Clamp() static private method

static private Clamp ( double value, double min, double max ) : double
value double
min double
max double
return double
Esempio n. 1
        private static bool FindClosestPointOnFracturedTree(Vector3D fromPositionFractureLocal, MyFracturedPiece fracture, out Vector3D closestPoint)
            // Marko: HACK: skip stumps
            closestPoint = default(Vector3D);
            if (fracture == null)

            Vector4 minFour, maxFour;

            fracture.Shape.GetShape().GetLocalAABB(0, out minFour, out maxFour);
            var min = new Vector3D(minFour);
            var max = new Vector3D(maxFour);

            closestPoint = Vector3D.Clamp(fromPositionFractureLocal, min, max);

            closestPoint.X = (closestPoint.X + 2 * (max.X + min.X) / 2) / 3;
            closestPoint.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(closestPoint.Y + 0.25f * (closestPoint.Y - min.Y < max.Y - closestPoint.Y ? 1 : -1), min.Y, max.Y);
            closestPoint.Z = (closestPoint.Z + 2 * (max.Z + min.Z) / 2) / 3;

            closestPoint = Vector3D.Transform(closestPoint, fracture.PositionComp.WorldMatrix);

Esempio n. 2
            public void UpdateThrustControl(MatrixD orientation, Vector3D linearVelocityWorld)
                Vector3D velocity            = Vector3D.TransformNormal(linearVelocityWorld, MatrixD.Transpose(orientation));
                Vector3D destinationRelative = Vector3D.TransformNormal(destination - orientation.Translation, MatrixD.Transpose(orientation));

                float mass = navigation.Mass;

                Vector3D availableBrakingAcceleration = navigation.MaxThrustInDirection(-velocity) / mass;
                Vector3D predictedStopPoint           = -0.5 * velocity * velocity / availableBrakingAcceleration;

                Vector3D positionError = destinationRelative - predictedStopPoint;

                Vector3D desiredVelocity         = Vector3D.ClampToSphere(thrustPID.Filter(positionError), SpeedCap);
                Vector3D velocityError           = velocity - desiredVelocity;
                Vector3D desiredThrustPercentage = Vector3D.Clamp(0.5 * velocityError, -Vector3D.One, Vector3D.One);

                thrustDebug?.WriteLine($"x     = {DebugPanel.ToString(destinationRelative)}");
                thrustDebug?.WriteLine($"v     = {DebugPanel.ToString(velocity)}");
                thrustDebug?.WriteLine($"as    = {DebugPanel.ToString(availableBrakingAcceleration)}");
                thrustDebug?.WriteLine($"xs    = {DebugPanel.ToString(predictedStopPoint)}");
                thrustDebug?.WriteLine($"vt    = {DebugPanel.ToString(desiredVelocity)}");
                thrustDebug?.WriteLine($"v_err = {DebugPanel.ToString(velocityError)}");
                thrustDebug?.WriteLine($"t     = {DebugPanel.ToString(desiredThrustPercentage)}");

Esempio n. 3
        static void DrawSlidingLine(Vector3D startPosition, Vector3D endPosition, Color color1, Color color2)
            float    pieceLength  = 0.1f;
            float    lineLength   = Vector3.Distance(startPosition, endPosition);
            Vector3D lineDir      = Vector3D.Normalize(endPosition - startPosition);
            Vector3D delta        = lineDir * pieceLength;
            Color    currentColor = color1;

            Vector3D min = Vector3D.Min(startPosition, endPosition);
            Vector3D max = Vector3D.Max(startPosition, endPosition);

            float    startOffset = SlidingOffset - (pieceLength * 2.0f) * ((int)(SlidingOffset / (pieceLength * 2.0f))) - 2 * pieceLength;
            Vector3D currentPos  = startPosition + startOffset * lineDir;

            float actualLength = 0;

            while (actualLength < lineLength)
                MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawLine3D(Vector3D.Clamp(currentPos, min, max), Vector3D.Clamp(currentPos + delta, min, max), currentColor, currentColor, false);

                if (currentColor == color1)
                    currentColor = color2;
                    currentColor = color1;

                actualLength += pieceLength;
                currentPos   += delta;

            //MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawLine3D(startPosition, endPosition, color1, color2, false);
Esempio n. 4
        public static double DistanceSquared(this BoundingBoxD box, Vector3D point)
            Vector3D closestPoint = Vector3D.Clamp(point, box.Min, box.Max);
            double   result;

            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref point, ref closestPoint, out result);
Esempio n. 5
        public static Vector3D WorldCoordToVoxelFloat(MyVoxelBase voxelMap, Vector3D worldCoords)
            Vector3 tmp;

            MyVoxelCoordSystems.WorldPositionToLocalPosition(voxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner, ref worldCoords, out tmp);
            tmp += voxelMap.StorageMin;
            return(Vector3D.Clamp(tmp, Vector3D.Zero, voxelMap.StorageMax));
 public double DistanceSquared(Vector3D point)
     if (this.Contains(point) == ContainmentType.Contains)
     return(Vector3D.DistanceSquared(Vector3D.Clamp(point, this.Min, this.Max), point));
Esempio n. 7
        public void Clamp1()
            Vector3D clamped = new Vector3D(-10, 1, 100);

            clamped.Clamp(-100, 100);
            Assert.AreEqual(-10, clamped.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, clamped.Y);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, clamped.Z);
Esempio n. 8
        public void ClampStatic2()
            Vector3D clamped = new Vector3D(-10, 1, 100);

            clamped = Vector3D.Clamp(clamped, -1, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, clamped.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, clamped.Y);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, clamped.Z);
        public bool Intersects(ref BoundingSphereD sphere)
            Vector3D vectord;
            double   num;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref this.Min, ref this.Max, out vectord);
            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref sphere.Center, ref vectord, out num);
            return(num <= (sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius));
Esempio n. 10
        public void Intersects(ref BoundingSphereD sphere, out bool result)
            Vector3D vectord;
            double   num;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref this.Min, ref this.Max, out vectord);
            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref sphere.Center, ref vectord, out num);
            result = num <= (sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius);
Esempio n. 11
        public bool Intersects(BoundingBoxD box)
            Vector3D vectord;
            double   num;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref this.Center, ref box.Min, ref box.Max, out vectord);
            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref this.Center, ref vectord, out num);
            return(num <= (this.Radius * this.Radius));
Esempio n. 12
        public void Intersects(ref BoundingBoxD box, out bool result)
            Vector3D vectord;
            double   num;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref this.Center, ref box.Min, ref box.Max, out vectord);
            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref this.Center, ref vectord, out num);
            result = num <= (this.Radius * this.Radius);
Esempio n. 13
            private void Insert(int node)
                var      box = _tree.GetAabb(node);
                Vector3D test;

                Vector3D.Clamp(ref _vec, ref box.Min, ref box.Max, out test);
                var dist = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(test, _vec);

                _tmp.Insert(node, dist);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD intersects a BoundingBoxD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">The BoundingBoxD to check for intersection with.</param><param name="result">[OutAttribute] true if the BoundingSphereD and BoundingBoxD intersect; false otherwise.</param>
        public void Intersects(ref BoundingBoxD box, out bool result)
            Vector3D result1;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref this.Center, ref box.Min, ref box.Max, out result1);
            double result2;

            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref this.Center, ref result1, out result2);
            result = (double)result2 <= (double)this.Radius * (double)this.Radius;
Esempio n. 15
        public bool Intersects(ref BoundingSphereD sphere)
            Vector3D result1;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref this.Min, ref this.Max, out result1);
            double result2;

            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref sphere.Center, ref result1, out result2);
            return((double)result2 <= (double)sphere.Radius * (double)sphere.Radius);
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the current BoundingSphereD intersects with a specified BoundingBoxD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">The BoundingBoxD to check for intersection with the current BoundingSphereD.</param>
        public bool Intersects(BoundingBoxD box)
            Vector3D result1;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref this.Center, ref box.Min, ref box.Max, out result1);
            double result2;

            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref this.Center, ref result1, out result2);
            return((double)result2 <= (double)this.Radius * (double)this.Radius);
Esempio n. 17
        public void Vector3ClampTest()
            Vector3D <float> a   = new Vector3D <float>(0.5f, 0.3f, 0.33f);
            Vector3D <float> min = new Vector3D <float>(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.13f);
            Vector3D <float> max = new Vector3D <float>(1.0f, 1.1f, 1.13f);

            // Normal case.
            // Case N1: specified value is in the range.
            Vector3D <float> expected = new Vector3D <float>(0.5f, 0.3f, 0.33f);
            Vector3D <float> actual   = Vector3D.Clamp(a, min, max);

            Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector3D<float>f.Clamp did not return the expected value.");

            // Normal case.
            // Case N2: specified value is bigger than max value.
            a        = new Vector3D <float>(2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
            expected = max;
            actual   = Vector3D.Clamp(a, min, max);
            Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector3D<float>f.Clamp did not return the expected value.");

            // Case N3: specified value is smaller than max value.
            a        = new Vector3D <float>(-2.0f, -3.0f, -4.0f);
            expected = min;
            actual   = Vector3D.Clamp(a, min, max);
            Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector3D<float>f.Clamp did not return the expected value.");

            // Case N4: combination case.
            a        = new Vector3D <float>(-2.0f, 0.5f, 4.0f);
            expected = new Vector3D <float>(min.X, a.Y, max.Z);
            actual   = Vector3D.Clamp(a, min, max);
            Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector3D<float>f.Clamp did not return the expected value.");

            // User specified min value is bigger than max value.
            max = new Vector3D <float>(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.13f);
            min = new Vector3D <float>(1.0f, 1.1f, 1.13f);

            // Case W1: specified value is in the range.
            a        = new Vector3D <float>(0.5f, 0.3f, 0.33f);
            expected = max;
            actual   = Vector3D.Clamp(a, min, max);
            Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector3D<float>f.Clamp did not return the expected value.");

            // Normal case.
            // Case W2: specified value is bigger than max and min value.
            a        = new Vector3D <float>(2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
            expected = max;
            actual   = Vector3D.Clamp(a, min, max);
            Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector3D<float>f.Clamp did not return the expected value.");

            // Case W3: specified value is smaller than min and max value.
            a        = new Vector3D <float>(-2.0f, -3.0f, -4.0f);
            expected = max;
            actual   = Vector3D.Clamp(a, min, max);
            Assert.True(MathHelper.Equal(expected, actual), "Vector3D<float>f.Clamp did not return the expected value.");
Esempio n. 18
        public double Distance(Vector3D point)
            if (Contains(point) == ContainmentType.Contains)

            var clamp = Vector3D.Clamp(point, Min, Max);

            return(Vector3D.Distance(clamp, point));
Esempio n. 19
            private void Insert(int node)
                var      box = _tree.GetAabb(node);
                Vector3D tmp;

                Vector3D.Clamp(ref _vec, ref box.Min, ref box.Max, out tmp);
                var dist = Vector3D.DistanceSquared(tmp, _vec);

                if (dist <= _maxDistanceSq)
                    _tmp.Insert(node, dist);
        public static Surface Createbumpmap(Surface original, Vector2D offset, IShape shape, Scalar depthToCenter)
            int width  = original.Width;
            int height = original.Height;
            //Color[,] colors = new Color[width, height];

            Vector3D mid    = new Vector3D(128, 128, 128);
            Vector3D min    = Vector3D.Zero;
            Vector3D max    = new Vector3D(255, 255, 255);
            Surface  result = new Surface(width, height, 32, true);

            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                    Vector2D         point = new Vector2D(x, y) - offset;
                    IntersectionInfo info;
                    Vector3D         normal;
                    if (shape.TryGetIntersection(point, out info))
                        Scalar va = Math.Abs(info.Distance / depthToCenter);
                        if (va < 1)
                            Vector3D temp = new Vector3D(info.Normal.X, info.Normal.Y, .1f);
                            temp   = Vector3D.Lerp(temp, Vector3D.ZAxis, va);
                            normal = temp.Normalized;
                            normal = Vector3D.ZAxis;
                        normal = Vector3D.ZAxis;
                    normal = Vector3D.Clamp(mid + (normal * 128), min, max);

                        new System.Drawing.Point(x, y),
                        Color.FromArgb(255, (int)normal.X, (int)normal.Y, (int)normal.Z));
                    // colors[x, y] = Color.FromArgb(255,(int)normal.X, (int)normal.Y, (int)normal.Z);

            // result.SetPixels(new System.Drawing.Point(), colors);
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests whether the BoundingBox contains a BoundingSphere.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sphere">The BoundingSphere to test for overlap.</param>
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingSphereD sphere)
            Vector3D result1;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref this.Min, ref this.Max, out result1);
            double result2;

            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref sphere.Center, ref result1, out result2);
            double num = sphere.Radius;

            if ((double)result2 > (double)num * (double)num)
            return((double)this.Min.X + (double)num > (double)sphere.Center.X || (double)sphere.Center.X > (double)this.Max.X - (double)num || ((double)this.Max.X - (double)this.Min.X <= (double)num || (double)this.Min.Y + (double)num > (double)sphere.Center.Y) || ((double)sphere.Center.Y > (double)this.Max.Y - (double)num || (double)this.Max.Y - (double)this.Min.Y <= (double)num || ((double)this.Min.Z + (double)num > (double)sphere.Center.Z || (double)sphere.Center.Z > (double)this.Max.Z - (double)num)) || (double)this.Max.X - (double)this.Min.X <= (double)num ? ContainmentType.Intersects : ContainmentType.Contains);
Esempio n. 22
        public void Contains(ref BoundingSphereD sphere, out ContainmentType result)
            Vector3D vectord;
            double   num;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref this.Min, ref this.Max, out vectord);
            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref sphere.Center, ref vectord, out num);
            double radius = sphere.Radius;

            if (num > (radius * radius))
                result = ContainmentType.Disjoint;
                result = ((((((this.Min.X + radius) > sphere.Center.X) || (sphere.Center.X > (this.Max.X - radius))) || (((this.Max.X - this.Min.X) <= radius) || ((this.Min.Y + radius) > sphere.Center.Y))) || (((sphere.Center.Y > (this.Max.Y - radius)) || ((this.Max.Y - this.Min.Y) <= radius)) || (((this.Min.Z + radius) > sphere.Center.Z) || (sphere.Center.Z > (this.Max.Z - radius))))) || ((this.Max.X - this.Min.X) <= radius)) ? ContainmentType.Intersects : ContainmentType.Contains;
Esempio n. 23
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingSphereD sphere)
            Vector3D vectord;
            double   num;

            Vector3D.Clamp(ref sphere.Center, ref this.Min, ref this.Max, out vectord);
            Vector3D.DistanceSquared(ref sphere.Center, ref vectord, out num);
            double radius = sphere.Radius;

            if (num > (radius * radius))
            if ((((((this.Min.X + radius) <= sphere.Center.X) && (sphere.Center.X <= (this.Max.X - radius))) && (((this.Max.X - this.Min.X) > radius) && ((this.Min.Y + radius) <= sphere.Center.Y))) && (((sphere.Center.Y <= (this.Max.Y - radius)) && ((this.Max.Y - this.Min.Y) > radius)) && (((this.Min.Z + radius) <= sphere.Center.Z) && (sphere.Center.Z <= (this.Max.Z - radius))))) && ((this.Max.X - this.Min.X) > radius))
Esempio n. 24
 public void Clamp2()
     Vector3D clamped = new Vector3D(-10, 1, 100);
       clamped.Clamp(-1, 0);
       Assert.AreEqual(-1, clamped.X);
       Assert.AreEqual(0, clamped.Y);
       Assert.AreEqual(0, clamped.Z);
Esempio n. 25
        private void TestMotionInput()
            if (!EngineIsON)

            Vector3D moveInput = Cockpit.MoveIndicator;

            //ToLog("\nmoveInput: " + VectToStr(moveInput), true);

            InertiaDampeners = Cockpit.DampenersOverride;
            //ToLog("\nDampeners: " + InertiaDampeners.ToString(), true);

            Vector3D WorldSpeed  = Cockpit.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity;
            Vector3D WorldAngVel = Cockpit.GetShipVelocities().AngularVelocity;

            Vector3D Gravity      = Cockpit.GetNaturalGravity();
            Vector3D normVertical = -Vector3D.Normalize(Gravity);

            //матрица вращения в СО, связанную с вектором гравитации
            if (!PlanetMatrixReady)
                Vector3D normForward = normVertical.Cross(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Right);
                PlanetMatrix      = MatrixD.CreateWorld(Vector3D.Zero, normForward, normVertical);
                PlanetMatrixInv   = MatrixD.Invert(PlanetMatrix);
                PlanetMatrixReady = true;

            Vector3D PlanetSpeed = Vector3D.Rotate(WorldSpeed, PlanetMatrixInv);
            //ToLog("\nSpeed 3D: " + VectToStr(PlanetSpeed), true);
            Vector3D PlanetAngularVelocity = Vector3D.Rotate(WorldAngVel, PlanetMatrixInv);

            //Vector3D vForw = Vector3D.Rotate(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Forward, PlanetMatrixInv);
            //ToLog("\nForw. test: " + VectToStr(vForw), true);

            Vector3D moveInputSign = Vector3D.Sign(moveInput);
            double   curAltitude, deltaAlt = 0;

            Cockpit.TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out curAltitude);
            if (InertiaDampeners)
                DesiredSpeed.X = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.X;
                if (AltitudeHoldMode)
                    deltaAlt = Math.Abs(DesiredAltitude) * 0.01;
                    if (deltaAlt < 0.1)
                        deltaAlt = 0.1;
                    if (moveInputSign.Y != 0.0)
                        DesiredAltitude += deltaAlt * moveInputSign.Y;
                        if (DesiredAltitude < 0.0)
                            DesiredAltitude = 0;
                    deltaAlt = DesiredAltitude - curAltitude;
                    //ускорение потом вычислим, желаемая скорость для этого не нужна
                DesiredSpeed.Y = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.Y;

                if (CruiseControl)
                    DesiredSpeed.Z += DeltaSpeed * moveInputSign.Z;
                    DesiredSpeed.Z = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.Z;

                //DesiredSpeed = Vector3D.Sign(moveInput) * MaxSpeed;
                //DesiredSpeed = PlanetSpeed;
                if (moveInput.X == 0d)
                    DesiredSpeed.X = PlanetSpeed.X;
                    DesiredSpeed.X = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.X;
                if (moveInput.Y == 0d)
                    DesiredSpeed.Y = PlanetSpeed.Y;
                    DesiredSpeed.Y = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.Y;
                if (moveInput.Z == 0d)
                    DesiredSpeed.Z = PlanetSpeed.Z;
                    if (CruiseControl)
                        DesiredSpeed.Z += DeltaSpeed * moveInputSign.Z;
                        DesiredSpeed.Z = MaxSpeed * moveInputSign.Z;
            DesiredSpeed = Vector3D.Clamp(DesiredSpeed, MaxSpeedMin, MaxSpeedMax);
            if (CruiseControl)
                ToLog("\nСкорость: " + (-PlanetSpeed.Z).ToString("#0") + " / " + (-DesiredSpeed.Z).ToString("#0"), true);
                ToLog("\nСкорость: " + (-PlanetSpeed.Z).ToString("#0"), true);

            if (InertiaDampeners && AltitudeHoldMode)
                ToLog("\nВысота: " + curAltitude.ToString("#0") + " / " + DesiredAltitude.ToString("#0"), true);
                ToLog("\nВысота: " + curAltitude.ToString("#0"), true);

            Vector3D SpeedDeviation = DesiredSpeed - PlanetSpeed;
            //ToLog("\nDes.spd: " + VectToStr(DesiredSpeed), true);
            //ToLog("\ " + VectToStr(SpeedDeviation), true);

            //Z - вперед, X - вправо, Y - вверх
            Vector3D     DesiredAccelerations;
            const double SigmoidFactorAlpha = 0.5;

            DesiredAccelerations.X = Sigmoid(SpeedDeviation.X, SigmoidFactorAlpha) * CurrentRegimeAccel;
            DesiredAccelerations.Z = Sigmoid(SpeedDeviation.Z, SigmoidFactorAlpha) * CurrentRegimeAccel;
            if (AltitudeHoldMode && InertiaDampeners)
                ToLog("\ndeltaAlt: " + deltaAlt.ToString("#0.000000"), true);
                //ToLog("\nPlanetSpeed.Y: " + PlanetSpeed.Y.ToString("#0.000000"), true);

                ////нужно такое ускорение, чтобы корабль остановился при нулевом отклонении по высоте
                //double absDeltaAlt = Math.Abs(deltaAlt);
                //if (absDeltaAlt >= 0.5)
                //    int signDeltaAlt = Math.Sign(deltaAlt);
                //    //минимальное расстояние, на котором мы еще успеем затормозить
                //    if (Math.Sign(PlanetSpeed.Y) != signDeltaAlt)
                //    {
                //        //удаляемся
                //        DesiredAccelerations.Y = CurrentRegimeAccel * signDeltaAlt;
                //        //ToLog("\nудаляемся", true);
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        //приближаемся, оценим тормозной путь
                //        double temp = 0.5 * PlanetSpeed.Y * PlanetSpeed.Y;
                //        double brakingDist = temp / CurrentRegimeAccel;
                //        //ToLog("\nbrakingDist: " + brakingDist.ToString("#0.00000"), true);

                //        if (absDeltaAlt > brakingDist)
                //        {
                //            //еще успеваем затормозить, поэтому даем максимальное ускорение
                //            DesiredAccelerations.Y = CurrentRegimeAccel * signDeltaAlt;
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            //уменьшаем ускорение
                //            DesiredAccelerations.Y = MathHelperD.Clamp(-temp / deltaAlt, -CurrentRegimeAccel, CurrentRegimeAccel);
                //        }
                //    }
                //    DesiredAccelerations.Y = Sigmoid(SpeedDeviation.Y, SigmoidFactorAlpha) * CurrentRegimeAccel;
                //    //ToLog("\n!!!", true);

                DesiredAccelerations.Y = CalcAccelToStopAtPos(deltaAlt, PlanetSpeed.Y, CurrentRegimeAccel, 0.5, 0.5);
                DesiredAccelerations.Y = Sigmoid(SpeedDeviation.Y, SigmoidFactorAlpha) * CurrentRegimeAccel;

            ToLog("\nDes.acc: " + VectToStr(DesiredAccelerations), true);

            //double PlanetElevation;
            //Cockpit.TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out PlanetElevation);

            double MaxDownThrust = 0;

            foreach (IMyThrust t in DownTrusters)
                MaxDownThrust += t.MaxEffectiveThrust;
            double ShipMass = Cockpit.CalculateShipMass().PhysicalMass;
            //ToLog("\nMax thr: " + MaxDownThrust.ToString("#0.0"), true);
            //ToLog("\nMass: " + ShipMass.ToString("#0.0"), true);

            double DesiredVertivalAcc = DesiredAccelerations.Y + Gravity.Length();

            if (DesiredVertivalAcc < 1.0)
                DesiredVertivalAcc = 1.0;
            ToLog("\nDes.vert.acc: " + DesiredVertivalAcc.ToString("#0.000"), true);

            double cosGravityToUp = normVertical.Dot(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Up);
            double Thrust         = ShipMass * DesiredVertivalAcc / cosGravityToUp;
            //ToLog("\nThrust: " + Thrust.ToString("#0.000"), true);

            //раздадим на движки
            float ThrustFactor = (float)(Thrust / MaxDownThrust);

            ToLog("\nThr.factor: " + ThrustFactor.ToString("#0.000"), true);

            if (ThrustFactor > 1f)
                ThrustFactor = 1f;
            foreach (IMyThrust t in DownTrusters)
                t.ThrustOverridePercentage = ThrustFactor;

            //углы откладываются от вертикали, X - тангаж, Y - крен
            Vector2D DesiredAngles;

            DesiredAngles.X = Math.Atan2(DesiredAccelerations.Z, DesiredVertivalAcc);
            DesiredAngles.Y = Math.Atan2(DesiredAccelerations.X, DesiredVertivalAcc);
            DesiredAngles   = Vector2D.Clamp(DesiredAngles, MaxDeviationAngleMin, MaxDeviationAngleMax);
            ToLog("\nDes.angl: " + Vect2ToStr(DesiredAngles), true);

            double cosGravityToForward = normVertical.Dot(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Forward);
            double cosGravityToRight   = normVertical.Dot(Cockpit.WorldMatrix.Left);
            //ToLog("\nCos(G) to F/R: " + cosGravityToForward.ToString("#0.000") + " / " + cosGravityToRight.ToString("#0.000"), true);
            Vector2D CurrentAngles;

            CurrentAngles.X = Math.Atan2(cosGravityToForward, cosGravityToUp);
            CurrentAngles.Y = Math.Atan2(cosGravityToRight, cosGravityToUp);
            ToLog("\nCur.angl: " + Vect2ToStr(CurrentAngles), true);

            //ошибка угла
            Vector2D AnglesDeviation = Vector2D.Clamp(NormAngles2D(DesiredAngles - CurrentAngles), MaxDeviationAngleMin, MaxDeviationAngleMax);

            ToLog("\ " + Vect2ToStr(AnglesDeviation, "#0.00000"), true);

            Vector2D GyroSignals;

            ////демфируем сигнал при приближении отклонения к максимальному значению
            //GyroSignals.X = SignalDamper(AnglesDeviation.X, MaxDeviationAngle, CurrentAngles.X, MaxDeviationAngle, 0.5);
            //GyroSignals.Y = SignalDamper(AnglesDeviation.Y, MaxDeviationAngle, CurrentAngles.Y, MaxDeviationAngle, 0.5);

            ToLog("\nPAV: " + VectToStr(PlanetAngularVelocity), true);
            GyroSignals.X = CalcAccelToStopAtPos(AnglesDeviation.X, PlanetAngularVelocity.X, MaxAngularAcceleration, 0.5 * Math.PI / 180.0, 1);
            GyroSignals.Y = CalcAccelToStopAtPos(AnglesDeviation.Y, -PlanetAngularVelocity.Z, MaxAngularAcceleration, 0.5 * Math.PI / 180.0, 1);
            ToLog("\nGyroSignals: " + Vect2ToStr(GyroSignals, "#0.00000"), true);

            //раздадим на гороскопы
            GyroPitch = -(float)(GyroPithPID.Reaction(GyroSignals.X) * GyroFactor);
            GyroRoll  = (float)(GyroRollPID.Reaction(GyroSignals.Y) * GyroFactor);
            //GyroPitch = -(float)(AnglesDeviation.X * GyroFactor);
            //GyroRoll = (float)(AnglesDeviation.Y * GyroFactor);

            ToLog("\nGyro P/Y/R: " + GyroPitch.ToString("#0.000") + " / " + GyroYaw.ToString("#0.000") + " / " + GyroRoll.ToString("#0.000"), true);

            foreach (GyroDefinition g in Gyros)
                SetGyroParams(g, true, GyroPitch, GyroYaw, GyroRoll);
Esempio n. 26
        public double Distance(Vector3D point)
            var clamp = Vector3D.Clamp(point, Min, Max);

            return(Vector3D.Distance(clamp, point));