public static void render(AXParametricObject po, bool makeTexture = false) { AXModel model = po.model; if (model == null) { return; } model.assertThumnailSupport(); // THUMBNAIL BACKGROUND COLOR if (po.generator != null && makeTexture) { model.thumbnailCamera.backgroundColor = po.generator.ThumbnailColor; } // WHY ARE THE THUMNAIL AND RenTex null? if (po.renTex == null) { po.renTex = new RenderTexture(256, 256, 24); } if (!po.renTex.IsCreated()) { po.renTex.antiAliasing = 8; po.renTex.Create(); } // This started giving an error in 5.3 and did not seem to be needed anyway! if (makeTexture) { = po.renTex; } model.thumbnailCamera.targetTexture = po.renTex; model.thumbnailCameraGO.transform.position = po.getThumbnailCameraPosition(); model.thumbnailCameraGO.gameObject.transform.LookAt(po.getThumbnailCameraTarget()); // USE THIS MATRIX TO DRAW THE PO's MESHES SOMEWHERE FAR, FAR AWAY //Debug.Log("RENDER: " + po.Name); Material tmpMat = null; if (po.generator is MaterialTool) { if (po.axMat != null && po.axMat.mat != null) { tmpMat = po.axMat.mat; } else if (po.grouper != null && po.grouper.axMat != null && po.grouper.axMat.mat != null) { tmpMat = po.grouper.axMat.mat; } else { tmpMat = model.axMat.mat; } //Debug.Log("RENDER TEXTURETOOL " + model.thumbnailCameraGO.transform.position + " mesh-> " + model.thumbnailMaterialMesh.vertices.Length + " -- " + tmpMat); Graphics.DrawMesh(model.thumbnailMaterialMesh, model.remoteThumbnailLocation, tmpMat, 0, model.thumbnailCamera); model.thumbnailCamera.Render(); } else { AXParameter op = po.getParameter("Output Mesh"); if (op != null) { // RE-RENDER // After a save or reload, the RenterTextures are empty if (op.meshes != null) { for (int mi = 0; mi < op.meshes.Count; mi++) { AXMesh axmesh = op.meshes [mi]; if (axmesh.mat != null) { tmpMat = axmesh.mat; } else if (po.axMat != null && po.axMat.mat != null) { tmpMat = po.axMat.mat; } else if (po.grouper != null && po.grouper.axMat != null && po.grouper.axMat.mat != null) { tmpMat = po.grouper.axMat.mat; } else { tmpMat = model.axMat.mat; } Graphics.DrawMesh(axmesh.drawMesh, (model.remoteThumbnailLocation * axmesh.transMatrix), tmpMat, 0, model.thumbnailCamera); } } model.thumbnailCamera.Render(); } } // write to texture if (makeTexture) { if (po.thumbnail == null) { po.thumbnail = new Texture2D(256, 256); } po.thumbnail.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, po.renTex.width, po.renTex.height), 0, 0); po.thumbnail.Apply(); } if (makeTexture) { = null; } // 3. Set helper objects to inactive model.thumbnailLightGO.SetActive(false); model.thumbnailCameraGO.SetActive(false); }