else { _opMode = OperationMode.SingleCtrl; } } else { _opMode = OperationMode.Stationary; } }
public void NotReady() { StartElev = Elev; SeaLevel = MinR; RControllers.SetAutoPilotEnabled(false); RControllers.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; RControllers.Direction = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward; RControllers.SpeedLimit = 200; StartLocation = RController.GetPosition(); RControllers.ClearWaypoints(); GyroStartLocation = RGyro.GetPosition(); RConStartLocation = RCon.GetPosition(); RefDist = Math.Round(Vector3D.Distance(GyroStartLocation, StartLocation), 2); //Distance between RC and Gyro Distance = ((GyroStartLocation - StartLocation) * ((TargetAltitude - StartElev) / RefDist)); //Calculates Distance to Target TargetLocation = (StartLocation + Distance); ////Calculates Co-ords for Target RefDist = Math.Round(Vector3D.Distance(RConStartLocation, StartLocation), 2); //Distance between RC and Gyro Distance = ((RConStartLocation - StartLocation) * ((AppTarget + StartElev) / RefDist)); //Calculates Distance to Approach (1000m) AppLocation = (StartLocation + Distance); ////Calculates Co-ords for Target RControllers.AddWaypoint(TargetLocation, (Ship + "Target Location")); Init = true; Main("Ready"); return; }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { // The main entry point of the script, invoked every time // one of the programmable block's Run actions are invoked, // or the script updates itself. The updateSource argument // describes where the update came from. Be aware that the // updateSource is a bitfield and might contain more than // one update type. // // The method itself is required, but the arguments above // can be removed if not needed. IMyLaserAntenna antenna = (IMyLaserAntenna)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Main Laser Antenna"); IMyRemoteControl remoteControl = (IMyRemoteControl)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Main Remote Control"); if (antenna != null && remoteControl != null) { if (antenna.Status != MyLaserAntennaStatus.Connected) { if (antenna.Status != MyLaserAntennaStatus.RotatingToTarget) { if (antenna.Status != MyLaserAntennaStatus.SearchingTargetForAntenna) { if (antenna.Status != MyLaserAntennaStatus.Connecting) { antenna.Connect(); } } } remoteControl.ClearWaypoints(); remoteControl.AddWaypoint(antenna.TargetCoords, "Antenna Target"); remoteControl.SpeedLimit = 10; remoteControl.Direction = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward; remoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); regainedConnection = false; } else if (!regainedConnection) { remoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(false); regainedConnection = true; } } }
public void Main(string args) { if (args.StartsWith("AntennaPosition")) { Echo("Recived message"); Vector3 coords; if (StringToVector3(args, out coords)) { var currentPos = remoteControl.GetPosition(); if ((currentPos - coords).Length() < NotDisturbDistance) { remoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(false); } remoteControl.ClearWaypoints(); remoteControl.AddWaypoint(coords, "Destination"); Echo($"Move to {coords.ToString()}"); remoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); } } }
/** * AreaDefenceDroneAI * ============================== * Copyright (c) 2015 Thomas Klose <*****@*****.**> * Source: * * Summary * ------------------------------ * * * Abstract * ------------------------------ * * * Example * ------------------------------ * */ void Main(string args) { IMyRemoteControl RemoteControl = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("RC") as IMyRemoteControl; if (RemoteControl != null) { //GPS: ORIGIN: -56148.91:23763.12:-2721.73: Vector3D origin = new Vector3D(-56148.91, 23763.12, -2721.73); RemoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(false); RemoteControl.ClearWaypoints(); RemoteControl.AddWaypoint(origin, "WP_Name"); RemoteControl.ApplyAction("CollisionAvoidance_On"); RemoteControl.ApplyAction("AutoPilot_On"); RemoteControl.ApplyAction("DockingMode_Off"); RemoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); // ADDAI Brain = new ADDAI(RC, GridTerminalSystem, origin, 500.0, 50.0); //; } }
internal override void Update() { CheckEscortsAlive(); if (!leader.IsControlledByFaction("GCORP")) { GroupState = NpcGroupState.Disbanding; InitiateDisbandProtocols(); } else if ((GroupState == NpcGroupState.Travelling || GroupState == NpcGroupState.InCombat) && Vector3D.DistanceSquared(Destination, leader.GetPosition()) < 300.0 * 300) // increase to 300 to allow for variations in height. V26 // && Vector3D.DistanceSquared(Destination, leader.GetPosition()) < 200.0*200) // increase to 200 to allow for variations in height. // && Vector3D.Distance(Destination, leader.GetPosition()) < 100.0) { string sBeacons = ""; var slimBlocks2 = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); leader.GetBlocks(slimBlocks2, b => b.FatBlock is IMyBeacon); foreach (var slim2 in slimBlocks2) { var beacon = slim2.FatBlock as IMyBeacon; sBeacons += beacon.CustomName; } ModLog.Info("Group Arrived at destination: " + leader.CustomName + " " + sBeacons); ArrivalObserver.GroupArrivedIntact(); audioSystem.PlayAudioRandomChance(0.1, AudioClip.ConvoyArrivedSafely); GroupState = NpcGroupState.Disbanding; InitiateDisbandProtocols(); ResetBeaconNames(); } // ModLogs are for DEBUG nav script // ModLog.Info("Convoy update:" + leader.CustomName+" ID:"+leader.EntityId.ToString() + " State:"+GroupState.ToString()); if ((GroupState == NpcGroupState.Travelling)) { var currentTime = MyAPIGateway.Session.GameDateTime; if (GroupSpawnTime + convoyInitiateTime < currentTime) { leader.SetAllBeaconNames(null, 20000f); } bool bKeenAutopilotActive = false; var slimBlocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>(); leader.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyRemoteControl); IMyRemoteControl remoteControl = null; foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) { remoteControl = slim.FatBlock as IMyRemoteControl; bKeenAutopilotActive = remoteControl.IsAutoPilotEnabled; // ModLog.Info("Keen Autopilot:" + bKeenAutopilotActive.ToString()); break; } slimBlocks.Clear(); leader.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyProgrammableBlock); foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) { var block = slim.FatBlock as IMyProgrammableBlock; if (block == null) { continue; } if (block.CustomName.Contains("NAV")) { if (!bKeenAutopilotActive && GroupSpawnTime + convoyInitiateTime < currentTime // delay check for mode change. ) { if (//!bKeenAutopilotActive && block.DetailedInfo.Contains("mode=0") || block.DetailedInfo.Contains("mode=-1")) { if (remoteControl == null) { // nothing left to do. Remove it (and try again) GroupState = NpcGroupState.Inactive; // this will cause NpcGroupManager to spawn a new convoy to replace this one. return; } // force it to use Keen Autopilot remoteControl.ClearWaypoints(); remoteControl.AddWaypoint(Destination, "Target"); remoteControl.SpeedLimit = 10; remoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); /* * // debug output * var slimBlocks2 = new List<IMySlimBlock>(); * leader.GetBlocks(slimBlocks2, b => b.FatBlock is IMyBeacon); * string sBeacons = ""; * foreach(var slim2 in slimBlocks2) * { * var beacon = slim2.FatBlock as IMyBeacon; * sBeacons += beacon.CustomName; * } * * // it didn't get the command! * // GroupState = NpcGroupState.Inactive; // this will cause NpcGroupManager to spawn a new convoy to replace this one. * ModLog.Info("Autopilot recovery because leader NAV not in correct mode: "+ sBeacons); */ } break; } // ModLog.Info("PB:"+block.CustomName+"\n"+"DetailedInfo=:\n" + block.DetailedInfo); } } // Following is just debug info /* * leader.GetBlocks(slimBlocks, b => b.FatBlock is IMyGyro); * foreach (var slim in slimBlocks) * { * var block = slim.FatBlock as IMyGyro; * if (block!=null && block.CustomName.Contains("NAV")) * { * ModLog.Info("G:"+block.CustomName + "\n"); * } * } */ } if (GroupState == NpcGroupState.Disbanding) { AttemptDespawning(); return; } if (DuckUtils.IsAnyPlayerNearPosition(leader.GetPosition(), 1000) && GroupState == NpcGroupState.Travelling) { GroupState = NpcGroupState.InCombat; InitiateAttackProtocols(); } if (GroupState == NpcGroupState.InCombat) { var player = DuckUtils.GetNearestPlayerToPosition(leader.GetPosition(), 4000); if (player == null) { GroupState = NpcGroupState.Travelling; // Return to normal, cowardly players have run off or died ResetBeaconNames(); if (escortDic.Count > 0) //todo maybe check if the escorts are actually alive? Dunno if doing this already { audioSystem.PlayAudio(AudioClip.DisengagingFromHostile, AudioClip.TargetLost); } else { audioSystem.PlayAudio(AudioClip.PursuitEvaded, AudioClip.SensorsLostTrack); } } else { SendArmedEscortsNearPosition(player.GetPosition()); // Use same position as when escorting, to avoid collisions } } if (GroupState == NpcGroupState.Travelling) { foreach (var entry in escortDic) { SendEscortToGrid(entry.Key, entry.Value, leader); } } }
public void Main(string argument) { switch (state) { case Mode.Idle: if (argument == "Wreck") { state = Mode.Grinding; } if (argument == "Start") { if (visor.AvailableScanRange >= 1000) { Echo("Search for target"); target = visor.Raycast(1000); } } if (target.IsEmpty()) { Echo("Target not found"); return; } Echo("Target found!"); Vector3D targetPos; if (target.HitPosition != null) { targetPos = (Vector3D)target.HitPosition; Vector3D targetVector = targetPos - control.GetPosition(); targetVector.Normalize(); targetPos = targetPos - 20 * targetVector; control.ClearWaypoints(); control.AddWaypoint(targetPos, "Target"); control.GetActionWithName("CollisionAvoidance_On").Apply(control); control.GetActionWithName("DockingMode_On").Apply(control); //!!!Erst einstellungen, dann aktivieren!!! control.GetActionWithName("AutoPilot_On").Apply(control); state = Mode.Flying; } break; case Mode.Flying: break; case Mode.Grinding: List <string> activSensors = CheckSensors(mainGrinderSensors); Vector3D instructions = CheckDirection(activSensors); instructions = CheckObstacles(instructions); float massFactor = control.CalculateShipMass().TotalMass / baseMass; double thrustFactor = Math.Pow(2, massFactor); foreach (IMyThrust thrust in allThruster) { thrust.SetValueFloat("Override", 0); } SetGyros(0, 0, 0); Echo("Vector is: " + (int)instructions.X + " " + (int)instructions.Y + " " + (int)instructions.Z); if (activSensors.Count == 0 && CheckSensors(mainCollisionSensors).Count == 0) { Echo("Going forward"); foreach (IMyThrust thrust in thruster[Side.Front]) { thrust.SetValueFloat("Override", (float)(10 * thrustFactor)); } } else if (IsZero(instructions)) { Echo("Is zero"); foreach (IMyThrust thrust in thruster[Side.Back]) { thrust.SetValueFloat("Override", (float)(5 * thrustFactor)); } } else { Echo("Working"); int basethrust = 35; if (instructions.Z == 0) { instructions.X = Math.Sign(instructions.X) * thrustFactor; instructions.Y = Math.Sign(instructions.Y) * thrustFactor; SetGyros((float)instructions.Y, (float)instructions.X, 0); instructions.X = -instructions.X; instructions.Y = -instructions.Y; basethrust = 5; } List <IMyThrust> neededThruster = instructions.X > 0 ? thruster[Side.Right] : thruster[Side.Left]; if (instructions.X != 0) { foreach (IMyThrust thrust in neededThruster) { thrust.SetValueFloat("Override", (float)(thrustFactor * basethrust)); } foreach (IMyThrust thrust in thruster[Side.Front]) { thrust.SetValueFloat("Override", (float)(5 * thrustFactor)); } } if (instructions.Y != 0) { neededThruster = instructions.Y > 0 ? thruster[Side.Up] : thruster[Side.Down]; foreach (IMyThrust thrust in neededThruster) { thrust.SetValueFloat("Override", (float)(thrustFactor * basethrust)); } foreach (IMyThrust thrust in thruster[Side.Front]) { thrust.SetValueFloat("Override", (float)(5 * thrustFactor)); } } } break; } }
string doInit() { // initialization of each module goes here: // when all initialization is done, set init to true. Echo(gtsAllBlocks.Count.ToString() + " Blocks"); Echo("Init:" + currentInit); if (currentInit == 0) { // StatusLog("clear", textLongStatus, true); // only MAIN module should clear long status on init. StatusLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " " + OurName + ":" + moduleName + ":INIT", textLongStatus, true); /* * add commands to set modes * if(!modeCommands.ContainsKey("launchprep")) modeCommands.Add("launchprep", MODE_LAUNCHPREP); */ sInitResults += gridsInit(); initLogging(); initTimers(); sInitResults += SerializeInit(); Deserialize(); // get info from savefile to avoid blind-rewrite of (our) defaults } else if (currentInit == 1) { Deserialize();// get info from savefile to avoid blind-rewrite of (our) defaults // sInitResults += BlockInit(); sInitResults += DefaultOrientationBlockInit(); initCargoCheck(); initPower(); sInitResults += thrustersInit(shipOrientationBlock); sInitResults += gyrosetup(); // if (gtsAllBlocks.Count < 300) currentInit = 2; // go ahead and do next step. if (shipOrientationBlock is IMyRemoteControl) { Vector3D playerPosition; bool bGotPlayer = ((IMyRemoteControl)shipOrientationBlock).GetNearestPlayer(out playerPosition); IMyRemoteControl myR = (IMyRemoteControl)shipOrientationBlock; myR.SetCollisionAvoidance(false); myR.SetDockingMode(false); myR.Direction = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward; myR.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; myR.ClearWaypoints(); myR.AddWaypoint(playerPosition, "Name"); } } if (currentInit == 2) { sInitResults += wheelsInit(shipOrientationBlock); sInitResults += rotorsNavInit(); sInitResults += connectorsInit(); sInitResults += tanksInit(); sInitResults += drillInit(); // if (gtsAllBlocks.Count < 100) currentInit = 3; // go ahead and do next step. } if (currentInit == 3) { sInitResults += camerasensorsInit(shipOrientationBlock); sInitResults += ejectorsInit(); sInitResults += antennaInit(); sInitResults += gasgenInit(); autoConfig(); bWantFast = false; if (bGotAntennaName) { sBanner = "*" + OurName + ":" + moduleName + " V" + sVersion + " "; } if (sBanner.Length > 34) { sBanner = OurName + ":" + moduleName + "\nV" + sVersion + " "; } if (shipOrientationBlock is IMyShipController) { MyShipMass myMass; myMass = ((IMyShipController)shipOrientationBlock).CalculateShipMass(); gridBaseMass = myMass.BaseMass; } sInitResults += modeOnInit(); // handle mode initializing from load/recompile.. init = true; // we are done } currentInit++; if (init) { currentInit = 0; } Log(sInitResults); return(sInitResults); }
private void HandleFacing(TempData tempData) { Vector3 desiredRotSpeed; if (command == null) { desiredRotSpeed = Vector3.Zero; } else { var navigationData = command.GetNavData(program); //Vector3 targetDirection = chosenTarget.Position - Me.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld( Me.Position ); //targetDirection.Normalize(); Vector3 des = navigationData.desiredForward.Value; //VrageMath doesn't have Vector3 * Matrix3x3 multiplication //navigationData.desiredFacing = new Vector3( Vector3.Dot(des, directionAdjustMatrix.Col0), Vector3.Dot( des, directionAdjustMatrix.Col1 ), Vector3.Dot( des, directionAdjustMatrix.Col2 ) ); List <IMyRadioAntenna> antenna = new List <IMyRadioAntenna>(); GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyRadioAntenna>(antenna); antenna[0].CustomName = "Desired Facing: " + navigationData.desiredForward; desiredRotSpeed = tempData.facing.Cross(navigationData.desiredForward.Value); //get direction of desired rotation desiredRotSpeed.Normalize(); //Echo("Dd: " + desiredSpeed); desiredRotSpeed.Multiply(0.5f - tempData.facing.Dot(navigationData.desiredForward.Value) / 2); //get magnitude of desired rotation //Echo( "Desired speed: " + desiredSpeed.Length() ); //desiredSpeed = desiredDir - rotSpeed; //Echo( string.Format( "Facing: {0} TargetDir:{1}", facing, targetDirection ) ); } Vector3 targetRotation = new Vector3(tempData.facingLeft.Dot(desiredRotSpeed), tempData.facingUp.Dot(desiredRotSpeed), tempData.facing.Dot(desiredRotSpeed)); //targetRotation = new Vector3( 0,targetRotation.Y,0 ); //program.Echo( "TR: " + targetRotation ); if (useControlBlock) { List <IMyRemoteControl> control = new List <IMyRemoteControl>(); GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyRemoteControl>(control); if (shouldSetWaypoint == 0) { if (control.Count > 0) { IMyRemoteControl cntrl = control[0]; cntrl.ControlThrusters = false; cntrl.ControlWheels = true; cntrl.ClearWaypoints(); var desiredFacing = command.GetNavData(program).desiredForward.Value; cntrl.AddWaypoint(Me.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(cntrl.Position) + desiredFacing * 10000, "dummy rotation target"); cntrl.AddWaypoint(new MyWaypointInfo()); cntrl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); Vector3 target = Me.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(cntrl.Position) + (desiredFacing * 1000); program.Echo(string.Format("RC: {0:0.0} {1:0.0} {2:0.0}", target.X, target.Y, target.Z)); } else { program.Echo("Can't find any control blocks"); } shouldSetWaypoint = 50; } else { shouldSetWaypoint--; } } else { foreach (var gyro in gyros) { try { gyro.SetValueBool("Override", true); gyro.Pitch = -targetRotation.Dot(Base6Directions.GetVector(gyro.Orientation.Left)) * 60; gyro.Yaw = targetRotation.Dot(Base6Directions.GetVector(gyro.Orientation.Up)) * 60; gyro.Roll = -targetRotation.Dot(Base6Directions.GetVector(gyro.Orientation.Forward)) * 60; } catch (Exception e) { program.Echo(e.StackTrace); } } } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { string[] argInfo = argument.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (argument == "RUN") { //Check if can scan, and scan if can. if (cam.CanScan(rayCastDistance)) { detectedInfo = cam.Raycast(rayCastDistance); } else { Echo("Can't scan yet!"); } Echo("INITIATING"); coordinate = Vector3D.Zero; //initating to zero value. Boolean found = false; if (detectedInfo.HitPosition != null) { coordinate = detectedInfo.HitPosition.Value; found = true; } if (found) { Vector3D currentCoords = rc.GetPosition(); //creating unit vector double denominator = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(coordinate.X - currentCoords.X, 2) + Math.Pow(coordinate.Y - currentCoords.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(coordinate.Z - currentCoords.Z, 2)); double xMultiplier = (coordinate.X - currentCoords.X) / denominator; double yMultiplier = (coordinate.Y - currentCoords.Y) / denominator; double zMultiplier = (coordinate.Z - currentCoords.Z) / denominator; //manipulating target coordinate with unit vector coordinate.X -= finalDistFromTarget * xMultiplier; coordinate.Y -= finalDistFromTarget * yMultiplier; coordinate.Z -= finalDistFromTarget * zMultiplier; //Setting up backward thrusters list backwardThrusters = new List <IMyThrust>(); //Obtaining each thruster pointing backward foreach (IMyThrust thruster in thrusters) { if (Base6Directions.GetFlippedDirection(rc.Orientation.Forward) == Base6Directions.GetFlippedDirection(thruster.Orientation.Forward)) { backwardThrusters.Add(thruster); } } //Obtaining max backward acceleration MyShipMass myShipMass = rc.CalculateShipMass(); backwardsAcceleration = CalculateAcceleration(myShipMass.TotalMass, backwardThrusters); //autopilot settings rc.ClearWaypoints(); rc.AddWaypoint(coordinate, "AUTO DYNAMIC BRAKING SCRIPT COORDINATE"); rc.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); rc.SetCollisionAvoidance(false); rc.SetDockingMode(false); //CHANGE??? or dont? rc.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; rc.Direction = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward; blindMode = false; } } else if (argInfo[0] == "blind".ToLower()) { int dist = 0; Boolean passed = Int32.TryParse(argInfo[1], out dist); if (passed) { Vector3D dir = rc.WorldMatrix.Forward; coordinate = rc.GetPosition(); coordinate.X += dir.X * dist; coordinate.Y += dir.Y * dist; coordinate.Z += dir.Z * dist; Vector3D currentCoords = rc.GetPosition(); //Setting up backward thrusters list backwardThrusters = new List <IMyThrust>(); //Obtaining each thruster pointing backward foreach (IMyThrust thruster in thrusters) { if (Base6Directions.GetFlippedDirection(rc.Orientation.Forward) == Base6Directions.GetFlippedDirection(thruster.Orientation.Forward)) { backwardThrusters.Add(thruster); } } //Obtaining max backward acceleration MyShipMass myShipMass = rc.CalculateShipMass(); backwardsAcceleration = CalculateAcceleration(myShipMass.TotalMass, backwardThrusters); //autopilot settings rc.ClearWaypoints(); rc.AddWaypoint(coordinate, "CAPTXAN'S SCRIPT COORDINATE"); rc.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); rc.SetCollisionAvoidance(false); rc.SetDockingMode(false); //CHANGE??? or dont? rc.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; rc.Direction = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward; blindMode = true; blindCounter = 0; } else { Echo("2nd parameter is not a number!"); } } else { //User Feedback if (!cam.CanScan(rayCastDistance)) { float percentage = ((cam.TimeUntilScan(rayCastDistance) / 1000) / (rayCastDistance / 2000)); percentage = (1 - percentage) * 100; Echo("Raycast is recharging " + percentage + "%"); if (!cam.EnableRaycast) { cam.EnableRaycast = true; } } else { Echo("Ready to Scan"); cam.EnableRaycast = false; } //Travelling CHANGE HERE FOR ENABLE / DISABLE AUTOPILOT if (rc.IsAutoPilotEnabled) { travelling = true; double currentDistanceFromTarget = Vector3D.Distance(coordinate, rc.GetPosition()); Echo("Travelling, ETA: " + (int)(currentDistanceFromTarget / rc.GetShipSpeed()) + "s"); //Calculating stopping distance to determine if thrusters need to be enabled. Echo("Current Speed: " + (int)rc.GetShipSpeed() + "m/s"); Echo("Ship Speed Limit: " + rc.SpeedLimit + "m/s"); if (rc.GetShipSpeed() > rc.SpeedLimit - 1) //If ship at max speed { Vector3D currentTrajectory = Vector3D.Normalize(rc.GetPosition() - prevPosition); prevPosition = rc.GetPosition(); Vector3D calculatedTrajectory = Vector3D.Normalize(rc.GetPosition() - coordinate); double accuracyAmount; if (currentDistanceFromTarget > 15000) { accuracyAmount = .99999; } else if (currentDistanceFromTarget > 5000) { accuracyAmount = .9999; } else { accuracyAmount = .999; } if (currentDistanceFromTarget * .90 > (Math.Pow(rc.GetShipSpeed(), 2) / (2 * backwardsAcceleration)) && Math.Abs(currentTrajectory.Dot(calculatedTrajectory)) > accuracyAmount) { foreach (IMyThrust thruster in thrusters) { thruster.ApplyAction("OnOff_Off"); } } else //Curr < stopp { foreach (IMyThrust thruster in thrusters) { thruster.ApplyAction("OnOff_On"); } } } Echo("Blind Mode: " + blindMode); if (blindMode) { Echo("Blind Counter: " + blindCounter); Echo("Coll Avoid: " + rc.); if (cam.CanScan(((Math.Pow(rc.GetShipSpeed(), 2) / (2 * backwardsAcceleration)) * 2))) { detectedInfo = cam.Raycast((Math.Pow(maxSpeed, 2) / (2 * backwardsAcceleration)) * 2); if (detectedInfo.HitPosition != null) { rc.SpeedLimit = 3; rc.SetCollisionAvoidance(true); blindCounter = 0; } else { if (blindCounter > 500) { rc.SpeedLimit = maxSpeed; rc.SetCollisionAvoidance(false); blindCounter = 0; } else { blindCounter++; } } } } } else if (travelling) { foreach (IMyThrust thruster in thrusters) { thruster.ApplyAction("OnOff_On"); } travelling = false; blindMode = false; } } //Additional Arugment Commands if (argument == "ABORT") { rc.SetAutoPilotEnabled(false); rc.DampenersOverride = true; } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100 | UpdateFrequency.Update10; IMyTextPanel textPanel = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(lcdName); IMyRemoteControl remoteControl = (IMyRemoteControl)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(remoteControllerName); // If setupcomplete is false, run Setup method. if (!setupcomplete) { Echo("Running setup."); Setup(); } else { // To create a listener, we use IGC to access the relevant method. // We pass the same tag argument we used for our message. IGC.RegisterBroadcastListener(broadcastChannel); // Create a list for broadcast listeners. List <IMyBroadcastListener> listeners = new List <IMyBroadcastListener>(); // The method argument below is the list we wish IGC to populate with all Listeners we've made. // Our Listener will be at index 0, since it's the only one we've made so far. IGC.GetBroadcastListeners(listeners); if (listeners[0].HasPendingMessage) { // Let's create a variable for our new message. // Remember, messages have the type MyIGCMessage. MyIGCMessage message = new MyIGCMessage(); // Time to get our message from our Listener (at index 0 of our Listener list). // We do this with the following method: message = listeners[0].AcceptMessage(); // A message is a struct of 3 variables. To read the actual data, // we access the Data field, convert it to type string (unboxing), // and store it in the variable messagetext. string messagetext = message.Data.ToString(); // We can also access the tag that the message was sent with. string messagetag = message.Tag; //Here we store the "address" to the Programmable Block (our friend's) that sent the message. long sender = message.Source; //Do something with the information! Echo("Message received with tag" + messagetag + "\n\r"); Echo("from address " + sender.ToString() + ": \n\r"); Echo(messagetext); allmessage += $"\n new message \n {messagetext}\n{messagetext.Split(':')[2]}"; textPanel.WriteText(allmessage); List <MyWaypointInfo> myWaypoints = new List <MyWaypointInfo>(); string gpsname = messagetext.Split(':')[1]; double x = 0; double y = 0; double z = 0; try { x = Convert.ToDouble(messagetext.Split(':')[2]); y = Convert.ToDouble(messagetext.Split(':')[3]); z = Convert.ToDouble(messagetext.Split(':')[4]); } catch (Exception e) { Echo(e.Message); } Echo(messagetext.Split('1')[0]); myWaypoints.Add(new MyWaypointInfo(gpsname, x, y, z)); remoteControl.ClearWaypoints(); remoteControl.AddWaypoint(myWaypoints[0]); remoteControl.SetCollisionAvoidance(true); remoteControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); } } int textlength = textPanel.GetText().Length; if (textlength > 100) { allmessage = ""; } }
void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { if (updateSource == UpdateType.Update1 || updateSource == UpdateType.Update10 || updateSource == UpdateType.Update100) { // Main code Clock.Update(); if (Clock.Runtime == startRuntime) { Echo("Starting."); Start(); } else if (startRuntime != -1) { Echo("Waiting to start:"); double sec = startDelay - Clock.GetSeconds(0); Echo(sec.ToString("0.0") + 's'); return; } Echo("Running."); Detect(); Echo("Has target: " + detected); Echo("Known location: " + lastEnemy.HasValue); Echo("Firing: " + fire); double secSince = Clock.GetSeconds(contactTime); if (secSince > 0 && secSince < timeout) { Echo("Time since contact: " + secSince.ToString("0.00")); } double temp = rc.GetNaturalGravity().Length(); bool newValue = temp > useGravityValue; if (newValue != useGravity) { useGravity = newValue; InitializeOrbit(); } Move(); FireState(); } else if (updateSource == UpdateType.IGC) { if (helpListener != null && receiveHelpMsgs && !detected && helpListener.HasPendingMessage && !rc.IsAutoPilotEnabled) { MyIGCMessage msg = helpListener.AcceptMessage(); if (msg.Data is Vector3D) { Vector3D pos = (Vector3D)msg.Data; double dist2 = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(rc.GetPosition(), pos); if (dist2 < replyToHelpRange * replyToHelpRange) { lastEnemy = null; rc.SetAutoPilotEnabled(false); rc.ClearWaypoints(); rc.AddWaypoint(new MyWaypointInfo("Enemy", pos)); rc.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; rc.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); } } } } else { Command(argument); } }
//Primary Generic Functions //========================== //Use For General Drone Flying: void RC_Manager(Vector3D TARGET, IMyRemoteControl RC, bool TURN_ONLY) { //Uses Rotation Control To Handle Max Rotational Velocity //--------------------------------------------------------- if (RC.GetShipVelocities().AngularVelocity.AbsMax() > PrecisionMaxAngularVel) { print("转动速度放缓"); RC.SetAutoPilotEnabled(false); return; } //Setup Of Common Variables //-------------------------------------------- Vector3D DronePosition = RC.GetPosition(); Vector3D Drone_To_Target = Vector3D.Normalize(TARGET - DronePosition); //Override Direction Detection //------------------------------- double To_Target_Angle = Vector3D.Dot(Vector3D.Normalize(RC.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity), Drone_To_Target); double Ship_Velocity = RC.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity.Length(); //Turn Only: (Will drift ship automatically) //-------------------------------------------- /*List<MyWaypointInfo> way = new List<MyWaypointInfo>(); * RC.GetWaypointInfo(way); * if (way.Count>0) * { * if (way[0].Coords!= TARGET) * { * //RC.ApplyAction("AutoPilot_Off"); * //RC.ClearWaypoints(); * } * }*/ if (TURN_ONLY) { //if (way.Count <1) { RC.ClearWaypoints(); GYRO.GyroOverride = false; RC.AddWaypoint(TARGET, "母船起点"); RC.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; RC.Direction = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward; RC.ApplyAction("AutoPilot_On"); RC.ApplyAction("CollisionAvoidance_Off"); RC.ControlThrusters = false; } return; } //Drift Cancellation Enabled: //----------------------------- if (To_Target_Angle < 0.4 && Ship_Velocity > 3) { //Aim Gyro To Reflected Vector Vector3D DRIFT_VECTOR = Vector3D.Normalize(RC.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity); Vector3D REFLECTED_DRIFT_VECTOR = -1 * (Vector3D.Normalize(Vector3D.Reflect(DRIFT_VECTOR, Drone_To_Target))); Vector3D AIMPINGPOS = (-1 * DRIFT_VECTOR * 500) + DronePosition; //if (way.Count < 1 ) { RC.ClearWaypoints(); GYRO.GyroOverride = false; RC.AddWaypoint(AIMPINGPOS, "AIMPINGPOS"); RC.SpeedLimit = 100; RC.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; RC.Direction = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward; RC.ApplyAction("AutoPilot_On"); RC.ApplyAction("CollisionAvoidance_Off"); } } //System Standard Operation: //--------------------------- else { //Assign To RC, Clear And Refresh Command List <ITerminalAction> action = new List <ITerminalAction>(); RC.GetActions(action); RC.ControlThrusters = true; RC.ClearWaypoints(); GYRO.GyroOverride = false; RC.AddWaypoint(TARGET, "目标"); RC.SpeedLimit = 100; RC.FlightMode = FlightMode.OneWay; RC.Direction = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward; RC.ApplyAction("AutoPilot_On"); RC.ApplyAction("DockingMode_Off"); RC.ApplyAction("CollisionAvoidance_On"); } }
public void Main(string args) { // Get Text Panels IMyTextPanel panel1 = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Donkey Panel Front 1") as IMyTextPanel; IMyTextPanel panel2 = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Donkey Panel Front 2") as IMyTextPanel; IMyTextPanel panel3 = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Donkey Panel Front 3") as IMyTextPanel; Echo("Screen connected: " + panel1.CustomName); Echo("Screen connected: " + panel2.CustomName); Echo("Screen connected: " + panel3.CustomName); // Get Sensor [0] List <IMySensorBlock> sensors = new List <IMySensorBlock>(); GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMySensorBlock>(sensors); IMySensorBlock sensor = sensors[0]; Echo("Sensor: " + sensor.CustomName); // Get Remote Control [0] List <IMyRemoteControl> remotes = new List <IMyRemoteControl>(); GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyRemoteControl>(remotes); IMyRemoteControl remote = remotes[0]; Echo("Remote: " + remote.CustomName); // Main // Write Detection to Panel 1 panel1.WriteText("Last detected:"); panel1.WriteText("\n" + sensor.LastDetectedEntity.Name); panel1.WriteText("\n" + sensor.LastDetectedEntity.TimeStamp.ToString(), true); panel1.WriteText("\n" + sensor.LastDetectedEntity.Relationship.ToString(), true); panel1.WriteText("\n" + sensor.LastDetectedEntity.Position.ToString(), true); // Write Remote to Panel 2 panel2.WriteText("Flight mode: " + remote.FlightMode); // Get properties List <ITerminalProperty> remote_props = new List <ITerminalProperty>(); remote.GetProperties(remote_props); foreach (ITerminalProperty property in remote_props) { panel2.WriteText("\n" + property.Id + " : " + property.TypeName, true); } // Write Waypoints to Panel 3 List <MyWaypointInfo> waypoints = new List <MyWaypointInfo>(); remote.GetWaypointInfo(waypoints); foreach (MyWaypointInfo waypoint in waypoints) { panel2.WriteText(waypoint.Name + " - " + waypoint.Coords); } // Add waypoint remote.ClearWaypoints(); remote.AddWaypoint(sensor.LastDetectedEntity.Position, sensor.LastDetectedEntity.Name + " " + sensor.LastDetectedEntity.TimeStamp); }
void updateRemote(IMyRemoteControl Remote, Vector3D newPos) { Remote.ClearWaypoints(); Remote.AddWaypoint(newPos, "Wingman Target"); Remote.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); }
void Main() { //check if current RC is damaged, look for a replacement if (_currentControl == null || !_currentControl.IsFunctional) { _currentControl = _controllers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.IsFunctional); } if (_currentControl == null) { return; //no controls left :( } //Check Player Distance From Origin _currentControl.ClearWaypoints(); Vector3D currentPos = _currentControl.GetPosition(); Vector3D closestPlayer; _currentControl.GetNearestPlayer(out closestPlayer); double playerDistanceOrigin = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(closestPlayer, _origin); double playerDistanceDrone = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(currentPos, closestPlayer); if (playerDistanceDrone < BREAKAWAY_DISTANCE * BREAKAWAY_DISTANCE || playerDistanceOrigin < PATROL_RADIUS * PATROL_RADIUS) { //Chase Player _currentControl.AddWaypoint(closestPlayer, "Player"); //update guns if (USE_STATIC_GUNS) { if (playerDistanceDrone <= WEAPON_ENGAGE_DIST * WEAPON_ENGAGE_DIST) { Vector3D playerDir = closestPlayer - currentPos; playerDir.Normalize(); double dot = Vector3D.Dot(_currentControl.WorldMatrix.Forward, playerDir); //check if player is inside our target cone if (dot > _weaponAngle) { StartShooting(); _shooting = true; } else { StopShooting(); _shooting = false; } } else if (playerDistanceDrone > WEAPON_DISENGAGE_DIST * WEAPON_DISENGAGE_DIST && _shooting) { StopShooting(); _shooting = false; } } } else { //Go To Origin _currentControl.AddWaypoint(_origin, "Origin"); if (_shooting && USE_STATIC_GUNS) { _shooting = false; StopShooting(); } } _currentControl.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); }
void FollowPath(List <MyWaypointInfo> path, Boolean goingIn) { if (path.Count == 1 && !goingIn && lastReversePath) { Vector3D lastPathCoords = path.First().Coords; Vector3D unitVector = Vector3D.Normalize(lastPathCoords - rc.GetPosition()); Vector3D finalCoords = lastPathCoords + (unitVector * finalOutDistance); path.Clear(); rc.ClearWaypoints(); MyWaypointInfo finalWaypoint = new MyWaypointInfo("FINAL", finalCoords); path.Add(finalWaypoint); rc.SetCollisionAvoidance(true); lastReversePath = false; } else if (path.Count != 0) { if (Vector3D.Distance(rc.GetPosition(), path.First().Coords) > 8) { Echo("FollowPath: " + Vector3D.Distance(rc.GetPosition(), path.First().Coords)); if (!rc.IsAutoPilotEnabled) { rc.ClearWaypoints(); rc.AddWaypoint(path.First()); rc.SetCollisionAvoidance(collisionAvoidance); rc.SetDockingMode(false); rc.SetAutoPilotEnabled(true); } else if (Vector3D.Distance(rc.GetPosition(), rc.CurrentWaypoint.Coords) < 5) { path.Remove(path.First()); collisionAvoidance = false; rc.ClearWaypoints(); } } else { path.Remove(path.First()); collisionAvoidance = false; rc.ClearWaypoints(); } } else if (goingIn) { Dock2(dockingConnectorPos, dockingDir); } else { Storage = ""; dockingConnectorPos = new Vector3D(); dockingDir = new Vector3D(); mode = 0; globalPath.Clear(); reversePath.Clear(); rc.ClearWaypoints(); lastReversePath = true; foreach (IMyThrust thrust in allThrusters) { thrust.ThrustOverridePercentage = 0; } foreach (IMyGyro gyro in gyros) { gyro.GyroOverride = false; gyro.Pitch = 0; gyro.Yaw = 0; gyro.Roll = 0; } Boolean sent = antenna.TransmitMessage("freepath," + groupName); if (!sent) { messageQue.Add("freepath," + groupName); } groupName = "default"; //any ending commands here } }
public void CommandMoveDirection(Vector3D direction) { Vector3D target = Vector3D.Transform(direction, Controller.WorldMatrix); Controller.AddWaypoint(target, "test target " + direction + " " + direction.ToString()); }