private void CountBreakableBlocks() { if (tag == "Breakable") { level.AddBlock(); } }
private void Start() { level = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); gameStatus = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); powerUps = FindObjectOfType <PowerUps>(); level.AddBlock(); }
private void CountBreakableBlocks() { level = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); if (tag == "Breakable") { level.AddBlock(); } }
private void CountBreakableBlocks() { level = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); if (CompareTag(BlockTag.Breakable)) { level.AddBlock(); } }
private void Start() { if (tag == "Unbreakable") { return; } _level = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); _level.AddBlock(); }
/* AddBlockToLevel checks to see if the block is breakable. * If true, it caches references to the Level and Game State game objects. * It then calls a public method in Level to add itself to the block count. */ private void AddBlockToLevel() { if (CompareTag("Breakable")) { level = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); gameState = FindObjectOfType <GameState>(); level.AddBlock(); } }
private void CountBreakableBlocks() { level = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); // Only keep track of breakable blocks to proceed to the next level if (tag == "Breakable") { level.AddBlock(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gameLevel = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); gameState = FindObjectOfType <GameStatus>(); numberOfTimesHit = 0; if (tag == "Breakable") { gameLevel.AddBlock(); } }
private void Start() { level = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); gameState = FindObjectOfType <GameState>(); // Only counting breakable blocks if (tag == "Breakable") { level.AddBlock(); } }
void Start() { gameStatus = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameStatus").GetComponent <GameStatus>(); // level = GameObject.FindWithTag("Level").GetComponent <Level>(); if (tag == "Breakable") { spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); level.AddBlock(); } }
void Start() { level = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); cameraShake = FindObjectOfType <CameraShake>(); powerControl = FindObjectOfType <PowerControl>(); baseColor = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color; if (breakable) { currentHP = baseHP = blockPhases.Length; level.AddBlock(); CrackBlock(); } }
void AddDet(Vector3 position, int BlockId, int ColorID, GameObject Object) { Object.GetComponent <PaintBlockInfo>().ColorID = ColorID; Object.GetComponent <PaintBlockInfo>().Layer = GameObjLayer; Object.transform.localScale = new Vector3(ScaleModule.ScaleModyfy, ScaleModule.ScaleModyfy, 1); Object.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Object.transform.localScale.x - 0.11f, Object.transform.localScale.y - 0.11f, 1); Object.GetComponent <PaintBlockInfo>().OriginX = position.x * 30; Object.GetComponent <PaintBlockInfo>().OriginY = position.y * 30; Instantiate(Object, position, Quaternion.identity); level.AddBlock(new DetailBlock(BlockId) { PositionX = position.x * 30, PositionY = position.y * 30, ColorDetail = Convert.ToInt16(ColorID), ZOrder = (short)GameObjLayer, EditorL = Convert.ToInt16(Layer), Scale = Object.transform.localScale.x + 0.11f, }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Art To Geometry Dash"; Welcome(); Console.Write("Image path.\nExample: C:\\images\\my.png\n> "); fileArt = Console.ReadLine().Replace("\"", ""); Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Width and height pixel (pixels). \n> "); pixelSize = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Alpha color.\nExample 1: 255 255 255 (Cut close to white color)\nExample 2: A 245 (Cuts all pixels with little aplha.)\n> "); string[] al = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); if (al[0] == "A" || al[0] == "А") { useAplhaChannel = true; alphaChannel = byte.Parse(al[1]); } else { alpha = new byte[3]; alpha[0] = byte.Parse(al[0]); alpha[1] = byte.Parse(al[1]); alpha[2] = byte.Parse(al[2]); } Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Color similarity ratio.\n0 - Exact color match\nThe higher the value, the less color will be used in the level.\nRecommended value: 10\n> "); userDistance = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); Console.Write("What ID to start creating the palette\n> "); colorStart = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); Console.Write("The size of the art in the level.\n1: 1 pixel = 1/4 block\nExample: 0,8\n> "); scale = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Image coordinates in level.\n1 block = 30, 2 block = 60\nTemplate: X Y\nExample: 2000 0\nUsing coordinates far from 0 when adding a large image, otherwise the level may not open.\n> "); string[] coords = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); coordX = float.Parse(coords[0]); coordY = float.Parse(coords[1]); Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Layer for art.\n> "); EditorLayer = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Add a color changing trigger?\n1 - Yes\n0 - No\n> "); string addtrgstr = Console.ReadLine(); addTrigger = addtrgstr.ToLower() == "yes" || addtrgstr == "1" ? true : false; Console.Clear(); Console.Write("The name of the level in which the art will be placed.\nRecomended use empty level.\nPossible level damage!\n> "); levelName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Restart(); Console.WriteLine("Loading level ..."); localLevels = new LocalLevels(); level = new Level(localLevels.GetLevelByName(levelName), null, new List <int>()); Console.WriteLine("Loading image ..."); art = new Bitmap(fileArt); blockStart = level.CountBlock; Console.WriteLine("Creating art..."); int currentColorID = colorStart; int startFor = 0; if (pixelSize >= 2) { startFor = 1; } else if (pixelSize >= 4) { startFor = 2; } else if (pixelSize >= 8) { startFor = 4; } for (int x = startFor; x < art.Width; x += pixelSize) { for (int y = startFor; y < art.Height; y += pixelSize) { System.Drawing.Color color = art.GetPixel(x, y); int colorInt = BytesToInt(color.R, color.G, color.B); if (useAplhaChannel) { if (color.A < alphaChannel) { continue; } } else { if (FindSimilar(color.R, color.G, color.B, alpha[0], alpha[1], alpha[2])) { continue; } } if (!palette.ContainsKey(colorInt)) { int?sim = FindSimilar(color.R, color.G, color.B); if (sim == null) { level.AddColor(new GeometryDashAPI.Levels.Color((short)currentColorID, color.R, color.G, color.B)); palette.Add(colorInt, currentColorID); if (addTrigger) { level.AddBlock(new PulseTrigger() { TargetID = currentColorID, Red = color.R, Green = color.G, Blue = color.B, Hold = 10f, PositionX = -15 + coordX, PositionY = 0 + coordY, EditorL = (short)EditorLayer }); } currentColorID++; } else { colorInt = (int)sim; } } DetailBlock block = new DetailBlock(917); block.ColorDetail = (short)palette[colorInt]; block.Scale = scale; block.EditorL = (short)EditorLayer; block.PositionX = (x / pixelSize * 7.5f * scale) + coordX; block.PositionY = ((art.Height - y) / pixelSize * 7.5f * scale) + coordY; level.AddBlock(block); } } Console.WriteLine("Save..."); localLevels.GetLevelByName(levelName).LevelString = level.ToString(); localLevels.Save(); sw.Stop(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Completed!\nUsed colors: {palette.Count}\nUsed blocks: {level.CountBlock - blockStart}\nElapsed time: {sw.ElapsedTicks} ticks ({sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds)"); Console.WriteLine("Press any button to continue."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void Start() { level = FindObjectOfType <Level>(); level.AddBlock(); }
public void InitiateLevels() { Levels = new List <Level>(); Level tempLevel = new Level(); #region Level 1 //Landscape tempLevel.AddLandscape("Level1"); //Catapult Position tempLevel.SetCatapultPosition(new Vector2(-15.79f, -1.75f)); //Blocks tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(10.21593f, -2.892341f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 90.26701f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(-0.1401955f, -6.457932f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0.041f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(12.9698f, -6.392479f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0.155f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(2.149655f, -2.937033f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 90.269f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(7.500449f, -6.418904f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0.09100001f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(4.529908f, -6.435939f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0.056f)); //Music tempLevel.MusicTitle = "Dutty"; //Scores tempLevel.ScoreForTwoStars = 1180; tempLevel.ScoreForThreeStars = 1680; //Meat tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(2.22f, -8.89f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[1].Clone(), new Vector2(9.278996f, -8.77f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[2].Clone(), new Vector2(10.33f, -1.57f)); //Max Vegetables tempLevel.MaxVegetables = 6; Levels.Add(tempLevel); #endregion #region Level 2 tempLevel = new Level(); //Landscape tempLevel.AddLandscape("Level2"); //Catapult Position tempLevel.SetCatapultPosition(new Vector2(-15.79f, -1.75f)); //Blocks tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(3.793869f, -3.62f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[2].Clone(), new Vector2(12.51774f, 1.16f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[0].Clone(), new Vector2(20.29699f, 5.72f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); //Music tempLevel.MusicTitle = "Dutty"; //Scores tempLevel.ScoreForTwoStars = 1180; tempLevel.ScoreForThreeStars = 1680; //Meat tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(5.139043f, -6.091519f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(7.699126f, -6.091519f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(6.405476f, -6.091519f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[1].Clone(), new Vector2(13.56967f, -0.9713382f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[1].Clone(), new Vector2(15.12935f, -1.01f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[2].Clone(), new Vector2(22.2418f, 3.772467f)); //Max Vegetables tempLevel.MaxVegetables = 6; Levels.Add(tempLevel); #endregion #region Level 3 tempLevel = new Level(); //Landscape tempLevel.AddLandscape("Level3"); //Catapult Position tempLevel.SetCatapultPosition(new Vector2(-15.79f, -1.75f)); //Blocks tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(9.692039f, 3.819306f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 80.50301f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[2].Clone(), new Vector2(-4.62f, 7.05f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -102.658f)); //Music tempLevel.MusicTitle = "Dutty"; //Scores tempLevel.ScoreForTwoStars = 1180; tempLevel.ScoreForThreeStars = 1680; //Meat tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(-5.89189f, 8.407306f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(-4.7099f, 8.111808f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(-3.593577f, 7.947642f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(-2.345921f, 7.652145f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[1].Clone(), new Vector2(10.82321f, 4.816171f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[2].Clone(), new Vector2(12.08969f, 4.881282f)); //Max Vegetables tempLevel.MaxVegetables = 6; Levels.Add(tempLevel); #endregion #region Level 4 tempLevel = new Level(); //Landscape tempLevel.AddLandscape("Level4"); //Catapult Position tempLevel.SetCatapultPosition(new Vector2(-15.79f, -1.75f)); //Blocks tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[0].Clone(), new Vector2(18.38663f, 5.199508f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -0.476f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[0].Clone(), new Vector2(13.26352f, 3.227602f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0.7820001f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[0].Clone(), new Vector2(1.819896f, 3.539904f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 91.31001f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(12.52407f, 6.404523f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -2.081f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(15.94847f, 7.884973f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -68.382f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[2].Clone(), new Vector2(-6.999947f, -0.2677824f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -0.029f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[2].Clone(), new Vector2(-0.2620025f, -0.02361375f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 1.303f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[2].Clone(), new Vector2(3.830903f, 0.06998272f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 1.32f)); //Music tempLevel.MusicTitle = "Dutty"; //Scores tempLevel.ScoreForTwoStars = 1180; tempLevel.ScoreForThreeStars = 1680; //Meat tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(2.310153f, -2.369045f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(0.85f, -2.369045f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[0].Clone(), new Vector2(16.87f, 3.9f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[1].Clone(), new Vector2(-3.691193f, -4.565026f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[2].Clone(), new Vector2(15.1f, 4.3f)); //Max Vegetables tempLevel.MaxVegetables = 6; Levels.Add(tempLevel); #endregion #region Level 5 tempLevel = new Level(); //Landscape tempLevel.AddLandscape("Level5"); //Catapult Position tempLevel.SetCatapultPosition(new Vector2(-15.79f, -1.75f)); //Blocks tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[0].Clone(), new Vector2(3.822095f, 2.73f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(4.561045f, 2.75f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(16.7f, -7.1f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[2].Clone(), new Vector2(5.3f, 2.73f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); //Music tempLevel.MusicTitle = "Dutty"; //Scores tempLevel.ScoreForTwoStars = 1180; tempLevel.ScoreForThreeStars = 1680; //Meat tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[1].Clone(), new Vector2(18.55424f, -0.5403616f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[1].Clone(), new Vector2(18.92f, -8.62f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[2].Clone(), new Vector2(20.98222f, -8.4f)); //Max Vegetables tempLevel.MaxVegetables = 6; Levels.Add(tempLevel); #endregion #region Level 6 tempLevel = new Level(); //Landscape tempLevel.AddLandscape("Level6"); //Catapult Position tempLevel.SetCatapultPosition(new Vector2(-15.79f, -1.75f)); //Blocks tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[0].Clone(), new Vector2(-0.8759069f, -2.033174f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 1.426f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(8.283579f, -0.7703575f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -1.76f)); tempLevel.AddBlock(Blocks[1].Clone(), new Vector2(15.42211f, -3.155972f), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 89.954f)); //Music tempLevel.MusicTitle = "Dutty"; //Scores tempLevel.ScoreForTwoStars = 1180; tempLevel.ScoreForThreeStars = 1680; //Meat tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[1].Clone(), new Vector2(1.54935f, -4.505739f)); tempLevel.AddMeat(Meats[2].Clone(), new Vector2(8.087934f, -7.874353f)); //Max Vegetables tempLevel.MaxVegetables = 6; Levels.Add(tempLevel); #endregion }