public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); Script_RunsManager t = (Script_RunsManager)target; if (GUILayout.Button("Exit via Last Elevator Increment")) { Script_Game game = Script_Game.Game; Model_Exit exitData = new Model_Exit( game.level, game.GetPlayer().transform.position, game.GetPlayer().FacingDirection ); game.ElevatorCloseDoorsCutScene( null, null, Script_Elevator.Types.Last, exitData, Script_Exits.ExitType.SaveAndRestartOnLevel ); } if (GUILayout.Button("IncrementRun()")) { t.IncrementRun(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Print Cycle By Run Idx")) { Debug.Log($"mon {t.GetCycleByRunIds(0)}"); Debug.Log($"tue {t.GetCycleByRunIds(1)}"); Debug.Log($"wed {t.GetCycleByRunIds(2)}"); Debug.Log($"thu {t.GetCycleByRunIds(3)}"); Debug.Log($"fri {t.GetCycleByRunIds(4)}"); Debug.Log($"sat {t.GetCycleByRunIds(5)}"); Debug.Log($"sun {t.GetCycleByRunIds(6)}"); } GUILayout.Space(12); if (GUILayout.Button("Handle Days Container Highlight")) { t.HandleDaysCanvas(); } GUILayout.Space(12); if (GUILayout.Button("Weekday Start Setup")) { t.StartWeekdayCycle(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Weekend Start Setup")) { t.StartWeekendCycle(); } }
public override void Effect() { Script_Game game = Script_Game.Game; game.ChangeStateCutScene(); // Check Game if this is used in Mynes Grand Mirror where we need to switch to the Weekend Cycle. if (game.IsLastElevatorSaveAndStartWeekendCycle()) { game.ElevatorCloseDoorsCutScene(exit, elevatorSaveAndStartWeekendBehavior, type); } else { game.ElevatorCloseDoorsCutScene(exit, elevatorExitBehavior, type); } }
void Start() { g = Script_Game.Game; if (targetLoc == { targetLoc = GetComponent <Transform>().position; } if (CheckShouldFadeIn()) { spriteFader.SetVisibility(true); } else { spriteFader.SetVisibility(false); } }
public void Setup() { menuController.Setup(); // setup number of slots Transform slotHolder = thoughtSlotHolder.transform; Script_PlayerThoughtsInventoryButton[] thoughtSlots = new Script_PlayerThoughtsInventoryButton[ slotHolder.childCount ]; for (int i = 0; i < thoughtSlots.Length; i++) { thoughtSlots[i] = slotHolder.GetChild(i) .GetComponent <Script_PlayerThoughtsInventoryButton>(); } game = Script_Game.Game; game.thoughtSlots = thoughtSlots; InitializeState(); }
public void Setup(Script_Game _game) { game = _game; }
public void Setup() { game = FindObjectOfType <Script_Game>(); }
public void BuildDevExploreSetup() { runsManager.StartWeekendCycle(); Script_Game.LevelsInactivate(); }
public void BuildSetup() { runsManager.StartWeekdayCycle(); Script_Game.LevelsInactivate(); }