// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Inventory")) { Close(); pc.enabled = true; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Submit")) { if (eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject != null) { // get selected Item index and parent string parentName = eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject.transform.parent.name; selectedItemIndex = int.Parse(eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject.name.Split('t')[2]); if (parentName == "Inventory") { if (!inventory.uiItems[selectedItemIndex].isNull()) { // Transfer whole itenStack to chest UIItem selectedUIItem = inventory.uiItems[selectedItemIndex]; activeChest.AddItem(new ItemData(selectedUIItem.item.name, int.Parse(selectedUIItem.itemCount.text))); inventory.RemoveItem(selectedItemIndex); UpdateUI(); } } // case Chest else { if (!uiItems[selectedItemIndex].isNull()) { // Transfer whole itenStack to inventory UIItem selectedUIItem = uiItems[selectedItemIndex]; inventory.AddItem(selectedUIItem.item, int.Parse(selectedUIItem.itemCount.text)); activeChest.RemoveItem(selectedItemIndex); UpdateUI(); } } } } }
public override void ModifyWorldGenTasks(List <GenPass> tasks, ref float totalWeight) { int MicroBiomesIndex = tasks.FindIndex(genpass => genpass.Name.Equals("Micro Biomes")); if (MicroBiomesIndex != -1) { tasks.Insert(MicroBiomesIndex + 1, new PassLegacy("Generating Card Shrine", delegate(GenerationProgress progress) { progress.Message = Language.GetTextValue("Mods.Entrogic.GenCardShrine"); try { for (int l = 0; l < (int)((double)(MaxTilesX * MaxTilesY) * 0.00003); l++) { Point psw = new Point(WorldGen.genRand.Next(50, MaxTilesX - 50), WorldGen.genRand.Next((int)((float)MaxTilesY * 0.35f), (int)((float)MaxTilesY * 0.85f))); bool goodPlace = true; for (int i = psw.X; i <= psw.X + 5; i++) { int j = psw.Y + 9; if (!Main.tile[i, j].active() || !Main.tileSolid[Main.tile[i, j].type]) { goodPlace = false; break; } } if (goodPlace && WorldGen.InWorld(psw.X, psw.Y) && WorldGen.InWorld(psw.X + 8, psw.Y + 16) && Main.tile[psw.X, psw.Y].active() && Main.tile[psw.X, psw.Y].type == TileID.Stone && Main.tile[psw.X + 5, psw.Y].active() && Main.tile[psw.X + 5, psw.Y].type == TileID.Stone) { Rectangle r = Buildings.Build($"Buildings/CardShrine{WorldGen.genRand.Next(2)}.ebuilding", psw.ToWorldCoordinates()); ModHelper.FindAndReplaceWall(r, (ushort)WallType <黑陨岩墙>()); Chest c = ModHelper.FindAndCreateChest(r, TileType <Tiles.ExplodeGraniteChest>()); int index = 0; c.AddItem(ModHelper.GetRandomCard(Main.LocalPlayer, WorldGen.genRand, CardRareID.GrandUnified, -1, false).type, 1, ref index); Item item = ModHelper.GetRandomCard(Main.LocalPlayer, WorldGen.genRand); c.AddItem(item.type, Math.Max(WorldGen.genRand.Next(item.maxStack) + 1 - 2, 1), ref index); c.AddNormalChestItem(psw.Y, index); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("生成世界时发生错误!请将错误发送在QQ群798484146并将 Terraria/ModLoader/Logs/client.txt 发给群主!\n" + e.Message); } })); int maxX = Main.maxTilesX / 2; int maxY = Main.maxTilesY / 2 + 160; tasks.Insert(MicroBiomesIndex + 1, new PassLegacy("Generating Life Liquid", delegate(GenerationProgress progress) { try { progress.Message = Language.GetTextValue("Mods.Entrogic.GenLifeLiquid"); int r = 55; ModWorldHelper.RoundTile(maxX, maxY, r, r, 70, 75, true, TileType <BlackMeteorite>(), 1, 0.2); progress.Set(0.20f); ModWorldHelper.RoundTile(maxX, maxY, r, r, 0, 24.5, true, TileType <BlackMeteorite>()); progress.Set(0.40f); ModWorldHelper.RoundTile(maxX, maxY, r - 7, r - 7, 0, 18, true, 0, 2, 0.5, 1, 140); progress.Set(0.60f); int length = 15; for (int j = maxY - 46; j >= maxY - 80; j--) { for (int i = maxX - WorldGen.genRand.Next(-1, 2) - length; i <= maxX + WorldGen.genRand.Next(-1, 2) + length; i++) { if (Main.tile[i, j].type == TileType <BlackMeteorite>()) { Main.tile[i, j].active(false); } } } progress.Set(0.80f); ModWorldHelper.RoundWall(maxX, maxY, r, r, 0, 25, true, WallType <Walls.黑陨岩墙>(), 0, 1); progress.Set(1.00f); progress.Message = Language.GetTextValue("Mods.Entrogic.SmoothLifeLiquid"); ModWorldHelper.SmoothTile(maxX - 80, maxY - 80, maxX + 80, maxY + 80, progress, true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("生成世界时发生错误!请将错误发送在QQ群798484146并将 Terraria/ModLoader/Logs/client.txt 发给群主!\n" + e.Message); } })); } }