Exemple #1
    public void GenerateTerrain(Vector3 worldPosition, int chunkSize)
        Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();
        int       dispatchSize = (int)Mathf.Ceil((float)chunkSize / (float)MinDispatchSize);



        // 3D noise generation
        terrain3DNoiseShader.Dispatch(noiseKernel, dispatchSize, dispatchSize, dispatchSize);

        // Generate normals
        normalFromNoiseShader.Dispatch(computeNormalKernel, dispatchSize, dispatchSize, dispatchSize);

        // We don't need the extra size anymore so we restore the original chunk size
        dispatchSize = (int)Mathf.Ceil((float)(chunkSize - 1) / (float)MinDispatchSize);

        // Isosurface generation
        isoSurfaceShader.Dispatch(marchingCubeKernel, dispatchSize * resolutionPerVoxel, dispatchSize * resolutionPerVoxel, dispatchSize * resolutionPerVoxel);

        ComputeBuffer.CopyCount(verticesBuffer, verticesCountReadbackBuffer, 0);

        // Vector3[] n = new Vector3[chunkSize * chunkSize * chunkSize];
        // normalsBuffer.GetData(n);
        // chunkNormals[worldPosition] = n;

        // Get the vertices count back to the cpu
        int[] verticesCountBuffer = new int[1];
        int verticesCount = verticesCountBuffer[0] * 3;

        // ComputeBuffer drawChunkBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(4, sizeof(int), ComputeBufferType.IndirectArguments);
        // // Create an argument buffer for the DrawProceduralIndirect
        // int[] drawBufferData = {verticesCount, 1, 0, 0};
        // drawChunkBuffer.SetData(drawBufferData);

        // Align the buffer size on the copy kernel dispatch size
        int copySize = verticesCount + (copyMeshBufferGroupSize.x - (verticesCount % copyMeshBufferGroupSize.x));

        // Allocate the final buffers for the mesh
        // ComputeBuffer meshVertices = new ComputeBuffer(copySize, sizeof(float) * 3);
        // ComputeBuffer meshNormals = new ComputeBuffer(copySize, sizeof(float) * 3);

        // Bind these buffers for copy
        // copyMeshBuffersShader.SetBuffer(copyMeshBufferKernel, KernelIds.meshVertices, meshVertices);
        // copyMeshBuffersShader.SetBuffer(copyMeshBufferKernel, KernelIds.meshNormals, meshNormals);

        // And copy them
        // copyMeshBuffersShader.Dispatch(copyMeshBufferKernel, copySize / copyMeshBufferGroupSize.x, 1, 1);

        renderer.AddChunkToRender(verticesBuffer, normalsBuffer, worldPosition * chunkSize, verticesCount);
