예제 #1
    public static int GeometryControlsOnGUI(int cur_y, AXNodeGraphEditorWindow editor, AXParametricObject po)
        int gap     = ArchimatixUtils.gap;
        int lineHgt = ArchimatixUtils.lineHgt;

        float x1         = 10;
        float x2         = 20;
        float winMargin  = ArchimatixUtils.indent;
        float innerWidth = po.rect.width - 2 * winMargin;

        AXParameter p = null;

        // Geometry (and other) controllers
        if (po.geometryControls != null && po.geometryControls.children != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < po.geometryControls.children.Count; i++)
                p = po.geometryControls.children[i] as AXParameter;

                if (p.PType != AXParameter.ParameterType.None && p.PType != AXParameter.ParameterType.GeometryControl)

                // these points are world, not relative to the this GUIWindow
                p.inputPoint  = new Vector2(po.rect.x, po.rect.y + cur_y + lineHgt / 2);
                p.outputPoint = new Vector2(po.rect.x + po.rect.width, po.rect.y + cur_y + lineHgt / 2);

                Rect pRect = new Rect(x1, cur_y, innerWidth, lineHgt);

                try {
                    int hgt = ParameterGUI.OnGUI(pRect, editor, p);
                    cur_y += hgt + gap;
                } catch {

        if (po.is2D() || po.generator is Grouper)
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(x2, cur_y, lineHgt * 1.25f, lineHgt), new GUIContent("+", "Create a new Control Parameter")))
                Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(po.model, "New AXParameter");
                AXParameter tmpP = po.addParameter(new AXParameter());

                foreach (AXParameter pop in po.parameters)
                    if (pop != p)
                        pop.isOpen = false;

                po.model.indexedParameters.Add(tmpP.Guid, tmpP);


                tmpP.isOpen      = true;
                tmpP.isEditing   = false;
                tmpP.shouldFocus = true;
                //po.isEditing  = true;



             * if (GUI.Button (new Rect(x1+editButtonWid+6, cur_y, editButtonWid,lineHgt), "Done" ))
             *              po.doneEditing();
             * else
             *      if (GUI.Button (new Rect(x1+editButtonWid+6, cur_y, editButtonWid,lineHgt), "Edit Controls" ))
             *              po.isEditing = true;
            cur_y += lineHgt + gap + 5;

        if (po.generator is MaterialTool)
            MaterialTool materialTool = (po.generator as MaterialTool);

            GUIStyle labelstyle = GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label");
            labelstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, cur_y, 250, 32), "   Texels/Unit: " + materialTool.texelsPerUnit.ToString("F0"));
            cur_y += 32;
        else if (po.generator is ShapeOffsetter)
            ShapeOffsetter offsetter = (po.generator as ShapeOffsetter);

            AXParameter output_p = offsetter.P_Output;

            if (output_p == null)
                output_p = po.getParameter("Output Shape");

            if (output_p == null)

            Rect tRect = new Rect(25, cur_y, 150, 16);

            GUIStyle labelstyle = GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label");
            labelstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

             * if (p.PType == AXParameter.ParameterType.Output)
             * {
             * labelstyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
             * labelstyle.fixedWidth = lRect.width+5;
             * }

            // JOIN_TYPE: Square, Round, Miter
            if (offsetter.offset != 0)
                string[] options = ArchimatixUtils.getMenuOptions("JoinType");
                EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 75;                //-50;

                output_p.joinType = (JoinType)EditorGUI.Popup(tRect, "JoinType", (int)output_p.joinType, options);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(po.model, "value change for JoinType");
                cur_y += ArchimatixUtils.lineHgt + ArchimatixUtils.gap;

            // ARC_TOLERANCE (for JoinType.Round)
            if (output_p.joinType == AXClipperLib.JoinType.jtRound || output_p.endType == AXClipperLib.EndType.etOpenRound)
                tRect.y = cur_y;

                if (float.IsNaN(output_p.arcTolerance))
                    output_p.arcTolerance = 50;
                if (output_p.arcTolerance < .25f)
                    output_p.arcTolerance = .25f;

                float smooth = (float)(120 / (output_p.arcTolerance * output_p.arcTolerance));

                AXEditorUtilities.assertFloatFieldKeyCodeValidity("shapehandler_Text_smoothness_" + output_p.Guid + "_" + output_p.Name);

                GUI.SetNextControlName("shapehandler" + output_p.Name);
                smooth = EditorGUI.FloatField(tRect, "smoothness", smooth);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    output_p.arcTolerance = (float)(Mathf.Sqrt(120 / smooth));
                    Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(po.model, "value change for " + output_p.Name);
                    if (output_p.arcTolerance < .25f)
                        output_p.arcTolerance = .25f;
                    if (output_p.arcTolerance > 50)
                        output_p.arcTolerance = 50;
                    if (float.IsNaN(output_p.arcTolerance))
                        output_p.arcTolerance = 50;
                cur_y += ArchimatixUtils.lineHgt + ArchimatixUtils.gap;
