コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Given a manifold containing all of the required information to resolve a known collision between 2 Colliders,
    /// resolves the collision
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m"> A Manifold containing the required collision information </param>
    public static void ResolveCollisions(Manifold m)
        PhysicsEntity A = m.A;
        PhysicsEntity B = m.B;

        if (m.IsEmpty || IsEntitiesInfinitelyMassed(A, B))

        float e = Mathf.Min(m.A.Restitution, m.B.Restitution);

        float AAngVelo = Mathf.Deg2Rad(angularFlipperException(A));
        float BAngVelo = Mathf.Deg2Rad(angularFlipperException(B));

        Vector BVel = B.velocity;
        Vector AVel = A.velocity;

        for (int i = 0; i < m.ContactPoint.Count; i++)
            Vector rAP = m.ContactPoint[i] - A.GetCenterOfMass();
            Vector rBP = m.ContactPoint[i] - B.GetCenterOfMass();

            //get relative velocity
            Vector AB = BVel + (Vector.Cross(BAngVelo, rBP)) - AVel - (Vector.Cross(AAngVelo, rAP));

            Vector normal = m.Normal.Normalized();

            CorrectPosition(m.PenetrationDepth, A, B, -1 * normal);

            //get relative velocity along the normal
            float NormalVelocity = Vector.Dot(AB, normal);

            //if they are seperating, do not resolve
            if (NormalVelocity > 0)

            float jNumerator = -1 * (1f + e) * NormalVelocity;

            float rAPCross = Vector.Cross(rAP, normal);
            float rBPCross = Vector.Cross(rBP, normal);

            float jDenominator = A.GetInvMass() + B.GetInvMass() + (Mathf.Pow(rAPCross, 2) * A.GetInvInertia()) + (Mathf.Pow(rBPCross, 2) * B.GetInvInertia());

            float j = jNumerator / jDenominator;

            j /= m.ContactPoint.Count;

            A.ApplyImpulse(-j * normal, rAP);
            B.ApplyImpulse(j * normal, rBP);


            Vector tangent = AB - (normal * Vector.Dot(AB, normal));

            //find jt
            float jTangent = -Vector.Dot(AB, tangent);
            jTangent = jTangent / jDenominator;

            //spread out friction based on contact point
            jTangent = jTangent / m.ContactPoint.Count;

            float mu = SetFriction(A.GetStaticFriction(), B.GetStaticFriction());

            Vector frictionImpulse;

            //Ffriciton < normal * mu
            if (Mathf.Abs(jTangent) < j * mu)
                //force applied on object did not pass activation force
                frictionImpulse = jTangent * tangent;
                //force applied on object passes activation force
                float dynamicFriction = SetFriction(A.GetDynamicFriction(), B.GetDynamicFriction());
                frictionImpulse = -j * tangent * dynamicFriction;

            A.ApplyImpulse(-1 * frictionImpulse, rAP);
            B.ApplyImpulse(frictionImpulse, rBP);