Esempio n. 1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnApply(ImageBase <TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle)
            int startY = sourceRectangle.Y;
            int endY   = sourceRectangle.Bottom;
            int startX = sourceRectangle.X;
            int endX   = sourceRectangle.Right;
            int radius = this.BrushSize >> 1;
            int levels = this.Levels;

            // Align start/end positions.
            int minX = Math.Max(0, startX);
            int maxX = Math.Min(source.Width, endX);
            int minY = Math.Max(0, startY);
            int maxY = Math.Min(source.Height, endY);

            // Reset offset if necessary.
            if (minX > 0)
                startX = 0;

            using (var targetPixels = new PixelAccessor <TPixel>(source.Width, source.Height))

                    y =>
                    Span <TPixel> sourceRow = source.GetRowSpan(y);
                    Span <TPixel> targetRow = targetPixels.GetRowSpan(y);

                    for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                        int maxIntensity = 0;
                        int maxIndex     = 0;

                        int[] intensityBin = new int[levels];
                        float[] redBin     = new float[levels];
                        float[] blueBin    = new float[levels];
                        float[] greenBin   = new float[levels];

                        for (int fy = 0; fy <= radius; fy++)
                            int fyr     = fy - radius;
                            int offsetY = y + fyr;

                            offsetY = offsetY.Clamp(0, maxY);

                            Span <TPixel> sourceOffsetRow = source.GetRowSpan(offsetY);

                            for (int fx = 0; fx <= radius; fx++)
                                int fxr     = fx - radius;
                                int offsetX = x + fxr;
                                offsetX     = offsetX.Clamp(0, maxX);

                                var vector = sourceOffsetRow[offsetX].ToVector4();

                                float sourceRed   = vector.X;
                                float sourceBlue  = vector.Z;
                                float sourceGreen = vector.Y;

                                int currentIntensity = (int)MathF.Round((sourceBlue + sourceGreen + sourceRed) / 3F * (levels - 1));

                                intensityBin[currentIntensity] += 1;
                                blueBin[currentIntensity]      += sourceBlue;
                                greenBin[currentIntensity]     += sourceGreen;
                                redBin[currentIntensity]       += sourceRed;

                                if (intensityBin[currentIntensity] > maxIntensity)
                                    maxIntensity = intensityBin[currentIntensity];
                                    maxIndex     = currentIntensity;

                            float red   = MathF.Abs(redBin[maxIndex] / maxIntensity);
                            float green = MathF.Abs(greenBin[maxIndex] / maxIntensity);
                            float blue  = MathF.Abs(blueBin[maxIndex] / maxIntensity);

                            ref TPixel pixel = ref targetRow[x];
                            pixel.PackFromVector4(new Vector4(red, green, blue, sourceRow[x].ToVector4().W));

Esempio n. 2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnApply(ImageBase <TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle)
            int kernelYHeight = this.KernelY.Height;
            int kernelYWidth  = this.KernelY.Width;
            int kernelXHeight = this.KernelX.Height;
            int kernelXWidth  = this.KernelX.Width;
            int radiusY       = kernelYHeight >> 1;
            int radiusX       = kernelXWidth >> 1;

            int startY = sourceRectangle.Y;
            int endY   = sourceRectangle.Bottom;
            int startX = sourceRectangle.X;
            int endX   = sourceRectangle.Right;
            int maxY   = endY - 1;
            int maxX   = endX - 1;

            using (var targetPixels = new PixelAccessor <TPixel>(source.Width, source.Height))

                    y =>
                    Span <TPixel> sourceRow = source.GetRowSpan(y);
                    Span <TPixel> targetRow = targetPixels.GetRowSpan(y);

                    for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                        float rX = 0;
                        float gX = 0;
                        float bX = 0;
                        float rY = 0;
                        float gY = 0;
                        float bY = 0;

                        // Apply each matrix multiplier to the color components for each pixel.
                        for (int fy = 0; fy < kernelYHeight; fy++)
                            int fyr     = fy - radiusY;
                            int offsetY = y + fyr;

                            offsetY = offsetY.Clamp(0, maxY);
                            Span <TPixel> sourceOffsetRow = source.GetRowSpan(offsetY);

                            for (int fx = 0; fx < kernelXWidth; fx++)
                                int fxr     = fx - radiusX;
                                int offsetX = x + fxr;

                                offsetX          = offsetX.Clamp(0, maxX);
                                var currentColor = sourceOffsetRow[offsetX].ToVector4();

                                if (fy < kernelXHeight)
                                    Vector4 kx = this.KernelX[fy, fx] * currentColor;
                                    rX        += kx.X;
                                    gX        += kx.Y;
                                    bX        += kx.Z;

                                if (fx < kernelYWidth)
                                    Vector4 ky = this.KernelY[fy, fx] * currentColor;
                                    rY        += ky.X;
                                    gY        += ky.Y;
                                    bY        += ky.Z;

                        float red   = MathF.Sqrt((rX * rX) + (rY * rY));
                        float green = MathF.Sqrt((gX * gX) + (gY * gY));
                        float blue  = MathF.Sqrt((bX * bX) + (bY * bY));

                        ref TPixel pixel = ref targetRow[x];
                        pixel.PackFromVector4(new Vector4(red, green, blue, sourceRow[x].ToVector4().W));

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnApply(ImageBase<TPixel> source, Rectangle sourceRectangle)
            int kernelLength = this.KernelXY.Height;
            int radius = kernelLength >> 1;

            int startY = sourceRectangle.Y;
            int endY = sourceRectangle.Bottom;
            int startX = sourceRectangle.X;
            int endX = sourceRectangle.Right;
            int maxY = endY - 1;
            int maxX = endX - 1;

            using (var targetPixels = new PixelAccessor<TPixel>(source.Width, source.Height))

                 y =>
                     Span<TPixel> sourceRow = source.GetRowSpan(y);
                     Span<TPixel> targetRow = targetPixels.GetRowSpan(y);

                     for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                         float red = 0;
                         float green = 0;
                         float blue = 0;

                         // Apply each matrix multiplier to the color components for each pixel.
                         for (int fy = 0; fy < kernelLength; fy++)
                             int fyr = fy - radius;
                             int offsetY = y + fyr;

                             offsetY = offsetY.Clamp(0, maxY);
                             Span<TPixel> sourceOffsetRow = source.GetRowSpan(offsetY);

                             for (int fx = 0; fx < kernelLength; fx++)
                                 int fxr = fx - radius;
                                 int offsetX = x + fxr;

                                 offsetX = offsetX.Clamp(0, maxX);

                                 var currentColor = sourceOffsetRow[offsetX].ToVector4();
                                 currentColor *= this.KernelXY[fy, fx];

                                 red += currentColor.X;
                                 green += currentColor.Y;
                                 blue += currentColor.Z;

                         ref TPixel pixel = ref targetRow[x];
                         pixel.PackFromVector4(new Vector4(red, green, blue, sourceRow[x].ToVector4().W));
