コード例 #1
        public static Chart CompileRaceChart()
            PieChart chart = new PieChart("Race Distribution", "graphs_race_distrib", true);

            ChartItem humanItem = new ChartItem("Humans", 0);
            ChartItem elfItem   = new ChartItem("Elves", 0);
            ChartItem dwarfItem = new ChartItem("Dwarves", 0);
            ChartItem drowItem  = new ChartItem("Drow", 0);
            ChartItem orcItem   = new ChartItem("Orcs", 0);
            ChartItem gnomeItem = new ChartItem("Gnomes", 0);
            ChartItem gobItem   = new ChartItem("Goblins", 0);
            ChartItem frostItem = new ChartItem("Frostling", 0);

            foreach (Mobile mob in World.Mobiles.Values)
                if (mob != null && mob is TeiravonMobile)
                    TeiravonMobile tav  = mob as TeiravonMobile;
                    Account        acct = (Account)tav.Account;
                    if ((acct.LastLogin + TimeSpan.FromDays(30.0)) < DateTime.Now)

                    if (tav.IsHuman())
                    else if (tav.IsElf())
                    else if (tav.IsDwarf())
                    else if (tav.IsDrow())
                    else if (tav.IsOrc())
                    else if (tav.IsGnome())
                    else if (tav.IsGoblin())
                    else if (tav.IsFrostling())


コード例 #2
        public override void CustomSystem(Mobile thePlayer)
            TeiravonMobile m_Player = (TeiravonMobile)thePlayer;
            int            index    = -1;

            // Other Items
            index = AddCraft(typeof(Board), 1044294, "Boards", 0.0, 20.0, typeof(Log), "Logs", 1, 1044351);
            SetUseAllRes(index, true);
            AddCraft(typeof(BarrelStaves), 1044294, 1027857, 00.0, 25.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 5, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(BarrelLid), 1044294, 1027608, 11.0, 36.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 4, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(ShortMusicStand), 1044294, 1044313, 78.9, 100.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 15, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(TallMusicStand), 1044294, 1044315, 81.5, 100.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 20, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(Easle), 1044294, 1044317, 86.8, 100.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 20, 1044351);

            if (Core.SE)
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( RedHangingLantern ), 1044294, 1029412, 65.0, 90.0, typeof( Log ), 1044041, 5, 1044351 );
                 * AddRes( index, typeof( BlankScroll ), 1044377, 10, 1044378 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( WhiteHangingLantern ), 1044294, 1029416, 65.0, 90.0, typeof( Log ), 1044041, 5, 1044351 );
                 * AddRes( index, typeof( BlankScroll ), 1044377, 10, 1044378 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( ShojiScreen ), 1044294, 1029423, 80.0, 105.0, typeof( Log ), 1044041, 75, 1044351 );
                 * AddSkill( index, SkillName.Tailoring, 50.0, 55.0 );
                 * AddRes( index, typeof( Cloth ), 1044286, 60, 1044287 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( BambooScreen ), 1044294, 1029428, 80.0, 105.0, typeof( Log ), 1044041, 75, 1044351 );
                 * AddSkill( index, SkillName.Tailoring, 50.0, 55.0 );
                 * AddRes( index, typeof( Cloth ), 1044286, 60, 1044287 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );

            // Furniture
            AddCraft(typeof(FootStool), 1044291, 1022910, 11.0, 36.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 9, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(Stool), 1044291, 1022602, 11.0, 36.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 9, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(BambooChair), 1044291, 1044300, 21.0, 46.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 13, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(WoodenChair), 1044291, 1044301, 21.0, 46.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 13, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(WoodenChairCushion), 1044291, "cushioned chair", 42.1, 67.1, typeof(Log), "Boards or Logs", 13, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(FancyWoodenChairCushion), 1044291, "fancy cushioned chair", 42.1, 67.1, typeof(Log), "Boards or Logs", 15, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(WoodenBench), 1044291, 1022860, 52.6, 77.6, typeof(Log), 1044041, 17, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(WoodenThrone), 1044291, "wooden throne", 52.6, 77.6, typeof(Log), "Boards or Logs", 17, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(Throne), 1044291, "royal throne", 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), "Boards or Logs", 19, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(Nightstand), 1044291, 1044306, 42.1, 67.1, typeof(Log), 1044041, 17, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(Counter), 1044291, "Counter", 62.1, 87.1, typeof(Log), 1044041, 22, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(WritingTable), 1044291, 1022890, 63.1, 88.1, typeof(Log), 1044041, 17, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(YewWoodTable), 1044291, "elegant table", 63.1, 88.1, typeof(Log), "Boards or Logs", 23, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(LargeTable), 1044291, "dining table", 80.2, 100.0, typeof(Log), "Boards or Logs", 27, 1044351);

            if (Core.SE)
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( ElegantLowTable ),	1044291, 1030265,	80.0, 105.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 35, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( PlainLowTable ),		1044291, 1030266,	80.0, 105.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 35, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );

            // Containers
            AddCraft(typeof(WoodenBox), 1044292, 1023709, 21.0, 46.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 10, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(SmallCrate), 1044292, 1044309, 10.0, 35.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 8, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(MediumCrate), 1044292, 1044310, 31.0, 56.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 15, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(LargeCrate), 1044292, 1044311, 47.3, 72.3, typeof(Log), 1044041, 18, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(WoodenChest), 1044292, 1023650, 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), 1044041, 20, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(EmptyBookcase), 1044292, 1022718, 31.5, 56.5, typeof(Log), 1044041, 25, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(FancyArmoire), 1044292, 1044312, 84.2, 105.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 35, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(Armoire), 1044292, 1022643, 84.2, 105.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 35, 1044351);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(GraniteBox), 1044292, "Granite Storage Box", 80.0, 100.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 10, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Granite), "Granite", 1);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(Barrel), 1044292, "Barrel", 57.8, 82.8, typeof(BarrelStaves), 1044288, 6, 1044253);
            AddRes(index, typeof(BarrelHoops), 1044289, 2, 1044253);

            if (Core.SE)
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( PlainWoodenChest ),	1044292, 1030251, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 30, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( OrnateWoodenChest ),	1044292, 1030253, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 30, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( GildedWoodenChest ),	1044292, 1030255, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 30, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( WoodenFootLocker ),	1044292, 1030257, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 30, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( FinishedWoodenChest ),1044292, 1030259, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 30, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( TallCabinet ),	1044292, 1030261, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 35, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( ShortCabinet ),	1044292, 1030263, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 35, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( RedArmoire ),	1044292, 1030328, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 40, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( ElegantArmoire ),	1044292, 1030330, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 40, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( MapleArmoire ),	1044292, 1030328, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 40, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( CherryArmoire ),	1044292, 1030328, 90.0, 115.0,	typeof( Log ), 1044041, 40, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );

            index = AddCraft(typeof(Keg), 1044292, 1023711, 57.8, 82.8, typeof(BarrelStaves), 1044288, 3, 1044253);
            AddRes(index, typeof(BarrelHoops), 1044289, 1, 1044253);
            AddRes(index, typeof(BarrelLid), 1044251, 1, 1044253);

            // Staves and Shields
            AddCraft(typeof(ShepherdsCrook), 1015108, "shepherd\'s crook", 78.9, 103.9, typeof(Log), "Logs", 7);
            AddCraft(typeof(QuarterStaff), 1015108, "quarter staff", 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), "Logs", 6);
            AddCraft(typeof(GnarledStaff), 1015108, "gnarled staff", 78.9, 103.9, typeof(Log), "Logs", 7);
            AddCraft(typeof(WoodenShield), 1015108, "wooden shield", 52.6, 77.6, typeof(Log), "Logs", 9);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(FishingPole), 1015108, "fising pole", 68.4, 93.4, typeof(Log), "Logs", 5);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 5, 1044287);

            if (Core.SE)
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( Bokuto ), 1044295, 1030227, 70.0, 95.0, typeof( Log ), 1044041, 6, 1044351 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * //index = AddCraft( typeof( Fukiya ), 1044295, 1030229, 60.0, 85.0, typeof( Log ), 1044041, 6, 1044351 );
                 * //SetNeedSE( index, true );
                 * index = AddCraft( typeof( Tetsubo ), 1044295, 1030225, 85.0, 110.0, typeof( Log ), 1044041, 8, 1044351 );
                 * AddSkill( index, SkillName.Tinkering, 40.0, 45.0 );
                 * AddRes( index, typeof( IronIngot ), 1044036, 5, 1044037 );
                 * SetNeedSE( index, true );

            // Instruments
            index = AddCraft(typeof(LapHarp), 1044293, 1023762, 63.1, 88.1, typeof(Log), 1044041, 20, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 10, 1044287);

            index = AddCraft(typeof(Harp), 1044293, 1023761, 78.9, 103.9, typeof(Log), 1044041, 35, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 15, 1044287);

            index = AddCraft(typeof(Drums), 1044293, 1023740, 57.8, 82.8, typeof(Log), 1044041, 20, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 10, 1044287);

            index = AddCraft(typeof(Lute), 1044293, 1023763, 68.4, 93.4, typeof(Log), 1044041, 25, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 10, 1044287);

            index = AddCraft(typeof(Tambourine), 1044293, 1023741, 57.8, 82.8, typeof(Log), 1044041, 15, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 10, 1044287);

            index = AddCraft(typeof(TambourineTassel), 1044293, 1044320, 57.8, 82.8, typeof(Log), 1044041, 15, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 15, 1044287);

            // Misc
            index = AddCraft(typeof(SmallBedSouthDeed), 1044290, 1044321, 94.7, 113.1, typeof(Log), 1044041, 100, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 100, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(SmallBedEastDeed), 1044290, 1044322, 94.7, 113.1, typeof(Log), 1044041, 100, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 100, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(LargeBedSouthDeed), 1044290, 1044323, 94.7, 113.1, typeof(Log), 1044041, 150, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 150, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(LargeBedEastDeed), 1044290, 1044324, 94.7, 113.1, typeof(Log), 1044041, 150, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 150, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(PentagramDeed), 1044290, 1044328, 100.0, 125.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 100, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 40, 1044037);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(AbbatoirDeed), 1044290, 1044329, 100.0, 125.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 100, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 40, 1044037);

            if (Core.AOS)
                AddCraft(typeof(PlayerBBEast), 1044290, 1062420, 85.0, 110.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 50, 1044351);
                AddCraft(typeof(PlayerBBSouth), 1044290, 1062421, 85.0, 110.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 50, 1044351);

            // Blacksmithy
            index = AddCraft(typeof(SmallForgeDeed), 1044296, 1044330, 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), 1044041, 5, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 75, 1044037);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(LargeForgeEastDeed), 1044296, 1044331, 78.9, 103.9, typeof(Log), 1044041, 5, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 100, 1044037);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(LargeForgeSouthDeed), 1044296, 1044332, 78.9, 103.9, typeof(Log), 1044041, 5, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 100, 1044037);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(AnvilEastDeed), 1044296, 1044333, 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), 1044041, 5, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 150, 1044037);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(AnvilSouthDeed), 1044296, 1044334, 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), 1044041, 5, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 150, 1044037);

            // Training
            index = AddCraft(typeof(TrainingDummyEastDeed), 1044297, 1044335, 68.4, 93.4, typeof(Log), 1044041, 55, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 60, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(TrainingDummySouthDeed), 1044297, 1044336, 68.4, 93.4, typeof(Log), 1044041, 55, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 60, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(PickpocketDipEastDeed), 1044297, 1044337, 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), 1044041, 65, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 60, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(PickpocketDipSouthDeed), 1044297, 1044338, 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), 1044041, 65, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 60, 1044287);

            // Tailoring
            index = AddCraft(typeof(Dressform), 1044298, 1044339, 63.1, 88.1, typeof(Log), 1044041, 25, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 10, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(SpinningwheelEastDeed), 1044298, 1044341, 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), 1044041, 75, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 25, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(SpinningwheelSouthDeed), 1044298, 1044342, 73.6, 98.6, typeof(Log), 1044041, 75, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 25, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(LoomEastDeed), 1044298, 1044343, 84.2, 109.2, typeof(Log), 1044041, 85, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 25, 1044287);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(LoomSouthDeed), 1044298, 1044344, 84.2, 109.2, typeof(Log), 1044041, 85, 1044351);
            AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), 1044286, 25, 1044287);

            // Cooking
            index = AddCraft(typeof(StoneOvenEastDeed), 1044298, 1044345, 68.4, 93.4, typeof(Log), 1044041, 85, 1044351);
            AddSkill(index, SkillName.Tinkering, 50.0, 55.0);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 125, 1044037);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(StoneOvenSouthDeed), 1044298, 1044346, 68.4, 93.4, typeof(Log), 1044041, 85, 1044351);
            AddSkill(index, SkillName.Tinkering, 50.0, 55.0);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 125, 1044037);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(FlourMillEastDeed), 1044298, 1044347, 94.7, 119.7, typeof(Log), 1044041, 100, 1044351);
            AddSkill(index, SkillName.Tinkering, 50.0, 55.0);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 50, 1044037);
            index = AddCraft(typeof(FlourMillSouthDeed), 1044298, 1044348, 94.7, 119.7, typeof(Log), 1044041, 100, 1044351);
            AddSkill(index, SkillName.Tinkering, 50.0, 55.0);
            AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 50, 1044037);
            AddCraft(typeof(WaterTroughEastDeed), 1044298, 1044349, 94.7, 119.7, typeof(Log), 1044041, 150, 1044351);
            AddCraft(typeof(WaterTroughSouthDeed), 1044298, 1044350, 94.7, 119.7, typeof(Log), 1044041, 150, 1044351);

            if (m_Player.IsFrostling())
                index = AddCraft(typeof(FrostPick), "Frostcraft", "Frostpick", 0.0, 20.0, typeof(Snow), "Snow", 2);
                AddRes(index, typeof(Ice), "Frost", 1);
                AddCraft(typeof(Frostcarver), "Frostcraft", "Frostcarver", 0, 25.0, typeof(Snow), "Snow", 3);

             * // Housing
             * index = AddCraft(typeof(StonePlasterHouseDeed), "Housing", "Modest Stone and Plaster House", 95.0, 100.0, typeof(Log), 1044041, 400, 1044351);
             * AddRes ( index, typeof ( Granite ), "Stone", 100);
             * AddRes ( index, typeof (Nails ), "Nails", 500);
            if ((m_Player.HasFeat(TeiravonMobile.Feats.RacialCrafting) || m_Player.HasFeat(TeiravonMobile.Feats.MasterCraftsman)) && (m_Player.IsWoodworker() || m_Player.IsMerchant()))
                if (m_Player.IsHuman())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(SmallBoatDeed), "Racials", "Small Boat", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(RedwoodLog), "Red Wood Logs", 500);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), "Iron Ingots", 100);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), "Cloth", 100);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(SmallDragonBoatDeed), "Racials", "Small Dragon Boat", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(RedwoodLog), "Red Wood Logs", 500);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), "Iron Ingots", 100);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), "Cloth", 100);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(MediumBoatDeed), "Racials", "Medium Boat", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(RedwoodLog), "Red Wood Logs", 750);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), "Iron Ingots", 150);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), "Cloth", 150);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(MediumDragonBoatDeed), "Racials", "Medium Dragon Boat", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(RedwoodLog), "Red Wood Logs", 750);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), "Iron Ingots", 150);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), "Cloth", 150);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(LargeBoatDeed), "Racials", "Large Boat", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(RedwoodLog), "Red Wood Logs", 1000);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), "Iron Ingots", 200);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), "Cloth", 200);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(LargeDragonBoatDeed), "Racials", "Large Dragon Boat", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(RedwoodLog), "Red Wood Logs", 1000);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(IronIngot), "Iron Ingots", 200);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(Cloth), "Cloth", 200);
                else if (m_Player.IsOrc())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(OrcPalisadeSouthDeed), "Racials", "Palisade (south)", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(PineLog), "Pine Logs", 100);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(OrcPalisadeEastDeed), "Racials", "Palisade (east)", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(PineLog), "Pine Logs", 100);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(OrcCombatBridgeDeed), "Racials", "Combat Bridge Section", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(PineLog), "Pine Logs", 100);
                else if (m_Player.IsDrow())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(DrowBladedStaff), "Racials", "Drow Bladed Staff", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(Log), "Logs", 15);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(VeriteIngot), "Verite Ingots", 10);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(DrowDoubleBladedStaff), "Racials", "Drow Double Bladed Staff", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(Log), "Logs", 15);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(VeriteIngot), "Verite Ingots", 20);
                else if (m_Player.IsDwarf())
                else if (m_Player.IsElf())
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(ElvenPracticeSword), "Racials", "Practice Sword", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(YewLog), "Yew Logs", 10);
                    index = AddCraft(typeof(ElvenShield), "Racials", "Elven Shield", 95.0, 120.0, typeof(Log), "Logs", 25);
                    AddRes(index, typeof(HornedLeather), "Horned Leather", 10);

            // Set the overidable material
            SetSubRes(typeof(Log), "Oak");

            // Add every material you want the player to be able to chose from
            // This will overide the overidable material
            AddSubRes(typeof(Log), "Oak", 0.0, "You don't have enough skill/resources for that.");
            AddSubRes(typeof(PineLog), "Pine", 35.0, "You don't have enough skill/resources for that.");
            AddSubRes(typeof(RedwoodLog), "Redwood", 55.0, "You don't have enough skill/resources for that.");
            AddSubRes(typeof(WhitePineLog), "White Pine", 65.0, "You don't have enough skill/resources for that.");
            AddSubRes(typeof(AshwoodLog), "Ashwood", 75.0, "You don't have enough skill/resources for that.");
            AddSubRes(typeof(SilverBirchLog), "Silver Birch", 85.0, "You don't have enough skill/resources for that.");
            AddSubRes(typeof(YewLog), "Yew", 95.0, "You don't have enough skill/resources for that.");
            AddSubRes(typeof(BlackOakLog), "Black Oak", 100.0, "You don't have enough skill/resources for that.");

            MarkOption = true;
            Repair     = Core.AOS;
            CanEnhance = false;
            CanFinish  = true;
コード例 #3
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (from is TeiravonMobile)
                TeiravonMobile m_Player = (TeiravonMobile)from;

                if (m_Player.IsOrc() && !(this is Horngoth) && !(this is Warg) && !(this is WarMount))
                    m_Player.SendMessage("You cannot ride that.");

                if (!m_Player.IsFrostling() && this is FrostlingPolarBear)
                    m_Player.SendMessage("You can't ride a bear! What do you think you are, some kind of frozen viking?");

                //Prevent the usage of scytches, bardiches, pikes and halberds on horses
                if (m_Player.Weapon is BasePoleArm || m_Player.Weapon is Pike)
                    m_Player.SendMessage("You cannot ride with your weapon.");

                //Prevent usage of spears and lances on horses unless the player has the mounted combat feat
                if ((m_Player.Weapon is BaseSpear || m_Player.Weapon is Lance) && !m_Player.HasFeat(TeiravonMobile.Feats.MountedCombat))
                    m_Player.SendMessage("You must have the Mounted Combat Feat to ride with that weapon.");

                //Prevent usage of certain "heavy bows" on horses

                bool heavybow = false;

                Type[] m_HeavyBows = new Type[]

                for (int i = 0; i < m_HeavyBows.Length; i++)
                    if (m_Player.Weapon.GetType() == m_HeavyBows[i])
                        heavybow = true;

                if (heavybow)
                    m_Player.SendMessage("Your bow is too unwieldy to be used while mounted.");

            if (IsDeadPet)

            if (from.IsBodyMod && !from.Body.IsHuman)
                if (Core.AOS)                   // You cannot ride a mount in your current form.
                    PrivateOverheadMessage(Network.MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1062061, from.NetState);
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1061628);                       // You can't do that while polymorphed.

            if (Core.AOS && Server.Items.Bola.UnderEffect(from))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1062910);                   // You cannot mount while recovering from a bola throw.

            if (!from.CanBeginAction(typeof(BaseMount)))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1040024);                   // You are still too dazed from being knocked off your mount to ride!

            if (from.Mounted)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005583);                   // Please dismount first.

            if (from.Female ? !AllowFemaleRider : !AllowMaleRider)

            if (!Multis.DesignContext.Check(from))

            if (from.HasTrade)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042317, "", 0x41);                   // You may not ride at this time

            if (from.InRange(this, 1))
                bool canAccess = (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) ||
                                 (Controled && ControlMaster == from) ||
                                 (Summoned && SummonMaster == from);

                if (canAccess)
                    if (this.Poisoned)
                        PrivateOverheadMessage(Network.MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1049692, from.NetState);                           // This mount is too ill to ride.
                        Rider = from;
                        if (from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player)
                            from.Hidden = false;
                        if (from is TeiravonMobile)
                            TeiravonMobile m       = (TeiravonMobile)from;
                            int            dexb    = 0;
                            int            intb    = 0;
                            string         modName = m.Serial.ToString();
                            switch (m.RidingSkill)
                            case 0:
                                dexb = -25;
                                intb = -25;

                            case 1:
                                dexb = -15;
                                intb = -15;

                            case 2:
                                dexb = -5;
                                intb = -5;

                            case 3:

                            case 4:
                                dexb = 10;
                                intb = 5;

                            if (dexb != 0)
                                m.AddStatMod(new StatMod(StatType.Dex, modName + "MntDex", dexb, TimeSpan.Zero));
                            if (intb != 0)
                                m.AddStatMod(new StatMod(StatType.Int, modName + "MntInt", intb, TimeSpan.Zero));
                else if (!Controled && !Summoned)
                    // That mount does not look broken! You would have to tame it to ride it.
                    PrivateOverheadMessage(Network.MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501263, from.NetState);
                    // This isn't your mount; it refuses to let you ride.
                    PrivateOverheadMessage(Network.MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 501264, from.NetState);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500206);                   // That is too far away to ride.