コード例 #1
    private IEnumerator TimeForBattle() //Battle Logic
        if (actionStarted)
            yield break;
        actionStarted = true;                                                                                                  //Sets actionStarted boolean to true to signify an action has begun
        Vector2 targetPosition = new Vector2(targetToAttack.transform.position.x + 1.5f, targetToAttack.transform.position.y); //Animates player character towards the enemy

        while (MoveTowardEnemy(targetPosition))                                                                                //Animates the Player Character towards the Enemy
            yield return(null);
        //Wait A Bit
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); //Wait for the animation to complete

        //Do Damage
        string typeOfAttack = bsm.GetHeroChoice().typeOfAttack;

        //Animate back to startPosition
        Vector2 firstPosition = startPosition; //Sets this local variable for the original position of the character to the coordinates of the original position

        while (MoveTowardStart(firstPosition)) //Resets the Player Character to it's original position
            yield return(null);
        bsm.performList.RemoveAt(0); //Removes the current performer from the Performers List
        if (bsm.battleState != BattleStateMachine.PerformAction.WIN && bsm.battleState != BattleStateMachine.PerformAction.LOSE)
            bsm.battleState = BattleStateMachine.PerformAction.WAIT;
            curTime         = 0f;                   //resets time gauge
            currentState    = TurnState.PROCESSING; //Sets the Current State of the Player Character back to PROCESSING
            currentState = TurnState.WAITING;
        actionStarted = false; //resets the actionStarted boolean back to false because no action is being performed