예제 #1
        // GENERATE
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))


            float amount = parametricObject.floatValue("amount");

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter        input_p      = parametricObject.getParameter("Input Mesh");
            AXParametricObject input_parent = input_p.DependsOn.Parent;

            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalTrans = input_parent.getLocalTransformMatrix();
            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalAxis  = input_parent.getAxisRotationMatrix();
            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalAlign = input_parent.getLocalAlignMatrix();

            // just pass it through, but use grandparent's transform!

            for (int i = 0; i < input_p.DependsOn.meshes.Count; i++)
                // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.
                AXMesh    amesh = input_p.DependsOn.meshes [i];
                Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;
                for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                    float new_y = (verts [j].y < .01) ? verts [j].y : verts [j].y + amount * (Mathf.PerlinNoise(verts [j].x, verts [j].z) * .5f);
                    verts [j] = new Vector3(verts [j].x, new_y, verts [j].z);
                m.vertices = verts;
                ax_meshes.Add(amesh.Clone(amesh.transMatrix * sourceLocalAlign.inverse * sourceLocalAxis.inverse * sourceLocalTrans.inverse));

            parametricObject.bounds = input_parent.bounds;
            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

예제 #2
        // GENERATE
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))


            Terrain terrain = parametricObject.terrain;
            //float terrainY = 0;

            //float amount  = parametricObject.floatValue("amount");

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter input_p    = parametricObject.getParameter("Input Mesh");
            AXParameter inputSrc_p = input_p.DependsOn;

            AXParametricObject inputSrc_po = inputSrc_p.parametricObject;

            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalTrans = inputSrc_po.getLocalTransformMatrix();
            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalAxis  = inputSrc_po.getAxisRotationMatrix();
            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalAlign = inputSrc_po.getLocalAlignMatrix();

            // just pass it through, but use grandparent's transform!

            //inputSrc_po.generator.generate(false, null, true);

            if (inputSrc_p != null && inputSrc_p.meshes != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < inputSrc_p.meshes.Count; i++)
                    // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.

                    AXMesh    amesh = inputSrc_p.meshes [i].Clone();
                    Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                    Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;
                    for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                        //float new_y = (verts[i].y < .01) ? verts[i].y : verts[i].y+amount* (Mathf.PerlinNoise(verts[i].x,  verts[i].z) *  .5f);

                        float new_y = (terrain == null) ? verts [j].y : verts [j].y + terrain.SampleHeight(parametricObject.model.gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(parametricObject.localMatrix.MultiplyPoint(verts [j])));

                        verts [j] = new Vector3(verts [j].x, new_y, verts [j].z);
                    m.vertices = verts;
                    ax_meshes.Add(amesh.Clone(amesh.transMatrix * sourceLocalAlign.inverse * sourceLocalAxis.inverse * sourceLocalTrans.inverse));

                parametricObject.bounds = inputSrc_po.bounds;
                parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

                if (makeGameObjects)
                    return(parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true));

예제 #3
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            if (!Application.isPlaying)

            bool byPlane = true;

            if (handle == null)

            AXParametricObject parametricObject = handle.parametricObject;

            // GET POSITION

            if (parametricObject.is2D())
                context = parametricObject.model.transform.localToWorldMatrix * parametricObject.worldDisplayMatrix;

                if (parametricObject.generator.hasOutputsConnected() || parametricObject.is2D())
                    context *= parametricObject.generator.localMatrix.inverse;
                    context *= parametricObject.getAxisRotationMatrix().inverse *parametricObject.generator.localMatrix.inverse *parametricObject.getAxisRotationMatrix();
                // GROUPER MATRIX NOT WORKING....
                context = parametricObject.model.transform.localToWorldMatrix * parametricObject.generator.parametricObject.worldDisplayMatrix * (parametricObject.getAxisRotationMatrix() * parametricObject.getLocalAlignMatrix()).inverse * parametricObject.generator.localMatrix.inverse;

            // position handle by parmeters.

            double h_diff = 0;
            double v_diff = 0;

            if (mouseIsDown)
                if (Input.touchCount == 1)
                    // touch input - works better with deltaPosition
                    var touch = Input.GetTouch(0);
                    //var dx = touch.deltaPosition.x;
                    h_diff = (100.0 / Screen.width) * touch.deltaPosition.x;
                    v_diff = (100.0 / Screen.width) * touch.deltaPosition.y;
                    // 0 touches: must be mouse input
                    h_diff = (5000 / Screen.width) * Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
                    v_diff = (5000 / Screen.width) * Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
                h_diff /= 5;
                v_diff /= 5;
                //Debug.Log(h_diff +", " + v_diff);

                //using plane
                if (byPlane)
                    //Vector3 prevPosition = transform.position;

                // BASED ON PLANE
                Vector3 world_pos = transform.position;

                if (byPlane)
                    Vector3 hit_position3D = sampleHitPoint();
                    world_pos          = hit_position3D - mouseDownDiff;
                    transform.position = world_pos;

                Vector3 localPosition = context.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(world_pos);

                //transform.position = world_pos;

                //if (transform.position != prevPosition)
                if (h_diff != 0 || v_diff != 0)

                    // Determine the orientation of the camera

                    //The normal OperatingSystemFamily the handle plane
                    //Debug.Log (lookV);

                    float threshold = .707f;

                    double diffX = -v_diff;
                    double diffZ = h_diff;

                    // This logic works with a normal vector

                    if (!byPlane)
                        if (lookV.x > 0 && lookV.z < 0)
                            diffX = (1 - lookV.x) * h_diff - lookV.x * v_diff;
                            diffZ = (1 + lookV.z) * h_diff - lookV.z * v_diff;
                        else if (lookV.x > 0 && lookV.z > 0)
                            diffX = -((lookV.x)) * h_diff - lookV.x * v_diff;
                            diffZ = (1 + lookV.z) * h_diff - lookV.z * v_diff;
                        else if (lookV.x < 0 && lookV.z > 0)
                            diffX = (1 + lookV.x) * h_diff + lookV.x * v_diff;
                            diffZ = (1 - lookV.z) * h_diff + lookV.z * v_diff;
                        else if (lookV.x > 0 && lookV.z > 0)
                            diffX = -((lookV.x)) * h_diff - (lookV.x) * v_diff;
                            diffZ = (1 + lookV.z) * h_diff - lookV.z * v_diff;    //(-lookV.x + lookV.z) * v_diff;
                        else if (lookV.z > threshold)                             // pointing forwards
                            diffX = -h_diff;
                            diffZ = -v_diff;
                        else if (lookV.z < -threshold)
                            // pointing backwards
                            diffX = h_diff;
                            diffZ = v_diff;
                        else if (lookV.x > 0)
                            // pointing right
                            diffX = -h_diff;
                            diffZ = v_diff;
                            // pointing left
                            diffX = v_diff;
                            diffZ = -h_diff;

                    AXHandle han = handle;

                    string hanString = "han_y";
                    float  posV      = localPosition.y;

                    if (parametricObject.is3D())
                        hanString = "han_z";
                        posV      = localPosition.z;

                    if (byPlane)
                        parametricObject.setVar("han_x", (localPosition.x));
                        if (parametricObject.is3D())
                            parametricObject.setVar("han_z", world_pos.z);
                            parametricObject.setVar("han_y", localPosition.y);
                        // Relative slide of cursor
                        parametricObject.setVar("han_x", (localPosition.x + (float)diffX));
                        parametricObject.setVar(hanString, (posV + (float)diffZ));

                    // From plane
//					parametricObject.setVar("han_x", localPosition.x);
//					parametricObject.setVar("han_y", localPosition.y);
//					parametricObject.setVar("han_z", localPosition.z);

                    // EACH EXPRESSION
                    for (int i = 0; i < han.expressions.Count; i++)
                        if (han.expressions [i] == "")

                        string expression = Regex.Replace(han.expressions [i], @"\s+", "");

                        string paramName  = expression.Substring(0, expression.IndexOf("="));
                        string definition = expression.Substring(expression.IndexOf("=") + 1);
                        //Debug.Log (param + " --- " + definition);

                        try {
                            if (parametricObject.getParameter(paramName).Type == AXParameter.DataType.Int)
                                parametricObject.initiateRipple_setIntValueFromGUIChange(paramName, Mathf.RoundToInt((float)parametricObject.parseMath(definition)));
                                parametricObject.initiateRipple_setFloatValueFromGUIChange(paramName, (float)parametricObject.parseMath(definition));
                        } catch (System.Exception e) {
                            parametricObject.codeWarning = "10. Handle error: Please check syntax of: \"" + definition + "\" " + e.Message;
