예제 #1
 void CopyObsolete(ICustomAttributeProvider provider)
     foreach (var oa in AttributeManager.GetCustomAttributes <ObsoleteAttribute> (provider))
         print("[Obsolete (\"{0}\", {1})]", oa.Message, oa.IsError ? "true" : "false");
예제 #2
    static int Main2(string [] args)
        bool          show_help = false;
        bool          zero_copy = false;
        string        basedir = null;
        string        tmpdir = null;
        string        ns = null;
        string        outfile = null;
        bool          delete_temp = true, debug = false;
        bool          verbose          = false;
        bool          unsafef          = true;
        bool          external         = false;
        bool          public_mode      = true;
        bool          nostdlib         = false;
        bool?         inline_selectors = null;
        List <string> sources;
        var           resources          = new List <string> ();
        var           linkwith           = new List <string> ();
        var           references         = new List <string> ();
        var           api_sources        = new List <string> ();
        var           core_sources       = new List <string> ();
        var           extra_sources      = new List <string> ();
        var           defines            = new List <string> ();
        string        generate_file_list = null;
        bool          process_enums      = false;

        var os = new OptionSet()
            { "h|?|help", "Displays the help", v => show_help = true },
            { "a", "Include alpha bindings (Obsolete).", v => {}, true },
            { "outdir=", "Sets the output directory for the temporary binding files", v => { basedir = v; } },
            { "o|out=", "Sets the name of the output library", v => outfile = v },
            { "tmpdir=", "Sets the working directory for temp files", v => { tmpdir = v; delete_temp = false; } },
            { "debug", "Generates a debugging build of the binding", v => debug = true },
            { "sourceonly=", "Only generates the source", v => generate_file_list = v },
            { "ns=", "Sets the namespace for storing helper classes", v => ns = v },
            { "unsafe", "Sets the unsafe flag for the build", v => unsafef = true },
            { "core", "Use this to build product assemblies", v => Generator.BindThirdPartyLibrary = false },
            { "r=", "Adds a reference", v => references.Add(v) },
            { "lib=", "Adds the directory to the search path for the compiler", v => libs.Add(StringUtils.Quote(v)) },
            { "compiler=", "Sets the compiler to use (Obsolete) ", v => compiler = v, true },
            { "sdk=", "Sets the .NET SDK to use (Obsolete)", v => {}, true },
            { "new-style", "Build for Unified (Obsolete).", v => { Console.WriteLine("The --new-style option is obsolete and ignored."); }, true },
            { "d=", "Defines a symbol", v => defines.Add(v) },
            { "api=", "Adds a API definition source file", v => api_sources.Add(StringUtils.Quote(v)) },
            { "s=", "Adds a source file required to build the API", v => core_sources.Add(StringUtils.Quote(v)) },
            { "v", "Sets verbose mode", v => verbose = true },
            { "x=", "Adds the specified file to the build, used after the core files are compiled", v => extra_sources.Add(StringUtils.Quote(v)) },
            { "e", "Generates smaller classes that can not be subclassed (previously called 'external mode')", v => external = true },
            { "p", "Sets private mode", v => public_mode = false },
            { "baselib=", "Sets the base library", v => baselibdll = v },
            { "attributelib=", "Sets the attribute library", v => attributedll = v },
            { "use-zero-copy", v => zero_copy = true },
            { "nostdlib", "Does not reference mscorlib.dll library", l => nostdlib = true },
            { "no-mono-path", "Launches compiler with empty MONO_PATH", l => { } },
            { "native-exception-marshalling", "Enable the marshalling support for Objective-C exceptions", (v) => { /* no-op */ } },
            { "inline-selectors:", "If Selector.GetHandle is inlined and does not need to be cached (enabled by default in Xamarin.iOS, disabled in Xamarin.Mac)",
              v => inline_selectors = string.Equals("true", v, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(v) },
            { "process-enums", "Process enums as bindings, not external, types.", v => process_enums = true },
            { "link-with=,", "Link with a native library {0:FILE} to the binding, embedded as a resource named {1:ID}",
              (path, id) => {
                  if (path == null || path.Length == 0)
                      throw new Exception("-link-with=FILE,ID requires a filename.");

                  if (id == null || id.Length == 0)
                      id = Path.GetFileName(path);

                  if (linkwith.Contains(id))
                      throw new Exception("-link-with=FILE,ID cannot assign the same resource id to multiple libraries.");

                  resources.Add(string.Format("-res:{0},{1}", path, id));
              } },
            { "unified-full-profile", "Launches compiler pointing to XM Full Profile", l => { /* no-op*/ }, true },
            { "unified-mobile-profile", "Launches compiler pointing to XM Mobile Profile", l => { /* no-op*/ }, true },
            { "target-framework=", "Specify target framework to use. Always required, and the currently supported values are: 'MonoTouch,v1.0', 'Xamarin.iOS,v1.0', 'Xamarin.TVOS,v1.0', 'Xamarin.WatchOS,v1.0', 'XamMac,v1.0', 'Xamarin.Mac,Version=v2.0,Profile=Mobile', 'Xamarin.Mac,Version=v4.5,Profile=Full' and 'Xamarin.Mac,Version=v4.5,Profile=System')", v => SetTargetFramework(v) },
            { "warnaserror:", "An optional comma-separated list of warning codes that should be reported as errors (if no warnings are specified all warnings are reported as errors).", v => {
                  try {
                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                          foreach (var code in v.Split(new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                              ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel(ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Error, int.Parse(code));
                  } catch (Exception ex) {
                      throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(26, $"Could not parse the command line argument '--warnaserror': {ex.Message}");
              } },
            { "nowarn:", "An optional comma-separated list of warning codes to ignore (if no warnings are specified all warnings are ignored).", v => {
                  try {
                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                          foreach (var code in v.Split(new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                              ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel(ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Disable, int.Parse(code));
                  } catch (Exception ex) {
                      throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(26, $"Could not parse the command line argument '--nowarn': {ex.Message}");
              } },
            new Mono.Options.ResponseFileSource(),

        try {
            sources = os.Parse(args);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Console.Error.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ToolName, e.Message);
            Console.Error.WriteLine("see {0} --help for more information", ToolName);

        if (show_help)

        if (!target_framework.HasValue)
            throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(86, "A target framework (--target-framework) must be specified.");

        switch (target_framework.Value.Identifier.ToLowerInvariant())
        case "monotouch":
            CurrentPlatform = PlatformName.iOS;
            Unified         = false;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/2.1/monotouch.dll");
            Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "bin/smcs");
            AddAnyMissingSystemReferencesFromSDK("lib/mono/2.1/", references);

        case "xamarin.ios":
            CurrentPlatform = PlatformName.iOS;
            Unified         = true;
            nostdlib        = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.iOS.dll");
            AddAnyMissingSystemReferencesFromSDK("lib/mono/Xamarin.iOS", references);

        case "xamarin.tvos":
            CurrentPlatform = PlatformName.TvOS;
            Unified         = true;
            nostdlib        = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.TVOS/Xamarin.TVOS.dll");
            AddAnyMissingSystemReferencesFromSDK("lib/mono/Xamarin.TVOS", references);

        case "xamarin.watchos":
            CurrentPlatform = PlatformName.WatchOS;
            Unified         = true;
            nostdlib        = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.WatchOS/Xamarin.WatchOS.dll");
            AddAnyMissingSystemReferencesFromSDK("lib/mono/Xamarin.WatchOS", references);

        case "xammac":
            CurrentPlatform = PlatformName.MacOSX;
            Unified         = false;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib", "mono", "XamMac.dll");
            AddAnyMissingSystemReferences("/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/mono/4.5", references);

        case "xamarin.mac":
            CurrentPlatform   = PlatformName.MacOSX;
            Unified           = true;
            nostdlib          = true;
            skipSystemDrawing = target_framework == TargetFramework.Xamarin_Mac_4_5_Full;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                if (target_framework == TargetFramework.Xamarin_Mac_2_0_Mobile)
                    baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib", "reference", "mobile", "Xamarin.Mac.dll");
                    AddAnyMissingSystemReferencesFromSDK("lib/mono/Xamarin.Mac", references);
                    baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib", "reference", "full", "Xamarin.Mac.dll");
                    AddAnyMissingSystemReferencesFromSDK("lib/mono/4.5", references);

            throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(1043, "Internal error: unknown target framework '{0}'.", target_framework);

        if (target_framework == TargetFramework.XamMac_1_0 && !references.Any((v) => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(v) == "System.Drawing"))
            // If we're targeting XM/Classic ensure we have a reference to System.Drawing.dll.

        if (sources.Count > 0)
            api_sources.Insert(0, StringUtils.Quote(sources [0]));
            for (int i = 1; i < sources.Count; i++)
                core_sources.Insert(i - 1, StringUtils.Quote(sources [i]));

        if (api_sources.Count == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Error: no api file provided");

        if (tmpdir == null)
            tmpdir = GetWorkDir();

        string firstApiDefinitionName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(StringUtils.Unquote(api_sources [0]));

        firstApiDefinitionName = firstApiDefinitionName.Replace('-', '_');          // This is not exhaustive, but common.
        if (outfile == null)
            outfile = firstApiDefinitionName + ".dll";

        string refs = string.Empty;

        foreach (var r in references)
            if (refs != string.Empty)
                refs += " ";
            refs += "-r:" + StringUtils.Quote(r);
        string paths = (libs.Count > 0 ? "-lib:" + String.Join(" -lib:", libs.ToArray()) : "");

        try {
            var tmpass = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "temp.dll");

            // -nowarn:436 is to avoid conflicts in definitions between core.dll and the sources
            // Keep source files at the end of the command line - csc will create TWO assemblies if any sources preceed the -out parameter
            var cargs = new StringBuilder();

            cargs.Append("-debug -unsafe -target:library -nowarn:436").Append(' ');
            cargs.Append("-out:").Append(StringUtils.Quote(tmpass)).Append(' ');
            cargs.Append("-r:").Append(StringUtils.Quote(GetAttributeLibraryPath())).Append(' ');
            cargs.Append(refs).Append(' ');
            if (unsafef)
                cargs.Append("-unsafe ");
            cargs.Append("-r:").Append(StringUtils.Quote(baselibdll)).Append(' ');
            foreach (var def in defines)
                cargs.Append("-define:").Append(def).Append(' ');
            cargs.Append(paths).Append(' ');
            if (nostdlib)
                cargs.Append("-nostdlib ");
                cargs.Append("-noconfig ");
            foreach (var qs in api_sources)
                cargs.Append(qs).Append(' ');
            foreach (var cs in core_sources)
                cargs.Append(cs).Append(' ');
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(baselibdll)))
                cargs.Append("-lib:").Append(Path.GetDirectoryName(baselibdll)).Append(' ');

            var si = new ProcessStartInfo(compiler, cargs.ToString())
                UseShellExecute = false,

            // HACK: We are calling btouch with forced 2.1 path but we need working mono for compiler

            if (verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", si.FileName, si.Arguments);

            var p = Process.Start(si);
            if (p.ExitCode != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: API binding contains errors.", ToolName);

            universe = new Universe(UniverseOptions.EnableFunctionPointers | UniverseOptions.ResolveMissingMembers | UniverseOptions.MetadataOnly);

            Assembly api;
            try {
                api = universe.LoadFile(tmpass);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (verbose)

                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error loading API definition from {0}", tmpass);

            Assembly baselib;
            try {
                baselib = universe.LoadFile(baselibdll);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (verbose)

                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error loading base library {0}", baselibdll);

            Assembly corlib_assembly   = universe.LoadFile(LocateAssembly("mscorlib"));
            Assembly platform_assembly = baselib;
            Assembly system_assembly   = universe.LoadFile(LocateAssembly("System"));
            Assembly binding_assembly  = universe.LoadFile(GetAttributeLibraryPath());
            TypeManager.Initialize(api, corlib_assembly, platform_assembly, system_assembly, binding_assembly);

            foreach (var linkWith in AttributeManager.GetCustomAttributes <LinkWithAttribute> (api))
                if (!linkwith.Contains(linkWith.LibraryName))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Missing native library {0}, please use `--link-with' to specify the path to this library.", linkWith.LibraryName);

            foreach (var r in references)
                if (File.Exists(r))
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        ErrorHelper.Show(new BindingException(1104, false, "Could not load the referenced library '{0}': {1}.", r, ex.Message));

            var types = new List <Type> ();
            var strong_dictionaries = new List <Type> ();
            foreach (var t in api.GetTypes())
                if ((process_enums && t.IsEnum) ||
                    AttributeManager.HasAttribute <BaseTypeAttribute> (t) ||
                    AttributeManager.HasAttribute <ProtocolAttribute> (t) ||
                    AttributeManager.HasAttribute <StaticAttribute> (t) ||
                    AttributeManager.HasAttribute <PartialAttribute> (t))
                if (AttributeManager.HasAttribute <StrongDictionaryAttribute> (t))

            var nsManager = new NamespaceManager(
                ns == null ? firstApiDefinitionName : ns,

            var g = new Generator(nsManager, public_mode, external, debug, types.ToArray(), strong_dictionaries.ToArray())
                BaseDir         = basedir != null ? basedir : tmpdir,
                ZeroCopyStrings = zero_copy,
                InlineSelectors = inline_selectors ?? (Unified && CurrentPlatform != PlatformName.MacOSX),

            if (!Unified && !Generator.BindThirdPartyLibrary)
                foreach (var mi in baselib.GetType(nsManager.CoreObjCRuntime + ".Messaging").GetMethods())
                    if (mi.Name.IndexOf("_objc_msgSend", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)


            if (generate_file_list != null)
                using (var f = File.CreateText(generate_file_list)){
                    foreach (var x in g.GeneratedFiles.OrderBy((v) => v))

            if (unsafef)
                cargs.Append("-unsafe ");
            cargs.Append("-target:library ");
            cargs.Append("-out:").Append(StringUtils.Quote(outfile)).Append(' ');
            foreach (var def in defines)
                cargs.Append("-define:").Append(def).Append(' ');
            foreach (var gf in g.GeneratedFiles)
                cargs.Append(gf).Append(' ');
            foreach (var cs in core_sources)
                cargs.Append(cs).Append(' ');
            foreach (var es in extra_sources)
                cargs.Append(es).Append(' ');
            cargs.Append(refs).Append(' ');
            cargs.Append("-r:").Append(StringUtils.Quote(baselibdll)).Append(' ');
            foreach (var res in resources)
                cargs.Append(res).Append(' ');
            if (nostdlib)
                cargs.Append("-nostdlib ");
                cargs.Append("-noconfig ");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(baselibdll)))
                cargs.Append("-lib:").Append(Path.GetDirectoryName(baselibdll)).Append(' ');

            si = new ProcessStartInfo(compiler, cargs.ToString())
                UseShellExecute = false,

            // HACK: We are calling btouch with forced 2.1 path but we need working mono for compiler

            if (verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", si.FileName, si.Arguments);

            p = Process.Start(si);
            if (p.ExitCode != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: API binding contains errors.", ToolName);
        } finally {
            if (delete_temp)
                Directory.Delete(tmpdir, true);
예제 #3
    int Main3(string [] args)
        bool          show_help = false;
        bool          zero_copy = false;
        string        basedir = null;
        string        tmpdir = null;
        string        ns = null;
        bool          delete_temp = true, debug = false;
        bool          verbose          = false;
        bool          unsafef          = true;
        bool          external         = false;
        bool          public_mode      = true;
        bool          nostdlib         = false;
        bool?         inline_selectors = null;
        List <string> sources;
        var           resources          = new List <string> ();
        var           linkwith           = new List <string> ();
        var           references         = new List <string> ();
        var           api_sources        = new List <string> ();
        var           core_sources       = new List <string> ();
        var           extra_sources      = new List <string> ();
        var           defines            = new List <string> ();
        string        generate_file_list = null;
        bool          process_enums      = false;
        string        compiler           = "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin/csc";


        var os = new OptionSet()
            { "h|?|help", "Displays the help", v => show_help = true },
            { "a", "Include alpha bindings (Obsolete).", v => {}, true },
            { "outdir=", "Sets the output directory for the temporary binding files", v => { basedir = v; } },
            { "o|out=", "Sets the name of the output library", v => outfile = v },
            { "tmpdir=", "Sets the working directory for temp files", v => { tmpdir = v; delete_temp = false; } },
            { "debug", "Generates a debugging build of the binding", v => debug = true },
            { "sourceonly=", "Only generates the source", v => generate_file_list = v },
            { "ns=", "Sets the namespace for storing helper classes", v => ns = v },
            { "unsafe", "Sets the unsafe flag for the build", v => unsafef = true },
            { "core", "Use this to build product assemblies", v => BindThirdPartyLibrary = false },
            { "r|reference=", "Adds a reference", v => references.Add(v) },
            { "lib=", "Adds the directory to the search path for the compiler", v => libs.Add(v) },
            { "compiler=", "Sets the compiler to use (Obsolete) ", v => compiler = v, true },
            { "sdk=", "Sets the .NET SDK to use (Obsolete)", v => {}, true },
            { "new-style", "Build for Unified (Obsolete).", v => { Console.WriteLine("The --new-style option is obsolete and ignored."); }, true },
            { "d=", "Defines a symbol", v => defines.Add(v) },
            { "api=", "Adds a API definition source file", v => api_sources.Add(v) },
            { "s=", "Adds a source file required to build the API", v => core_sources.Add(v) },
            { "q", "Quiet", v => verbose = false },
            { "v", "Sets verbose mode", v => verbose = true },
            { "x=", "Adds the specified file to the build, used after the core files are compiled", v => extra_sources.Add(v) },
            { "e", "Generates smaller classes that can not be subclassed (previously called 'external mode')", v => external = true },
            { "p", "Sets private mode", v => public_mode = false },
            { "baselib=", "Sets the base library", v => baselibdll = v },
            { "attributelib=", "Sets the attribute library", v => attributedll = v },
            { "use-zero-copy", v => zero_copy = true },
            { "nostdlib", "Does not reference mscorlib.dll library", l => nostdlib = true },
            { "no-mono-path", "Launches compiler with empty MONO_PATH", l => { }, true },
            { "native-exception-marshalling", "Enable the marshalling support for Objective-C exceptions", (v) => { /* no-op */ } },
            { "inline-selectors:", "If Selector.GetHandle is inlined and does not need to be cached (enabled by default in Xamarin.iOS, disabled in Xamarin.Mac)",
              v => inline_selectors = string.Equals("true", v, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(v) },
            { "process-enums", "Process enums as bindings, not external, types.", v => process_enums = true },
            { "link-with=,", "Link with a native library {0:FILE} to the binding, embedded as a resource named {1:ID}",
              (path, id) => {
                  if (path == null || path.Length == 0)
                      throw new Exception("-link-with=FILE,ID requires a filename.");

                  if (id == null || id.Length == 0)
                      id = Path.GetFileName(path);

                  if (linkwith.Contains(id))
                      throw new Exception("-link-with=FILE,ID cannot assign the same resource id to multiple libraries.");

                  resources.Add(string.Format("-res:{0},{1}", path, id));
              } },
            { "unified-full-profile", "Launches compiler pointing to XM Full Profile", l => { /* no-op*/ }, true },
            { "unified-mobile-profile", "Launches compiler pointing to XM Mobile Profile", l => { /* no-op*/ }, true },
            { "target-framework=", "Specify target framework to use. Always required, and the currently supported values are: 'Xamarin.iOS,v1.0', 'Xamarin.TVOS,v1.0', 'Xamarin.WatchOS,v1.0', 'XamMac,v1.0', 'Xamarin.Mac,Version=v2.0,Profile=Mobile', 'Xamarin.Mac,Version=v4.5,Profile=Full' and 'Xamarin.Mac,Version=v4.5,Profile=System')", v => SetTargetFramework(v) },
            { "warnaserror:", "An optional comma-separated list of warning codes that should be reported as errors (if no warnings are specified all warnings are reported as errors).", v => {
                  try {
                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                          foreach (var code in v.Split(new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                              ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel(ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Error, int.Parse(code));
                  } catch (Exception ex) {
                      throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(26, ex.Message);
              } },
            { "nowarn:", "An optional comma-separated list of warning codes to ignore (if no warnings are specified all warnings are ignored).", v => {
                  try {
                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v))
                          foreach (var code in v.Split(new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                              ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel(ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Disable, int.Parse(code));
                  } catch (Exception ex) {
                      throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(26, ex.Message);
              } },
            new Mono.Options.ResponseFileSource(),

        try {
            sources = os.Parse(args);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Console.Error.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ToolName, e.Message);
            Console.Error.WriteLine("see {0} --help for more information", ToolName);

        if (show_help)

        if (!target_framework.HasValue)
            throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(86);

        switch (target_framework.Value.Platform)
        case ApplePlatform.iOS:
            CurrentPlatform = PlatformName.iOS;
            nostdlib        = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.iOS.dll");
            if (!IsDotNet)
                ReferenceFixer.FixSDKReferences(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.iOS", references);

        case ApplePlatform.TVOS:
            CurrentPlatform = PlatformName.TvOS;
            nostdlib        = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.TVOS/Xamarin.TVOS.dll");
            if (!IsDotNet)
                ReferenceFixer.FixSDKReferences(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.TVOS", references);

        case ApplePlatform.WatchOS:
            CurrentPlatform = PlatformName.WatchOS;
            nostdlib        = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.WatchOS/Xamarin.WatchOS.dll");
            if (!IsDotNet)
                ReferenceFixer.FixSDKReferences(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.WatchOS", references);

        case ApplePlatform.MacOSX:
            CurrentPlatform = PlatformName.MacOSX;
            nostdlib        = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baselibdll))
                if (target_framework == TargetFramework.Xamarin_Mac_2_0_Mobile)
                    baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib", "reference", "mobile", "Xamarin.Mac.dll");
                else if (target_framework == TargetFramework.Xamarin_Mac_4_5_Full || target_framework == TargetFramework.Xamarin_Mac_4_5_System)
                    baselibdll = Path.Combine(GetSDKRoot(), "lib", "reference", "full", "Xamarin.Mac.dll");
                    throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(1053, target_framework);
            if (target_framework == TargetFramework.Xamarin_Mac_2_0_Mobile)
                skipSystemDrawing = true;
                ReferenceFixer.FixSDKReferences(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/Xamarin.Mac", references);
            else if (target_framework == TargetFramework.Xamarin_Mac_4_5_Full)
                skipSystemDrawing = true;
                ReferenceFixer.FixSDKReferences(GetSDKRoot(), "lib/mono/4.5", references);
            else if (target_framework == TargetFramework.Xamarin_Mac_4_5_System)
                skipSystemDrawing = false;
                ReferenceFixer.FixSDKReferences("/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/mono/4.5", references, forceSystemDrawing: true);
            else if (target_framework == TargetFramework.DotNet_5_0_macOS)
                skipSystemDrawing = false;
                throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(1053, target_framework);


            throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(1053, target_framework);

        if (sources.Count > 0)
            api_sources.Insert(0, sources [0]);
            for (int i = 1; i < sources.Count; i++)
                core_sources.Insert(i - 1, sources [i]);

        if (api_sources.Count == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Error: no api file provided");

        if (tmpdir == null)
            tmpdir = GetWorkDir();

        string firstApiDefinitionName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(api_sources [0]);

        firstApiDefinitionName = firstApiDefinitionName.Replace('-', '_');          // This is not exhaustive, but common.
        if (outfile == null)
            outfile = firstApiDefinitionName + ".dll";

        var refs  = references.Select((v) => "-r:" + v);
        var paths = libs.Select((v) => "-lib:" + v);

        try {
            var tmpass = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "temp.dll");

            // -nowarn:436 is to avoid conflicts in definitions between core.dll and the sources
            // Keep source files at the end of the command line - csc will create TWO assemblies if any sources preceed the -out parameter
            var cargs = new List <string> ();

            cargs.Add("-out:" + tmpass);
            cargs.Add("-r:" + GetAttributeLibraryPath());
            if (unsafef)
            cargs.Add("-r:" + baselibdll);
            foreach (var def in defines)
                cargs.Add("-define:" + def);
            if (nostdlib)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(baselibdll)))
                cargs.Add("-lib:" + Path.GetDirectoryName(baselibdll));

            if (Driver.RunCommand(compiler, cargs, null, out var compile_output, true, verbose ? 1 : 0) != 0)
                throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(2, compile_output.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n\t"));

            universe = new Universe(UniverseOptions.EnableFunctionPointers | UniverseOptions.ResolveMissingMembers | UniverseOptions.MetadataOnly);
            if (IsDotNet)
                // IKVM tries uses reflection to locate assemblies on disk, but .NET doesn't include reflection so that fails.
                // Instead intercept assembly resolution and look for assemblies where we know they are.
                var resolved_assemblies = new Dictionary <string, Assembly> ();
                universe.AssemblyResolve += (object sender, IKVM.Reflection.ResolveEventArgs rea) => {
                    var an = new AssemblyName(rea.Name);

                    // Check if we've already found this assembly
                    if (resolved_assemblies.TryGetValue(an.Name, out var rv))

                    // Check if the assembly has already been loaded into IKVM
                    var assemblies = universe.GetAssemblies();
                    foreach (var asm in assemblies)
                        if (asm.GetName().Name == an.Name)
                            resolved_assemblies [an.Name] = asm;

                    // Look in the references to find a matching one and get the path from there.
                    foreach (var r in references)
                        var fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(r);
                        if (fn == an.Name)
                            rv = universe.LoadFile(r);
                            resolved_assemblies [an.Name] = rv;

                    throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(1081, rea.Name);

            Assembly api;
            try {
                api = universe.LoadFile(tmpass);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (verbose)

                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error loading API definition from {0}", tmpass);

            Assembly baselib;
            try {
                baselib = universe.LoadFile(baselibdll);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (verbose)

                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error loading base library {0}", baselibdll);

            AttributeManager = new AttributeManager(this);
            Frameworks       = new Frameworks(CurrentPlatform);

            Assembly corlib_assembly = universe.LoadFile(LocateAssembly("mscorlib"));
            // Explicitly load our attribute library so that IKVM doesn't try (and fail) to find it.

            TypeManager.Initialize(this, api, corlib_assembly, baselib);

            foreach (var linkWith in AttributeManager.GetCustomAttributes <LinkWithAttribute> (api))
                if (!linkwith.Contains(linkWith.LibraryName))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Missing native library {0}, please use `--link-with' to specify the path to this library.", linkWith.LibraryName);

            foreach (var r in references)
                // IKVM has a bug where it doesn't correctly compare assemblies, which means it
                // can end up loading the same assembly (in particular any System.Runtime whose
                // version > 4.0, but likely others as well) more than once. This is bad, because
                // we compare types based on reference equality, which breaks down when there are
                // multiple instances of the same type.
                // So just don't ask IKVM to load assemblies that have already been loaded.
                var fn         = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(r);
                var assemblies = universe.GetAssemblies();
                if (assemblies.Any((v) => v.GetName().Name == fn))

                if (File.Exists(r))
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        ErrorHelper.Warning(1104, r, ex.Message);

            var types = new List <Type> ();
            var strong_dictionaries = new List <Type> ();
            foreach (var t in api.GetTypes())
                if ((process_enums && t.IsEnum) ||
                    AttributeManager.HasAttribute <BaseTypeAttribute> (t) ||
                    AttributeManager.HasAttribute <ProtocolAttribute> (t) ||
                    AttributeManager.HasAttribute <StaticAttribute> (t) ||
                    AttributeManager.HasAttribute <PartialAttribute> (t))
                if (AttributeManager.HasAttribute <StrongDictionaryAttribute> (t))

            var nsManager = new NamespaceManager(
                ns == null ? firstApiDefinitionName : ns,

            var g = new Generator(this, nsManager, public_mode, external, debug, types.ToArray(), strong_dictionaries.ToArray())
                BaseDir         = basedir != null ? basedir : tmpdir,
                ZeroCopyStrings = zero_copy,
                InlineSelectors = inline_selectors ?? (CurrentPlatform != PlatformName.MacOSX),


            if (generate_file_list != null)
                using (var f = File.CreateText(generate_file_list)){
                    foreach (var x in g.GeneratedFiles.OrderBy((v) => v))

            if (unsafef)
            cargs.Add("-out:" + outfile);
            foreach (var def in defines)
                cargs.Add("-define:" + def);
            cargs.Add("-r:" + baselibdll);
            if (nostdlib)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(baselibdll)))
                cargs.Add("-lib:" + Path.GetDirectoryName(baselibdll));

            if (Driver.RunCommand(compiler, cargs, null, out var generated_compile_output, true, verbose ? 1 : 0) != 0)
                throw ErrorHelper.CreateError(1000, generated_compile_output.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n\t"));
        } finally {
            if (delete_temp)
                Directory.Delete(tmpdir, true);