// GROUPER::GENERATE public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica) { //if (ArchimatixUtils.doDebug) //Debug.Log (parametricObject.Name + " generate +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); if (!parametricObject.isActive) { return(null); } if (parametricObject.Groupees == null) { return(null); } preGenerate(); parametricObject.useMeshInputs = true; if (parametricObject.meshInputs == null) { parametricObject.meshInputs = new List <AXParameter>(); } // PROCESS INPUT SHAPES // pass Input Shape through... //Debug.Log( parametricObject.Name + " <><><><><> PROCESS INPUT SHAPES"); List <AXParameter> inputShapes = parametricObject.getAllInputShapes(); for (int i = 0; i < inputShapes.Count; i++) { AXParameter inputShape = inputShapes[i]; if (inputShape != null) { inputShape.polyTree = null; AXShape.thickenAndOffset(ref inputShape, inputShape.DependsOn); } } GameObject go = null; if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes) { go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject); } List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>(); List <AXMesh> boundingMeshes = new List <AXMesh>(); // for each input //List<AXParameter> inputMeshes = parametricObject.getAllInputMeshParameters(); // Reinstate the original functionality of the Grouper as simple combiner in addition to Groupees. if (inputs != null && inputs.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++) { if (inputs[i] != null && inputs[i].DependsOn != null) { if (inputs[i].Dependents != null || inputs[i].Dependents.Count == 0) { AXParameter src_p = inputs[i].DependsOn; AXParametricObject src_po = inputs[i].DependsOn.parametricObject; //if (! parametricObject.visited_pos.Contains (groupee)) //Debug.Log("groupee.generateOutputNow: " + groupee.Name + " isAltered="+groupee.isAltered); if (src_po.isAltered) { src_po.generateOutputNow(makeGameObjects, initiator_po); //Debug.Log("XXXXX: " + groupee.Output.meshes.Count); src_po.isAltered = false; parametricObject.model.AlteredPOs.Remove(src_po); } if (src_p != null && src_p.meshes != null) { for (int j = 0; j < src_p.meshes.Count; j++) { AXMesh dep_amesh = src_p.meshes [j]; ax_meshes.Add(dep_amesh.Clone(dep_amesh.transMatrix)); } } // BOUNDING MESHES //boundsCombinator[i].mesh = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.boundsMesh; //boundsCombinator[i].transform = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment; if (src_po.boundsMesh != null) { boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(src_po.boundsMesh, src_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment)); } // GAME_OBJECTS if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes) { GameObject plugGO = src_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica); if (plugGO != null) { plugGO.transform.parent = go.transform; } } } } } } // *** GROUPEES - Generate the groupees here // so that all the inputs (thicknesses, etc.) have been processed first. //List<AXParametricObject> visited_pos = new List<AXParametricObject>(); if (parametricObject.Groupees != null && parametricObject.Groupees.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < parametricObject.Groupees.Count; i++) { AXParametricObject groupee = parametricObject.Groupees [i]; //if (! parametricObject.visited_pos.Contains (groupee)) //Debug.Log("groupee.generateOutputNow: " + groupee.Name + " isAltered="+groupee.isAltered); if (groupee.isAltered) { groupee.generateOutputNow(makeGameObjects, initiator_po); //Debug.Log("XXXXX: " + groupee.Output.meshes.Count); groupee.isAltered = false; parametricObject.model.AlteredPOs.Remove(groupee); } } } // BOUNDING // Process for (int i = 0; i < parametricObject.Groupees.Count; i++) { AXParametricObject groupee = parametricObject.Groupees [i]; //if (input_p != null && input_p.DependsOn != null && input_p.DependsOn.meshes != null && input_p.DependsOn.meshes.Count > 0) { //if (groupee != null && groupee.is3D() && ! groupee.hasDependents() && groupee.Output != null && groupee.Output.meshes != null) if (groupee != null && groupee.is3D() && groupee.shouldRenderSelf(true)) { // AX_MESHES //Debug.Log("(*) (*) (*) (*) groupee: " + groupee.Name + " " +groupee.Output.meshes.Count + " isAltered = " + groupee.isAltered); if (groupee.Output != null && groupee.Output.meshes != null) { for (int j = 0; j < groupee.Output.meshes.Count; j++) { AXMesh dep_amesh = groupee.Output.meshes [j]; ax_meshes.Add(dep_amesh.Clone(dep_amesh.transMatrix)); } } // BOUNDING MESHES //boundsCombinator[i].mesh = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.boundsMesh; //boundsCombinator[i].transform = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment; if (groupee.boundsMesh != null) { boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(groupee.boundsMesh, groupee.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment)); } // GAME_OBJECTS if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes) { GameObject plugGO = groupee.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica); if (plugGO != null) { plugGO.transform.parent = go.transform; } } } } // FINISH AX_MESHES //Debug.Log("ORG: " + ax_meshes.Count); parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica); // FINISH BOUNDS CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[boundingMeshes.Count]; for (int bb = 0; bb < boundsCombinator.Length; bb++) { boundsCombinator[bb].mesh = boundingMeshes[bb].mesh; boundsCombinator[bb].transform = boundingMeshes[bb].transMatrix; } setBoundsWithCombinator(boundsCombinator); if (P_BoundsX != null && !P_BoundsX.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsX.hasExpressions()) { P_BoundsX.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.x; } if (P_BoundsY != null && !P_BoundsY.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsY.hasExpressions()) { P_BoundsY.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.y; } if (P_BoundsZ != null && !P_BoundsZ.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsZ.hasExpressions()) { P_BoundsZ.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.z; } // FINISH GAME_OBJECTS if (makeGameObjects) { if (parametricObject.combineMeshes) { go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true, false); // COMBINE ALL THE MESHES CombineInstance[] combine = new CombineInstance[ax_meshes.Count]; int combineCt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ax_meshes.Count; i++) { AXMesh _amesh = ax_meshes [i]; combine [combineCt].mesh = _amesh.mesh; combine [combineCt].transform = _amesh.transMatrix; combineCt++; } Mesh combinedMesh = new Mesh(); combinedMesh.CombineMeshes(combine); // If combine, use combined mesh as invisible collider MeshFilter mf = (MeshFilter)go.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)); if (mf == null) { mf = (MeshFilter)go.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)); } if (mf != null) { mf.sharedMesh = combinedMesh; parametricObject.addCollider(go); } } else { Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix(); go.transform.rotation = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx); go.transform.position = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx); go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated(); } return(go); } //parametricObject.model.sw.milestone(parametricObject.Name + " generate"); return(null); }
public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica) { if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive) { return(null); } if (P_PrototypePlan == null || P_Prototype == null) { return(null); } preGenerate(); // PLAN planSrc_p = P_Plan.DependsOn; // getUpstreamSourceParameter(P_Plan); planSrc_po = (planSrc_p != null) ? planSrc_p.parametricObject : null; P_Plan.polyTree = null; AXShape.thickenAndOffset(ref P_Plan, planSrc_p); planPaths = P_Plan.getPaths(); if (planPaths == null || planPaths.Count == 0) { return(null); } prototypePlanSrc_p = P_PrototypePlan.DependsOn; prototypePlanSrc_po = (prototypePlanSrc_p != null) ? prototypePlanSrc_p.parametricObject : null; prototypeSrc_p = P_Prototype.DependsOn; prototypePlanSrc_po = (prototypeSrc_p != null) ? prototypeSrc_p.parametricObject : null; if (prototypePlanSrc_p == null || prototypePlanSrc_po == null || prototypeSrc_po == null) { return(null); } AXParameter srcSrc_p = prototypePlanSrc_p.DependsOn; if (srcSrc_p == null) { return(null); } // AX_MESHES List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>(); GameObject go = null; if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes) { go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject); } Perlin perlin = new Perlin(); perlin.OctaveCount = 1; perlin.Frequency = .05f; GameObject replicant = null; foreach (Path plan in planPaths) { // 1. cache source object //prototypeSrc_po.cacheParameterValues(); Paths tmpPaths = new Paths(); tmpPaths.Add(plan); IntPoint planCenter = AXGeometryTools.Utilities.getCenter(tmpPaths); Vector3 centerPt = AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPt2Vec3(planCenter); //Debug.Log("Center: " + centerPt); srcSrc_p.paths = tmpPaths; float area = ((float)Clipper.Area(plan)) / 1000000000; //Debug.Log(area); float perlinVal = (float)perlin.GetValue(centerPt); float h = 3 + 100 * (float)Math.Exp(-(.1f * area)) + 5 * perlinVal; // (float) perlin.GetValue(2,3,4); AXParameter sHeight = prototypeSrc_po.getParameter("Height"); sHeight.initiateRipple_setFloatValueFromGUIChange(h); prototypeSrc_po.generator.pollControlValuesFromParmeters(); prototypeSrc_po.isAltered = true; replicant = prototypeSrc_po.generateOutputNow(makeGameObjects, parametricObject, true); if (replicant != null) { replicant.transform.parent = go.transform; } AXParameter output_p = prototypeSrc_po.getParameter("Output Mesh"); foreach (AXMesh amesh in output_p.meshes) { ax_meshes.Add(amesh.Clone(amesh.transMatrix)); } } // FINISH AX_MESHES parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica); if (makeGameObjects) { return(go); } return(null); }
// GROUPER::GENERATE public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica) { //if (ArchimatixUtils.doDebug) //Debug.Log (parametricObject.Name + " generate +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); if (!parametricObject.isActive) { return(null); } preGenerate(); GameObject go = null; if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes) { go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject); } List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>(); // BOUNDING List <AXMesh> boundingMeshes = new List <AXMesh>(); // Reinstate the original functionality of the Grouper as simple combiner in addition to Groupees. if (inputs != null && inputs.Count > 0) { // ALL if (channel == inputs.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++) { if (inputs[i] != null && inputs[i].DependsOn != null) { if (inputs[i].Dependents != null || inputs[i].Dependents.Count == 0) { AXParameter src_p = inputs[i].DependsOn; AXParametricObject src_po = inputs[i].DependsOn.parametricObject; //if (! parametricObject.visited_pos.Contains (groupee)) //Debug.Log("groupee.generateOutputNow: " + groupee.Name + " isAltered="+groupee.isAltered); if (src_po.isAltered) { src_po.generateOutputNow(makeGameObjects, initiator_po); //Debug.Log("XXXXX: " + groupee.Output.meshes.Count); src_po.isAltered = false; parametricObject.model.AlteredPOs.Remove(src_po); } if (src_p != null && src_p.meshes != null) { for (int j = 0; j < src_p.meshes.Count; j++) { AXMesh dep_amesh = src_p.meshes [j]; ax_meshes.Add(dep_amesh.Clone(dep_amesh.transMatrix)); } } // BOUNDING MESHES //boundsCombinator[i].mesh = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.boundsMesh; //boundsCombinator[i].transform = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment; if (src_po.boundsMesh != null) { boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(src_po.boundsMesh, src_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment)); } // GAME_OBJECTS if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes) { GameObject plugGO = src_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica); if (plugGO != null) { plugGO.transform.parent = go.transform; } } } } } } // JUST ONE CHANNEL else if (inputs.Count > channel && inputs[channel] != null) { AXParameter src_p = inputs[channel].DependsOn; if (src_p != null) { AXParametricObject src_po = src_p.parametricObject; if (src_po.is3D()) { if (src_po.Output != null && src_po.Output.meshes != null) { for (int j = 0; j < src_po.Output.meshes.Count; j++) { AXMesh dep_amesh = src_po.Output.meshes [j]; ax_meshes.Add(dep_amesh.Clone(dep_amesh.transMatrix)); } } // BOUNDING MESHES //boundsCombinator[i].mesh = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.boundsMesh; //boundsCombinator[i].transform = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment; if (src_po.boundsMesh != null) { boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(src_po.boundsMesh, src_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment)); } // GAME_OBJECTS if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes) { GameObject plugGO = src_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica); if (plugGO != null) { plugGO.transform.parent = go.transform; } } } P_Output.meshes = src_p.meshes; } } // FINISH AX_MESHES //Debug.Log("ORG: " + ax_meshes.Count); parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica); // FINISH BOUNDS CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[boundingMeshes.Count]; for (int bb = 0; bb < boundsCombinator.Length; bb++) { boundsCombinator[bb].mesh = boundingMeshes[bb].mesh; boundsCombinator[bb].transform = boundingMeshes[bb].transMatrix; } setBoundsWithCombinator(boundsCombinator); if (P_BoundsX != null && !P_BoundsX.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsX.hasExpressions()) { P_BoundsX.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.x; } if (P_BoundsY != null && !P_BoundsY.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsY.hasExpressions()) { P_BoundsY.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.y; } if (P_BoundsZ != null && !P_BoundsZ.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsZ.hasExpressions()) { P_BoundsZ.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.z; } } // FINISH GAME_OBJECTS if (makeGameObjects) { if (parametricObject.combineMeshes) { go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true, false); // COMBINE ALL THE MESHES CombineInstance[] combine = new CombineInstance[ax_meshes.Count]; int combineCt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ax_meshes.Count; i++) { AXMesh _amesh = ax_meshes [i]; combine [combineCt].mesh = _amesh.mesh; combine [combineCt].transform = _amesh.transMatrix; combineCt++; } Mesh combinedMesh = new Mesh(); combinedMesh.CombineMeshes(combine); // If combine, use combined mesh as invisible collider MeshFilter mf = (MeshFilter)go.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)); if (mf == null) { mf = (MeshFilter)go.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)); } if (mf != null) { mf.sharedMesh = combinedMesh; parametricObject.addCollider(go); } } else { Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix(); go.transform.rotation = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx); go.transform.position = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx); go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated(); } return(go); } return(null); }
// GENERATE REPLICANT public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool renderToOutputParameter) { //Debug.Log ("===> " + parametricObject.Name + " generate"); if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh")) { return(null); } if (!parametricObject.isActive) { return(null); } preGenerate(); AXParameter input_p = parametricObject.getParameter("Input Mesh"); if (parametricObject == null || input_p == null || input_p.DependsOn == null) { return(null); } AXParametricObject src_po = input_p.DependsOn.Parent; if (src_po == null) { return(null); } Matrix4x4 srcLocalM = src_po.getLocalMatrix().inverse; // 1. cache source object List <AXParameter> geometryControlParameterList = parametricObject.getAllParametersOfPType(AXParameter.ParameterType.GeometryControl); src_po.cacheAndSetParameters(geometryControlParameterList); if (!makeGameObjects) { // 2. re_generate source PO with temporary values set by this Replicant src_po.generateOutputNow(false, parametricObject, false); // 3. Now that the input_sourcePO has been regenerated, // grab the temporaryOutputMeshes meshes // from the input sources and add them here List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>(); if (src_po.temporaryOutputMeshes != null) { for (int mi = 0; mi < src_po.temporaryOutputMeshes.Count; mi++) { AXMesh amesh = src_po.temporaryOutputMeshes [mi]; ax_meshes.Add(amesh.Clone(srcLocalM * amesh.transMatrix)); } } parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes); setBoundaryFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes); } // 4. Make GAME OBJECTS GameObject go = null; if (makeGameObjects) { go = src_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, false); go.name = src_po.Name + " Replicant"; AXGameObject axgo = go.GetComponent <AXGameObject>(); if (axgo != null) { axgo.makerPO_GUID = parametricObject.Guid; } } // 5. restore source object; as though we were never here! src_po.revertParametersFromCache(); // Turn ax_meshes into GameObjects if (makeGameObjects) { Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix(); go.transform.rotation = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx); go.transform.position = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx); go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated(); return(go); } return(null); }