コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Information filter with the given initial state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x0">Initial estimate of state variables.</param>
        /// <param name="P0">Covariance of state variable estimates.</param>
        public InformationFilter(Matrix<double> x0, Matrix<double> P0)
            KalmanFilter.CheckInitialParameters(x0, P0);

            J = P0.Inverse();
            y = J*x0;
            I = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseIdentity(y.RowCount, y.RowCount);
コード例 #2
        // Observations are never used.
//        public IEnumerable<StepOutput<GPSFilter2DSample>> Filter(IEnumerable<GPSObservation> samples, IEnumerable<GPSFilter2DInput> inputs)
//        {
//            return samples.Select(s => Filter(s, i));
//        }

        private StepOutput <Matrix> CalculateNext(StepInput <Matrix> prev, GPSObservation observation,
                                                  GPSFilter2DInput input)
            TimeSpan time      = observation.Time;
            TimeSpan timeDelta = time - _prevEstimate.Time;

            UpdateMatrices(time, timeDelta);

            Matrix u = ToInputMatrix(input);

            // Ref equations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter#The_Kalman_filter
            // Calculate the state and the output
            Matrix x = A * prev.X + B * u + w;
            Matrix z = H * x + v; //ToOutputMatrix(observation) + v;//H * x + v;

            // Predictor equations
            Matrix PriX         = A * prev.PostX + B * u;  // n by 1
            Matrix AT           = Matrix.Transpose(A);
            Matrix PriP         = A * prev.PostP * AT + Q; // n by n
            Matrix residual     = z - H * PriX;
            Matrix residualP    = H * PriP * Matrix.Transpose(H) + R;
            Matrix residualPInv = residualP.Inverse();

            // Corrector equations
            Matrix K = PriP * Matrix.Transpose(H) * residualPInv; // n by m

            // TODO Temp, experimenting with skipping measurements
            //            compileerror
            //            k[PositionY, PositionY] = 1.0;
            //            k[VelocityY, VelocityY] = 1.0;
            //            k[AccelerationY, AccelerationY] = 1.0;

            Matrix PostX = PriX + K * residual; // n by 1
            Matrix PostP = (I - K * H) * PriP;  // n by n

            return(new StepOutput <Matrix>
                K = K,
                PriX = PriX,
                PriP = PriP,
                PostX = PostX,
                PostP = PostP,
                PostXError = PostX - x,
                PriXError = PriX - x,
                X = x,
                Z = z,
                W = w,
                V = v,
                Time = time,
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Information filter specifying whether the covariance and state
        /// have been 'inverted'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The initial estimate of the state of the system.</param>
        /// <param name="cov">The covariance of the initial state estimate.</param>
        /// <param name="inverted">Has covariance/state been converted to information
        /// filter form?</param>
        /// <remarks>This behaves the same as other constructors if the given boolean is false.
        /// Otherwise, in relation to the given state/covariance should satisfy:<BR></BR>
        /// <C>cov = J = P0 ^ -1, state = y = J * x0.</C></remarks>
        public InformationFilter(Matrix<double> state, Matrix<double> cov, bool inverted)
            KalmanFilter.CheckInitialParameters(state, cov);

            if (inverted)
                J = cov;
                y = state;
                J = cov.Inverse();
                y = J*state;

            I = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseIdentity(state.RowCount, state.RowCount);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the state of the system based on the given noisy measurements,
        /// a description of how those measurements relate to the system, and a
        /// covariance <c>Matrix</c> to describe the noise of the system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="z">The measurements of the system.</param>
        /// <param name="H">Measurement model.</param>
        /// <param name="R">Covariance of measurements.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when given matrices
        /// are of the incorrect size.</exception>
        public void Update(Matrix<double> z, Matrix<double> H, Matrix<double> R)
            KalmanFilter.CheckUpdateParameters(z, H, R, this);

            // Fiddle with the matrices
            Matrix<double> HT = H.Transpose();
            Matrix<double> RI = R.Inverse();

            // Perform the update
            y = y + (HT*RI*z);
            J = J + (HT*RI*H);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a discrete time prediction of the system state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="F">State transition matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="G">Noise coupling matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="Q">Plant noise covariance.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the column and row
        /// counts for the given matrices are incorrect.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Performs a prediction of the next state of the Kalman Filter, given
        /// a description of the dynamic equations of the system, the covariance of
        /// the plant noise affecting the system and the equations that describe
        /// the effect on the system of that plant noise.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Predict(Matrix<double> F, Matrix<double> G, Matrix<double> Q)
            // Some matrices we will need a bit
            Matrix<double> FI = F.Inverse();
            Matrix<double> FIT = FI.Transpose();
            Matrix<double> GT = G.Transpose();
            Matrix<double> A = FIT*J*FI;
            Matrix<double> B = A*G*(GT*A*G + Q.Inverse()).Inverse();

            J = (I - B*GT)*A;
            y = (I - B*GT)*FIT*y;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Preform a discrete time prediction of the system state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="F">State transition matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="Q">A plant noise covariance matrix.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when F and Q are not
        /// square matrices with the same number of rows and columns as there are
        /// rows in the state matrix.</exception>
        /// <remarks>Performs a prediction of the next state of the Kalman Filter,
        /// where there is plant noise. The covariance matrix of the plant noise, in
        /// this case, is a square matrix corresponding to the state transition and
        /// the state of the system.</remarks>
        public void Predict(Matrix<double> F, Matrix<double> Q)
            // We will need these matrices more than once...
            Matrix<double> FI = F.Inverse();
            Matrix<double> FIT = FI.Transpose();
            Matrix<double> A = FIT*J*FI;
            Matrix<double> AQI = (A + Q.Inverse()).Inverse();

            // 'Covariance' Update
            J = A - (A*AQI*A);
            y = (I - (A*AQI))*FIT*y;
コード例 #7
        private StepOutput <Matrix> CalculateNext(StepInput <Matrix> prev, GPSINSObservation observation,
                                                  GPSINSInput input)
            TimeSpan time      = observation.Time;
            TimeSpan timeDelta = time - _prevEstimate.Time;

            // Note: Use 0.0 and not 0 in order to use the correct constructor!
            // If no GPS update is available, then use a zero matrix to ignore the values in the observation.
            H = observation.GotGPSUpdate
                    ? Matrix.Identity(m, n)
                    : new Matrix(m, n, 0.0);
            HT = Matrix.Transpose(H);


            Matrix u = ToInputMatrix(input, time);

            // Ref equations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter#The_Kalman_filter
            // Calculate the state and the output
            Matrix x = A * prev.X + B * u;               // +w; noise is already modelled in input data
            Matrix z = ToObservationMatrix(observation); //H * x + v;// m by 1

            // Predictor equations
            Matrix PriX      = A * prev.PostX + B * u;  // n by 1
            Matrix PriP      = A * prev.PostP * AT + Q; // n by n
            Matrix residual  = z - H * PriX;            // m by 1
            Matrix residualP = H * PriP * HT + R;       // m by m

            // If residualP is zero matrix then set its inverse to zero as well.
            // This occurs if all observation standard deviations are zero
            // and this workaround will cause the Kalman gain to trust the process model entirely.
            Matrix residualPInv = Matrix.AlmostEqual(residualP, _zeroMM) // m by m
                ? _zeroMM
                : residualP.Inverse();

            // Corrector equations
            Matrix K     = PriP * Matrix.Transpose(H) * residualPInv; // n by m
            Matrix PostX = PriX + K * residual;                       // n by 1
            Matrix PostP = (I - K * H) * PriP;                        // n by n

            var tmpPosition = new Vector3((float)PostX[0, 0], (float)PostX[1, 0], (float)PostX[2, 0]);
//            var tmpPrevPosition = new Vector3((float)prev.PostX[0, 0], (float)prev.PostX[1, 0], (float)prev.PostX[2, 0]);
//            Vector3 positionChange = tmpPosition - tmpPrevPosition;
            Vector3 gpsPositionTrust = new Vector3((float)K[0, 0], (float)K[1, 1], (float)K[2, 2]);
            Vector3 gpsVelocityTrust = new Vector3((float)K[3, 3], (float)K[4, 4], (float)K[5, 5]);
//            Matrix tmpPriPGain = A*Matrix.Identity(10,10)*AT + Q;

            var tmpVelocity = new Vector3((float)x[3, 0], (float)x[4, 0], (float)x[5, 0]);
            var tmpAccel    = new Vector3((float)x[6, 0], (float)x[7, 0], (float)x[8, 0]);

            return(new StepOutput <Matrix>
                K = K,
                PriX = PriX,
                PriP = PriP,
                PostX = PostX,
                PostP = PostP,
                PostXError = PostX - x,
                PriXError = PriX - x,
                X = x,
                Z = z,
                W = w,
                V = v,
                Time = time,