Unpause the paused playback of this AudioSource.
static public int UnPause(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.AudioSource self = (UnityEngine.AudioSource)checkSelf(l); self.UnPause(); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int UnPause(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.AudioSource self = (UnityEngine.AudioSource)checkSelf(l); self.UnPause(); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return(0); } }
static int UnPause(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 1); UnityEngine.AudioSource obj = (UnityEngine.AudioSource)ToLua.CheckObject <UnityEngine.AudioSource>(L, 1); obj.UnPause(); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
// Update is called once per frame public override void mytimer() { handposition = hand.transform.localPosition; if (hoverbutton.buttom_name == "null" || hoverbutton.buttom_name == gameObject.name) { if (isHandOver()) { timecount = timestart - (int)Time.time; if (hand_animator.isActiveAndEnabled) { hand_animator.Play("Base Layer.hand"); } if (music_name.text != musicname.text) { buttonimgwhenhover(); //button_image.sprite = button_image_hover;// Resources.Load ("04/04_music_hover", typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; //musicname.color = Color.black; } hoverbutton.buttom_name = gameObject.name; //music_init (); bgaudio.Pause(); if (!tmpaudio.isPlaying) { tmpaudio.Play(); } tmpaudio.UnPause(); if (timecount == 0) { decide_music(); timestart = 0; timecount = timelong; } } else { if (music_name.text != musicname.text) { buttonimgwhenoff(); } hand_animator.Play("Base Layer.none"); hoverbutton.buttom_name = "null"; tmpaudio.Stop(); bgaudio.UnPause(); timestart = (int)Time.time + timelong; } } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); } if (colorReader != null) { using (var frame = colorReader.AcquireLatestFrame()) { if (frame != null) { frame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(pixels, ColorImageFormat.Rgba); texture.LoadRawTextureData(pixels); texture.Apply(); } } } //HD face frame, update points and allignement if (bodyReader != null) { using (var frame = bodyReader.AcquireLatestFrame()) { if (frame != null) { frame.GetAndRefreshBodyData(bodies); Body body = GetActiveBody(); if (body != null) { textboxUp.text = stringTransformation + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + stringPowerLevel + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + stringKamehameha; textboxDown.text = stringIndication; // Detect the hand (left or right) that is closest to the sensor. var handRight = body.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position; var handLeft = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position; var elbowLeft = body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position; var elbowRight = body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position; var hipLeft = body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position; var hipRight = body.Joints[JointType.HipRight].Position; var spineBase = body.Joints[JointType.SpineBase].Position; var spineMid = body.Joints[JointType.SpineMid].Position; var head = body.Joints[JointType.Head].Position; var closer = handRight.Z < handLeft.Z ? handRight : handLeft; // Map the 2D position to the Unity space. var worldRight = map3dPointTo2d(handRight); var worldLeft = map3dPointTo2d(handLeft); var worldElbowRight = map3dPointTo2d(elbowRight); var worldElbowLeft = map3dPointTo2d(elbowLeft); var worldLeftHip = map3dPointTo2d(hipLeft); var worldRightHip = map3dPointTo2d(hipRight); var worldFrontHead = map3dPointTo2d(head); var worldCloser = map3dPointTo2d(closer); var worldSpineBase = map3dPointTo2d(spineBase); var worldSpineMid = map3dPointTo2d(spineMid); var midHand = (worldRight + worldLeft) / 2; var center = quad.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.center; var currentBallPosition = midHand; ellapsedTime = Time.time - startTime; if (timeChecker && ellapsedTime > 5.18f) { Renderer rend = videoTransformation.GetComponent <Renderer>(); rend.enabled = false; } if (timeChecker && ellapsedTime > 5.2f) { Renderer rend = videoTransformation.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (transformCounter == 0) { vpYellow.Stop(); vpYellowLoop.Play(); rend.enabled = true; powerUp1.Play(); stringTransformation = "Super Saiyan"; saiyanChargeSound.Play(); } else if (transformCounter == 1) { vpDeepYellow.Stop(); vpDeepYellowLoop.Play(); rend.enabled = true; powerUp2.Play(); stringTransformation = "Super Saiyan 2"; saiyanChargeSound2.Play(); } else if (transformCounter == 2) { vpBlue.Stop(); vpBlueLoop.Play(); rend.enabled = true; powerUp3.Play(); stringTransformation = "Super Saiyan God"; saiyanChargeSound3.Play(); } timeChecker = false; } //Charge Energie if hands are close to each other and below middle of body float distanceShoulders = Mathf.Abs(worldElbowRight.x - worldElbowLeft.x); float distanceHands = Mathf.Abs(worldRight.x - worldLeft.x); float ratioHandShoulder = distanceHands / distanceShoulders; if ((worldRight.x < worldLeftHip.x && worldLeft.x < worldLeftHip.x || worldRight.x > worldRightHip.x && worldLeft.x > worldRightHip.x) && !inAnimationKameha && powerLevel >= 400 && ratioHandShoulder < 0.75f) { if (loadingSide == 0 && worldRight.x < worldLeftHip.x && worldLeft.x < worldLeftHip.x) { loadingSide = 1; } else if (loadingSide == 0 && worldRight.x > worldRightHip.x && worldLeft.x > worldRightHip.x) { loadingSide = 2; } else if (loadingSide == 1 && worldRight.x < worldLeftHip.x && worldLeft.x < worldLeftHip.x || loadingSide == 2 && worldRight.x > worldRightHip.x && worldLeft.x > worldRightHip.x) { kamehameha += 1; if (!alreadyPlayingKameha) { kamehaCharge.Play(); alreadyPlayingKameha = true; } kamehaCharge.UnPause(); stringKamehameha = "Kamehameha: " + kamehameha; } else if (loadingSide == 2 && worldRight.x < worldLeftHip.x && worldLeft.x < worldLeftHip.x || loadingSide == 1 && worldRight.x > worldRightHip.x && worldLeft.x > worldRightHip.x) { loadingSide = 0; inAnimationKameha = true; alreadyPlayingKameha = false; startTime = Time.time; kamehaCharge.Stop(); kamehaShot.Play(); vpKamehameha.Play(); } chargeKamehameha = true; } else { chargeKamehameha = false; kamehaCharge.Pause(); } if (inAnimationKameha && Time.time - startTime > 0.4f && !kamehaBuffer) { Renderer render = videoKamehameha.GetComponent <Renderer>(); render.enabled = true; if (kamehameha == 0) { kamehameha = 0; vpKamehameha.Stop(); kamehaShot.Stop(); kamehaBuffer = true; kamehaBreak = Time.time; render.enabled = false; } else { kamehameha--; stringKamehameha = "Kamehameha: " + kamehameha; } } if (kamehaBuffer && Time.time - kamehaBreak > 3f) { kamehaBuffer = false; inAnimationKameha = false; } if (ratioHandShoulder < 0.6 && !timeChecker) { if (powerLevel < 400) { if (!alreadyPlaying) { alreadyPlaying = true; chargeSound.Play(); } if (!timeChecker) { chargeSound.UnPause(); } powerLevel++; if (powerLevel == 400) { stringIndication = "Indication:" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "Tiens tes mains à une coté de ton corps pour charger le 'Kaméhaméha'" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "Amène-les à l'autre côté pour l'activer"; } stringPowerLevel = "Power Level: " + powerLevel; if (powerLevel % 100 == 0 && powerLevel < 400) { Renderer rend = videoTransformation.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (powerLevel == 100) { chargeSound.Stop(); vpYellow.Play(); rend.enabled = true; } else if (powerLevel == 200) { saiyanChargeSound.Stop(); vpDeepYellow.Play(); rend.enabled = true; transformCounter++; } else if (powerLevel == 300) { saiyanChargeSound2.Stop(); vpBlue.Play(); rend.enabled = true; transformCounter++; } transformSound.Play(); startTime = Time.time; timeChecker = true; } } //hands close and kamehameha position else { if (chargeKamehameha && !inAnimationKameha) { vpBlueLoop.Stop(); saiyanChargeSound3.Pause(); } } } videoTransformation.transform.position = new Vector3(worldFrontHead.x, -worldSpineMid.y, 0); //kamehameha if (inAnimationKameha) { //right double xDiffRight = worldRight.x - worldElbowRight.x; double yDiffRight = worldRight.y - worldElbowRight.y; float angleRadRight = (float)Math.Atan2(yDiffRight, xDiffRight); float angleDegRight = (float)(Math.Atan2(yDiffRight, xDiffRight) / Math.PI * 180); float widthKamehamha = 12; //left double xDiffLeft = worldLeft.x - worldElbowLeft.x; double yDiffLeft = worldLeft.y - worldElbowLeft.y; float angleRadLeft = (float)Math.Atan2(yDiffLeft, xDiffLeft); float angleDegLeft = (float)(Math.Atan2(yDiffLeft, xDiffLeft) / Math.PI * 180); if (angleDegLeft < 0) { angleDegLeft += 360; } if (angleDegRight < 0) { angleDegRight += 360; } float angleDeg = (angleDegLeft + angleDegRight) / 2; if (Math.Abs(angleDegLeft - angleDegRight) > 180) { angleDeg -= 180; } float angleRad = (float)(angleDeg * Math.PI / 180); float xMovement = (float)(Math.Cos(-angleRad) * widthKamehamha / 2); float yMovement = (float)(Math.Sin(-angleRad) * widthKamehamha / 2); videoKamehameha.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -angleDeg + 180); videoKamehameha.transform.position = new Vector3(midHand.x + xMovement, -midHand.y + yMovement, 0); videoKamehameha.transform.localScale = new Vector3(widthKamehamha, 4.5f, 1); } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Reanuda un sonido /// </summary> /// <param name="source">AudioSource que se desea reanudar</param> public static void Resume(AudioSource source) { if (!source.isPlaying) { source.UnPause(); } }