private StepOutput <Matrix> CalculateNext(StepInput <Matrix> prev, GPSINSObservation observation, GPSINSInput input) { TimeSpan time = observation.Time; TimeSpan timeDelta = time - _prevEstimate.Time; // Note: Use 0.0 and not 0 in order to use the correct constructor! // If no GPS update is available, then use a zero matrix to ignore the values in the observation. H = observation.GotGPSUpdate ? Matrix.Identity(m, n) : new Matrix(m, n, 0.0); HT = Matrix.Transpose(H); UpdateTimeVaryingMatrices(timeDelta); Matrix u = ToInputMatrix(input, time); // Ref equations: // Calculate the state and the output Matrix x = A * prev.X + B * u; // +w; noise is already modelled in input data Matrix z = ToObservationMatrix(observation); //H * x + v;// m by 1 // Predictor equations Matrix PriX = A * prev.PostX + B * u; // n by 1 Matrix PriP = A * prev.PostP * AT + Q; // n by n Matrix residual = z - H * PriX; // m by 1 Matrix residualP = H * PriP * HT + R; // m by m // If residualP is zero matrix then set its inverse to zero as well. // This occurs if all observation standard deviations are zero // and this workaround will cause the Kalman gain to trust the process model entirely. Matrix residualPInv = Matrix.AlmostEqual(residualP, _zeroMM) // m by m ? _zeroMM : residualP.Inverse(); // Corrector equations Matrix K = PriP * Matrix.Transpose(H) * residualPInv; // n by m Matrix PostX = PriX + K * residual; // n by 1 Matrix PostP = (I - K * H) * PriP; // n by n var tmpPosition = new Vector3((float)PostX[0, 0], (float)PostX[1, 0], (float)PostX[2, 0]); // var tmpPrevPosition = new Vector3((float)prev.PostX[0, 0], (float)prev.PostX[1, 0], (float)prev.PostX[2, 0]); // Vector3 positionChange = tmpPosition - tmpPrevPosition; Vector3 gpsPositionTrust = new Vector3((float)K[0, 0], (float)K[1, 1], (float)K[2, 2]); Vector3 gpsVelocityTrust = new Vector3((float)K[3, 3], (float)K[4, 4], (float)K[5, 5]); // // Matrix tmpPriPGain = A*Matrix.Identity(10,10)*AT + Q; var tmpVelocity = new Vector3((float)x[3, 0], (float)x[4, 0], (float)x[5, 0]); var tmpAccel = new Vector3((float)x[6, 0], (float)x[7, 0], (float)x[8, 0]); return(new StepOutput <Matrix> { K = K, PriX = PriX, PriP = PriP, PostX = PostX, PostP = PostP, PostXError = PostX - x, PriXError = PriX - x, X = x, Z = z, W = w, V = v, Time = time, }); }