public override void Initialise() { myType = behaviourType.updateSuspects; myController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <NPCController> (); if (myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious == null) { } else { if (myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious.tag == "NPC") { NPCController npc = myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious.GetComponent <NPCController> (); if (myController.npcB.freindlyIDs.Contains(npc.npcB.myID) == true || myController.npcB.myID != npc.npcB.myID) { myController.npcB.suspisious = false; ////////Debug.LogError ("NPC " + + " wanted to set alert on freindly npc " + myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious); myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious = null; Destroy(this); } } } radioMessageOnStart();,; isInitialised = true; }
private Vector3 Cohesion() { //error checking: if not find the script attached on Phase Manager if (GameObject.Find("PhaseManager") == null) { return(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f)); } else if (GameObject.Find("PhaseManager").GetComponent <FieldMapManager>() == null) { return(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f)); } //get all npcs in the scene List <GameObject> allNPCs = GameObject.Find("PhaseManager").GetComponent <FieldMapManager>().AllNPCs(); Vector3 averagePos = new Vector3(); int NPCCount = 0; foreach (GameObject NPC in allNPCs) { //make sure NPC only follows the NPC with same tag if (NPC.tag == this.tag && NPC != this) { //calculate the total position NPCController nc = NPC.GetComponent <NPCController>(); averagePos += nc.position; NPCCount += 1; } } //calculate the average position averagePos /= NPCCount; return(Seek(averagePos)); }
public void smashWindow() { smashed = true; sr.sprite = smashedSprite; sr.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); sr.sortingOrder = 1; //if (counter == openAnimation.Length - 1) { this.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider2D> ().enabled = false; //} this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioController> ().playSound(; foreach (GameObject g in { if (g == null) { continue; } NPCController npc = g.GetComponent <NPCController> (); npc.setHearedGunshot(this.transform.position, 14.0f); }, 14.0f); PlayerAction pa = this.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerAction> (); Destroy(pa); HighlightObjectWithPlayerActions h = this.gameObject.GetComponent <HighlightObjectWithPlayerActions> (); Destroy(h); SpriteOutline s = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteOutline> (); Destroy(s); }
public void AddFollower(NPCController follower) { Followers.Add(follower); follower.commander = this; CommandFollowerInvade(follower); }
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) { Debug.Log( + " not focused by: " +; interactionSign.enabled = false; PlayerControllerCC player = other.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerControllerCC>(); if (player != null) { player.onInteracting -= Interact; } } if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Death")) { DeathController dController = other.GetComponent <DeathController>(); if (dController != null) { dController.onInteracting -= DeathInteract; } } if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("NPC")) { NPCController npcController = other.GetComponent <NPCController>(); if (npcController != null) { npcController.onInteracting -= VictimInteract; } } }
private void Spawn() { if (spawnedEnemy == null) { spawnedEnemy = Instantiate(enemyPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); spawnedEnemy.GetComponent <CharacterStats>().OnDead += StartSpawnCoroutine; if (patrollingEnemy) { Destroy(spawnedEnemy.GetComponent <SearchingState>()); NPCController npcController = spawnedEnemy.GetComponent <NPCController>(); float rand = Random.Range(minPatrolWaitTime, maxPatrolWaitTime); npcController.SetPatrolWaitTime(rand); npcController.SetPatrolPath(patrolPath); spawnedEnemy.AddComponent <PatrolState>(); npcController.UpdateStateComponents(); } } else { StartCoroutine(WaitForSpawn()); } }
public void FriendlyAttack(int aAttackingPosition, int aAttackedPosition) { //Sets the values of the ennemy attacked. includes setting the posistions and getting its animator and renderer m_IsFirstTurn = false; m_CurrentEnnemyAttacked = aAttackedPosition + 4; m_CurrentFriendlyStats = m_FriendlyList[aAttackingPosition].GetComponent <NPCController>(); m_CurrentEnnemyStats = m_EnnemyList[aAttackedPosition].GetComponent <NPCController>(); m_CurrentEnnemyGO = m_EnnemyList[aAttackedPosition]; m_CurrentFriendlyGO = m_FriendlyList[aAttackingPosition]; m_CurentIdle = m_FriendlyIdlePositions[aAttackingPosition]; m_CurrentDestination = m_FriendlyAttackingPositions[aAttackedPosition]; m_CurrentFriendlyAnim = m_CurrentFriendlyGO.GetComponent <Animator>(); m_CurrentEnnemyAnim = m_CurrentEnnemyGO.GetComponent <Animator>(); m_CurrentRend = m_CurrentFriendlyGO.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); if (m_CurrentFriendlyStats != null && m_CurrentEnnemyStats != null && m_CurrentEnnemyGO != null && m_CurrentFriendlyGO != null) { m_IsFriendlyAttacking = true; } m_oldorderinlayer = m_CurrentRend.sortingOrder; m_CurrentRend.sortingOrder = 12; if (!m_IsFriendlyAttacking) { Debug.LogError("STATS WERE NOT SET CORRECTLY"); } }
private void Assign(StartGameEvent e) { // Handle event here for (int i = 0; i < _players.Length; i++) { NPCController npcController = _players[i].GetComponent <NPCController>(); GhostController ghostController = _players[i].GetComponent <GhostController>(); HunterController hunterController = _players[i].GetComponent <HunterController>(); if (e.gameMode == GameMode.Practice) { hunterController.AlwaysRevealed = true; ghostController.AlwaysRevealed = true; } npcController.enabled = true; hunterController.enabled = false; ghostController.enabled = false; int minimumFurnitureCount = Mathf.Max(0, RoomManager.g.RoomCount - 1); int maximumFurnitureCount = RoomManager.g.RoomCount; npcController.InitFurniturePattern(RoomManager.g.RandomFurnitureList(Random.Range(minimumFurnitureCount, maximumFurnitureCount))); } int hunterIndex = Random.Range(0, _players.Length); int ghostIndex = Random.Range(0, _players.Length); if (ghostIndex == hunterIndex) { ghostIndex = (hunterIndex + 1) % _players.Length; } _players[hunterIndex].GetComponent <HunterController>().enabled = true; _players[ghostIndex].GetComponent <GhostController>().enabled = true; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { myController = this.GetComponent <NPCController> (); useMultiThreading = true; pathSmoothing = false; StartCoroutine("checkIfStuck"); }
private int RandomizeEnnemyAttack() { //randomizes the attack of the ennemy according to how many //alive players are left for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { NPCController tempfriendly = m_FriendlyList[i].GetComponent <NPCController>(); if (!tempfriendly.isDead) { m_AliveFriendlies++; m_PossibleEnnemyAttacks.Add(i + 1); } } if (m_AliveFriendlies > 0) { int finalennemyattack; if (m_AliveFriendlies > 1) { int randennemyattack = (int)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, m_PossibleEnnemyAttacks.Count); finalennemyattack = m_PossibleEnnemyAttacks[randennemyattack]; m_PossibleEnnemyAttacks.Clear(); return(finalennemyattack); } else { finalennemyattack = m_PossibleEnnemyAttacks[0]; m_PossibleEnnemyAttacks.Clear(); return(finalennemyattack); } } m_PossibleEnnemyAttacks.Clear(); Debug.LogError("ALL FRIENDLIES ARE DEAD"); return(0); }
protected override void OnAwake() { base.OnAwake(); manager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CombatManager>(); renderer = this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); npcController = this.GetComponent <NPCController>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { enemyInfoAgent = GetComponent <EnemyInfoAgent>(); enemyController = GetComponent <NPCController>(); enemyAnima = enemyController.m_Animator; if (frontAtkTrigger) { frontAtkTrigger.enabled = false; frontAtkTrigger.gameObject.tag = "EnemyWeapon"; if (!frontAtkTrigger.isTrigger) { frontAtkTrigger.isTrigger = true; } } if (backAtkTrigger) { backAtkTrigger.enabled = false; backAtkTrigger.gameObject.tag = "EnemyWeapon"; if (!backAtkTrigger.isTrigger) { backAtkTrigger.isTrigger = true; } } bodyCollider = enemyController.GetComponent <Collider>(); behaviorTree = GetComponent <BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.BehaviorTree>(); }
// Define Output override public Steering Output(Kinematic lead) { // Calculate prediction scalar based on current speed and target distance float shortestTime = Mathf.Infinity; NPCController firstTarget = null; float firstSeparation = 0; float firstDistance = 0; Vector2 firstPosition =; Vector2 firstVelocity =; foreach (NPCController target in targets) { // Calculate the time to collision Vector2 position = -; Vector2 velocity = -; float timeToCollision = (Vector2.Dot(position, velocity) / (velocity.magnitude * velocity.magnitude)); // Check if the collision will happen float distance = position.magnitude; float separation = distance - velocity.magnitude * shortestTime; if (separation > 2 * radius) { continue; } // Check if it is the shortest if (timeToCollision > 0 && timeToCollision < shortestTime) { // Store the time, target and other data shortestTime = timeToCollision; firstTarget = target; firstSeparation = separation; firstDistance = distance; firstPosition = position; firstVelocity = velocity; } } // Calculate the steering if (firstTarget == null) { return(new Steering()); } // If we’re going to hit exactly, or if we’re already colliding, then do the steering based on current position. Vector2 relativePos =; if (firstSeparation <= 0 || firstDistance < 2 * radius) { relativePos = -; } else { // Otherwise calculate the future relative position relativePos = firstPosition + firstVelocity * shortestTime; } // Return the steering return(new Steering(Vector2.ClampMagnitude(relativePos, player.maxAccelerationL), 0)); }
private void Shoot() { int numberOfBullets = AC.GlobalVariables.GetIntegerValue (5); if (numberOfBullets > 0 && AC.GlobalVariables.GetBooleanValue (52)) { this.renderer.sprite = shoot; AC.GlobalVariables.SetIntegerValue (5, numberOfBullets - 1); TargetMovement t = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<TargetMovement> (); Collider2D hitCollider = Physics2D.OverlapCircle (t.transform.position, t.GetComponent<CircleCollider2D> ().radius, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer ("Body Part")); //if (hitCollider == null || !enemy.IsStanding ()) { if (hitCollider == null) { //GameObject.Find ("Missed").GetComponent <AC.Cutscene> ().Interact (); MonoBehaviour.print ("miss"); } else { BodyPart part = hitCollider.gameObject.GetComponent<BodyPart> (); enemy = part.GetComponentInParent<NPCController> (); enemy.GetBarkTrigger ().TryBark (this.transform); //GameObject.Find ("BeltHit").GetComponent <AC.Cutscene> ().Interact (); //Debug.Log ( + " shot. You did " + part.damage + " damage"); Shootable npc = hitCollider.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<Shootable> (); npc.DecreaseHP (part.damage); //npc.GetComponent<NPCController> ().ForceToggle (); } } else { Destroy (FindObjectOfType<TargetMovement> ().gameObject); AC.GlobalVariables.SetBooleanValue (52, false); } }
/// <summary> /// Начать диалог /// </summary> public void BeginDialog(NPCController _npc, Dialog dialog) { npc = _npc; currentDialog = dialog; currentDialog.stage = 0; CurrentSpeech = dialog.speeches[0]; canvas.enabled = true; HeroController hControl = hero.GetComponent <HeroController>(); hControl.SetImmobile(true); //Повернуть персонажей друг к другу prevScale1 = hero.localScale.x; prevScale2 = npc.transform.localScale.x; if (hero.localScale.x * (npc.transform.position - hero.position).x < 0f) { hero.localScale += new Vector3(-2f * prevScale1, 0f); } if (npc.transform.localScale.x * (npc.transform.position - hero.position).x < 0f) { npc.transform.localScale += new Vector3(-2f * prevScale2, 0f); } if (currentDialog.pause) { SpecialFunctions.PauseGame(); } noInput = 0; }
private void fireEx() { RaycastHit2D[] hits; if (facingRight) { hits = Physics2D.RaycastAll(rayRight.position, Vector2.right, .3f); } else { hits = Physics2D.RaycastAll(rayLeft.position, Vector2.left, .3f); } foreach (RaycastHit2D H in hits) { print("runs"); //14th layer is the layer of Npcs so this detects if its an Npc if (H.collider.gameObject.layer == 14) { print("la"); NPCController temp = H.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <NPCController>(); if (temp.isOnFire()) { //put the fire out temp.putOutFire(); print("yeet"); } } } }
private void Start() { startingLocation = transform.position; initialRotation = transform.rotation; agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); npcController = GetComponent <NPCController>(); }
public List <NPCController> prepareNeighourhood() { List <NPCController> nh = new List <NPCController>(); foreach (NPCController boid in boids) { if (boid.k.Equals(character)) { continue; } if ((boid.k.position - character.position).magnitude < 10f) { nh.Add(boid); //Debug.DrawLine(character.position, boid.k.position,; } } if (nh.Count != 0) { lastNeighbor = nh[0]; } return(nh); }
// Define Output override public Steering Output(Kinematic lead) { // Define variables Vector2 orientation = new Vector2(Mathf.Sin(, Mathf.Cos(; NPCController nearest = null; // Obtain the data for nearest boid and calculate separation velocity foreach (NPCController target in targets) { if (Vector2.Dot(orientation, ( - > threshold) { if (nearest == null || Vector2.Distance(, < Vector2.Distance(, { nearest = target; } } } // Return no change if no nearby boid found if (nearest == null) { return(new Steering()); } // Otherwise, calculate separate return(base.Output(; }
public override void Initialise() { myType = behaviourType.arrestTarget; myController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <NPCController> (); pwc = target.GetComponent <PersonWeaponController> (); = target; targetStartLoc = target.transform.position; if (myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious == null) { } else { if (myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious.tag == "NPC") { NPCController npc = myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious.GetComponent <NPCController> (); if (myController.npcB.freindlyIDs.Contains(npc.npcB.myID) == true || myController.npcB.myID != npc.npcB.myID) { myController.npcB.suspisious = false; ////////Debug.LogError ("NPC " + + " wanted to set alert on freindly npc " + myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious); myController.memory.objectThatMadeMeSuspisious = null; Destroy(this); } } } radioMessageOnStart(); isInitialised = true; }
private void Start() { npcController = GetComponent <NPCController>(); npcController.TargetChanged += ChangeTarget; agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); animator = GetComponent <CharacterAnimator>(); }
private void LoadRandomQAToGeneral() { const int mainQuestionCount = 13; int[] randomArray = new int[mainQuestionCount]; int length = 0; int randomIndex; //Get SIX (static) random different QA set from the mainQuestionSource for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //While the random index is exists in the random index array do { //Keep random the index randomIndex = Random.Range(0, mainQuestionCount); } while (IsExists(randomArray, randomIndex)); //Add the new randomIndex to the random index array randomArray[length++] = randomIndex; //Add the QASetSource to the randomMainQASet list randomMainQASet.Add(mainQuestionsSource[randomIndex]); } // Add the NPCController's Script component to the general GameObject npc = general.AddComponent <NPCController>(); //Change the settings of this component by using the AddQA function npc.AddQA(randomMainQASet); }
public void deaggro(NPCController npc) { _aggroList.Remove(npc); if (_indirectAggroList.Contains(npc)) _indirectAggroList.Add(npc); }
private void EnterMapStateOne() { //destroy all of the NPCs in the scene Debug.Log("map state one"); Debug.Log(spawnedNPCs.Count); for (int i = 0; i < spawnedNPCs.Count; i++) { Debug.Log(spawnedNPCs.Count + "<count i> " + i); if (spawnedNPCs[i] == null) { continue; } Destroy(spawnedNPCs[i]); } spawnedNPCs.Clear(); GameObject character = SpawnItem(spawner1, HunterPrefab, null, SpawnText1, 0); GameObject wolf = SpawnItem(spawner2, WolfPrefab, null, SpawnText1, 0); spawnedNPCs.Add(character); spawnedNPCs.Add(wolf); NPCController charNPCcontroller = character.GetComponent <NPCController>(); NPCController wolfNPCcontroller = wolf.GetComponent <NPCController>(); charNPCcontroller.NewTarget(wolfNPCcontroller); wolfNPCcontroller.NewTarget(charNPCcontroller); charNPCcontroller.mapState = 1; wolfNPCcontroller.mapState = 2; }
protected bool ShouldCastRangeHealingPredefine(NPCController caster, List <Transform> TargetsInVision, BaseSkill skillSetting) { //技能總治療量 float healingMount = 0; if (skillSetting is BuffSkill) { foreach (Buff buff in (skillSetting as BuffSkill).buffs) { if (buff is ConsumedStatusBuff) { healingMount += (buff as ConsumedStatusBuff).TotalMount((skillSetting as BuffSkill).buffTime); } } } healingMount += caster.status.GetSecondaryAttrubute(SecondaryAttributeName.MagicalDamage).AdjustedValue *skillSetting.AdjustedDamage; foreach (Transform target in TargetsInVision) { if (target.GetComponent <BaseCharacterBehavior>().status.GetConsumedAttrubute(ConsumedAttributeName.Health).LossValue > healingMount / 2) { return(true); } } return(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (!nPC) { nPC = this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <NPCController>(); } }
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col) { if (playerInCar == true && rb.velocity.magnitude > 1) { //Debug.Log ("CAR COLLIDED WITH " +; if (col.gameObject.GetComponent <NPCController> () == true) { NPCController npc = col.gameObject.GetComponent <NPCController> (); npc.knockOutNPC(); //Debug.Log ("Dealt " + Mathf.RoundToInt (100 * rb.velocity.magnitude).ToString () + " Damage to NPC"); npc.myHealth.dealDamage(Mathf.RoundToInt(100 * rb.velocity.magnitude), true); } else if (col.gameObject.GetComponent <DoorScript> () == true) { DoorScript ds = col.gameObject.GetComponent <DoorScript> (); ds.largeImpactOnDoor(100); } else if (col.gameObject.transform.parent != null && col.gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <WindowNew> () == true) { WindowNew wn = col.gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent <WindowNew> (); wn.destroyWindow(); } dealDamage(100); } }
private void OnPlayerInit(BasePlayer player) { if (player.HasPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.ReceivingSnapshot)) { timer.Once(2, () => OnPlayerInit(player)); return; } PetData info; if (!npcSaveList.TryGetValue(player.userID, out info) || !info.NeedToSpawn) { return; } Puts("Loading pet..."); BaseEntity pet = InstantiateEntity(StringPool.Get(info.prefabID), new Vector3(info.x, info.y, info.z), new Quaternion()); if (pet == null) { return; } NPCController controller = player.gameObject.AddComponent <NPCController>(); pet.enableSaving = false; pet.Spawn(); controller.npcAi = pet.gameObject.AddComponent <NpcAI>(); controller.npcAi.owner = controller; controller.npcAi.inventory.Load(ProtoBuf.ItemContainer.Deserialize(info.inventory)); info.NeedToSpawn = false; }
private float FlockingAlgA() { float avgAng = 0; int collCount = 0; foreach (Collider coll in cylnCheck.CollidersClose) { NPCController collNPC = coll.gameObject.GetComponent <NPCController>(); if (collNPC && == { avgAng += coll.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; collCount++; } } avgAng /= collCount; while (avgAng > 180) { avgAng -= 360; } while (avgAng < -180) { avgAng += 360; } return(Align(avgAng)); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll) { if (coll.gameObject.tag == "NPC") { atNPC = true; NPC = coll.gameObject.GetComponent <NPCController>(); } else if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") { if (isAttacking) { coll.gameObject.GetComponent <DogController>().Kill(); Physics2D.IgnoreCollision(coll, GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>()); } else { if (coll.gameObject.GetComponent <DogController>().isDead) { Physics2D.IgnoreCollision(coll, GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>()); } else { GetComponent <PlayerHealth>().TakeDamage(0.5f); } } } }
private void Start() { patrolPath = GetComponentInChildren <WaypointContainer>(); if (GetComponentInChildren <CharacterStats>()) { CharacterStats enemy = GetComponentInChildren <CharacterStats>(); enemy.OnDead += StartSpawnCoroutine; spawnedEnemy = enemy.gameObject; if (patrollingEnemy) { Destroy(spawnedEnemy.GetComponent <SearchingState>()); NPCController npcController = spawnedEnemy.GetComponent <NPCController>(); float rand = Random.Range(minPatrolWaitTime, maxPatrolWaitTime); npcController.SetPatrolWaitTime(rand); npcController.SetPatrolPath(patrolPath); spawnedEnemy.AddComponent <PatrolState>(); npcController.UpdateStateComponents(); } spawnedEnemy.transform.parent = null; } else { Spawn(); } }
public void setBoidVelocity() { SteeringOutput steering; steering.linear =; steering.angular = 0f; Vector3 returnVel =; for (int i = 0; i < boidParent.transform.childCount; i++) { Transform currentBoid = boidParent.transform.GetChild(i); NPCController currentBoidNPC = currentBoid.GetComponent <NPCController>(); if (!currentBoidNPC) { Debug.Log("No NPC Controller attatched to Boid " +; return; } if (currentBoid == transform) { continue; } if ((transform.position - currentBoid.position).magnitude < 10f) { returnVel +=; } } }
public WaitingState(GameObject player, GameObject npc) { base.player = player; base.npc = npc; playerScript = player.GetComponent<PlayerScene2>(); npcScript = npc.GetComponent<NPCController>(); stateID = StateID.WaitingStateID; }
public void DisplayPhraseSelector(string conflictPhrase = "This is a conflict we're having", NPCController npc = null) { PhraseSelector.SetActive(true); PhraseSelector controller = this.PhraseSelector.GetComponent<PhraseSelector>(); controller.SetConflictPhrase(conflictPhrase); controller.SpawnPhrases(PhraseCollector.Instance.GetAllCollectedPhrases()); controller.SetNPC(npc); }
public Bland(NPCController c) : base(c) { _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("bezoeker_01")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("bezoeker_02")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("bezoeker_03")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("bezoeker_04")); _demand = Random.Range(1, 10); }
void Start() { objPlayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); // enable/disable NPCController script if attacking npc = gameObject.GetComponent<NPCController>(); weapon = gameObject.GetComponent<Done_WeaponController>(); flockControl = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent<FlockController>(); flock = gameObject.transform.parent.GetComponent<Flock>(); // Debug.Log(npc.GetPlayerTransform().position + "player place"); }
public Guard(NPCController c) : base(c) { _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("speler_01")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("guard_01")); var Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); _playerAudioSource = Player.GetComponent<AudioSource> (); MonoBehaviour.Destroy (_client.gameObject, DestroyTime); _demand = Mathf.Infinity; }
public HappyFisher(NPCController c) : base(c) { _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("visser_01")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("visser_02")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("visser_03")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("visser_04")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("visser_05")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("visser_06")); _demand = 50; }
public Personality(NPCController c) { _client = c; _audioSource = _client.GetComponent<AudioSource> (); _voiceClips = new List<AudioClip>(); if (_audioSource == null) throw new UnityException ("NPC has no audio source attached."); var gameObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GameController"); if (gameObject == null) throw new UnityException ("No game controller found in scene."); _gameController = gameObject.GetComponent<GameController> (); }
public Smith(NPCController c) : base(c) { _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("smid_01")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("smid_02")); _voiceClips.Add(_gameController.GetClip ("smid_03")); var Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); _playerController = Player.GetComponent<PlayerController> (); _demand = 40; }
void Start() { GameObject sectorController = GameObject.Find("SectorController"); if (sectorController != null) { sc = sectorController.GetComponent<SectorController>(); nc = sectorController.GetComponent<NPCController>(); } else { throw new System.Exception("Cannot find SectorController. Is it present and named 'SectorController'?"); } }
public GameObject SpawnNPC(SpawnPoint spawnPoint, Emotion emotion, string phrase, NPCController.CollidedWithPlayerAction collidedListener) { GameObject npcObject = spawnNPC(spawnPoint); NPCController npc = npcObject.GetComponent<NPCController>(); npc.Emotion = emotion; if (emotion == Emotion.Mad) { npc.SetConflictPhrase(phrase); } else { npc.Phrase = phrase; } npc.OnCollidedWithPlayer += collidedListener; return npcObject; }
void Awake () { // Singleton pattern if (instance == null) { // Gameinstance related stuff here /************************************/ // For static reference instance = this; // PaycastMask for ignoring the buildings Layer = 0; raycastIgnoreMask = 1 << Layer; raycastIgnoreMask = ~raycastIgnoreMask; // Instantiate all controllers gridFieldController = new GridFieldController(); treeGroupController = new TreeGroupController(); buildingController = new BuildingController(); npcController = new NPCController(); // Nothing opened, nothing selected! selectedBuilding = 123456; selectedNPC = 123456; isSelected = false; isBuilding = false; // Wallet related stuff here /************************************/ // Number of wallets are determined by the number of Player Names // How much starting cash is given to the constructor walletController = new WalletController(2000); } else if(instance != this) { // Singleton pattern - destroy the new one if you want to make another GameController Destroy(gameObject); } }
void Start() { renderer = this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> (); if (renderer == null) { this.GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer> (); } enemy = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<NPCController> (); barkTrigger = this.GetComponent<BarkTrigger> (); isStanding = true; player = GetComponent<Player> (); if (player == null) { player = GetComponentInParent<Player> (); } if (player == null) { player = GetComponentInChildren<Player> (); } if (player != null) { speed = player.walkSpeedScale; animator = player.GetComponent<Animator> (); } else { speed = 2f; } }
void callNPCEncounterEvent(Emotion emotion, string phrase, NPCController npc) { if (OnNPCEncounter != null) { OnNPCEncounter(emotion, phrase, npc); } }
void OnEnable() { script = target as NPCController; list = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, serializedObject.FindProperty("dialogs"), true, true, true, true); list.drawElementCallback = (Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) => { if (!list.serializedProperty.isExpanded) return; var element = list.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); rect.x += 15; rect.width -= 15; rect.height = EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(element) + 2; EditorGUI.PropertyField(rect, element); }; list.elementHeightCallback = (int index) => { if (!list.serializedProperty.isExpanded) return 0; var element = list.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); float h = EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(element) + 6; // If it's not the last one, but it's the last playOnce... if (element.FindPropertyRelative("messages").isExpanded && ShowLastPlayOnceStuff(index)) h += 20; return h; }; list.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect rect) => { //EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, list.serializedProperty.displayName); //EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Conversations"); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; list.serializedProperty.isExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(rect, list.serializedProperty.isExpanded, "Conversations"); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; list.draggable = list.displayAdd = list.displayRemove = list.serializedProperty.isExpanded; }; list.drawElementBackgroundCallback = (Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) => { if (!list.serializedProperty.isExpanded) return; if (index < 0) return; bool playOnce = list.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index).FindPropertyRelative("playOnce").boolValue; rect.y -= 2; rect.x += 1; rect.width -= 2; rect.height = list.elementHeightCallback(index); EditorGUI.DrawRect(rect, isFocused ? (playOnce ? new Color(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.2f, 0.2f) : new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f)) : (playOnce ? new Color(0, 1, 0, 0.1f) : Color.clear)); if (ShowLastPlayOnceStuff(index)) { var bot = new Rect(rect.x, rect.yMax-1, rect.width, 1); EditorGUI.DrawRect(bot, new Color(0, 0.5f, 0, 0.5f)); } }; list.onAddCallback = (ReorderableList l) => { int index = l.count; l.serializedProperty.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(index); var sub = l.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); sub.FindPropertyRelative("playOnce").boolValue = false; sub.FindPropertyRelative("messages").ClearArray(); sub.isExpanded = true; }; }
void subscribeToNPCEvents(NPCController npc) { npc.OnCollidedWithPlayer += callNPCEncounterEvent; if (!Tutorial.Playing()) { npc.OnOffscreen += handleNPCOffscreen; } }
void setNPCStartPosition(NPCController npc, SpawnPoint spawnPoint) { npc.transform.position = SpawnPointController.GetSpawnPosition(spawnPoint, true); npc.moveAcrossScreenToLeft(); }
void setNPCReferences(NPCController npc, SpawnPoint spawnPoint) { npc.SetSpawnPoint(spawnPoint); subscribeToNPCEvents(npc); }
public void PushPlayerAway(NPCController npc) { _pushSpeed += ((transform.position - npc.transform.position) * 6 + new Vector3(0, 1, 0)) * (float)Beverages/3.0f; }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { if (activeNPCDialog != null) { if (activeNPCDialog.DialogEnabled()) return; } //Get input for starting NPC dialogs: if (setNpcAction) { setNpcAction = false; activeNPCDialog.Action(); } else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1")) { GameObject[] npcs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("NPC"); //get closes npc: if (npcs.Length > 0) { GameObject closestNPC = null; float closest = 2.00f; // min distance foreach (GameObject npc in npcs) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, npc.transform.position); if (distance < closest) { closestNPC = npc; closest = distance; } } if (closestNPC != null) { activeNPCDialog = closestNPC.GetComponent<NPCController>(); setNpcAction = true; } } } targetSpeed =; targetSpeed.x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); if (playerPhysics.onSolidGround) targetSpeed.y = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); amountToMove = targetSpeed; if (jumpTime <= 0) { if (playerPhysics.grounded && !playerPhysics.onSolidGround) { if (Input.GetButton("Jump")) { playerPhysics.Jump(JumpPower); jumpTime = 0.2f; } } } else jumpTime -= Time.deltaTime; if (Mathf.Abs(playerPhysics.rigidbody2D.velocity.x) >= Speed) amountToMove.x = 0; if (Mathf.Abs(playerPhysics.rigidbody2D.velocity.y) >= Speed) amountToMove.y = 0; playerPhysics.Move(amountToMove * 1000 * Time.deltaTime * Acceleration); currentSpeed = playerPhysics.rigidbody2D.velocity; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Config = new NetPeerConfiguration("pokemon"); Config.Port = 7377; Config.MaximumConnections = 20; Config.EnableMessageType(NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval); Server = new NetServer(Config); Server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("time to own"); /*/Creating a ContentManager to load maps from XML Form form = new Form(); GraphicsDeviceService gds = GraphicsDeviceService.AddRef(form.Handle, form.ClientSize.Width, form.ClientSize.Height); ServiceContainer services = new ServiceContainer(); services.AddService<IGraphicsDeviceService>(gds); content = new ContentManager(services, "Content");*/ //Initialize all the maps here List<PlayerPrimitive> Players = new List<PlayerPrimitive>(); ServerNPCController = new NPCController(); NPC npc = new NPC(null, new Vector2(15, 15), 2); ServerNPCController.addNPC(npc); NetIncomingMessage nic; DateTime time = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan updateSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 30); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for players to join..."); while (true) { if ((nic = Server.ReadMessage()) != null) { switch (nic.MessageType) { case NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval : if (nic.ReadByte() == (byte)PacketTypes.Login) { Console.WriteLine("New Player joining."); nic.SenderConnection.Approve(); PlayerPrimitive prim = DataReadWrite.ReadPlayer(nic); prim.Connection = nic.SenderConnection; Players.Add(prim); Console.WriteLine("The following players are in:"); foreach (PlayerPrimitive player in Players) { Console.WriteLine(player.Name + " joined " + System.DateTime.Now); Console.WriteLine(player.UniqueId); } NetOutgoingMessage outmsg = Server.CreateMessage(); outmsg.Write((byte)PacketTypes.WorldState); outmsg.Write(Players.Count); foreach (PlayerPrimitive player in Players) { outmsg.WriteAllProperties(player); } Server.SendMessage(outmsg, nic.SenderConnection, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, 0); Console.WriteLine("New player has joined, server updated and shit."); } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.Data : if (nic.ReadByte() == (byte)PacketTypes.Move) { foreach (PlayerPrimitive player in Players) { if (player.Connection != nic.SenderConnection) continue; Vector2 position = XNAExtensions.ReadVector2(nic); bool running = nic.ReadBoolean(); player.X = (int)position.X; player.Y = (int)position.Y; player.IsRunning = running; Console.WriteLine(player.Name + " position: " + player.X + ", " + player.Y + ": running = " + running); /*NetOutgoingMessage outmsg = Server.CreateMessage(); outmsg.Write((byte)PacketTypes.WorldState); outmsg.Write(Players.Count); foreach (PlayerPrimitive playa in Players) outmsg.WriteAllProperties(playa); Server.SendMessage(outmsg, Server.Connections, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, 0);*/ break; } } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged : Console.WriteLine(nic.SenderConnection.ToString() + " status changed." + (NetConnectionStatus)nic.SenderConnection.Status); if (nic.SenderConnection.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected || nic.SenderConnection.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) { foreach (PlayerPrimitive player in Players) { if (player.Connection == nic.SenderConnection) { Players.Remove(player); Console.WriteLine(player.Name + " left the game " + System.DateTime.Now); break; } } } break; default : Console.WriteLine("Message type is: " + nic.MessageType); break; } } if ((time + updateSpan) < DateTime.Now) { ServerNPCController.UpdateNPCs(updateSpan); if (Server.ConnectionsCount > 0) { NetOutgoingMessage outmsg = Server.CreateMessage(); outmsg.Write((byte)PacketTypes.WorldState); outmsg.Write(Players.Count); outmsg.Write(ServerNPCController.NPCs.Count); foreach (PlayerPrimitive player in Players) outmsg.WriteAllProperties(player); foreach (NPC nerdo in ServerNPCController.NPCs) outmsg.WriteAllProperties(nerdo.toPrimitive()); Server.SendMessage(outmsg, Server.Connections, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered, 0); } time = DateTime.Now; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } }
private void spawnNPC() { npc = TrashMan.spawn("NPC", PlayerController.PC.transform.position - new Vector3(6,6, 0)).GetComponent<NPCController>(); npc.initializeNPC(); setObjective(npc.transform); npc.objectiveController.set(objective); }
void Awake(){ _instance = this; }
void Start() { npc = gameObject.GetComponent<NPCController>(); rNum = Random.Range(1, 4); objPlayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); if (objPlayer != null) { scoreController = objPlayer.GetComponent<PlayerController>(); } if (scoreController == null) { Debug.Log("Cannot find 'PlayerController' script"); } }
/// <summary> /// Set up references and initialize lists. Start the creation /// of the initial movement plan, and then start the movement. /// </summary> void Start() { //Init routeDestinations = new List<RouteDataObject>(); //References self = gameObject.GetComponent<NPC>(); GameObject sectorController = GameObject.Find("SectorController"); if (sectorController != null) { sc = sectorController.GetComponent<SectorController>(); nc = sectorController.GetComponent<NPCController>(); } else { throw new System.Exception("SectorController was not found. Is it present and named 'SectorController'?"); } //Plan setup SetMovementPlan(); }
private void NewGame() { MarketController mc = new MarketController(); mc.LoadCommodityShopInventories(); NPCController nc = new NPCController(); nc.LoadNewMerchants(); }
/// npc threat management public void aggro(NPCController npc) { if (!_aggroList.Contains(npc)) _aggroList.Add(npc); }
void handleNPCEncounter(Emotion emotion, string phrase, NPCController npc) { canvas.sortingOrder++; if (emotion == Emotion.None) { PhraseApprover.Instance.ToggleRejectButton(false); StepForwardInTutorial(); } else if (emotion == Emotion.Mad) { ShowCurrentSlide(); timedTickTutorial(5f); } }
public void SetNPC(NPCController npc) { this.npc = npc; }