コード例 #1
    private void LoadRandomQAToGeneral()
        const int mainQuestionCount = 13;

        int[] randomArray = new int[mainQuestionCount];
        int   length      = 0;
        int   randomIndex;

        //Get SIX (static) random different QA set from the mainQuestionSource
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            //While the random index is exists in the random index array
                //Keep random the index
                randomIndex = Random.Range(0, mainQuestionCount);
            } while (IsExists(randomArray, randomIndex));

            //Add the new randomIndex to the random index array
            randomArray[length++] = randomIndex;

            //Add the QASetSource to the randomMainQASet list

        // Add the NPCController's Script component to the general GameObject
        npc = general.AddComponent <NPCController>();

        //Change the settings of this component by using the AddQA function
コード例 #2
    private void LoadRandomQAToSoldiers()
        Debug.Log("Run GameManager");
        const int maxSubQuestionCount = 7;

        //Random the count of sub question in one scene
        int subQuestionCount = Random.Range(1, 5);

        Debug.Log("Sub question:" + subQuestionCount);
        int length = 0;
        int randomIndex;

        int[] randomArray = new int[subQuestionCount];

        //Get subQuestionCount random different QA set from the subQuestionSource
        for (int i = 0; i < subQuestionCount; i++)
            //While the random index is exists in the random index array
                //Keep randomizing the index
                randomIndex = Random.Range(0, maxSubQuestionCount);
            } while (IsExists(randomArray, randomIndex));

            //Add the new randomIndex to the random index array
            randomArray[length++] = randomIndex;

            //Add the QASetSource to the randomSubQASet list

        //Find all the soldies GameObject
        soldiers = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Soldier");

        //Check if the soldier count is smaller than  number of sub QA Set
        if (soldiers.Length < randomSubQASet.Count)
            return;                                        //Then we don't have enough soldies to be added by QA
        int[] tempArray = new int[subQuestionCount];
        length = 0;

        //Add all the SubQASet to the random soldier in soldiers list
        foreach (var set in randomSubQASet)
            //While the random index is exists in the random index array
                //Keep randomizing the index
                randomIndex = Random.Range(0, soldiers.Length);
            } while (IsExists(tempArray, randomIndex));

            //Add the new randomIndex to the random index array
            tempArray[length++] = randomIndex;

            // Add the NPCController's Script component to the soldier GameObject
            npc = soldiers[randomIndex].AddComponent <NPCController>();

            //Change the settings of this component by using the AddQA function